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Show M l THE TREMONT TIMES. At Published Every Thursday Tremonton, Utah. CHEAP! O hi a A l Editor and E. R. Sherman lt04 t'tah 0. ill class matter A xri as seennil Knff-re- manager at the Post office nt Tremouton under the art of congress ot March 3rd 187!. Subscription rates. One year in advance Six month1; in advance One car not in advance Hon s LO ns a Lx-chaa- ge. Washington woman is going to make a dash for the North Pole. Why not a trip to the moon? There is a man in that. A Sometimes a person feels as if he would be willing to make a trip to the lower regions, just to find out how the Old Boy manages to keep the furnace going during cold weather. be Bryan will 6 0 1 S Dr. Mires' Some of the best Locations in Tre-mont- vlil please you Opporloii chairman of Board, J A Fishburn. Member To get a lot for a " start towards a horn " " " E M Wyatt. J c Gates. " " yOUr " clerk ' All Pain is I) c Roush. " Call before the rush and op nominated and elected", smiling ly says Mr. Hearst. Isn't that calculated to make funny little CflOiCC chilly feelings creep up and down Mr. Bryan's back? SBWatland.'i George Shuman. John Shuman. Treasurer Marshall John c cutler. UTAH. Charles S Tingey. Secretary M A Bredden. Atty. General Auditor J A Edwards. Treasurer James Christiansen Supt. of Public Instruction A C Nelson. 1 District Confidence in the people you deal with is an important factor in the business world. In letting us do your printing you can depend on us we keep all promises and never misrepresent. Our job printing department is one of the best in the county and you make no mistake in sending your orders to us. Peter Clegg. F W Fishburn Judge 1st Judical District Willi d W Maughan. Dist Atty F J Holton. Chairman County Com. A W Valentine. Co Com 4 yrs M B Hart. Co Com 2 yrs E H Jones. Sheriff Joseph Josephson S N Cole Treasurer Recorder Christena Madson Clerk Nephi J Valentine. Charles E Foxley Attorney N Holdaway James Surveyor Assessor Elias Jensen A E Jensen School Supt Justice of Peace Andrew Funk battleship. Breed to the Best. MOINEAU. NO. 44324. An Imported French Perehoon, weight 2150, will be at elms. Sehtnntx'i 2' miles west of Tremonton for season of 190(i, Terms of service 130,00 live foul. For further particulars apply or write to Farm, Tremonton Horse Breeders' Association, 1 Constable Cheap advertising like cheap shoes is dear at any price. Our advertisers get results, which accounts for our having the largest advertising patronage in Box Elder county. Call us up and get our rates. .'.: Tremont Times, Tremonton, Utah. ,1 iiaCKStTTlin MOp Justice Precinct Changed Hands Constable Andrew Funk Cbas ('heal C Vanausdeln T E Seerisf II Sunset R Walter 3 E Montgomery Junetion But if you want the "best'1 work done E Itudd NJNkh Plymouth on Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, goto ( has Card Promoniorv Geo House Practical Watch Maker E .1 Bassett J. W. LEWIS, Q V Parsons Terrace OUK. Oaui.a.nd, UTAtb HOI THK8 S E Baker Clear Creek muJl W F. W hi taker ark Valley D Hirschi S W Cook Grouse Creek Phil Pttkott J A Cancner das Hadfleld Riverside 8 N Cook Geo J Wells Willard Mile TO Almon Three Young Wight N (' Jeppacn ICellar Hans 1 I Miintua N U 5 IS Calls Fort W W Lasley E llunsaker Brighftm Any old thing will do OES. COMMIE RS E R US 1 1 - Located 00 the west bank of Bear River in ( orinne 40,000 Fruit Trees, and Roses. ( i e to the Nursery and select your trees and save a good sum of money and get Trees that (JR()W m. Before You Purchase Any Other Writs THE NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINE COMPANY a. ONANOC, MAS. made to sell reitard" Mny Sewing MachinesM are ' Is tiwdt tatot quality, but the rur-out never to wear. Our guaranty We make Sewing Machines to S'llt all condition, w slandsatthe ifthitrerfe. The " ht.c-of all illitli-siriti- lr tamily sewing macliinat (it muliori.,! ,Nlrt by ron I, B. AmMM su KWlNfl ' At MAC - lo per and five feet tall. Agent. tub. D. MB! f, and Up supply of the best Oil and needles alwv- nn hand, A Apple trees only, I I J Dewey C C E lioar River E R Hadley Al Holmgren Fielding Portage Rawlins Snowvillc Mauila tef COlilNNK, I have bought the Blacksmith Business of Peasnall and Drake. I will run a first class shop and do a General Blacksmith Business. My work is all guaranteed and will be promptly attended to. Horse Shoeing A Specialty.zzrz; ROBERTBUBGE, P UTAH TREMONTON, I B Marble Deweyville Oollirihton Twitehell 3 RSt'indinjr James Coil 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE L. TIME TABLE. O. S. IIPThnresen Frank Walker Dewey Wood I) Parkinson .1 W Halford John II YV at Thos Law A RR1VE V L Petersen A Bobbins (' ( has Kroksh K II Fridal No. NO 33. MALAD VALLEY BRANCH. DEPART 5 K No. 32. 31 ' 2. Here, but good healthy stork. 34. 9 1 I A. M. T. M. ? two years old None better. No 100, Place Your orders now Tremonton, I No Diseased; no Dried Up Trash n BY BRIiNKMANN, E 1 1 TT-- Charles Cheal BUM AXD ltKl.I. PIIONKS. INDKrKNDKNT long-delaye- m under a CONFIDENCE BOX ELDER COUNTY fight. Pills relieve the pain. Anti-Pai- n a box, They are sold by druggists,will25cbenefit, or n.ontr guarantee 1 that the firstin box buU. refunded. Never sold MILES MEDICAL .:0.. Elkhart Ind j Representative for President Roosevelt, greater than has been achieved by any President since Lincoln. The American people are solidly behind the President in this great over-exertio- Governor State Senator suit will not only destroy that d respect as an act of justice, but will be a triumph sere to follow any strain or weakening rain by influence upon the nerves. It may he caused inheat, intense mental effort, colds, or digestion, or any cause that depresses, excites t.ie that are sensitive So nerves. they the agitates least pressure or strain causes suffering. By soothDr. the nerves, and quieting 6g, strengthening is It SAMUEL SCHRENK Carnegie is going to give $1, 000,000 to the peace propaganda. That may be regarded in the future as a great joke on the nations that are striving to see which one can build the largest The action of President Roose- veit in instituting suit for the dissolution of the Standard Oil Co., will be heartily approved by all citizens who believe in en forcing the law against the rich and poor alike. There have been ho many defeats of justice before the'eourts in late years by."pow- erf ul influences" and unscurpu-- , lous "lawyers", that 'many peo-- ! pie have lost a great' deal of respect for judges and laws. This Nerve Pain Hi W c Wyatt STATE Write to your Congressman a id tell him that you are going TREMONTON, ti exqect him to do some heavy palling at Washington, for pos- til savings bank in the nsar mm 1 TREMONTON Ub I Scipain, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Pain, atica, Backache, Stomach ache, Ague Pains, Pains from injury, Bearing-dow- n pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. keep boosting'. can be had on terms that will Official Directory. all. I Pills n Almost instantly, and leave effects. They also relieve every other . on Anti-Pai- Cure Headache no bad Everybody loves t3 boost a; boosts'!'! Don't forget this r.nd Gazabo" do? hope Mr. 1 .7") ?1.5o Pills Anti-Pak- k pew in a N. Y. church recently sol for $3,500. The next thing will be the lilting of church pews on the N. Y. Stock To Be Sold Mow On 1.25 No one seems to be able to think of a title for Mr. Shonts that quite describes his present glory. How would "The Main "I O; D 1 35 TOWN DRi MILES' The Standard Oil is said to be prepared for the'wort. Evi-- dontly Mis Ida Tarbeli is going to writr another exposure. w n hat . you need. I S. LOHR,'TAIL MAUL mnna DCSIGNS Ac. Copvright8 end doerrlntlnn n eketrh niey Anriwe Mndlng our aecerteun oplnton fn.p ( whether an "mmunicii Invention i prohnldy VHli'iitat'lo. iiiiimirlotljrrniiKdwitliil. T HANDBOOK on 'at em 1 em ftm oldest BUPiii rofjNeltttMjwtnte, emeuia taken throuuh Munn 4 (o receive trrrtnl MNtfi WHDOen t neriie, in ino onl'-ki- Scientific American. I,met IMH II flei'tnii" towne "r tonrniotitlm.fi. ioH tiy all Tiewprtr!er, MUNN &Co.36.,B''d" New York f K ft . wMMWtWMi IX O (ifn-- e A hmnlomcl TPHf pi ntattMKM wwklr. A. M. !):." 10:10 10:22 10:27 10:31 10:37 10:52 11:20 11;32 11:35 11:42 12.01 1:00 P. M. 1:11 0:20 0:28 6:33 0:!S 6:44 p.m. 6:48 6:55 7:07 7.10 7:20 7:38 8:30 0:40 9:S0 Brigham Corinne Waukegan Evans Bonlta Central TREMONTON Garland Riverside M9 FMdtlf Malad Thf, mivod train on thi- - Rrnnoli (s dsllr rvrr-p- 4:k 8:5.5 3:A8 8:M 8:45 8:40 8:M N:23 8:21 2:55 2:52 2:45 8.15 7:52 7;15 Plymouth Waslmkie t fnndiv 4:13 B.-0-1 1: 40 148 Ml !M |