Show OBITUARY NOTES HANNAH HARRISON hannah harrison daughter of joseph ellis and hannah blokel was born at warrington lancashire england july 18 1817 and died at springville Spring ville utah county utah september 15 1896 she loar married ried william harrison july 24 1836 1886 was wait baptized into the church of jesus jeans christ of latter day saints saint on the of february 1842 while the ceremony was being performed her shoes were frozen fast at the waters edge she ehe walking home in her stockings stocking she emigrated to america in 1856 crossing the plains plaids in the renowned hand handcart oart company at times when vv hen dea deah h teemed seemed nearest face to tace she would get out her heir ble blowing gning and read and claim the promises that she should go to the valleys of the mountains and officiate in the temple of god for her dead relatives 10 at such times after reading she felt her burdens lighter and her prospects prospect brighter on arriving in utah the family came direct to Spring springville ville where her husband died november 12 1881 and where her son george and daughter olivia westwood are still living during sister harriso Harri nuba long C g illness and retirement from public 1 i T service those these two children have smoothed smoot bod the downward grade of life not thesalone they alone either for the sisters of the relief society did all that thai ali slaters stere could to one of their own for she bad been one of them twenty six years i indeed she has been more mord then than one of them I 1 nosy may say a mother to them the grea greatest leat eulogy 1 I can write for her Is in that her whole life is in a single act of devotion in england her house was a home for the elders she died at the residence of her daughter reiterating her testimony to the truth of the gospel while her faculties remained MERLIN MEKI TN EDITH HODGES LAKE TOWN sept A sad circumstance cum stance befeld us in this locality a few days ago by which our young friend an and brother william N hodges was waa bereft of a loving wife and with two motherless infants on Satur saturday dAv the 2nd and ultimo at 10 a s m sister merlin edith hodges gave birth birch to her a abound sop op subsequently she became a greats great sufferer u feerer blood poisoning having set in and notwithstanding that all the faith and kill okill available was exercised in her behalf she expired on august 25 1896 1899 aall at 1140 40 p m her death occurred at the little val my icv south of garden city I 1 known ll locally cally as an hodges kell bell where her husband had recently er ere oed eced and thoy th had entered upon a comfortable hames rendered desolate by her remains were ply casket ceet and brought to bof af her bei father james kearl wn n where many friends tabernacle that had but so 14 la her choice spirit from en tha pro procession c arsion moved to the meeting house hooee which our young ladled had tastefully and lovingly decorated ther the services conducted by bebop irs ira consisted led by chorister G Q G weston when first arst the glorious light of truth prayer by bishop ira bl bi nging sitter thou west wast milland mil mild dand and lovely remarks remark setting forth the character and integrity of the deceased and the assurances and hope vouchsafed regarding those who die in the lord by the gospel were made by elders eldera wm gordon of joseph irwin and bishop ot of laketown Lake town then the choir crea tion speaks with awful voice vand and elder joshua eldredge eld redge pronounced the ben benediction the which was waa perhaps the largest ever under the meeting house rook roo then filed past the coffin taking the last loving look at the face of her whom we e all hope to meet on the resurrection morri moril from thence the tourney to the city of the dead upon the be hill was made and the people joined in singing the grand old bald hymn 0 O my father and patriarch hugh findlay dedicated the grave and its christian con auto sister edith was the augster of brother aad imler james and merlin eastham baal ham was among the flut white while persona born in lake town august 1870 and died on oin august 1896 thus being 26 years and I 1 day old she leaves a hosi bom of relatives ives and friends and a husband and two infant sons aged respectively 21 months and 8 day dayag sto to mourn her loss way may he who tempers temper the wind to the shorn lamb comfort those who mourn and protect and spare by his kind providence those dear little motherless babes JOSEPH IRWIN IB WIN PAUL WILSO wellington paul wilson Wil sovi who died at Hilla daie near panguitch etab way may 30 1896 was the son con of deliverance and lavina fairchild wilson and a descendant soen dant ant of robert wilson who biedin died in london in 1641 1644 the line of descent being as follows fol lowB deliverance deliverance joseph jeremiah benjamin who immigrated from england and lived in charleston mass in 1665 a son of robert above mentioned the subject of this sketch was born at burlington vermont feb 1 1814 early in the thirties he be joined the mormon church as did his father and brother george the latter of whom served in the mormon battalion he married elizabeth broadman smith a descendant or 01 the smiths smitha of marlborough and Bro admans of cambridge mass the ceremony was performed by elder eider brigham young at al kirtland in 1836 from this union sprang six sons song and four daughters daug biers of whom four sons survive him he subsequently married rebecca mcbride by whom he raised a numerous family he sealed in illinois and was in nauvoo in 1846 1946 and came to utah in 1864 since which time he resided sue quo ces at st thomas nevada in grantsville Grants ville utah and lastly at the place of his death in 1869 70 he performed a mission to now new england some remarkable cases of healing were performed under his hands he died in full laii jai h of the gospel possessed of a fair education for his time he be spent considerable of his lile life in leaching school he occasionally indulged the muse in poetic compositions corn positions bu but t was too modest to give any of th them dm to the printer the following soliloquy written on his bis eightieth birthday will serve to show the spirit of the man is 18 MY HOME whence came I 1 here to so arrive As on my natal lay day birth here in life so scarce alive wo vo one believed I 1 could survive but soon must pass sway liway yet I 1 was here to stay tenacious too of life so 0 o strong to bear the wight weight of years vears that in the world ive lived so long through good and evil right and wrong where death so oft appears and life is lull full of fears lived I 1 in spirit long asto aeo where angels spirit are before I 1 came to earth balow below could I 1 return and would I 1 ii now know to claim my mansion there and in the glory share im looking through the starry dome of heaven so far away in that expense expanse where is my home since leaving there on earth to roam Is eighty years today I 1 and here as yet I 1 stay in this proba probation school to learn while braying braving every ill my I 1 lifes true mission to discern then leave my body and return to higher glory still and higher calling cading still till that great trumpet long and loud 1 he righteous dead shall hear A voice to bresat deaths gloomy cloud and bid them rise a shining crowd and on the earth appear I 1 will then my home do be here I 1 come to where my body lies when that great trump shall shall blow and see my oust dust my ashes rise in rea benl I 1 life before my eyes the life is mine I 1 t know my body even so no POLK POLE CANYON RANCH garfield coun y sep 28 1896 wellington paul wilson was born in burlington vermont february 1 1614 he was reared in the nurture and of the lord and edu educated dated in toe the beat common schools in the days of his youth he never let a profane word pass his lips nor the ini press them to excess he taught school at the he age of eighteen years and spent forty years of his life in the school room as teacher whan not engaged in school he worked at the oart car centera pen tera bench as carpenter escarpenter and joiner and cabinet and wagon maker his father deliver ance wilson was born in petersham mass july 2 1769 and in he spring of 1886 1836 at the age aga of 67 he with his wite lovina fairchild and three of his children joined the church being in kirtland ohio W P being one OIL of the number and t carted to zion in missouri the following spring 1837 sopping irr in illinois for the winter he deliverance died there the following season W P wilson married miss milos elizabeth Board boardman maii smith at tb the age of 22 hearp hjad about the time of his leaving aara kirtland inland ohio by raised 6 5 sons and 4 daughters all of whom now living are a credit to him he lived in fu nauvoo and assisted in defending the saints and their highs until they were wera driven out odthe of the state by mob violence at wh oh ch time be crossed the mississippi river in a flat boat to the wilderness of iowa where he be sojourned sojourn ed building several log cabins and working io in small email farms and gardens when not engaged at the he bench or in school being assisted by his family he tried several times to emigrate to utah but tailed to bring oar coir cum stances to his aid until the spring df or 1864 at which time he stared to utah with his bis family in a very humble way arriving in salt lake city in captain warrens team a low lew days before the october conference he taught school in various settlements in utah and performed missionary labors in life the last mission being in the state ot of vermont his native mutate at af er hav ing passed through many trials tribulations tribulation adversities and privations in life until age and declining years brought him to his grave and ud after being helpless lor for several mouths months he passed aw away to the spirit world on the he of my may 1896 at about 9 in the evening and was laid to rest on the of may 1896 sit at the age ot of 82 years at hillsdale Hil ladale garfield utah the daveral services ware held at the school house at 2 p m with a goodly number of saints and relatives of the dei de I ceased in attendance the opeal peak kerta erx on the occasion were bishop allen alien miller and elders eiders ma mahonri honri steel david cameron and J F chidester all of pan gultch utah after which a procession was formed at 4 p m and repaired to the graveyard where the remains of the deceased were laid to await the moi coining ning of resurrection day to come forth and receive the reward of als labors SIDNEY S WILSON |