Show OUR ROYAL VISITORS before lea leaving tor for england march 22 princess Kaiu kaiulani laul issued cue mure more of those ruse rose tinted addresses to ta toe the american deop e tine she or of perhaps we ought to bay ay her evident ly under understands stanus now how true it is that captures mure more insects than so duel anti and someday some day no doubt she or he or both will au aau u it to their store ol of information that americans americana as a rule are not in the entomological biase we area are a very practical race with will A proneness prone nesti to lo legality ur or at lease to legal forms forma in adjusting titles and for the lue ut ul us ua we are so lar far unable to see upun upon what the fair and pleasing girl gi babes her claim to the throne lu tile the absence ot of tile necea bary aary hereditary slender blender enough when perfect we would be un able to render a verdict in her favor even if called upon to do so 80 so tuat willie waite the dainty missives with laicu she jae haa ba favored us are received as wb what they really are expressions of cordial ity they deceive no one this reminds reminda us abat we bad antt another bel scion of hawaiian royalty lu in our bidet yesterday he travels ean by the name of david kawan akos and is accompanied by kalama diplomatic representative mr paul newman fley passed tn rough rugh on abe rio bio braude braude western ad we know they wr were h her till they haq had gone it we mu may so 0 stated E t it mr great sat is faction at the turn attains ba had 1 taken aud and doubt doubtless lebs leela leafs as ad pleased with heft work in as dos do s a young f lawyer who gets a verdict not gli him but iu in spite ot of them lt it go any otner way mr ar newman is no doubt a capable an ant experienced gentleman but the afie alq amount which this lulu trip figures aures up forr for himm himmel and his bis is 18 just so much throw to davy jones locker tur for nothing a el would have taken place had he be remained jim in bis insular home borne ditto as to lawani Kaiu no ko injustice to the andere or say any other people is on templates tem plated or will occur except through Ca indirection directiOn if upon a careful canvass kmonk the hawaiians Hawa Hawaii ilane ans it shall ahall prove to be the tact fact that a majority of them really desire annexation they can have it but if it be shown that they would rather not have it we are too modest a people to insist upon the matter however much we may be dis die poised to think it to their interest to make the islands a part of uncle sams samis sam Is domain |