Show DEATHS WOOLSEY WooLS BT atthe at the sampson mine in bing ham canon march 19 1893 george woolsey loise Bein holtz of con sump tion BUTTLE in the sixth ward of this city march LA 1893 of heart failure alonzo hyrum buttle son of william and eeizabeth Ei elizabeth izabeth buttie he was born in salt lake city march 23 1877 SMITH march 11 1843 of catarrhal monia alk nah andrews smith deceased decease was horn born fet february auary 3rd ard 1818 in livermore oxford county maine he was faithful to the Q end BRADL ry at moroni march 17 betsy wife of G GW W bradley she was born in the town of clarence county of erie brie state ofner of new york on the ath oay of july 1811 she was the mother of fourteen children six boys and eight girls grand children areat grandesi grand ehi eight d ren great great grandchildren five MARTIN at little basin cassia cassi county idaho march 14 1893 in the seventy third year of her age ae isabelle gil i espie daughter of peter and martha gillespie and wife of moses martin deceased was born july 1820 at denny Stirling in hire shire scotland she was bap ban sized in 1842 at levan Dumbarton shire scotland landa emigrated to utah in 1850 and settled first in tooele thoele county after which she moved to little basin cassit con count nta idaho ldah oia ia the spring of 1890 she was the M other mother of eight children five sons and three daughters and had forty one grandchildren she was a faith tul ful loving an and true wife and mother very much devoted to all of her family she died as she lived a faithful latter day saint PETTIGREW at her home south eighth east street on saturday at 4 20 p in of plen pleurisy mrs caroline cope pettigrew wife of the late bishop david pettigrew and beloved mother of moroni william and annie le ie eased ceased was born in england january 29 1840 and was therefore 63 53 years of age sue was a most devoted mother having been a widow for twenty nine years her husband was widely known inthe in the early history of the church ile hg was an officer in the nauvoo legion and a private in the mormon battalion he assisted in the first work done on the salt lake temple mrs pettigrew has continued the hono honorable ra ble fame of her husband by a life of P 8 f sa sacr or flee for the good of others noble wm Q G noble son of joseph and ann hart noble born on the march lall 1511 at Ir chester Northampton shire england was waa in married ar ried to mary ann harper december 1 ath 1830 baptized february 1810 at Ir chester cheater by david candland and presided over the Ir chester branch shortly afterwards moved to yorkshire in 1848 and I 1 lived ived in diezi horton near bradford and labored in the ministry as a local hider elder in the town and villages in that vicinity in 1862 1852 he was called out as a tra traveling velling elder in the bradfo a conference laboring in and around whitby and scarborough and soon after called to preside over the manchester conference conle conje rence afterwards to preside over the warwickshire Warwick kshir shire conference after laboring in this capacity some months he be was then called to pre preside laide over the birmingham conference in the 1860 waa i position and emigrated to the states with hu hix Yani bamily fly land ing in new york settled in williamsburg after living here several months he was called to veli in a the has eastern tern si SL sites te tes 8 as a ml missionary asio nary here he labored with success until 1862 when he was released beleas d and emigrated to utah l tah with his family bringing with him a number or of saints he settled in Smil held eid in the month of october the same year where he continued to reside until tae day of his death which oo oc curbed on the day of if march 1891 he was ordained a high priest on the of may by bishop amuel samuel S Ko skelly he was the faher of eleven children two sons una and nine daughters six of the dau aters still survive him was her of seventy one grand 0 children two of worn are now I 1 liying 11 and great grandfather 4 it forty teven seven f forty arty one of whom are livius he was one of those who wat wa t highly blessed with the kii gut t of hea ing and was often call A d to officiate in that capa capacity aty helms he bats passe to the mansions or of our oar heavenly I 1 rather ather leaving a good name as a heritage to his posterity and a good re ord as ill honest faithful latter day saint herald standard and millennial star har please copy A |