Show CAMPFIRE SKETCHES GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR FORTHE THE VETERANS something about war fudem cities a the I Is ehat tho ant and the school anco for adul supremacy alie the Ivi Inn cral or 0 napoleon OLD anil brilliant 61 T A if if it streams stream 1 I 1 11 c 1 iv sunlight on tile tho win ry banks A 1 ot of seine 1114 j gloriously tile in ini 11 p 0 ra a 1 0 city 1 I 1 y 6 rears ber pride ot of lotar oner und and aft a ne lie sole solemnly finly mith etli deep oice pealed pea lelh I 1 notre dame liams thine ancient tile death hell bell ancer in the same deep measured time on tile the unwonted stillness silliness gathers sounds of nn an advancing hobt hoat As the tempest clia cleateth teth on st helens fai orr oft coast nearer rolls a mighty pageant clearer alselle ells the funeral eliann from tile the hairier bairle arh arch of 0 pours the giant burial train dark with eagles lq 1 tile sunn sunlight glit darkly on tile the golden all air flap the folds of 0 faded stand standards aids eloquently mou mourning ining there oer the pomp of glittering thousands like a battle phantom nis Tatt erd nag of jena friedland arcola and austerlitz eagle brownd and garland carland circled slowly moes tile the st atel car alad EL a sea era of plu plumes illes and bor horsemen eman all ajl the burial pomp of 0 war a war worn charger follows his dead ma mastel aters s bler bier long since battle trumpet roused him he but lived to follow licie from alq grave mill oceans dirges moaning murge arid and sparkling foam lo 10 the imperial dead return eth lo io the hero dust comes home borne ire he hath left the atlantic Atlant lu island lonely vale val and willow tree arc e neath the In to blumber mid the callic chivalry glorious Glor loua tomb oer glorious Klor lous sleep cis gallant galant bellou fellowship ship to bare paladin in anil and peer and marshal francs france thy noblest dust is there names that light thy battle annals names that shook tile the heart of earth stars in crimson wars horizon synonyms rl ma for martial worth room within that shrine of heroes place palt spectres spec tres 0 of the past homr homage ge yield ye battle phantom phan tomal st lo 10 mightiest comes at last was him course the woe out frow from prophetic trumpets lips was ills tp cipo t tha lie ghostly horseman s stia bac s dow dowd d in tho apocalypse oray aray haldred soldiers rather gather roun round I him relics of 0 an age of war followers poll 0 of the victor eagle when his was wag wild an and 1 far wen men who who panted in the death strife on Roil rigos bloody lidge idse hearts that sick sickened sic kend crid at tile death from the russian Ilus s shattered erd bridge sien men abo heard bieard the immortal war nar cry of 0 tha wild L egyptian por porta tv centuries overlook oer look us from yon PY pyramids gray bray height they who heard the moans of jaffa and the breacia ot of acre knew they w alo to blushed lu ailed their foaming war stems on tile the squares of 0 waterloo they N io bo loved hlin him timthey they N lio ho feard him they ther ft ho in ills his dirk dark hour fled round the he mighty burial gather spall spellbound by tile the awful I 1 dead churchmen princes PrInce 5 statesmen warriors all ali a kingdoms chief array and the fox stands crowned mourner by the eagles hero clay dut the lust it high rite Is paid him and tile tho last deep knell is 13 rung and the cannons iron voices vo ces have their thunder requiem sung and mid banners idly broo droo drooping ping silent blohm and state shall th tha of the world upon the judgment trumpet wait ait yet his ancient foes had given him nobler monumental i pile ile where the everlasting dirges boand ai Olind the burial isle r pyramid by ocean in ills loneliest wilds afar for the war king thunder stricken aiom lom his nery fiery battle car |