Show ELDER BRIGHAM YOUNG I 1 have listened to the words of brother goorge george rea saale who has boken aboken this afternoon with pleasure I 1 am thankful to hear bear so strong a testimony to the truth and I 1 have felt la iu my heart as probably you have that the lord had been good to mm that he enjoyed the spirit of his js mission and the priesthood feat he be holds bolds and that he be had foght the lord in all we mission to which he had been called and ordained during the last six or seven years we have not had bad the privilege of meeting with the latter day saints in this building bul lulng nor in this city as often as 8 we would like but thank god the ugh absent we have retained the testimony of his holy spirit I 1 find that thai my brethren who have remained home are also filled with the he power and spirit of gud god it we gave have been abroad in the earth preaching the first principles of ahe gospel we are here today to speak CD the people who have received these blessings and to beseech them to grow in grace and in the knowledge know ledge of the jtb truth many of us have passed the ordeal and we have 4 obeyed bo these principles confess chaun the holdst of the since boce AO return I 1 have heard things that were now new and strange to me I 1 know that we are here for the purpose of preparing our minds minda to receive the constant outpouring of the spirit of god I 1 know that all wen men and women that have received these principles are here for the express purpose of keeping their minds pure and unspotted that god may write upon those minds the dictates dictated of his hie holy spirit but if we are not dot in a position to re ceide that outpouring where can we go iu in the broad earth tu to receive it i know of no other people who are led jed by the spirit of inspiration from god I 1 have met no other people who profess to have received by revelation and to live the gospel of the son of god prom from their own mouths shall they be judged fur for it men profess it they do not do it i like ilke the jews jewa in the days of the 8 ividor they reject the counsel of god against themselves they do not bleve in the revelation that should come to every man to make him that ct being which he must be to be caught calab t up to co meet christ when he shall appear unto his own strange that the things of this world should have such hold upon us woo who dwell in these where we have gatti gathered erea expressly tu to serve our I 1 there is not une one moment to be est 1st by the latter day BA saints baines ints rho rhe saving influences ot of the spirit of GA must tie lie in the creature or he will not be prepared for his provi dences which will come upon the earth it I 1 am living my religion according to the tes ites ot of the spirit of god and my mind is id open to receive of that inspiration that comes from him I 1 will never be taken uta unawares ivaree I 1 will never be permitted to step my foot upon grou ground ad that in unsafe or to stand upon a platform that is 18 not dot ao AD of my father but the mo ment that I 1 give way to we tue things that men seek for their own aggrandize ment tor for their chbeir wealth for their honor hunora tor for their own individual I 1 theu then am trespassing tres passing upon the ground which god has baa warned we me to retrain irom from the latter day saints are here for the express purpose or of growing in grace and in the knowledge of the truth and I 1 have yet to learn that there is any other road to the favor ot of almighty god than by serving him us as individuals as families as cow Muni ties so ae a people we know how bow to borve him butia but if a man indulges himself in the things that the world loves lovea his bis knowledge in in vain can I 1 take these things into my family and say that god will justify me I 1 cannot it I 1 sit down to a table with my family and indulge it in what I 1 have board beard denominated as ae a game of 0 progressive euchre or high five or something omet bing of that kind if I 1 am seeking after the things that are so igo fashionable in the borit if id I 1 allow myself to have my mind 2 directed to the adorning of my person beyond that of my brethren and nl stere it if I 1 am beautifying my houses and my farms with the idea or of excelling my b ethren if I 1 do all these things am I 1 encouraging the spirit ot of god within me I 1 wink thick not the mind of every latter day saint Is 18 like a boo book without a letter printed or stamped upon its pages it way may have a frontispiece but it his has to be stamped upa d day after day ay Y alte ai toray rj with the knowledge power anu wisdom of god if that book be filled with the record of righteous acts ao gol 1 will justify WAs people in the end and no power 01 0 1 earth nor beneath the earth will them or prevent them from progressing in the knowledge of god unto eternal life tn in HIA hi kingdom but if that book be filled with the frivolities of the world as true as god lives this people will gop go under like the world when they are destroyed I 1 anere is no help bell for them I 1 kaw w these laings as I 1 know that I 1 stand before this on o n I 1 know them as I 1 know god lives by the revelations of jesus christ I 1 know too that the he power and unity of the holy priesthood which god has given us will bear us off conquerors under all circumstances in the world and out of we world and outside of that there is no salvation for man woman or child I 1 have learned this by the spirit spine of revelation which god has given me when I 1 sought him earnest ly early and late laie to kaow kits his mind and will concerning myself und and amily and my brethren bret brea I 1 desire that my book shall be filled with a writing that will make me approved of god bod I 1 eliminate from nay my beart and irom from my boody from my mind and from my ill all that thai 13 1 3 impure and unholy in tue algat ot of god I 1 would be a unit with loee loe e men and amun who are ire living according to the ligat that gid has given them in this union there is safety safely in this holy communion which we have received in the power that we get irom partaking ingot or this sacrament ameni in of his body aud and blod there is strength to me that no power that is abroad in the earth CAU can take from me but I 1 I 1 must do it worthily I 1 know and testify before you today that the whole world la is arrayed us the powers of darkness are at rayed against us and weir their power Is 18 increasing lu iu the laud land and it it be pos possible I 1 tell you that the very elect will be deo deceiver elvei they will appear before you aud and their rod upon tile the ground and they will become serpents also but as true as god lives livee the men and women that acknowledge jesus christana christ Chri stand and him crucified aud sud live according to the principles of the everi everlasting aming gospel will be safe when all around the 1 la is destruction turmoil war confusion and a breaking down of all we the systems By atema plans and schemes of the world of mankind the church of christ is in established establish eti we have got gat the kingdom of gud god to bo estat ilish and we will establish it for christ will come and reign I 1 desire my brethren and sisters to live in accordance with the principles which have been shuken of here this mis after noon and to matte make god their friend for he in ig the only one that ORD can pro serve us during the troubles wat that are approaching and nigh unto our door doom that our father and god through the grace of jesus christ and the mercy and grace that he ives us 08 may save as from fro m this untoward gewe gette era ratio tiou D and fill our hearts with HU holy spirit and be wito with our fa ramil milles tw and bring u us to a unity that we oanna be separated by the powers of are OUT destructs destruction 0 1 my prayer in this the dame of jemmi amen |