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Show news si mmary CRISIS OF GIRLHOOD A TIME OF PAIN AND PERIL Miss Emma Cole Says that Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound has Baved Her Life and Made Her "Well. How many lives of beautiful young g iris have been sacrificed just as they were ripening into womanhood ! How many irregularities or displacements have been developed at this important period, resulting in years of suffering ! A mother should come to her child's aid at this critical time and remember that Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will prepare the system for the coming change and start this a young girl's life without pain or irregularities. M iss Emma Cole of Tu 11 ahoma Tenn . , writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " I want to tell you that lam enjoying hotter health than 1 have for years, and 1 owe it all to Lydia K. Pinkham's" Vegetable Coin-poun- ' When fourteen years of age I suffered almost constant pain, and for two or three Years I had soreness and pain in my side, headaches anil was dizzy and nervous, and doctors all failed to help me. " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was recommended, and after taking- il my health began to improve rapidly, and I think it saved my life. I sincerely hope my experience will be a help toother girls who are passing from girlhood to womanhood, for 1 know your Compound will do as much for them." If you know of any young girl who is Records of Wagers. Betting is neither so general nor so promiscuous as it was 150 years go, when books for recording wagers were always kept on the tables in the much frequented coffee houses of London. Some of these books are still to be found among collections of antiques, and they make interesting reading. All manner of bets are entered there, on marriages, births and deaths, on the duration of a ministry, on the length of the lives of prominent personages, on the possibility of earthquakes, and even on hangings. Picquart Shows Generosity. Gen. Picquart, the defender ot Dreyfus and now the French minister of war, has defined his attitude toward his old prosecutors in the army. When an officer who was involved in the conspiracy that banished Picquart to the border of the Sahara, entered the minister's office and began to 6tammer out a statement on the subject Picquart stopped him, saying: "I only know one thing and that is that you have always been an excellent ofYou may be sure that 1 shall ficer. not forget that." The yellow fever situation in Havana Is causing the citizens much uneasiness. Five children, scholars at St. Paul's oollege. were drowned near Montreal, Saturday. Reporis from the f;imlne districts of Russia show that the distress is steadily growing acute. The Adams Express offices and the railroad station at Keyford, W. Va., were looted of $6,000 and burned by robbers. The National Grange in session, at Denver, voted to hold its forty-firs- t annual convention in 1907 at Hartford, Conn. Panama has been The steamer found wrecked on Mineral reef point, Lake Superior. The crew has prob ably perished. Three loggers were drowned while endeavoring to prevent a break in a log boom in the Cumberland river north of Wasioto, Ky. By a viva vote and without a word of debate, the French Chamber of deputies voted to increase the deputies salary from $1,800 to $2,000 a year. The Hawaiian sugar crop for 1906 promises to be the biggest in the history of the territory. It will probably amount to more than 450,000 tons. General Polkownikoff. commander of the garrison at Pattava, Russia, was shot dead and a soldier who was passing at the time also was killed by unknown parties. Gen. Willard Warner, States senator from Alabama directly after the Civil war, died suddenly at Chattanooga, Tenn last week, of diseases incident to old age. The crop reports received here from 71 provinces and districts of Russia show the yield of wheat to be pounds which is 9,958,000,-00pounds below the average. The supreme court of Iowa has affirmed the decision of the lower court sentencing Louis Busse, convicted of murdering his wife and burning the body, to hang December 14. In a message sent to the editor of the Buffalo Evening flews, Senator. Piatt says: "The question of my resignation I will discuss hereafter. I am not considering it seriously now. Henry Papineau. of Chicago, has been held to the grand jury on a his paralytic charge of murdering wife by pouring gasoline on her clothing and setting fire to her. The fuel supply in Carlsbad, N. M., is exhausted, and people have been forced to burn bacon to keep from freezing. Schools have been dismissed in consequence of the terrible cold. Mrs. Dora Drogmund, aged 20, who Edshot and killed her husband, ward Drogmund, last April, in Kansas City, has been convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to one year in jail. Helen Lambert, the actress who was injured in the automobile In New York City in which Tom Cooper lost his life, is dead. This makes the third death from the accident. The five unions of cotton mill operatives, of Fall River, Mass., at special meetings, voted large to reject an offer of a five per cent advance in wages, and to go on strike. The first official printed report on the representatives of the Sixtieth congress has just been issued by the clerk of the house. The Republiis 222. and the can meinberhip Democratic membership 1G4. Mrs. Aurello Schreck, widow of Joel Schreck. for whose murder in Los Angeles, July 14th last, Ernest Staskpole Is now under sentence of life imprisonment, has been freed from a charge from and discharged of perjury custody. Two masked men In an attempt to hold up the St. Charles hotel at Arkansas City, Kans.. shot and instantWilliam Goff, the night ly killed wounded S. A. Halpin, an and ;lerk, actor, so badly that he died a few hours later. The steam barge Resolution, from Brie, Pa., to Toronto. Ont., sprang a leak and sank. The crew put off in two boats. One containing five men eached shore safely, while the second was swamped, her six occupants being drowned. John Fusick, proprietor of a lodging house in Lis Angeles, was shot and Instantly killed by two policemen who had entered his place In search " Fusick, it of a aupoaed "blind pig . la claimed, drew a pistol on the him. shot whereup they Frank Lynch, of Grand Rapids, the boxing who promoted Mich., match between Mike Ward and HarWard met ry Lewis, In which on a arrested been has his death, warrant charging him with making an agreement to promote a prize fight. B. H. Gary, chairman of the board United States or directors of the ration, has anotinced that Steel the wages of common laborers In the of plnnts of the subsidiary companies the corporation will be Increased It sex' "fiits a Uny beginning May , sick and needs motherly advice ask her to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass.. and she will receive free advice which will put her on the right road to a Btrong, heal thy and happy womanhood. Mrs. Pinkham is daughter-in-laof Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-fiv- e years has been advising sick women free of charge. 0 ' n ma-jorit- SICK HEADACHE Positively enrfd by thrse Little Pills. CARTERS WlTTLE WlVER I PILLS. regulate tbo Bowels. SMALL PILL. Tlicy also relievo Dl tress from Dyppcpsta. Indigestion and Too Hearty A perfect remEating. edy for Dizziness. Nausea, Drowsiness. U.ul Taste la tlio Mouth. Cnnted Tongue, Pain 1b the Sl'le, TORPID LIVER. They I"urely Vegetable. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. -- Genuine Must Bear CARTERS Signature le RFFIISF SIIRSTITIITFS. When you buy offi-ers- WET WEATHER CLOTHING you want complete protection and long service. These and many other good points are combined tn MX TOWERS BRAND FISH OILED CLOTHING You CiiP't afford to buy any other rnr, , I - - MARRYING "THE Old Sofas. Backa of Chairs, etc., can be dyed with PUTNAM KADKLK&S D L.S, fast, bright, durable colors. SQUIRE.' Justice Geo. E. Law, of Brazil, Ind.. Has Married 1,400 Couples. bo-ve- Geo. E. Law, of s Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Foster-Milbur- M-- s. He who hurries cannot walk with a Irazil, Ind.. has fairly earned the title of "The Mar rying Squire," by which he is known far and wide, having already married some 1.400 couples. Ten years ago he was deputy county treasurer. "At that time," said Justice Law, "I was suffering from an annoy ing kidney trouble. My back ached, my rest was broken at night, and the passages of the kidney secretions were too frequent and contained sediment. Three of Doans Kidney Pills cured me in 1897. and for the past nine years I have been free from kidney complaint and backache." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Justice RHEUMATISM STAYS CURED Vanderbilt Popular with Comrades. Cornelius Vanderbilt is slowly but surely earning his wav to the front in the national guard of New York. In 1901 he was elected a second lieutenant in the Twelfth regiment e ': is now senior first lieutenant in the organization. He has been detailed to the captaincy of one of the companies and will soon become a regular captain. The members of the regiment show no jealousy over this pro motion, as they say it was earned by good work as a soldier. Chinese proverb. stately step. Cota, Confined to Bed and Constant Pain, Cured by Williams' Pink Pills. In Dr. Rheumatism can be inherited and that fact proves it to be u disease of the blood. mtm susjani.iliii It is nee. ssarv. therefore, to treat it the blood if a permanent enre through rever-eneso increases one's Nothing Exteruul applications may is expected. for others as a great sorrow to one's self. It teaches one the depth give temporary relief from pain but as long as the poisonous acid is in tke blood of human nature. Charles Buxton. the pain will return, perhapa In a sew National Pure Food and Drugs Act. place, but it will surely return. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills euro rheumatism All the Gartield Remedies comply with the Pure Food iind Drugs Law. Take they go directly to the seat of the Garfield Tea for constipation and disorder, purifying and enriching the Mrs. VFiMlow'a Soothing Syrup. .,u.u-tirttjiii. .iimi- - llir ,..ni,.--, at. mME ananiaSls Tor children W. L. DOUGLAS 3.50&3.CO Shoes BEST IN THE WORLD W.LOoug!:. $4 6ilt Edge line. cannotbeequalled atanv pncay Jb Shot Dralrri : W. I. Lougla!' Jobbing House It the moat ooa.blt.te in thli tiauiitry SenJor Catalog se blood. Mrs. Henry Cota, of West Cheshire, Flowers Kept Long in Storage. is the wtt'o of the village maConn., A French experimenter, named "Several years ago, ' the says, chinist. has succeeded in keeping certain laid up with rheumatism iu my "I whs kinds of peonies more than three ankles and knees. I was iu conmonths in cold storage, with the flow- feet, stant pain and sometimes tlio affected ers in fair preservation to the end of would swell so badly that I could parts that period. Red and white China not get about at all to attend to mv peonies, for some unknown reason, household duties. There WBSOUe period best stood the long tests. of three weeks during which I was confined to the bed. My Buffering were Important to Mothers. and the doctor's medicine did uot awful Examine carefully every bottle of C ASTORIA, help me. a Bute mid sure remedy for infants and children, "One dnv a neighbor told me about and see that it Dr. Williams' Pink Pillasud decided to Bonn the try them. Alter I had taken them a short time I was decidedly bet lei- and a Signature few more boxes cured me. What is la Uo For Over 30 Years. better, the cure was permanent." Tiic Kind You Have Always Bought. Remember Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do act on the bowels. They make new not Youthful Boston Congressmen. blood and restore shattered nerves. They All three of the congressmen just tone up ha stomach and restore impaired sleeted from F. digestion, bring healthful, refreshing Boston Joseph O'Connell, John A. Keliher and An- sleep, give strength tot be weak and make drew J. Peters are young men and miserable, com plaining people strong, bachelors. It is the first time in the hungry and energetic. They are sold by all druggists, or will be sent postpaid, tin history of the city that husband and of prion, oO oeoti per box, six father has not been included in Bos- receipt boxes $2.00, by the Dr. Williams Mediton's delegation to Washington and, cine Co., Soheaectady, N.Y. incidentally, it becomes the youngest delegation that was ever sent from any city in the country. Ver-cler- , SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICE& Bhoes. S3 Mnn'l Shoes. (5 to Si. 60. Boysfl.SO. 0$l.Si5. Women's SIiobh, $4 OO to to $1.00. MiBr' dr. Children- Shoes, Si!. 28Mimid Trv W. I.. DounIuH Women 'a, ( hll.lr. ii s Khoas : for At) If, lit aud wear they Mod oilier makes. could take you Into my lare factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W'.L. Douglas shoes iire made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. If I Wherever you live, you can obtain W. L. His name and price la stamped Douglas shoe.-on the bottom, which protects you against hlb shoes. Take no s tubstl' interior prices and shoes tute. Ask your dealer for W. L. Doug-laand Insist upon having them. used; thtu will not wear brassui fast Color Styles. Write tor Illustrated Catalog ol W. L. DOUULAS, Dept. i2. Brockton, Mass. Lut l The Original Porous Plaster. It's Allcock's. first introduced to the unpeople sixty years ago, and doubtedly has the largest sale of any external remedy millions being sold annually all over the world. There have been imitations, to be sure, but never has there been one to even com Allcock's the world's pare with standard external remedy. For a weak back, cold on the chest or any local pain, the result of taking cold or over-strainothing we know of compares with this famous plaster. Reynard's Hiding Place. During a run of the Essex Union Hounds at Great Bur stead, England, the fox took refuge in a brewhouse, and seated itself on the copper of boiling water. Finding his position too warm, and being hard pressed by the hounds, it fled to the roof and sought safety among the rafters. Chairs were and upset, plates dishes broken and paint pots overturned by the hounds, until the arrival of one of the whips, who caught the fox and liberated it. Mastaj- of Seventy Languages. Jeremiah Curtin, at present living at Bristol, Vt, is the master of 70 languages. He began life on a farm, but by diligent study acquired one language after the other. He is at present doing special work. Besides his many translations he is the author of a large number of books. He graduated at Harvard and shortly afterward President Lincoln appointed him secretary of the legation at St. Petersburg. - Anticipate Honor for New Yorker. Rev. Dr. Magnes, recently elected assistant rabbi of Temple Emanu-EI- . in New York, is spoken of as the next president of the American Federation of Zionists: at present Dr. Frieden wald, of Baltimore, is the official head of the federation. suing to buy any thing advertised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask for. refusing all substitutes or imitations. HOWARD E. BURTON, Wfotf? ver. Lead, $1 ; Uold. SliSpecimen pflMt. Qtttd, ver. 7ftc; Gold. fiOi; Zinc or (tipper. fl. Cyanide tesiM. M lling en veiojieK and full ml sent on price Lead-villeti'n CootroJ and Umpire work 10 lotted, applica Colo. Keierenoe. CJurboDAte Nation Hunk. How's This? We lifter one Hundred DoUalS Itewurd tor any f Catarrh that eannut be cured by Uall'g case Catarrh Cure. V. J. GBKHCY A CO., Toledo. O. We. the under.ilpned. havt- known F. J. Cheney for the last IS year, and believe hlui perfectly in all business transactions aud financially able tu carry out any obligations made by his flrui. Wtaliinii. Kisxan & Marvin. nliiilEsI0 Salt Lake City, No. W. N. 48, 1906. :f tttlcted ore f I II V III y JU II Ii Thnenncnn'e wiih utie j Two Wain JM HHIVI Wholesale DrUKgNts. Toledo. O. Cure Is taken (menially, actlna-directiupon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the Ilairs Catarrh Testimonial! sent free, rrlce 75 ceuts per bottle. Sold by all DrueKlsts. Take Hair Family PAw for constipation. Hystem. Drdmeivf Reception Was Costly. Mrs. Augustus Heaton, of Washing- ton, some time ago changed from the Episcopalean to the Roman Catholic church and by way of celobrataing the event decided to give a reception in honor of the bishop of her diocese. She decided, however, that her already was not sufffamous drawing-rooiciently resplendent to serve as a place of reception for the bishop who was to come and congratulate her. There was yet time in which to make the room more attractive and Me. Heaton, with true artistic taste, had everything taken out of the room except the old furniture and a few art objects. The walls before had been covered with tapestry, but that was not enough for a reception for the After much thought she bishop. finally decided on drab silk wall covWhat with this and other exering. tensive changes in the room without the purchase of furniture Mrs. Heaton got rid of $9,000. For Couqk Cold, Croup, oore Ihroatotilt Neck 7 Neuralgia At all Dealers V Price 25c 50c, 6 H00 Sent-- Free Hflr&A Sloan's Book on Cattle. Hogs & Poultry - - - Address Dr. Larl o. Sloan a. 615 Albany Sh Boston. Mass.. w tr wmm mmm bbbbbbbW aM f j m Picquart's Army Nickname. Picquart was always so gentle In his manner while about his regimental duties that his nickname in the Gen. French army was Georgette. A DOCTOR'S TRIALS. He Sometimes Gets Sick Like Other People. Even doing good to people ib hard tvork if you have too much of it to do. No one knows this better than the conscientious family doctor. He has troubles of his own often gets caught in the rain or snow, or loses so much sleep he sometimes An overworked gets out of sorts. Ohio doctor tells his experience: "About three years ago as the result of doing two men's work, attending a large practice and looking aiter the details of another business, my health was litbroke down completely, awl tle better than a physical wreck. "I suffered from indigestion and constipation, loss of weight and appetite, bloating and pain after meals, loss of memory and lack of nerve force for continued mental application. "I became irritable, easily angered and despondent without cause. The heart's action became Irregular and weak, with frequent attacks of palpitation during the first hour of two after retiring. "Some Orape Nuts and rut bananas came for my lunch one day and pleased me particularly with the result. I got more satisfaction from it than from anythinc had eaten for months, and on further investigation and use, adopted Grape-Nutfor my morning and evening meals, served usually with cream and a sprinkle of salt or sugar. "My Improvement was rapid and permanent In weight as well as In physical and mental endurance. In a word, I am filled with the joy of living again, and continue the daily use of Grape-Nut- s for breakfast and often for the evening meal. "The little pamphlet, 'The Road to WellvUlc,' found In pkgs., Is invarl-alilsaved and banded to needy patient along with the Indicated rem-(ly.Name given by I'ostum Co., HatMe Creek. Mich. "There's a r n - 14.,- -. I I .V hard-workin- 1 than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy game ensures the commendation cf the well informe'd, and as a reasonable amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the hea.ui and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, hiliousness, headaches, etc It is ail important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one cf known quality and excellence, like the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effectually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manufacture cf Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remeay has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth considering in making purchases. It is because cf the fact that is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its ue by so many millions of well informed people, who wouid not use any remedy of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size only, by all reputable druggists, and that full name of the California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on company the front of every package, ragular price, 50c per bottle. If more it- y f . m i sanwi.il a am W i! 1 SYRUP OP FIGS s " TheWinning Stroke 8 PL'F9rnia fife Syrup (q Smi mm Fr? r t i I co , Ca I . r.tnrj FPFE and postpaid .152 sta ' i THE PILES. FISTULA and i j aKo i method. ' DISEASES OF WOMEN. 01 II 'housandi ot oromincnt dcopI cursd t CENT TILL C RED H'lHL PAID 8 lurn'ih thrir names and Irtttrj on anplicahon OH Onk St.. Kansm City, Mo., and ft. MfVr.B L -Mr. IWn mcriuna 3H t onv ;,tr,.,.t. FISTULA ItBt tnuns Wns TtinnvTfiy 2?abl!SSH ort illut:rtairatitein n. ,,,. NO MONEY TILL CURED |