Show REMARKS REMARK BY GEORGE AND BRIGHAM YOUG y at the tabernacle aole salt lake afy sy J day march aaroa 19 1893 it REPORTED BY BT ARTHUR WINTER 81 ELDER GEORGE 1 by the grace of our heavenly P pal aber in the dispensations of his hie glo aloi rious providence provi dences ej have this afternoon the inexpressible happiness of again agad bearing my test teat mony to the truth of this marvelous 19 marve louB work and wonder s in which we are engaged in these Is baat days A passage of scripture car came mae forcibly to my mind in harmony with I 1 my own feelings we know that we 1 I have pawed passed from death unto life oe I 1 cause we love the brethren abw I 1 emotions that have stirred within in lay f bosom in grasping the hands bands of b be loved brethren with whom I 1 have held 4 sweet communion in days past have filled my soul with ith thanksgiving I 1 lag and praise to our heavenly father for th privilege that I 1 have of again being 1 associated with them I 1 have lived long enough in the kingdom of our t god and his christ to be perfectly satisfied as to my own nothingness nothing nesa and r I 1 insufficiency and how depend dependent eat IL I am AD upon the grace of our heavenly father to enable me to accomplish th the mission that he hath bath appointed unter unita me in common with my beloved fellow laborer since I 1 saw you last in the battle ot life and in the vicissitudes theror j I 1 have seen and heard much to eu en my faith in the glorious gospel of at the Redee merand have been perfectly satisfied in my own mind w with regard to this wonderful erful work that Js is being performed per firmed in the madja of the people by our father taking the weak things of the earth and things are naught 3 and sending them forth to three tho the i nations tv tu gather out the israel of at god and to declare the glad tid I 1 great joy oy it is certainly a source ot of great joy to the honest in heart to ta those who desire to know the will or of j god to learn that in theae latter da me ile hath again spoken this the i heavens and restored resto reu to the earth th the holy authority to preset preach kils his gospel 1 and to administer in the ordinances et his house however strange this may away 1 seem to this present generation it to IS nu no less jess true that tile the gospel of the lord jesus christ hath bath been rest restored to the earth with the signs follow L i the believer with that precious pearla dealt of great price the gift of the rol hoy gho ghost t whose fellowship ip fills us M gratitude and praise to our heavenly 1 father we are amongst those ore are spoken of in the scriptures Scrip turea as the redeemed of the lord whom he hath gother gathered id from the north and the south from t the east and from the west and brought to where they may learn of rio hie ways and walk in his paths if there bas baa been any failure it has baa not been his hia fault he has baa given us our individuality and our freedom he permits us ua to choose which path we desire if we desire light and truth we can obtain it upon the same principles f hat have been I 1 ordained from the foundation of the i earth look unto me and be ye I 1 saved all ye ends of the earth 11 st s t ith the lord his ears are open today his power and matchless love are extended cowards towards his children today just juet so as much as at any time it if any of you lack wisdom let him ask aek of god that to all men liberally and upbraid eth DOW not is 18 as true today as when spoken by the ancient apostle the great difficulty with the present generation is their unfortunate education in spiritual things were they properly educated they would be educated to have faith lo it god that from him eileth edeth every good and perfect gift and that if we wish to enjoy life and happiness we must obtain them upon correct pies the rho promise made by the savior when he declared that my doctrine la is not mine but his that sent me was if any man mail will do his will he shall know of the doctrine these are precious w ads to tc the seeker after truth we cannot be sanctified by error it must be by truth have we been educated to believe that god is a revealer of secrets secrete that he is the same yesterday today and forever if we have then it would be natural for us to believe in god that he Is 18 a a of those that diligently dh seek him aud and we will seek him knowing that we have an existence today that that existence is of an eternal nature and that the character we mold today we will take with us when we present ourselves before the bar of oud god to answer ter for the deeds done in the body the lord jesus christ declared no man main the son but the father neither any man the father save the ibe son and he be to whomsoever the son will reveal him from these quotations a schoolboy boy might learn that the gospel of tile the lord jesus christ is the science ot of revelation and that it appeals to every one in his or her individuality if we wish to obtain the knowledge of god whom to know is ia eternal life we must accept those conditions that lead to eternal life and we must put ourselves in harmo y with those principles why because our heavenly father in ie the same yesterday today and forever I 1 would ask you who are pare to ta how can you control your children it they will not listen to yu ym what benefit to is all the intelligence and kindly counsel that you can give unto them if they despise your counsels and harden their hearts against your instructions so with the human family we must have a desire in our hearts for righteousness not merely to say bay thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven beaven ili il I but to feel no BO to desire it with all our hearts and to seek to know the will of god and then do it abraham was justified by faith how did he man mani test feet his hie faith by his works he proved to all that he believed god he did as he was told and it was counted unto him for righteousness I 1 wish to bear my testimony tea that the gospel of the lord jesus christ to is the science of revelation that it comes to me in its plain simple eternal propositions sit ions and it comes to all in the same manner it comes come to our children and to our childrens children down to the latest generation the conditions are always the same who is going to place dirce us in possession of the knowledge of gou goo can we attain to it by so blas las tic attainment fc I 1 taink not how can we obtain it il by faith do we believe that god lives that bat he is the creator of heaven and earth the sea and the foun fountains talis of waters do we believe that he to is the Father of the spirits of all flesh that he is our father that we were associated with him in the heavens before we came here that we are here in a state of probation and that we will be associated with him again in the heavens provided we accept of his hie propositions if we do would it not be natural that we should desire to know something more presuming that we believe all this do we believe ais in the atonement and in the mission of jesus christ do we believe that his same name is the only one given under heaven whereby mankind can be saved if so no then we are in a posit position ioa where we can communicate with the heavens I 1 wish to refer to a con that was made by the lord la in the revelations given to joseph smith before the organization of the church when men finding there was a seer in the land went to enquire of him what they were to do the lord stid s iid and no one can assist in this work except he be shall be humble bumble and full of love jove having and charity chanty that is ia the condition it if we want to he associated with the work ot or the father and the of the human family if we want to understand the principles ot of the doctrine of christ it is certainly necessary thit we should have faith and that we should possess the attribute of love we must have love for god it being the great commandment man dment thou love the lord thy god with all thy might with all thy mind and with all thy strength w s the n of the lord jesus christ when he was as asked which was the greatest command ment men and the next is ie triou ove thy neighbor as thyself thye elf 21 how would it be possible for a man to be associated with the work ut ot redemption unless be had bad accepted of these terms and his soul was filled ailed with the love of god and of his children then if we believe in the lord jesus christ and are willing to accept his atonement we will certainly believe vie the principles that he taught the accept the abe teachings of hommed mahammed Ma the disciples ot of confucius accept his code of morals and his bis instructions they become his disciples i because they believe in him and in the principles that be taught if we wish to become the disciples of the lord jesus jesua christ we have to believe in the principles he taught as the men and women who have partaken partaker par taken of this broad bread and water in remembrance of the body and blood of abris have presumably so accepted opted ot of the atonement they have told our heavenly father this afternoon that they partake of these emblems in remembrance of the lord jesus christ and that they are willing to take upon them his name to keep his commandments that they may have his spirit to be with them but there was something necessary before they could partake of these emblems and what was that they had bad to believe in god and in the lord jesus christ they bad to repent repeat of their sins they had to stop all their evil doing they bad to turn from their iniquity and become week meek and gentle to become the disciples of christ we have to become like him gentle he was a gentle man his disciples disciple are supposed to be gentle men and gentle women they are likened unto the sheep in the animal creation having repented of their sins and demonstrated that they hey desire to keep the commandments of god they have then the privilege of presenting them selves before somebody desiring baptism by immersion for the remis sion of their sins taut but who are they going t 7 how shall they call on him in whom they have nut not believed and bow shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how bow shah they hear without a preacher and how shall they except they be sent again no man tabeth this abi honor unto himself but he that is called of god as an was aaron these were the sentiments and expressions of the early apostles apostle they understood that to be a minister of christ it was necessary that they should be called of gud god because they have to represent him what is the formula of baptism the man having of jesus christ taking baking the repentant sinner down into the water saye say having been commissioned of jesus christ I 1 baptize you in the name dome of the father and of the soul son ana of the holy ghost then he immerses him suppose the minister wais nut not of jesus christ and that he had bad not the right to officiate what benefit would the baptism he surely stanle stands in a perilous position it if he has not au tho dhority rity for he to is acting act ing fraudulently it if he has authority then the man who Is baptized for the remission of his sins sine being buried with cahrier in baptism to la prepared for the sanctifying sanctify ing influence and power of the blood of Christ which follows the water and for the reception of the holy ghost the spirit of the father and reveals the things of god to his repentant obedient and willing children the lord jesus christ when he sent seat his disciples forth said go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth beli eveth and is baptized shall be saved but he be that beli believe believeth eveth tb not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe then he went on to enumerate the signs that were to follow the believer so that his disciples might not be de cc alvea because there are two opposite principles in existence wherever you will find darkness there is also light light and darkness sweet tind bitter priesthood aej an raft if we were in subjection to raft which is usurped authority we would be deceived the great trouble with the latter day sainto 11 it to is alleged to is that they are deluded I 1 wish all the world were deluded in the same manner I 1 wish all the world would repent of their sins sine humble bumble themselves before the lord and come to the elders of israel and say we desire righteousness to be established upon the earth let us be associated with you to in this great work of redemption let us assist you to build your temples temple sand and officiate therein it you have the holy Pries priesthood thod let us have this power that we may be one with you that the kingdom of god may be established upon the earth in power P 1 vo do you think that that would be a dread ul calamity to come upon the human buman family I 1 do not I 1 have a kindly consideration for all my brethren and sister who are in the image of god and I 1 have plead with them and for them many times tast they would accept this gospel and I 1 have pointed out in the scriptures what peter said on the day of pentecost when be lifted up his bis voice and the people were ere pricked in their he hearts arti repent and be baptized every one of you iu in the nan e of jesus carist for the remission of at slue ups and ye shall I 1 receive the gift of the holy ghost for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are star afar oft even as many a the ard our god shall cali cal why is it that we are not educated in these principles from or youth up when philllp phillip went to samaria to preach the gospel of the son of god the people believed and were baptize dand when the apostles which were at jerusalem heard that samaria bad received the word of god they unto them peter and john what for to lay jay hands upon thew them that they might receive the holy ghost these are simple principles of the gospel that you would think were easy to be u under ader stood and wherever you find a servant of god be will preach these principle it if you were to meet the A apostle peter he be would tell the repentant sinner just the same as he did upon the day of pentecost this was the doctrine of the redeemer mud and there was no need tor for disputation there would not be any reason for disputation now if men would humble themselves before the lord and obtain the witness for themselves and not rely upon their own interpretation ot 01 the and tl ti air uw ow self sufficiency it if mankind understand s bething of their own nothingness they wt we uld humble bumble themselves antho in the dust and they would ask our heavenly father to pardon their their false teach teachings lOgs and wherein they had erred and would come unto the throne of grace ann anki receive the blessi blessing Dg that the father hath bath appointed for the repentant sinner I 1 have frequently avid I 1 do not wish you to take my testimony alone yuu you have your individuality have you noi DOI do you wish to be saved in the kingdom of gou dj di you wish to be associated in the redemption ot of the human family if you do then go to the father to whom else should you go here we have so many religions that the question naturally arises arise which is right therefore go to god a and u d in faith ask him are akre these not plain and simple ies it we wish to attain to sh ah understanding of any science science is ia it not saty for or us to accept the first did not the lord jesus tell nicodemus that unless he was wan born bora of the water and of the spirit he could in oc no wise inherit the kingdom of heaven and that unless he was born again he be could not see the kingdom that is what Is ie the matter men do norgo not go the right way to obtain this knowledge Wherever you hear a servant of gad he will tell you these principles caples 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