Show rose hone infects As tor for insects that Is a difficulty that all rose growers are obliged to contend with but so also with nearly all other plants the aphis can be destroyed with a solution ot of whale oil soap in water one pound to eight gallons allons aliens of water and this should be applied with a garden syringe so as to throw it on with force by so doing the liquid will reach all parts of the foliage drenching tho the insects and driving many of 0 them to the ground where they will perish by following up the use ot of the soapy water the aph aphides loles tan be kept down the slugs or magots ia gots that bore into the buds are more difficult to manage it will be found that they have webs weba on the leaves drawing the leaf together or folding it and conceal themselves inside the plants should be carefully looked over and overy every folded leal leaf squeezed between thumb and finger A little watchfulness some patience a and lu considerable perseverance will enable one to keep this insect in check in the manner now mentioned with kerosene emulsion and whale oil soap and tobacco tob acco water and when necessary the two last named mixed together one ought to be able to conquer the insect infect enemies of tho the rose vicks magazine for june |