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Show The Tremofit R TRLMuNTON Town Locals. Mr. and Mrs. serai Ronaaker Portage, Utah. Pete Jensen of Bear River City, was in town Wednesday. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross, a All parties doing nicely. II. Stfdt.fr of Fielding, was a busim s Tremoatoa Morulav. ft<er in vs all fixed Bw display wind- - up for the holidays. S. Wyatt of Ogden, was in town Thursday . J 1.. Stearns of Cnrinne.is In town this week. B. . Fishhurns have their store nicely for their Christmas Opening. F. t A. Cook d gives warning for people keep their horses off his levee. folks. Wm. Drew presented the editor with four fine Malard dneXs Monday. Will knows what suits the taste of the editor. Furs for children and Ladies at Stearns Lour. Low prices, good styles and pood Good? i.Mlii'.li DKi C. Hunsaker-Cart-er I . Hoard of Couuty Commissioners met Delayed from last weeK. On Saturday 24th. Mr. William H. in regular session Dec 1th at 10 A. M. Miss Rosa Ca:ter of Brigham and Mr Gibbi made a bttsfaess lr'P t0 P igham. 1'JUO; Mints. Valentine aad Hart present. Israel Huusaker of Honeyville were The following communication wert . .. .1 I Thursday 22nd. C. W. Hall went to l Hlu r.ii.i) n.. f v' ti ii ruucMini ui issi wees iin, road Hansen supervisor present. Epli Logan to attend Court, returning borue of Beaver Dam District pertaiuing tp the Temple at Logan. ttiturday evening. Miss Carter is the second daughter of defective bridge on county road near bk Our rustling merchant Robert C. Har- - residence, referred to Com. Hart for Mr. and Mis S J. Carter of Bri Miam 'I ris, has a new clerk in his store. Mr. investigation. T. B. lit any relative to ami is well and favorably known to the Hairls has nn eve for business in cm- - appointment of registrars of vital .statl- - residents of t hi; place, having been cm-p- i i.ved as compositor in the Times office clerk, which Is a kind Lics ploying thU lion deferred for one meeting an and accomodating young lad; Miss Rs clerk instructed tu get a list of present bra period covering tea months. Prior t her taking a position ia this office, she chel Hoskiw . registrars. Jacob liner deliniug to accept was employed as compositor ou one of Mr. Parley Gibbs was seen on the the appointment of road supervisor of the Brigham paper. She is known streets today with a broad grin upon his Rawlins District. James W. lietterldge the craft of this county as t sin among face. When investigating the cause it regarding road matters in Grouse Creek cere aud affable young woman, aud was found that our town was being T L- District. the confidence of all these for ilted by ft young lady from Dewey villi-Upon motion ofChr. Valentine tbe sure gained whom she worked. this lady being no other than Miss Gertie of 3.7 was appropriated to the ire. Mr. Huusaker is the son of Mr. and Hunsaksr. Mr. Qibbs not having seta surer to pay he taxes on Gordon Allen Mrs. Israel Huusaker of Honeyville and her for about two months was elated ov- estate. a brother of Mrs. Reber 8k hi of Tre-ie The declination of C. C. Toyne as er her visit. niton. He is very popular among his of Grouse Creek Precinct was read. The sickness al Levi Johns are improv and about eleven months Action was deferred upon the matter ing, while those at Joseph Halfords con of returned from a missijiiary tour to registration agent at Fielding Precinct. ago tinue verv sick. . Germany The agreement of J. Y. Rich to deed We understand the young couple will ' Mr. Wm. Bond and Josh Hawks of;. acre in the S. E. i of S. E. 'i of See. take their residence at Honeyville, Pocatello Valley have moved their fami :!4, T. 13 N R 3 W for iu't .00 was upon up Mr. where Huusaker a has ranch. lies into town for the winter. motion cccepted. The Times joins a host of friends in ex R. ar.d Geo. Chase presEsq. appeared Our Blacksmith works late and early ur I ente an affidavit from Frank Hy land tending the young couple hearty con these days lilting up horse gratulal ions and best wishes for a happy ik K ii uHfiAn ta bo 11 . t n oa in fttiru ino-b e asking for witness fees in the case of State vs. Etheriuotou; referred to Clerk a:id prosperous life. . Miss Ilorr returned from Ogden Saturday, where she went to spend Thanks giving with her parents. Dr. Naramore , the dentist, returned Friday from Morgan, where he spent Thanksgiving. n Cou-stabl- X i i rani teams. A saw mill is being opened up south of Samaria about .three miles and nine north of Portage, with Mr. Sam Williams as sawier. miles Mr. Dotson Hall is visiting mother for a few days. w ilh his Mr. X. L. Nelson, a contractor and Sam Nihart and wife arc expected b tck within the next few days from buiider of Malad City, was a Portage visitoi duriiiL! the week. Buzz, their extended wedding tour. We got our sidewalks just in time. Ther.; is nothing te g od for us aud we always get it. when we need it. Fanners Attention! I am prepared to cry sales for anyone who desiies my service, have had expert of Elwood, twins. Mother and babes ence in that line. J. B. Vance, two milts doing nicely. south of Tremouton. Get a Cole's Hot Blast Healer of Stohl Bros., it is the only stove that In Aider Creek Gulch. burns mine run, or slacked coal without Born to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hanson waste. W. A. Stevenson of Fielding, was in Tremouton Monday. Mr. Stevenson's h 'ftlth is very ptor, but hope he will soon recover. The four weeks' old child of Mr. and Mrs. E. Chidester of Dewey died Sunday morning of convulsions following some bowel trouble. now is the time to buy a Majestic Range of Stohl Bros, as it does the work with less fuel than any Coal is scarce other range. Buruhope aud family passsd through Tremouton Sunday on their way to Ogden, where they will spend a few days visiting friends and rehv.ives. Isaac Stewart who doing the assessment work for the Mackay Copper Min ing Company, and on the Johnny Group was in this week. Mr. Stewart informs us that the property is developing better values as work progresses and that they have about ouo hundred tons of good shipping ore on the dump. One shaft is now at a depth of forty feet, and another is now developed to about foot twenty feet, with a seventy-fivtunnel on the Johnny Group. The tun- ne! in the Mackay Copper is now in one b indred feet and tunnels are being driv en on the contract veins. Developement work will be carried on in a bigger way in the spring. Mr. Stewart is also overseeing the development work on the Al- Anr HrMtlr Minlnir mmiunv'i nmniirtliu G. W. is e and attorney far Investigation. The clerk-- and recorders reports of fees collected during November and auditors report of incidental expenses during November were accepted. Act ion deferred on petition nos. 12, 14, 15, 18, and 25. The Carl Ericksen allowance was transferred to Mrs. Carl Eiicksou. Joi. West appeared and asked that the Board grant the franchise which he pres- ented at last session; action deferred. Dr. E. A. Rich and Supt A. E. Jenson appeared and presented the sanitary condition of some of the schools to this county and recomended that the room in the To'm in House in Honeyville and the west room of the Bear River City School house be given attention; referred to Board of Health. E. R Sherman appenred cn behalf of people of Tremonton aud asked that hill near Malad River be cut down and gravelled and asked tt.at an additional $500. b2 appropriated to cut down said bill and fo- - gravelling road west of Tremonton; upon motion of Com. Hart granted. Petition of Chas . M. Olsen ei at asking for an appropriation of ?2..0. to grade road from Park Valley store and one mile east; upon motion of Com. Jones I ma going to write a few word fvITremout Time. 1 didn't write a quite Utah. We are having ft nice rain here which U't to stop the plowing. People have been plowing beet land in . .. I II .n.irur tall t t firvtCD i) Liu tJ Mi n n mm wu wuiie Tr j ne niurr coin, this. But our people all well up here, ground was to dry to freeze. No one sick since two little bos died Utir road supervisor is dome moad and all people coming back from work. work on our roads, the worst plipqi ftp . , There some loading car . with . luir liueu witn eravel. wheat. Mr. C. W. Hall from Portage The people feel jubilant over their big here liu v L'rain. aud are anxiously awaiting the harvest, Mr. Jacob Brouies was visit tog his theatrical play that is to be given at friend iu our town. expect he going j eWttg next Friday evening, by the back some time this month from Baana """ l T CM I I . i 1 "P 1,1 ""' Our business are good this year. bettt There was about six ear loads beets ship- - j Thanksgiving passed off very quitely Fd OBt here and day school is running J ben. pretty nicely so far. Misses Sarah and IduiRa Ward Spent Willie Ottogan. the holiday at home. Creek. Misses I.aurii and Sadie, and Ralph Park have been home fur the past week. They attend the A. C. College. Church Directory. Methodist. A ptkuxoo skkvi c k m Sunday School Miss Ella . Logan, where she attends ihe 1:30 p. m. Evknino Y. Col- 15. lege. 2:30 p, m Preaching Peterson of Kcnimer Wyo., has been visiting her relatives, Bishop She returned to Richards and family Mrs. Thomas Bowcutt has been SCAVICKS very kick but is improving. Preaching, every alternate M. A. Bolides has moved his family to Sunday at 8:00 p. m. the Company Farm cast of the Sugar All services at the Methodist church. Factory, where they will make their fuYou are invited ture home. R K. G1I.P1N, Pastor. John M. Smith and family have iiyv-eBaptist. back to American Fork, their former . Message Received With . Applause. ! l.e tl.-..- , jQ J- home. e Johnnie get your gun at Wilson's off on guns this week . SALE FOR 97.00 Turkeys. Bronte Mammoth per trio. II, M. Holler. Fine line of Ladies waists all slr.es and styles at Stearns & Lohr. At 20c. a bushel. (lood Cider Apples Corinne, Utah. Address V. G. Adney the best. See them and you will buy no other, They arc at the Hardware Store. arc Healers Wilson Have you seen the new and handsome assortment of dishes just opened at Stohl Bros. Finn. Store? Beans! Beans!! Beans'!! (libs 85c. 1311m 11.00 liHIlbs 3.."0 at the Hard- 90c. ware Store. and Misses and The Skirts. prices arc right, style at Stearns ft I.obr. Call and see the Ladies are selling all kinds of linoleum this season, and CarpetS, rugs their stock is always new and Stohl Pros, -- - j j h n 1 hui tu" 8 M,,,,s' lrHI)s dozen clothes pins for five cents? Why at the Hardware Store! "Where W"cre "old." (H I01 Good Cider Apples ! Gar-laud- It Is No Wonder Idaho. wi I s Co. Dec. 3rd. n No ;: Riverside, Washakie, Utah. Washington, Dee. 4. President RoOB-MoBKtNQ Services: elt's annual message to Congress oc-11:00 A M School ipied the attention of tha Senate for Sunday t vo and oik half hours to cay. to the PreaebiM 12:00 A. M Occlusion of nearly all other business. Evknino Skiivicks: The exception to this was the inlroduc- 7:30 PM. Preaching - so .:. ..F ' " " ,.nnnl.,.l.. " .1... 1 Prayer. Meeting Wednesday night at nation Uy Senator Ray nor of Marvland :80. aud the adoption of appropriate resoluAll Services are held in the Baptist tions regarding those members of the Church. Y'ou are cordially iuvited. House of Representatives who have died H. A. SiivrrixK, Pastor. hScc the last session. As a mark of furDIRECTORY. ADVENTS ther respect to their memories, adjournThe Seven Day Advents hold regular al 'lit was taken at 2:54 o'clock. School at the M. E. Church, a Sabbath The reading of the President 's mes3 o'clock every Saturday. Everybody sage consumed two hours aud twenty- invited. in minutes was and the house vj today, followed closely by a large number of German Evangelicai members, while the crowded gallaries Congregation. g tve elose consideration. We will hold services in the Baptist Here and there the reading of the doc Church the coming Sunday at 2 P. M. U nent was punctuated with applause, All are invited to attend. and hearty hand clapping from DemoTheodore Wobus , Pastor. crats as well as Republicans followed its conclusion. During the major portion! of the time of the reading of the message YOU Representative Lacey of Iowa actid as KNOW first of the the Speaker protcm. being S200. was appropriated. Tremont Mercantile Co. defeated "stand patters" to be orgaulie Pel i; ion of Michael SchOW et al. ask INCORWIHATHDu pcaaer cannon -t,x. ing for assistance in paving for the docline of Gents' Has the most lors services iu operating upon N. C. Pnderware. Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cults, Decries Socialism. Nelson's son: deuied. Nels Anderson Hats, Caps. Hosiery, Overalls, Suspend- I appeared in support. Mr. Anderson also ers, Silk Reefers, Ear Muffs etc. la tbe mcago, ucc. . curing an exposi-finisasked for an appropriation of $80.00 to city. tion of tbe labor fl"es,inn' 1r"f' gravelling the main road to Man-rence Laughlin of tbe Uuiversity of Chi DO upon motion denied. YOU told the members of the Citizen's The bond of treasurer fixed in sm 0f A bunch of hunters went to Salt Creek the other day expecting to slaughter all is looking the ducks down there, but after des- and states that the property 100.00 and Clerk at 10,000. good. These properties are owned troying about $25. worth of ammuni- very Application of County Recorder lo men and Kansas people. tion they returned with four or five by Maekey have salaries of assistants raised to 180. Mackay Miner. ducks. per mouth was upon motion deuied. The above will make some of the Dr's. Mosman and Naramore, the denfeel good as there arc several , tists, will leave Saturday night for Marriage Licenses. hold stock in this property where they will be located over here who is Iliter Bros. Drug Store. Anyone wish There no doubt that the Alder Creek George Henry Marshall of Plymouth. is some of the richest in Idaho, 26 and Miss Thersa Estep, 22 same ing dental wo k done will please call at property place. an the stock no doubt will go higher in their rooms. All work guaranteed. Orcstus Jensen, Bear River City, 20 A the spring when work opens up. and Amanda Johnson of same place, 20. good many of our Garland readers will Oscar Peterson of Bi igham and Bona remember Uncle George Stewart who Hansen of same place. has charge of this work, is an old miner H. W. Stoker of Nevada and Mi.ss Sa and prospector and it was he who locatdie Hunter of Plain City. That men smoke when they ed these claims a few years ago. see our line of smoker's supThe editor of has to get his good for evil. He writes long puffs of plies. Anybody would. and in return therefor, nose down to the griud stone and keep it church sociables, a take that would sink an lion The tobaccos are of the finest accepts there sixteen hours per day and 3Co days clad. He notes the arrival of all the variety and of the most exin the year, or he falls by the wayside. babies in his neighborhood and eternally cure. Then are meu w ho quit work Saturday perjures his soul in telling how pretty pensive are. II" rejoices with the gay and The pipes give solid comfort to night and rest until Monday morning. they , .... n.H IT, ullli ., niiinrni. Tbcy lay aside business cares at five or booms the old and young smoker. makes which every enterprise six o'clock every evening and do not rerich and goes about him.--' It We won't mention our cigars sume them until seven or eight the next clothed in gunny tuck coats and one wis especially, but smoke one of He glories over the fortune of Not so your editor. He has morning. his our leading brands and you and meekly eats his ow n neighbor, no no elegant leisure. Re knows hours, of boiled corn cobs and colored repast will smoke no other. no Sunday , no night. When he goes to labels off tomato cans. He can write a a party or to church, or on an alleged sermon an account of a iiiiz.e fight, s pleasure trip, it is all in the Hue of duty, political speech, an obituary notice. Withal, your editor man Is s cheerful, poetry, split, wood, pitch hay, was). Logan & Garland, Utah. soul, suing about doing dishes, preside at a camp meeting, curry Franklin, Preston k Montpclier, longsuffering horses, quote law or gostK.', or nnvtbin: good iu hn humble wsv. He returns the at a moment i notice. Riter Bros Drug Vol. I 1 Geo. Steed is storting, a fine new har . , . i . uess ana ouggy. w notning to gooa ior 190. , , A. W. Hadley left the first of the wet k for Ogden to spend a few days with his & County Court. THUlSDAY. 1 8 IB. Mr. Cook has his I'.Vll I Nuptials Jr. were Tremouton visitors (his creek. o ELRL'R COUjnpr. imes. , , KNOW ' "dustrial Association of Anierici, whose Kuest he was at a banquet last night, socislbca is the philosophy of failure. At SOe, a bushel. Corinne, I'tah plenty of that good (Coal, BO,) At Wilson Lumber Company's Yards, Tremouton aud Bear River City. There Is Lumber. We have the largest andJbest assort ment of Ladies' Pall and Winter Millin- - Address C. Q, Adney Where'.' Re declared further that in allying them ery to select from, to be found in the Ma If yon arc looking for wedding pretLemselves lad Valley, that we ale offering at great sents or auy otto r presents go to the failuies, and asked society to do for reductions. Stohl Bros. Kuril. Store; they have just them what they hail been unable to ac FURS Our stock of Ladies' furs is selves with It men admitted wj1(ll 'omplish for themselves. complete. Prof. I.aughlin took up the labor quesDO tion with ungloved hands and first made YOU a plea for fair play iu behalf of the emKNOW ployer. He asserted that better condiWe a have complete line of Paints, tions could be derived by reduction of Arthe tariff on raw materials ami that this Oils, Glass, Drugs, Medicine, Toilet ticles, Cutlery, Rubber Goods, Tobacco, would redound to the benefit of the em lilov'f.r iii., Cigars, Stockfood, Stationery, School ii tT i rilinif lw.tti.r applies etc.. Cur prices are rigbt markets abroad and cheaper products and be convinced. Call Labor and ran for hom(! (!OI111I1I)tion. . SBc. Lemons 'r dozen Hal must work in conjunction, Other speakers at the banquet were TRIiJYIONT MERCANTII.K COMPANY. C W. Post, president of tin: association , . FOR SALE (ood sweet cider and cider vinegar. Call on L EL Gets Point Ivookout, Utah. J. W. Vaucleave of St. Louis The .who latter responded to the to.-s- t, "The President of the 1'niled States," com pared President Roosevelt to President Andrew Jackson. He was extolled for his conduct in steering a middle course in labor questions and applying law to 'capitalistic trusts and labor trusts." In condltision he said. Gentlemen, I do not renominate Tin . Hooaevelt f..r President in ItOti he is already renominated in the hearts of t ho American people. and "El. The E ui. VViuiU "L. T. L." will meet at the .M Church, every Wednesday al I 80 p. All are cordially iuvited to attend. L. T. L. Sec Stoves? to date I and prices. Wonder. lok Stearns Where? Al the up Well yes' Wilson) Hardware Store. ere sod Cook, steel Ranges Strong Lines. Heal All sizes Eclipse and for Xllias giHid.s nevt A week at todir. Good Cider Apples AddeasC. O, Adney - At 80c. a busheL Corinne, Utah. Have you wen the large luid elegant line of (jueensw are at be Hardware I Store? NOTICE VWM The goods are there, be pii.is It u ill be u or Ih J'OIU while SO SM I right the elegant display. It pays to gel your horse shoeing done Don'i forget the Tints ojih t nfcesi bv a man w ho nudt rstantls tin SMtOSSI wanting job hi 'rk Bjf a horse's foot, aud guarantees all his Mrs. ft A. Cook offers her entire stork work. Call on RftJsjfl Burge, Tremon of Winter Millinery al DOKl (Of the DM if t0B'Utoh' (i(M,d J cider Apples A dress C G AsltS thirty days to Rusks room for a complete bushel line of Spring and Numim-klilllfl rj Ltub. Sio tier Ipccia raJuei to l ut At 20c. a Corto.nc, |