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Show A Great Bracer After a hot round on thc'liuks you will enjoy a rub-down with the genuine MURRAY a LANMAN'S (The Original, CeDtury-oKl) FLORIDA WATER rlIghtfullT refreshing. lino for stiff and ore muscles. Its delicate fragrance make you feel as clean -cvw comfortable XV 1 801,1 h7 I'dlnr 11 DruKcintN and tjJTT jT?7 I Perfumers Q f i J Samplf in&lVil for t I tent in ilouip. B.Hk!rt, "Beauty and V l V Health" ui requert. y iV-V Xanman A Kemp V'( lUo ater St. 'ow York THE HIGH QUALITY SEWING MACHINE NOT SOLD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME Write for free boci:e " Points to be considered befora purchasing a Sewing Machlna." Learn the tacts. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. ,0RANGE,MA88L FJen and Women Vomen as well aa men are made miser. ble by kidney and bladder trouble. Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is highly recommended by thousands. thou-sands. Swamp-Root standa the highest for th reason that so many people say It ha proved to be just the remedy needed In thousands of even the most distressing cases. At druggists in 50c. and $1.00 sizes. You may receive a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcel Post, also a pamphlet telling you about It. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. T., and enclose ten cents, also mention thl paper. Everybody needs it store.d for emergency in a well-developed, well-preserved, well - nourished body and brain, Grape-Nuts food stands preeminent as a builder of this kind of energy. It is made of the entire nutriment nutri-ment of whole wheat and barley, two of the richest sources of food strength. Grape-Nuts also includes the vital mineral elements of the grain, so much emphasized m these days of investigation of real food values. Crisp, ready to eat, easy to digest, wonderfully nourishing and delicious. "There's a Reason" for Grape -Nuts |