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Show TKEMONT TIMES BY C. E. TBEMONTON 8HERMAN. TIME HAD ON A THE GOOD mm OF AWFUL Thirty carloads of sugar beets were 6hipped from Vineyard this season. Samuel House, of Grantsville, was injured in a runaway accident last Was Deeply Impressed With the United States Navy, With Panama and With Porto Rico. Washington Completing a remarkable trip to Panama, during which he traveled several thousand miles by sea and visited not only the isthmus but Porto Rico as well, and voicing his thorough enjoyment of the entire voyage, President Roosevelt returned to Washington at 10:4 o'clock Monday night. Speaking of the trip, the president said: "We had a very pleasant, very enjoyable time, and 1 am deeply im pressed with the United States navy with Panama and with Porto Rico. The Panama canal, It whs stated by the president, will be the subject of a special message, and consequently on that subject the president will say nothing at this time. 10 Accra ISTHMUS UTAH. UTAH STATE NEWS week. PRESIDENT FAVORS SHOWN CI 'Peaceful'' The Threatens ate Wholesale Poisoning of Per sons to Secure Small Sums of Money Mil j IEMERCENCY OIISSIH JEWS Russian Si Population to Massacre UnfortunHebrews if Their Civil Rights are Enlarged. St. Petersburg THIS NEW IS The threats of the reactionary parties that Jewish massacres will be organized if th rights of the Jews are enlarged, are steadily becoming more definite. The central council of the league of the Russian claiming to represent 30,000 peoii 000 people, have issued a declaration disclaiming responsibility for the out rages which may result from the just indignation produced by the enlarge mem of Jewish rights, and has pub Dfked the text of 200 dispatches of protest sent to the emperor from local organizations, of which the following ll a sample phrase: "It is dangerous to further test ihe gentleness and patience of the peace fui Russian population, which may be lorced, in Its defense against the Jews, to overstep the limits of law ami order and resort to violence. The publication of the reforms certain to result in a break between the reactionary and monarchial par ties and Premier Stolypin's adminis tration. SAYS HE HAS TO CRANK A MISSION EXIST France and Spain Will Safe guard Foreigners' Interests at Tangier, Morocco Fire Bug of Gotham Declares That He Was Commanded by the Lord to "Cleanse and Chasten by Fire." New York. Walter E. Finney, 23 years old, who, the police declared, has informed them that he has a mission from the Lord to "cleanse and Each Power Will Send Warships to chasten by fire," was arrested Friday Tangier, and Three Thousand Socharged with setting the series of ldiers Will be Landed to Look fires which created consternation and After Interests of Foreigners. did considerable damage in tbe vicinity street and Eighth aveof Twenty-thirnue early Friday. The police say that Paris. The meat ura which France Finney has confessed that he set one and Spain have a?re i to take to of the fires and that he was present gether, in view of the inci ase in an when several of the other houses were archy In Morocco, have been made burning, and also at numerous fires in public and fully confirm the announce the upper west side within the past ment made ten days ago. They are few weeks. Finney was arrested in and are de- the hallway of a tenement house in strictly precautionary signed solely to meet the require Seventeenth street near Eighth ments of an emergency and to safe guard the lives and property of forGIVES NOTICE OF ABROGATION. eigners at Tangier. Pending the for mal policing of the ports of Morocco Postal Convention With Canada Will to be undertaken on the final ratificaTerminate May 7. tion of the international agreement Washington. As the result of the reached at Algeciras, each power will over publishers' privileges in friction maintain warships at Tangier and be two the countries, the Canadian gov to a men. land total of 3,000 prepared France has decided to send the bat- ernment has notified this government that the postal convention between tleships Suffren, St. Louis and Charle-r.iagnin command of Admiral Touch-ard- , the two countries will be abrogated on to replace the cruisers Galilee, May 7 next. The notice is accom Jeanne d'Arc and Forbin, which are panied by a statement that it is only e now in Moroccan waters. The in so far as it relates to second class will accompany the French vesmatter that this action is desired to sels for the purpose of transporting and tbat if by legislation or extend, troops from Algeciras should a landdepartmental action new regulations ing become necessary. It is distinctly understood that this are framed for the guidance of the joint movement will not assume the United States postoffice department nature of an occupation, and that neither the French nor the Spanish regarding second class matter, Canada flags are to be raised over Morocco. will be prepared to enter upon nego The mission of the troops is limited tiations for another convention relat to "safeguarding and to this class of matter. the authority of the pasha at Tangier, ing as against Raisuit." CARUSO FOUND GUILTY. Esther Gilford has been appointed Philadelphia Woman is Accused ot Washingpostmaster at Springdale, Murdering Five Persons In Past ton county. Eleven Months for Paltry The first teachers institute of the Sum. Not Sparing Her for Summit county, was held in Park Own Children. City last week. Threshing is in full blast again at Grantsville, busy shifts being put In Philadelphia -- The most remark between storms. aide case of wholesale poisoning In a street car collision at Ogden, of to secure persons insurance Motorman Charles Fisher was badly money that has ever been unearthed in his city, is charged against Bridcut about the face and hands by broken glass. get Carey, who was arrested ThursThe woman, who is 32 day night. The recent windstorm at Vineyard did considerable damage, a number of years old, is charged with having her poisoned her husband, Patrick, small buildings being blown down and EXPERIMENT PROVED FATAL. two children Mary, aged 8 years, and trees uprooted. The Tooele electric light company Ten Prisoners Inoculated With Choi Annie, aged o, who died a week ago, and Patrick and Cecelia Cook, tenIs putting in more facilities, in order era Virus are Dead. iu the Carey house, at 1942 Ham ants that better service can be given to Manila - As a result of experiments ilton street. the citiens of Grantsville. with cholera vims at Billbid prison, All of the alleged victims died with The Davis County Teachers' institen prisoners out of twenty-fou- r who. in eleven months and the police altute, which for years has been held were inoculated FIVE HUNDRED ON BOARD. have died. The lege that Mrs benefit Carey monthly during the school season, in experiments were conducted their deaths to by Dr, ted by the But Only Three Lives Lost as Result Farmington, will hereafter be held in K. P. Strong of the bureau of science extent of ihe $1,000, through of Burning of School Ship. Kaysville. The death of the prisoners took place collection of insurance. The woFrance. The Shill and Will a few days after they were Inoculated. man's arrest followed an investigation (Samuel Steel, Victor loulon, torpedo Sanders, all Utah men, who had lived It is claimed by the" Investigator! made into the deaths of her two chil schoolship Algesiras, stationed in this at Provo, were killed by a prematura that the fatalities resulted from a dren, which occurred last week. It harbor, was totally destroyed by fire was said at the time (hat their deaths explosion in a lime quarry near Dougcontamination of the virus with were caused by eating poisoned can at a late hour Sunday evening. There las, Arizona. plague virus. Cholera vims Is dy or candy that contained deleterious were five hundred men on board when the fire broke out. The great scarcity of coal has been In constant use here and it has proved substances. The AIgeiras was a ship of the line creating considerable trouble in Park beneficial previously. It has been used TILLMAN ON RACE QUESTION. and. for a number of years past, she in Spain in thousands of cases with City lately, and several times some of had been doing duty as a harbor ves- the mines have been on the verge of excellent results. Governor General Says White Race is Dominant, and vel and employed as a torpedo train Smith, in a statement to the public, closing down. ing ship. She was of 5.047 tons dis Others Are of Inferior Clay. placement and was built in 1855. Several Grantsville capitalists have exonerated Dr. Strong and declared -Chicago. The efforts of the colored The burning of the schoolship creat that the commission would care take citiens of Chicago to prevent United ed the greatest alarm throughout the purchased 1,300 acres of land near of the families of the dead prisoners. States the City of Mexico, and will cultivate Senator Beaamin R. Tillman city. CHIEF OF ALL SINNERS. There was terrible anxiety concern acthe rubber plant on their newly TRAIN ROBBER IS REPENTANT. from delivering an address here Tues ing the fate of the 500 men on board, quired plantation. in Orchestra day night hall, because until the authorities announced that Railroad President's Opinion Some Wants to Plead Guilty to Burglary in of the Many settlers on the Uintah reser-ratioposition he lias assumed to everybody had been taken off in what Forcibly Expressed. to Order Get Sentence. Light boats and saved, with the exception ward the negro race, was unsuccessful. it is said, have made no atKansas City. Arthur E. Stilwell Marshall, Mo. The bandit who held During his stay in Chicago, Sena- of three. These men did not answer tempt as yet to put in any crop, havit is the and presumed they president of the Kansas City, Mexico ing spent their time in erecting their up the Chicago & Alton train between tor Tillman was guarded by police were burned to death. & Orient railroad, addressing the rail houses and barns. Glasgow and Slater, Mo., was brought and private officers, and forty policeroad club here Saturday night, de men were at the hail when he made NORWAY SAFE FROM ATTACK. An irrigation system is now under to the county jail Monday afternoon nounced the practice of rebating. H and immediately opened negotiations his address. In speaking on the race construction on the Uintah reservasaid: to Powers Senator Tillman with said: the prosecuting attorney, offer- question, Sign Compact Preventing tion which will water about 10,000 "God Almighty made the Caucasian 'Of all the crimes in the whole cate All Aggression. teres of land. The cost of tho canal ing to make a full confession If ihe of better clay than the Mongolian or the rebating crime is the most gory, St. charge against him was made burg- fthe African or any other race. The will be about $5,000. Petersburg. An international unjust. Rebating strikes at the poe lary. In Missouri the extreme penalty Ethiopian is a burden of the rights carrier. He has compact guaranteeing the inviolability pie the fountain-heaDavid Galliphant, driver of a launfor train robbery is death, the mini- done absolutely nothing for history, of Norway against the territorial ag- delegated to the average railroad. The mum ten was a struck car street The nor has he ever achieved anything years' Imprisonment. dry wagon, by hired assassin of oTd may be pic and tured as a white-roberefused any concession. of In Salt Lake City and seriously In- prosecutor saint com There are no gression by any power whatever, great importance. The man gave his name as Claude giving the new kingdom a status parect witn tne reuater. neoating is jured. The wagon in which he was Randall, aged 21. and It believed he is great men among the race." somewhat similar to that of Switz- a crime for which no punishment is an riding was demolished. KILLED HER HUSBANND. erland and Belgium, will soon be in- too severe. I'd like to see the rebater Over $30,000 was distributed by the scribed on the records of diplomacy. get twenty yes, fifty years in the ASKS WITTE'S EXPULSION. Utah Sugar company among the sugar Kansas Woman Defended Herself On account of its extended position, penitentiary." the possession of valuable deep water beet growers of Sevier county two Russian From Attack With Fatal Result. HUNGARIAN BUDGET. Reactionists Fear Power of harbors on the Atlantic, and the agreeweeks ago as one installment on the Burlington, Kas. Captain Horatio ment with Sweden against fortificaFormer Premier. beet crop for this year. N. Read was shot and instantly killed tion in the neighborhood of the fronIncrease Mainly on Account of Ex St. Petersburg. The monarchists exWilliam E. A. Innes, a Nevada min- and his wife at their home four miles tier, Norway is in a peculiarly by penditures for the Army. that their reactionists, finding position, and the first efforts of of Burlington en Tuesday. posed southeast ing man, suicided In Salt Lake City, threats have not Budapest. Sittings of the Austro- Norse diplomacy have been directed driven Count Witte There were not witnesses to the shoot- toward eliminating the danger of be- Hungarlan delegates were opened here choking himself to death with his sus- out of Russia, held a Mosat meeting bin Mrs Reed alleges that her ing attacked and securing facilities for Saturday. Frances Joseph, the em penders, which he knotted tightly cow Monday and later ing, telegraphed about his neck, while on a protracted to husband threatened to kill her with a the peaceful development of the coun- peror-king- , received the members of the emperor, asking for his corn knife try without the crushing burden of a and that she shot in pree. in the throne room of the delegations from the empire. large army. expulsion Count She shot her husband five the royal palace in Budapest. Reply Green river is to be made a division Witte's revival of the publication of times, four of the bullets entering Plot on Foot to Put Peter off the ing to the address of greeting, his ma point on the Rio Grande system. With the Slovo is said to indicate that he his In nly ami the other Throne. s tne establishment, of a division point intends to become a potential factor his lead. After the passing through jesty said that pro shooting Mrs. Vienna. Some sensation was caused per line of conduct was the cultivation at this place it is said that the freight in the situation. Occording to a dis- Read and her son dragged the body patch from Sochi, in the Caucasus, to a chicken house some distance here Saturday by the publication in of close relations with allied states, division offices now at Helper will be where Count Wltte has estates, the re- away, where they placed a pillow un an agreement with Russia concerning moved to Colton. port that he will become a candidate der his head. Thev then drove to a a government organ, the Evening Ga- the Balkans, and friendly relations a of of zette, Prague, dispatch from with all powers. Bruce Ditty, a twelve-year-olboy for election to parliament was received neighbor's house and sent for an off! with great enthusiasm. cor. w!m arrested Mrs Heed. The joint budget for 1907 was sub She Semlin, opposite Belgrade, reporting of Granger, has been deserted by his the discovery of a strong movement mitted to the delegates and shows a will be held until after the inquest. parents, who sailed for Ireland last BIG INCREASE IN DESERTIONS. among the politicians and military demand for a net credit amounting tn week and neglected to take the boy men to despose the reigning Servian .1,635,455. or 14.191.382 in excess of TWENTY SIX PERISH. with them. He will be furnished a Over 6,000 Soldiers Took Leave Last (Karageorgevitch dynasty, the head the budget of lOOti. This increase is Year. Went Down to Their Death When of which is King Peter, in favor of mainly on account of army expendi good home by citizens interested In some prince of a European court. tures. his case. Coasting Vessel Foundered. Washington - Desertin is on the Double Tragedy in a Rooming House OFFERS JEFF. FIFTY THOUSAND. What will be one of the most gigan- Increase In the army. The annual reWlarton Out. The coasting steam at Bellevue, O. tic electric railroad systems in the port of the military secretary shows er J. II Jem s owned by the Crawford west will be the electrification of the that In the year ended June 10, there Tug company, I local concern, founToledo, O. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Prize Fighter Offered Big Sum for Battle in Nevada. Harrlman lines from Green River, were ti,258 desertions, or 7.4 for every dered, oil Cape Cocker, and all hands Scott Mitchell of Salem. Mass., were were probably lost. The crew consist- found dead in bed in a rooming house Wyo, to Sparks, Nev., and from 100 soldiers in the army. In Salt Lake City. Fifty thousand do! 1905 Hutte. Mont., to Salt Lake City and the rate of desertion was only 6.8 and ed of twelve, all of Wlarton. and the at Bellevue, east of here, Sunday lars is the purse offered to Jim Jefthe Garfield smelters. for the three years previous to that number of passengers is estimated at morning. When their room was en- fries if an opponent can he found for tered a strong odor of formaldehyde him to fight in Nevada. Tex Bickard The cold snap, which It Is feared time the rate of desertion was only sixteen. was noticed. Coroner the man who pulled off the battle begas will be continuous for the winter, will 6.1. From 1895 to 1904 the average Part of the oabin, a lifeboat and rendered a verdict of double Vermilya suicide. tween Joe Gans and Battling Nelson. of desertion was only 4.5 per cent. two unidentified bodies have been Later cause considerable loss to beet farminvestigation, however, revealed Is the one who will hang up the purse. ers in the neighborhood of Provo, who The rate of desertion in 1904 was found by Indians on Ihe north shore facts which It is said tended to show All he asks for is that Jim Jeffries the Christian of In Islands. the field artillery. 9.2 per Boats are that Mitchell drugged his wife and fome out of retirement and fight some have not yet been able to deliver highest cent. The cavalry was next with 7.8 now out looking for survivors and caused her death and then committed good heavyweight who might make a their beets, for the reason that the fac- per cent. wreckage suicide by the same means fair showing against the big tory could not work them up. Tribesmen Attack Foreigner. Woman to be Tried 'or Murder of Hrr Small Bunch of Cuban Rebels Take Hyrum Youngberg, alias Hyrum Posse Searching for Illinois Youtl Servant. to the Hills. Tangier A number of Anghera Young, has been arrested in Salt Lake Who Slew His Father. on tribesmen made an D A S. Sioux at Falls. is Tuesday and not of a City, plea charged with dozen burTaft on Secretary Washington. on tack the bouse outside this city for Peoria, 111. A posse of deputv glaries. Though Youngberg Is but guilty was entered by Mrs. Emma Sunday received the following cableB. with three bloodhounds merh is Walter sheriffs wife Kaufmnnn. by occupied nineteen years old, he Is believed to of the wealthy brewHarries, gram from Governor Magoon, dated woods A the the Illinois be one of the cleverest burglars that er. Moses Kaufmann. when she was the newspaper along scouring correspondent. "Information received that Havana: ever operated in the city, arraigned by Judge Jones In the state force ol government troops engaged Rlus. moderate, lately removed as river south of Peoria for Edward in Ihe defense of the building and chief of police at Ctenfuegos, has Clifford, who fatally shot his father. A. J. Coleman, the colored waiter, circuit court, on a charge of murderit Is reported that some men have left town with a band of from ten to Isaac Clifford, during an altercation who shot and killed .lohn F. tarson. ing Miss Agnes Polteish. a sixteen been killed and others wounded Mr fifteen. pursued by rural guards over money matters. Young Clifford a business man. in ths yard of the y'arold domestic, who was in Mrs. Hat ris has not lived In the house for with sufficient forces. Guzman and Is 21 years of age. Following the Notice was two years, in consequence of frequent other leaders tendered their servio city and county building In Salt Lake KltUBUifi employ. shooting he disappeared In the thick ks it. attai made The that arguments upon to capture the band. Tender de undergrowth which skirls the river in earlv., nnp mnrnlnir in,, loot would be troopsde .ui given .,1,11. II, win in.., m...,.i, made for a continuance to a future fending Mr Harris's house were fur clined. No special Importance at the vicinity of Clifford, where the not be brought to trial. The negro term of court. The tailed by Raircil. tached to incident." was enacted. proceedings were mistook Larson for a highwayman. devoid of sensational feature. In a decision by the supreme court Appeal Made to President. Coal Shortage in Nebraska. Killed in Football Games. last week in a divorce case, ttie court Senator Plat is not Afraid of the The case of the solNeb. railWashington The Eleven dead and one hunOmhn, Burlington Chicago. Result. holds that where a marriage la con diers of three companies of the Twen- road is about to deride to cease hauldred and four severely Injured Is the Denver "I urn not afraid of the re ty fifth Inrantr." who were discharged ing gialn until the coal famine In Ne- record of football in the season of Bummated in Utah, or la consunimat ed elsewhere and Is maintained or et suit of the effort to oust me as a without honor because of the trouble braska has been relieved The car lfiOti, according to the resume of the tahlisbed hi re, service ny publication member of the New York state Dem- at Brownsville. Texas, came before congestion has become so serious that season's accidents In tho Tribune on or "constructive summons," is valid ocratic central committee," said Sena-tPresident Roosevelt Tuesday Saturday. These figures are comwhen several towns in Nebraska are with with the casualties of 1906, Kyakl, a Japanese of Brighnm N Patrick H. McCarren, of Brooklyn. Charles W Anderson, collector of out a ton of coal In reservation, and pared when 18 players were killed and 169 V., who la visiting In this city on revenue at New York, and City, has succeeded in leaving Brig-hathe situation demands Immediate rem severclv injured, and. according to Monday, "The charge that I scratched .i Scott, secretary to Booker T. edy. The Burlington officials say City wfh close to 1 6.000 belongihe Tribune, show that "debrutnlized" Hearst is untrue. will be they duly rep Washington, called on iiitn iu behalf lug to numerous Japanese laborera resented at rannot possibly supply the mand for foo'ball has accomplished In a larco the hearing. Our law of the men T'.iey made a it employed In the beet fields north of committee will look the object aimeil at. In renderfreight cars for grain and coal at the deg-eafter my Inter- earnest discharged Willard in The authorities Inbehalf of tftrw of argument the I geroas to life question the right of the nocenl men of the Companies who dame time, and as the coal demand u ing the game Ian counties are searching for tbe miss- ests, but limb. and grain 'ii arl to act in the mater at Imperative organlntlon to man. want ie reinstates' ing all under he circumstances " i YORK La-iv- roll-cal- l, . self-defens- Austria-Hungary'- . np Km-me- t e Famous Italian Tenor Let Off With a Small Fine. New York. 'Enrico Caruso, the famous Italian tenor, on Friday was found guilty of annoying women in the Central park zoological garden. A. fine of $10 was imposed. The verdict was rendered by Magistrate Baker In the Yorkville police court, after a hearing which extended more than three days. Judge Dittenhoefer, In commenting, on the verdict, said: "We consider the decision unjust and unwarranted by the evidence. And at the earliest possible moment Caruso will take an appeal. It would have made no difference if Caruso had been fined 5 cents, $500 or $5,000. If Caruso was a guilty man he ought to have been more severely punished. If innocent, he ought not to have been fined at all." PEARY RETUNRS FROM NORTH. Atempt to Reach North Pole Was Not Successful. Sydney, C. B. Flying the flag of the United States, which has been placed nearer the pole than any other national, standard, and weather-beateand disabled, the Peary Arctic steamer Roosevelt arrived here Friday under sail and steam after sixteen month's vain effort to reach the pole. Though not entirely successful, the expedition nevertheless got to 87 degrees 6 minutes north latitude, or within 203 miles of the pole. Commander Peary came ashore almost immediately after the steamer came to anchor and joined Mrs. Peary, who has been here for two weeks waiting for her husband's return. American Wood Products. Washington. "Practically the whole world is asking for American wood and its products," says the bureau Df statistics of the department of com- erce and labor in a statement issued Friday. "The exports of this char acter have increased ;?. per cent dur ing the nine months of the present, year over last year. During this nine months the value of these exports was $59,000,000. This total is raised to $01,000,000 by adding to shiDments from American ports to contiguous Buying territory." Boys Imprisoned for Life. San Francisco. Walter H. West- wood. William H. Meats and Fred erick A. J. Peterson, the three vonfha who were implicated in the murder and robbery of Fred Mullinlx at the ocean Bench several montlrs ago, were in Friday morning sentenced to spend the remainder of their lives In prison. The three young criminals at the last moment withdrew their pleas of not guilty, admitted the crime with which they were charged, and threw themselves on the mercy of the court. Tragedy in High Life in Chicago. Chicago James F. Delaney, vice president of the American Shipping Company, was on Friday shot and killed by his wife, who Immediately ifterward committed suicide. Dela By was found on the bed with a bill et wound in the back of the head. The body of Mrs. Delaney was lying ie.--e ny. u millet. Having been flrei! nto her brain through th n mom I. I'he revolver M still clutched in tho i.iiiil of Mrs. Delaney when the mom was entered. |