Show glant giant pterosaur an expedition has been formed and equipped by the american museum of 0 natural history of new york city to dig tor for the fossils of extinct flying monsters during the coming summer the party will have its base of operations in the western part of kansas where fossils of these flying reptiles have hae been found and it is hoped that fi the future searchers will bring to light some new neve types of tile the prehistoric monsters these flying reptiles ilca have been called pterosaurs by scientists sometimes they are also termed or wing lingered fingered creatures there is only one reptile which has tho the power of sustaining itself in the air it is the draco vol its or the hying flying lizard it can scarcely be regarded as aa a flying aulman aul al A broad expansion of 0 skin shin supported by its hinder pair of ribs performs the office of a parachute enabling the creature to spring from tree to tree by means of ar tended leaps but these pterosaurs for which the museum rause ura hunters will search could fly i long distances some were not larger than a sparrow s others equal in size to tho the woodcock while there ther were wera still others which had a spread ot of wing ot of twenty five feet they could perch on trees hang bans against perpendicular surfaces such as the edge of a cliff stand firmly on the ground and probably crawl oa all fours ours with wings folded the pterosaur lid did not have wings like those ot of a bird but a thin membrane such as a bat has though lt it was supported differently ferent ly these pterosaurs had immense heads in proportion to 0 the body some soma were provided with boeth so that they could swoop down upon the surface of tho the water and batea cat cia fish their habits aro are thought to have been nocturnal the pterosaurs had powerful chesti muscles so that they could give raple movement to their wings during night flight the creatures had ion long tails in somo some instances the tails supported a small ira arat mike like membrane used as a rudder la in flight such a pterosaur is now on exi ex i hibi tion at the yale university mu seum |