Show i 17 16 r 11 NI if ri 2 R J A DR G W SHORES FAMILY REMEDIES dr GW G 17 shores complete catarrh on built bolh local and anit mat positively cures catar catarrh rii asthma brunch tl ti hay fever or adv an ot of the br lechal tubes luhcs or tunes rull roii size biz sio 0 trial size ur U W V li orrs ionic nna nu blood purifier cl cleanses clr anses and purifies lite ilic b boud cud gives strength und and arf curs cur s la and all 11 nervous arvous Jb price li 1 per pe r botito b 0 I 1 I 1 I 1 e or U G W V shoria Sl iori kidney nail liver cure cures all alse diseases es of lite Rl ki diLys datys liver liec r and bladley price 1 t tr ier r bollap dr a W Shores cough cure cures all couche colds an and a brn bronchial chiat one ne dose will slop 00 mcnut a boelle in the house large lairee bullies ac dr r G W V shores Mounia ln sag oil 01 stops slops tile ilic worst pain in one minute int nute toothache neuralgia cramps or colic use it externally and in tern aliv prevents and cures diphtheria it if used in lime me kerr kerp abott 1 boelle handy lehandy price pric a tuttle or 0 V shores pepsin deb destroys troys intestinal Inies kni 1 swint worms aej removes rei oves tile the little round nest li ere they hatch batch ind and breed it never tails price 25 C I 1 awe ott or dr G W shores saive cures all das dasa 6 of lite kin ted reil spols and pimples from the face H heats cals oil sores son in 3 to lo 5 alys price ii box dr a 0 W shores anu anti constipation cure chronic constipation sick and bi 5 snacks price bottle ll 11 bour ur case Is complicates complicated write dr G GW WS shores hores salz lik e utah tor for his new list billit get expert exper t advice free thase r dlee prepared alej arid and by or dir C G ale W bior pg co sa salt lake city utah sate asle rid nd r by all 11 II oril and fie de I 1 la a dione or sent seni direct on of price lr dr cadys cades condition ponder are just 3 what a horse needs when in bad condition tonic blood pura purifier r and I 1 they ire are riot cot food but t medicine and the best in use to put a horse horsa in prime pi imo condition price 25 23 cents per package fur sall sale by fill all dealers SALT LIKE LAKE SE hii TRIBUNE on oil june alio ali silt salt lake tribune Tri bure will ivill reduce rc thice the price of the deml cvek wi ek ly iv to per y ar the present high be maintained an ami levery every effort will lie ike made to keep tile the semiweekly in tle the front rank union pacific time table trains arrive and depart from evanston as follows GOING nasr arri arrie e depart so no 2 11 iboa 10 a n ni I 1 1115 11 15 a m no 4 1125 11 25 p fill 1130 11 30 p m GOING WUST WEST arrive depart no 1 1110 11 10 a m 11 1115 15 a am M no 3 11 c CO 0 i 1 m 1135 11 35 5 p ill J K GRAFF agent oregon short lino line time table trains acrive at and depart from montpelier Mont polier as follows goloff going west 1118 1218 a in ill going coln 9 east a m P 11 II ANize agent DESERT LAND LAD FINAL PROOF notice for publication no united states land office salt halt lake city utah juno inno 23 NOTICE is hereby given that LOUIS V k GRAY of randolph butali utah lins has hed filed notice of intention U to inake proof on hor her desort desert land claim no 3 ia fur for the S iv 1 N 13 1 ts see sec au tp 11 N EIS EE 1 before tho the county clerk of rich county utah at randolph utah on il monday londay ilia 2nd and day 0 ibi site alio names uio tile ollo winK witnesses to prove the corn complete pleto irrigation and reclamation of 0 said land olavus Jac jacobian Jacob obion wn david E Fac fackrell kroll john R south and mckinnoe McKin DICKin nou nott all 0 of randolph utah bittof groo register Ke gister first publication june ISM it I 1 caveats and trademarks trade marks obtained and alipat all pat ent business conducted for MODERATE fers FEES i OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U US and ua c can secure patent p acut IQ ia icso time it those I 1 remote from roin washinton toa i send madal draw drav ing or photo pl ioto with description we live advise if or not free of charge our feenst fee not dus duo till patent 1 Is secured cc d 11 how obtain 0 patents Pat with A PA PAM M PH LET to lain crits cost ot oi same lit in tile U S and an d tessa countries sent free address 00 0 OPP PATENT OFFICE WAI washington D C ji ai vivi ALL TIM THE MAGAZINES IN ONE 19 M VVs VIN TH j E fai R ia u if V E A 7 TT U iq A V T 0 f R U fa pit r ii v i waye 11 rn jv y icv aks V tes i vl U l t edited by ALIBERT ALBERT SHAW fc sf Vs i REVIEW of arli Br li abb I 1 ta i T 7 TS REVIEWS S as djs FIVE era vall MONTHS sp 0 r w name naine lin implies plies gives in ill afi tfx FOR ass W rei readable dable form the lie best HS ai that appears in the other soo asre p great magazines magazine sall all over vl ff t ae al the woi wald id masuy genei ally on oil the tl ie sams date that they ass el asi pit j are published villi the recent ea ax a sr I 1 increase of worthy periodicals peri ils these careful vhf all hassi it SS 1 reviews summaries sum miries and V in sj S j SS I 1 14 l 4 quotations giving the ANNUAL 14 art ar n zad g of periodical litora A ev 1 l alone worth 1 tel 1 ats 1 the subscription pi ice I 1 4 aside fr from om these departments the hie editorial avi sra cak an and d contributed features of the OF VIES are themselves Q A vi equal in extent to a magazine the editors progress gress of the woi ld id is US arlt 40 1 an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of ilia alie thirty days just list past 1 1011 s wl with aith pictures on every rage page of tile men and UW W women who have alde the history of tile the month THREE Q ir awl n ia 4 a N the literary world says 11 we leaie ai e deeply RECENT ILES SAMPLES si c impressed from to month with the value i s N of the REVIEW OF REVIEWS I 1 which is a sort 25 2 cents aei 14 of eiffel tower lor for the survey of tile whole j 1 vat il dr field of periodical literature and yet it lias his a nind mind and voice of it its ak SS vt own I 1 and speaks out with decision an I 1 sense on oil i all public topics of 0 is w yi d n the hour it is a singular combination of the monthly in magazine agazine and anc az IQ aay arpi V vi 4 4 A A tile the daily newspaper it is daly daily in its freshness 11 v it is monthly in its ni method ethod it is the codd agents find it UP u vi aln under a field glass tile the alost v U ia vi Q 11 sold nail neus stands single copy 35 cents pl profitable Y afi 4 1 P 1 REVIEW REVIEWS fl nag agazine azine 1 kiy I all 13 astor place new york I 1 V tah 31 4 if SS m T ya 9 9 perfect III aga INED THE 01 till AUL grandest discovery in the annals of medicine guaranteed to cure more diseases than any other medicine treatment or fir system known to the medical profession fes sion ll 11 no MAN AN made relo remedy cily but natures true panacea vatura is an antiseptic germicide it positively destroys all microbes mic robes and germs of every kind name and nature it is healin healing and soothing to the mucious membrane it will permanently manent ly cure the majority of cases of bronchitis catarrh Dispel isia all stomach Sto macli troubles all diseases of the bladder bowels kidneys liver constipation sti piles old sores rectal diseases disease Is ulcers I 1 Ex eczema zerna scrofula blood poison rheumatism ne neuralgia ura I 1 g I 1 a diseased disca wd dis 11 charges diseases disease peculiar to women nervous and physical weakness etc NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AILMENT anie or where you live write us a full history of your trouble and our consulting physician will advise you what to do in order to regain bour our health consultation is FREE ind and sacredly confidential terms very low for proofs proof enclose 2 cent stamp local agents wanted anted everywhere xo no cam canvassing we advertise advertis 0 y you u I 1 in n our home paper address Addres sivi with t stamp 1 I mp till run matilita VA TiLitA COMPANY 11 4 0 bov so 25 chicago in III we successor of the 11 unabridged the one great standard authority so ro I 1 ton 1 J I 1 ri nver JIL U to bulline curt court of alto IT S printing billee tho the IT 11 6 sur murroll roll I 1 court all tito alio MHO ml j and ot neary froine ly all alie warmly War linly by suilo su q or Sc bool bollt Col olego Lt inna rf r f r without it hout j giniva invaluable i in uio the and t to tho laai ller tr ir yr itro i I 1 and slit educator THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE it Is easy caay to find the nord erdl wanted it Is easy to ascertain tho pronunciation it iq easy to trace tile growth of a word it Is easy to learn what a vord means 1 detroit free snag I 1 lie una ini 1 ael 1 im LN it the P tandi j lioe law fw til u iho he 5 bulkly 1 li in our old fric iii anil angi biana by d k aud atil e X to 10 lnig I 1 allio 01 our grow gron in K g itoku IRO g 0 wid ahe 1 I he it laiq been anade lit i c ilett i lip pel natine allt of tho d lythi ly nent allo 1 null lirt ul the altu 1 gilt tia that now encircles tho glob eov nov 11 arz tho iso i blines miaad says at nii lit bonan in it rilent torm form collve oil en lo 10 our cifu in iliene n rh eav u nn anil from 11 r hiir la no 1 n 1 f vt n citino n t imort and scholar oppem 1 a Oil Dec GET TUB V 5 specimen pages teal sent on appU calion i n to G c c ay I 1 anra m c co 0 arv b herg Jf afas aS US ITS l 3 0 not I reprint eions o ar L 1141 rj BIT AM 0 TO THE FRONT fmc NT OGAIN WE do not believe in leaders and consider it right ali ahn lt t every article should sell itself we guarantee that a childs dinie dime will get as many oui ounces ices and dollar pounds as thong though 1 I 1 pa or oi ma was there AND we ive further say that we ive will sell as much or more for the dollar than any other house honse in town eggs egg and grain taken in exchange W WE 1 ire are going to have special sales every week until further notice as follows monday five per cent oft off on the dollar in trade for dry goods wednesday boots and shoes friday hats caps and notions we carry as lago lage la go ge an assortment as any house in town and will give the highest C price for produce RAT MM NIES 5 cool cook bros e ros dealers in auvel R aral nit L 1 r aa d I 1 boots blobs shoes hats hardware groceries etc we invite you to call and examine our stock i CARDEN CITY and WOODRUFF buy your goods of ln ma kv e T ow n I 1 1 01 L 0 0 RUSTLE MC of everything necessary to the Far farmers comfort tit it lowest living prices for the ever welcome ionie SPOT CASH highest market price always paid for FARM pon 0 INJO E jos irwin manager er ws ma IKE SMITH 0 Is still in the field with a choice stock of groceries rocelies A ro ceries crockery boots shoes etc randolph utah k I 1 1 nil N i general dealers in ba ry it ii wm 4 f our line of boots and shoes cannot be beat we respectfully invite examination of stock believing all can be satisfied that it is for their interest to purchase here bere jos robinson managed Mana gei aek y TOM TAH lah ton aa U tahil ulu M HODGES proprietor manufacturers of high patent m A 1 V high patent F A na 0 Y golden colden sheaf A ai W uinta shoaf strai straight vit patent TT graham family pride F L ja 0 cju U R A sib germade made and mill feeds of all kinds FARMERS THE S UINTAH euintah HOTEL dont bo foolish and buy cheap twine when evanston you can ato t 41 WM buy the best call C ail at 4 N 1 A when it in evanston IM PLYMOUTH ni ammi ru t the le uintah best house ou 1 ww q 1 IP a it I 1 IS REST in town 5 U 1 I 1 even N I 1 S tin mrs C prop strong hill illuv balls do not fall J L ATKINS A I 1 amlo ON down and tangle in manufacturer und and dealer at jr cheapest because it fart farthest best build goes goci B U S F furnishing U rn i 5 n and the sheaf of wheat ia balls ajl 00 lumber sid siding bof T c on everil every ball laii 12 ban balls 1 la a bate bale flooring latho lath shill shang FOR SALE BY and Moul dings TON IVY on office bont OIL |