Show the grass of 0 the th bield what a difference what a vast difference there is in the yield of many mamy cows when they are first turned out to pasture writes a correspondent ol of national stockman the milk palls pails fill up wonderfully and the price 01 ol butter goes down accordingly as the th surplus Is put upon the market wt we ha haie hae e become became so used to seeing this phenomenon that we rive give it no more thought than the coming of the mosquitoes qui toes and take it as a matter ol of course at least many of us its do and but a few lively dairymen who profil hy by the example that is so regularly thrust before them learn a P lessia from it all that makes this dif ferenci is enough of the right kind of feed the cows not only have enough feed but it lias has the proper proportion ol of protein la in it and it also has succulence that is all there is to it except the warm weather cather which does no nol c compel ampel them to use a part of their teed feed to keep warm and all of these thins we may supply lit iu the winter it wo we will cow peas or clover tor for the protein roots or silage for the succulence mid and a warm stall to keep heep out the coli anil and our cows will hardly know the seasons without looking in the almanac A 4 vast number of cow owners owner will nol take the hint lint but go on fe feci elling ling corn stalks in ili a cold yard but a few wll wil prepare now by sowing some leguminous crop to get the nitrogen and bj raising roots or building a silo to sup ply the succulence anil and so have butt 31 to sell bell when it is comparatively high in price what are you going to d do about it |