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Show Hogs and Alfalfa. Tbc most iueawfal ho? raisrrs ! in the country have long ;rccDgni7cd tie fact thu on pasture alone the pig will not jrain in vr!;lit fast enough to make the highest profit. Although p'gs may e grown and fattened up m alf.ilfa alone, it is best to combine the alfalfa with some kind of grain ration. Wh'jrc pitf" lire pastured upon alfalfa alone the., nuy be prepared for market by feeding a few weeks upon corn, bailey or wheat. t is still better, however, to feed a third ti a half of a ration of grain during the ti ne of pasturing. The great nitttJ made by to many who attempt to pasture swine on alfalfa is in ocrstocklng. There is a tendency to keep w ithin a small pasture more stoek than it can comfoitible support, with the result that the stm d ti all gnawed, trampled and rooted out, and while the animuls fail to prosper as they would under n.o:e rational treat- happens its iCIITiS ' fix On 2 of the mitt extensive and succes ful swiue raisers says: "Twenty-livyears of pasturing hogs of all ages on alfalfa has proven conclusively to me that a fourth to a hfilf grain ration, while they are on such pasture, will pn duce in thein greater growth per day thm when in dry lots on full fced-o- f corn. Hogs will maintain a reasonable growth, but not fatten very much on a.C.lfa pasture alone. I be'ieve it surely prolitable to feed them some grain while ruining on green alfalfa, if it is desired t ) full feed hogs, they will make a rapid e fattening growth by increasing theruin ration while on the pasture, and with the full grain ration the meat will be neatly as firm as those of the dry lot, where grain Is given the youngsters," says the Swlae Breeder's Journal, In this way one gets rid of the expenee of feeding the old sows during the late fall and w inter months. The youngsters must be fed fairly well in any event whether they be intended for breeding purposes or for the meat market, and it certainly is the most economical from the feed standpoint to let the old sows go and fit the breeding pens w ith young ones. We do not favor this practice, however Of even under present conditions. course there will be plenty of sows in the corn belt this fall that are worth $25 to $30 each for meat, and where 15 or 20 old sows are kept over it is true that some capital is tied up in time. Nevertheless, We believe in the fixed policy of keeping over the best old ones. Select those that bring through a good litter of uniform pigs. There is no question that the old sow will raise more pigs, and raise them better, than a young one. Furthermore, by continuing the practice of breeding from mature sows, it will materially contribute to keeping np stamina and constitutional vigor. There is growing belief among many swine men that the reduction tn stamina of certian breeds is not so much due to the practice of inbreeding as it is to the mistake of continually breeding from young stock; that.is, from the young sows and from the young males. Some of our best breeders have found by using mature stock always and by inbreeding Sensibly, they can fix desirable character istics only in this way. If any one would take the time to examine any good pure bred swine herd, he would find that the owner belives in the plans of breeding from mature animals, while tho man who raises hogs forlthe meat market has a radically difference object in view, yet WC believe that the profits in the end will bj larger when tho plan of keeping the old sows as long as they are able to raise large and uniform litters is enforced. Rocky Mountain Husbandman. Myron and U. A. Goss and George Sherman went to Stone, Idaho, last week returning Wednesday. Myron has a large ranch near Stone. n fslL WILL C0ST CHRISTMAS IS COMING! m ,ur our UK VHUti UICVl'LX catalogue Hie most complete line of M W E showing BICYCLES. TIKES r.ri( KL NDKIfcS at I'ltj'-KMKLOW :v other manufacturer or dealer in the world. l!frj 1 ment. tIo the "Times" in Vi high-prid- e mrtBUYA BICYCLE DO 'rZ' Coming In aA Hurry Too. M or on any kind of terms, until yuu have received our complete I(,re e and lHustrutinp and detenbtag every kiwi of high-grad- e old ami latest bicycles, tnodc!ft,&nd learn of our remarkable LOW PKICJEs andpattens offeri nude possible by selliug from factory womlrful direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. HfF BHSP ON APPROVAL without a cent deposit. Fay th Freight and allow 10 Uajs Hm Trial ard make other liberal terms which no other house in the world wJP do. You will learn everything and get much valu able luiuiiuuiiuu uy aimpiy writing na a ixwilal. We need a fiidop Ag&ttt i every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. mi eft RBiimTiifiir .t Bflne Ttnrc o n r v.v Prioo Regular ;.. lt rv.r 0 .n To Wo Imlrnlvtto Will Sell Pali for Only (CA3H WITH ORDER NO MOHE - 8O & i Don't put off your Christmas shopping until the last minute and suffer the inconvenience of crowds. You can take your time about it now and get just what v you want. feA,R NAILS, TACKS L. CLAjS LET WONT OUT THE AIR $4.65.) TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of 1.5 years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC- If iter IB Notice the thlok rubber tread "A" and panoture atrlpa "11" and "1." also rim atrip "II" to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make SOFT, ELASTIC ami TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Ovir Seventy-fiv- e Thousand pairs sold last year. :;asv klolnu. DFliGRIPTIOM I Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined inside which closes up small punctures a never of becomes and which will' special quality porous rubber, irithout allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers staling a whole in season. that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphalt roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Wejve" tread which prevents all air from being (gueezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all sucliou. The regular price of these i1 $S 50 per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider tires of only $4.Ho per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship CO D. on approval. , u no ou uo not puy u trill u:im yuu nave cjuiiiiuru uau iuuuu itiv.iu snu-nWe will allow a cash discount of s percent (thereby making the price 84.55 per pair) if you send FIjI.L CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal punct ure closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashesj. Tires to be returned at Ol ll expense if for ;iny reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We :ire perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster. Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a ,air of tirM, you v.ill find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, las! longer and look finer thin any lire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased diat when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a small trial 3,der at once, hence this remarkable tire ofTer. m saddles, pedals, parts and repairs, and OOAS Jfci'K bicycle line are sold by us at half the usual everything in the prices charged by dealers and repair men. Write for our big SUNUKY catalogue. ov buying a uo NOT lmt write us B POSial ,odayL'U VVitl bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and costs it NOW. to a Write learu are we wonderful offers everythiug. postal making. It only , some ol lie nicest tigs will be gone. This Store is chuck full of Christmas goods. No matter what your wants may be, we feel quite sure you can find what you want among our large and 0 varied assortment at the price that : am. olflflo nniffro tarvr ti14- - Dttt, "J iam Dr I" CHICAGO. ILL, CALL hit DO Tremonton on or near January loth. 1U07, Your Cel Property Insurer By the Best Insurance Company doing business in the State. I can save you money on your insurance. CALL and BE CONVINCED. E. R. Sherman Times Office, Tremonton, Ut. SEE US WHETHER LOOKING OK BUYING. & FISHBURN'S ALWAYS BEST AT YOU CAN THE GERMAN OPTICIAN "Will hi' in Suits your pocket book. o ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST. Stores at Brigham and Tremonton. Ik ioeQ The kickers on the farm are not so hard to get along with as the kickers in town. On the farm there is the kicking cow, and our Anvone wishing1 to huv. sell or trad p. longearsd friend, the mule, while Mules, Dratt or Driving, will please in town there is the old moss- stable. If I don't have what suits back who wants all the municiget it. For anything in the above without paying at the Sale Stable of. pal improvements for them. The cow may be sold for beef, the mule traded for a shot gun, but nothing but a. fun- Fryer Barn. eral will get rid of the town kicker GARLAND STABLE SALE W. or call at my you I will lines call Hnrspa j fife: Utah. Garland, irCement Block Factory Blocks uf all designs for Buildings and Chimneys. Factory East of Boothe's Store. A . B. Manausa, V Stearns Lohr & -- THE PLACE TO BUY! CT m Stock of General Merchandise Big Groceries, Queensware, Hardware tfc Clothing. A Complete Line of Furnishings tfc Dry Goods. If you have an ordinary heater you are buying the big load of soft coal where the small load would be sufficient fuel to produce the same amount of heat in the WILSON HE.ATE.R. in the Wilson produces perfect The celebrated Hot Blast Down-Draf- t combustion and the burnable fumes which escape in other heaters are consumed in the Wilson? so that every shoveltul ot coal in the Wilson Heater will produce 40 per cent more heat than the same amount of coal in other heaters. No one likes to waste money why throw away 40 per cent on every dollar you spend for fuel. Utah. vJ ust opened up a place of business in the saloon building formerly occupied by J L Stahl. m. Which are You Paying For? Load or the Little Load. The Garland, PROFIT IS NOT ALL ON OjSTE SIDE. WE CONSIDER THE PEOPLE And Our Aim Is To Please All With Our Prices. Lots For Sale. Call And See Us I have thirty-fivlots In Tremonton which I offer for sale on the following terms. Those paying cash 12,,' discount. Time sales arc as follows: 150.00 casli balance one year, or 125.00 cash and 15.00 per month, 6.0' interest on all time sale?. Anyone wishing to get a desirable location will do well by calling early and get first choice. 8omo wanted to buy lots on payments, now is the chance. The lots arc all priced and no change will be made They arc from $75.00 to 9125. according to location. Call on Samuel Bchrenk, Prop., or at The- Trenjon! Tin.. OfflCD. Examine Our STOCK, Compare Our PRICES and You Will Be Glad We Are Here. e - STEARNS & LOHR TREMONTON, UTAH THE KENT HOTEL A Wilson Lumber Co., SHORT ORDER HOUSE. Meals 25c. Served From 6 A. M. to 10 P. M. Good Meals and Good Rooms. Satisfaction Guarateed. Telephone E. A. KENT, T.REMOXTOX, UTAH. Prop. Connection With Both Lines Tremonton, Utah. |