Show the cities of 0 cealon it may be still counted among things not generally known that in ili the luxuriant forests of ceylon the ruins of 0 cities are concealed not inferior in boldness of conception and richness of design to any in the world they lie in the northern halt half ot of the island almost burled among vegetation and in some cases still difficult of 0 access they have been smitten in bygone ages by the fury of conquerors they have suffered yet more severely from the hand of time trees have taken root on walls walla and roots roofs and have wrenched them asunder the rank forest vegetation has burled ornamental carvings and sculptured figures yet what remains Is wonderful and what would reward excavation may be easily inferred the ruins belong to very varied dates some going back to well before the christian era others to three or tour four centuries after it while one very beautiful and extensive group belongs mainly it not wholly to a comparatively ively late period in singhalese prosperity the middle of the twelfth century their connection with buddhism Is very close the most conspicuous remains at the present times being commonly temples monasteries and daghbas huge domelike dome like structures which in magnitude are not unworthy rivals of the pyramids of egypt one of the most remarkable of the groups or ruins Is the mountain city A rocky mass arises abruptly from the plain to a height of 1000 feet the slopes are now covered with dense forest from the base almost to the top except on the space a gigantic stairway of granite slabs leads up tip to the summit this might well be taken tor for a part of the natural hill I 1 in reality it is a huge ruined edifice the remnant ot of a la in the construction of which millions 0 of bricks have been employed near it are other dag dae abas ot of great size and besides these rock cut chambers and many other remains of 0 the ancient monastery the city Is associated with sacred memories in the history of ceylon hero here it was that the nation in the third century before christ adopted buddhism go tama himself is said sala to have visited the island the inhabitants of which were mere then snake worshippers wor shippers and to have converted tile the king on a second visit he left his footprint foot print on the rock as ile he rose into the air from the summit fill it of adams peak but this sign is appropriated as Is well known by the followers of different creeds to diverse personages personage S the edans attribute it to adam the portuguese christians were divided in opinion as to whether it had been lett left by st thomas or by the eunuch of candace queen of ethiopians indeed some critics go so far as to doubt whether buddha ever visited ceylon at all whatever may be the origin of the footprint |