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Show THE MISSING MAN By MARY R. P. HATCH Author of "The Bank Tragedy" "Bless your soul, no, not one mite!" said Mrs. Fry, turning a wondering gaze upon her visitor. The resemblance is not striking, perhaps, but it exists," said Constance decidedly. "Well, good-by!"Good-by!said Mrs. Fry at the front door, where she had accompanied her. "Well, now!" shutting it aft her. "whoever heard the beat oftha' like witch work! A man with a'most black hair, shorter and sorter bent, an' not over an" 'bove bright, look like Mr. Hamilton! Wall.. I never did iu all my born days!" " " 1 000X0)0000CKX0X0 5 PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT w )00OOOCKK)XKKXKK0KKK00000 2 v FROM SECTION HAND TO RAILROAD MEAD A PORTABLE HEN HOUSE. From section hand on an insignificant rail road in Virginia to president of the great Illinois The Advantages of Such a Building Central system is the rise of J. T. Harahan, sucOver the Stationary Structure. Mr. Harahan waf CHAPTER VIII Continued. cessor to Stuyvesant Fish. regard, as if he sought to ask her aid '.'1 As Constance settled herself in her It startled Constance as I have imyears born at Lowell. Mass., in 184:5. When Poultrymen are fast recognizing the old he became a track laborer on the Orange A seat she felt angry with herself at her plied, and for the first time caused her hen of dispensability portable tc drifti-He in railroad Alexandria Virginia. folly, ami put the matter from her to question her own prudence in allowhouses as an adjunct to their permaCHAPTER IX. on held various he where jobs Nashville, Tenn., thoughts as she bowed her head in ing him to look in upon the family the Louisville & Nashville road. In 187. he 36 nent system of house arrangement in prayer a moment later. God was her sitting-room- . Dark? or cured the position of roadmaster of the Nashville profitable poultry raising. There are Light only refuge now. Though Tie had seen The week following it was hermetic& Decatur line. From 1879 to 181 he was super- always conditions under which a poulWas it wit ch work, the sort of magic fit to try her in the fires of affliction, ally closed, but Constance more than intendent of the Memphis division of the Louis try man must labor at certain periods to which Mrs. Fry referred, that kept ihe would have faith that all would once caught a glimpse of the dejected Primus Edes so much in the mind ot ville ft Nashville. of the year that makes any permanent He was gradually promoted, until on Jul I, system of shelter management more come right sometime, somewhere; not figure, and she thought of speaking to Mrs. Hamilton the week, ot during 1iuis-vill1 SS4, he was made in this world, but in the next. general manager of the her uncle to desire the man to go some esoteric influence of which she or less inconvenient. He held that position ft Nashville system. And back of her, though she did not away. One evening he stood outside was alone conscious and of so subtle a It Is only through some Intermediate ol because road the six months, leaving only know it, two eager eyes were fixed on in a pouring rain gazing at the house nature that she dare not entertain It? M. L. Smith. For three means, such as a portable shelter that President trouble with her bowed head and white neck, while long after the curtains were down, Did she think her husband, Vane Hamof the he can eliminate his difficulty and months he was general superintendent his lips whispered in a dazed manner until Mrs. Hamilton grew deeply vexed ilton, would sneak back to Grovedale, Pittsburg division of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. During this time the conduct his business upon an economwith his folly. to himself, "Beautiful!" disguised, go to work as a laborer in differences between him and the president of the Louisville ft Nashville were ical basis. "It must be stopped," she said to his own mill, board with a woman he adjusted and he returned to it as assistant general manager in April, 1885. A portable hen house has several ad- Finally, emotion gaining the masto Mr. on was next Harahan's concluded the she prosper and directly leading highway step who he Dan herself, decidedly, to tery, Fry, whispered knew, and attract attention to himself to go over and talk with Mrs. Fry. by watching his own house? Could ity. He had a friend in K. T. Wilson, of Memphis, Tenn.. who made a forsat nearest, "Who is that?" tune in cotton at New Orleans and was the principal owner of the Louisville, "Mis' Hamilton," said Dan, frown- Perhaps she could learn something anything be more foolish, more futile, New Orleans ft Texas railroad, extending from Memphis to New Orleans. Mr. behis would which strange explain as and he thought, If not Harahan was made general manager of that road by Mr. Wilson. In less than ing if concealment was desired? turning away 'Dike enough never went to meetiu' havior. desired, the course was palpably more a year, under Mr. Harahan's management, the possibilities of the road were A man sat by the stove holding a foolish afore." made so apparent that he succeeded in negotiating the sale of it to the Illistill. of little boy, while Mrs. Fry bustled But the man showed no disposition Constance knew all this, but she nois Central, and on November 1, 1900, he became second vice president that to offend further by whispering in about trying doughnuts. system. was strangely fascinated by the man's When he first came to Chicago in that position he was placed in charge "You jest walk right iuto the settin'-rooihurch, and Dan's displeasure was personality, so like her husband's, she of the operation of the system, but It was not long before he was given charge a in in I'll be an' Mis' Hamilton, soon appeased. Dan never left his saw as she In few a imagined. days, of all the departments of the company, being responsible only to President pew until Mrs. Hamilton passed down jiffy." of the person, she decided to Fish. The remarkable physical condition of the Illinois Central system is a Constance walked through, but not nothing '.he aisle after service, from natural call on Mrs. Fry and inquire whether monument to Mr. Harahan's ability as an operating officials. The policy which Dbeisance to her superior claims on without seeing that the man was the among railroads was in many cases conceived he was si ill confined to the house. made it the power It la tiis family and personal admiration as same she had seen in church, and she So with a tumbler of currant and carried out by Mr. Harahan, with the Indorsement of Mr. Fish. Mrs. jelly well. As she came gracefully down recognized the fact with a momentary Hamilton approached the little house the aisle in her lustreless black silk tremor. one morning. NEW SPELLING REFORMER As for the man himself, he looked gown and black bonnet the stranger Movable Poultry House on Runners. if he is for boarder "Some to your jelly seemed that an with eager regard ?azed eagerly into her face with a a said With as the code for if still not, basis, Philip sick, telegraphic yourself," had she which school-teachepair of eyes so like, yet so unlike, pierce the door beyond B. Lehmann, a former of La vantages that makes it not only pracConstance to Mrs. Fry when she her husband's, that she grew faint for disappeared. The child set up a disa form tical, but indispensable in profitable new at has last Crosse, Wis., perfected door. a moment. It frequently hapBut she rallied instantly contented roar, "which recalled him to opened the workof on he has beeen which poultry keeping. phonetic spelling, "Lor', now. how thoughtful you aland nodded pleasantly to Dan while his task, for Mrs. Fry had set little for the last 15 years. He proposes to bring pens during the breeding season that ing and better'n is it to the attention of President Roosevelt aud An- one desires to separate a few individhe allowed her gaze to rest a moment Johnny in his lap, asking him to mind ways be! But Edes drew Carnegie. him while she fried her doughnuts. gone to work. He's b'en real sick, 5n his companion. uals from the flock for special breedso sick but he'd gone off In the new form of spelling there are no As Clare brushed by the stranger The man resumed the jingling of his (hough not purposes. a to walk last night, if Dan hadn't silent, letters, except, in homophonous words and ingA put out his hand and touched her curls keys and the child was quiet. Finally portable hen house furnishes no "h." are There the letter back." 'im fetched equivafollered an' alphabetical and was put away, In a lingering, caressing fashion that the hot lard kettle means through which the desired pureach for for and "I," lents, "g" would "j" I "y" excepting Dan wish "Mrs. just Fry, amazed and offended Dan, who, how- with a capable swoop of her arm the at the end of words and "x" for "ks," and "gs" and pose can lie accomplished economicallook after him a little in a gentle way, The house can ever, could say nothing In church. But boy transferred from the man's arm "k" for "c." ly and conveniently. come to my An increase is made in the present alphabet Clare resented it in her own fashion to her own, and a moment later Mrs. you know, and not let him he moved a short distance from the house." sitting-rooin the from 20 characters to 4.1,. Of these "8 are letters main plant, a small area fenced In, by drawing herself up haughtily and Fry appeared and five are combinations. without "Th," "sh," "ch," and the flock maintained 'your bouse! You don't say he looking him full in the face, at which where her visitor was. "A poor creetur as ever was," she never went to your house?" "wh," and "ng," constitute the oral elements of much additional expense. he shrank back humbly. the new language when written. a back".lust into the yard. Mrs. Fry, and There are always occasions in poulHappening to glance back at Clare, said to Mrs. Hamilton, with Lehmann conceived his idea while working ward sweep to her head, indicating under the trees, where he stands lookMrs. Hamilton saw the look and pitan operator on the old Southern Minnesota road, now a branch of the try raising when it becomes advisable, the man in the room she had left. ing in at .the sitting room windows. I is to nromote best results to keep broods ied him, for she was so constituted Milwaukee & St. Paul. Chicago, think he took a fancy to Clare at Lehmann brands the Carnegie spelling board as a detriment to spelling of young poultry separated during the church, that is all. But, you see, I am reform. Its results, he says, show absolutely no improvement or general benegrowing season. In fact if the broods fits. He believes that Carnegie is spending thousands foolishly in having a can be distantly separated they will just a lit lie uneasy." "Sure enough, an' no wonder; list of "300" phonetic words compiled. He bases this belief on the fact that. do much better. though as you say he don't most likely It Is impossible to form or express 43 sounds with an alphabet of only 2G In such instances it Is a matter ot mean no barm. Wall, Dan'll see to letters. great convenience to resort to small that, Mis' Hamilton." shelters for carrying on the work. I "Yes, Dan is very kind; and tell him, MILAN HONORS AMERICAN WOMAN have many times found It advisable to please, not to let Mr. Edes know that separate my young growing stock Into I said anything about it." Although the United States did not choose colonies of a hundred and house them to take part officially in the exposition held at a few rod apart. "Oh. Dan will know what to do." Milan, Italy, in commemoration of the Simplon "And now, Mrs. Fry, I want to tell To separate the fowls successfully I tunnel opening, it contains one American exhibit you something that I don't want you used colony bouses, and find that Jim which has attracted general and approving attenwork to mention to any one. I have perfect tion from many thousands of visitors. It Is the tot only able to conduct the confidence in you." exhibit of the Institute for Social Service of New more satisfactory, but far more ecoWild "An' wall you may have. York, which is in charge of Dr. and Mrs. William nomically as well. Especially with horses wouldn't git out of me anything Howe Tolman. young growing slock the colouy methMrs. Toiman, who is as deeply interested in od of growing the stock Is the most you didn't want told,." the work of the institute as either Dr. Joalah profitable. "Well, it is this. I am constantly Strong, its president, or Dr. Tolman, Its secrehaunted by this man's resemblance to There are various designs of colony tary, has the distinction of being the only woman that ran be made portable and my husband, though no one else seems houses serving upon any of the juries of award. This In every way. The to see it. I see this man as he would distinction Is the more noticeable because of the answer the purpose is an excellent one look with light, hair and straight, upillustrated . one here exposl-tienat American the meager representation The jury upon which she served made the and has many strong advantages over right form, in my imagination, you Vane." like looks then and he in the awards upon some know, group dealing with cooperation and many that are In use "But his hair ain't light, Mis' Hamilmutuality, and for several weeks, late In August farms. The house is SxG' with five and early in September, wiien the heat was greatest, she was kept busy posts. ton." "I want to be sure of it. and then ?rom morning to night four or five days in the week examining exhibits and The building is mounted uion runwho, of course, were all men the resemblance will not trouble me. iisoussing the awards with her fellow jurors, that, serves as a means of transners quite all of whom spoke no English, hut mainly Italian and The runners are Doesn't he color his hair? I will sit and nearlyAs orMrs. Tolman is not fluent in either of these languages, though portation. French. look for a bottle of hair an iron strip nailed to the and with you here, an necpine street. down of use the to was and walked had make and it she nroficient in German, He shrank back, slowly turned away interpreter, runner to save them in room." of his the bottom of of in a dye cleverness good deal pressing the claims ;ssary for her to exercise "What's he be'n an' gone an' done but "I think you had better come, too, ;he American exhibits, which she thought were fairly entitled to awards. She from wearing, also to keep the woodthat she could never bear to see anyout nights, an' me and then you will be sure that I've and her friends feel elated over the large number of awards which she work up as much as possible from the one humbled or hurt. She therefore git cold to do has got to searched thorough." said Mrs. Fry, and secured. Mrs. Tolman. who is a university graduate, has always taken much moisture. that's The main frame work is Clare to got everything going occasion took reprove interest in social problems, and has devoted herself closely to their study made of two by fours. take care on 'Im." Constance, though not without hesita-tatiohome. of "Who is he?" arose and followed her to the during the last 16 years. In that period she has spent much of her time in The siding Is pine "You should never be haughty, parshe might observe at first hand. that Europe for as were used mill one men of the he's Primus well Edes. that "Oh, so not by one Shingles placed good quality. apartment occupied ticularly to A small, sparsely furnished room roofing. In the front Is a door for enyourself, my dear. The man meant boards here; b'en here most three met her gaze, but it was neatly kept, MADE no harm, I am quite sure. No doubt weeks." GOVERNOR tering the building whenA necessary NEBRASKA FARMER "What sort of a man is he?" system of and Mrs. Fry surveyed it with some and for cleaning out. he loves children and your hair looked so bright as pride. of ventilation is used that supplies fresh he ain't Lawson governor-elec- t "Well, Sheldon, quite him." to George pretty Nebraska, lives in peace and tills the broad acres air on the same principle as used in (To be continued.) "He may look at it then, but. I don't some men, mebbe, but he seems dreadof his beautiful country place on the banks of This is essential as the He'll do anything I care to have a common person like ful little Weeping Waters, except when the call of shelter Is small and tight. replied Clare, ask him, hold Johnny by the hour, but him touch my hair." Stumped the Secretary. the people drags him forth. Sheldon lives as the herself if I didn't put him in his arms straight This portable shelter, says Prairie When Richard Olney was secretary quite unmollified, and drawing people around him live. He works as the people hold as him he'd just has been In use for several quick upside of state he frequently gave expression Farmer, to Held He work. as his up in a dignified fashion. the him around goes I hesitatito Is one of the most popular him. I'm to be down. the that and to the mother, good her asked always appointees opinion field years the to hired man goes "41are," in to every one that boards here." consular service should speak the It was while he was at work on his farm portable hen houses In use upon sevngly, "did he resemble your papa "Do you think he colors his hair or language of the countries to which that someone came and told him he had been eral Michigan poultry farms. any way, do you think?" nominal ed for the state senate. wears a wig?" asked Constance, with they were respectively accredited. "No, I should say not," said Clare; "What's the matter," he said, "couldn't you It is said that when a certain The Bone Mill. "my father was a very handsome sudden recollection atof her first agitaget someone else?" church. tion at seeing him breezy and enterprising western poliman." It is surprising that every farmer we course said the "Of "but could," courier, "No. Indeed; he don't care enough tician who was desirous of serving The strange man she saw in church the convention wanted you. You have been living that has fowls does not have a bone lingered in her thoughts during the for his looks to color his hair, an' the Cleveland administration in the here all your life. You have been one of the peo- mill. Bones cannot be utilized withweek, and was no doubt pinned there most certain he hain't no wig on, for I capacity of consul at one of the out being ground, and they contain ple and you know what the people need." that came see him comb it every day by the Chinese ports presented his papers to So Sheldon had to drop his plow, stop work a large amount of food Ingredients. by a strange circumstance Mr. Olney. the secretary remarked: to her notice on Tuesday evening. As little glass in the kitchen there." ing for himself and start out to do service for I Bones contain much lime and this is Mrs. Hamilton did not immediately "Are you aware. Mr. Blank, that I jeople who needed him. she drew the curtains at nightfall bevery necessary to the fowl dropping Two years later he returned from a trip to find that he had been again a fore lighting the lamps she saw a man take her leave as she at first intended, never recommend to the presideht the large number of eggs during the His election wa.s a matter of course. Two years later he went jominated. Bones also contain phosphorus, standing directly under a tall tree that but, instead, asked Mrs. Fry if she appointment of a consul unless he to year. was him. to to He announce come to urged Mississippi. Telegrams began stood in the yard, which was fence- knew the man's name. Is not found In as large quanspeaks the language of the country to this and was He He and He refused. urged again again, lis candidacy for governor. win"No, I don't," said Mrs. Fry, with a which he desires to go? Now, I suptook up his name and spread It everywhere. less, and about a rod from the tities in some other foods. The green The 'still refused. newspapers didow'. puzzled air. pose, you do not spnnk Chinese?" He appeared to be looking When he finallv came home and told the people he would make the race, the bones also contain considerable of "Why, how Is that? Did he give you Whernpon the westerner grinned preliminary work was all done. It was just a question of how much his nitrogen. Altogether the use of bones rectly in. hut as soon as the curtains broadly. "If. Mr. Secretary." said he. majority would be In the convention. were drawn he shrank back, slowly no name when he came?" ground or cut Is to be recommended. "He said his name was Primus Edes. "you will ask me a question In Chinese Sheldon is built, of iron, over six feet in height and broad shouldered in Moreover, large quantities of the turned away, and walked down the proportion. steet. This Mrs. Hamilton saw by and I don't believe any man ever had I shall be happy to answer It." bones are constuntly going to waste. side a name like that." the appointment. New got Hp holding the drapery a little one Why throw away bones which may She was convinced "Oh, that is not so very odd a name, York Times. LADYSMITM RETIRES and peering out OF HERO be of such value In the ioultry estabthat the man was no other than the Primus Kdes. 'l knew a family once Their manurlal value is lishment9 A Remarkable The retirement of Gen. Sir Redvers Henry also made available after Postscript. one she remarked at church. A slight names Kdes." they have over her a mo"Did you. now? But what's his Boiler, commander in chief of the British army, been used Miss Carey Thomas, the president of qualm of fear came by the fowls. Imto the take effect other was day, a humble gazettted clothes marked H. A. for If that's his Bryn Mawr college, talked at a lunchment; he seemed to be such He has been succeded by Gen. Sir mediately. and pathetic figure as he timidly name? Not as he's a man to be sus- eon about the Ingenuousness of chilFowl. The Well-BreW. G. Nicholson, former commandant at Gibrashe that dren. picious of." touched little Clare's hair, for beak well bred poultry eat Beak ltar and British military attache with the Japanese "A friend of mine." she said, "once "Are his clothes marked H. A.?" war. could not fear him. And again dawned no more than mongrels. Pound for army during the Russo-.Iapaif "Yes. they be, what is marked. showed me a lelter that her little son Gen. Buller Is best known for his campaign before her Intelligence the sure pound the meat breeds cost no more to her hus- There's a handkerchief an' a shirt." The had written her from Andover. In relief of ladysmlth dining the Boer war and to slight resemblance he bore raise, but less. Bird for bird they "It may be some 006 gave them to letter ran like this: for his disastrous defeat at Splon Kop when his cost more; band. they are worth the differ command was overwhelmed by a much smaller "'Dear Mother. I am well and I Sundav he was at church again, and him." for egg the laying breeds ence. Egg threw the Gen. Buller blame for Boers. of force "Yes, so they might Dan thought hope you are weil. Will you please as for one moment their eyes met, cost no more to feed but a and In Gen. strains on subordinate Warren, the disaster Constance fancied a new Intelligence he might 'a' swapped wilh some other send me $2? I know the last did not on down himself the critiand brought double, triple or quadruple the profits command, a conman. They do sometimes, sech folks." last long, but It Is all spent now and I In his, as If he would establish of Lord Huberts, genctal In chler, both for derived from scrubs. Everything Is cism Immedi"That may be the secret of It," said reed $2 badly. I hope yon are well nection between them. She the battle and laving the blame on another. breeds. losing of In favor pure the cur "If he 1 am well. Please do not forget $2.' Gen. Buller served during the Chinese camately decided that henceforthshould be Mrs. Hamilton, rising to go. should be sick let me know, and I will "Then there was this postscript paign In 1800 and also commanded1878a 9.division In alns of her sitting-rooMake your poultry run the gauntlet He was both the Kaflli and Zulu wars In send over anything you may lack for "'I was so ashamed to ask for drawn as usual. once. Do not let any fowl Into the at for won and conspicuous In promotion this look. with that the the Kitchener so iruth. last soon sen' It after campaign tell To monev his the comfort. ynu Egyptian mean, But what did house this winter unless It gives hen battles. In In desert the tht various man Interests me strangely, for that I sent after the postman to get gallantry Constance pondered over It during U will retire. wuica Downs. ownat estate a t If Gen. Bullei promise of lamed late or fjturt Mit unflftnn some way he reminds me of my hushis letter back, hut It was tro late; week It was si strange and Inexpli ' " not he yon?" illMIPI band, dops cable! An Intense, dazed be was gone Copyright, -- ': by Lee and ffhepart IJ e to-da- y r . y 5x5-inc- ship-lappin- good-hearte- cow-stable- n 1 |