Show I 1 have noted in my short lort time bow the lord la IS ble the efforts of the I 1 belderes fl idere and the prejudice being removed wherever we can become known knowd I 1 must say ay the people to in this section are very hospitable W wherever I 1 have been as ae a rule I 1 have had bad the beet bed and the beet beat in the house to ost eat and have not had bad a reused enter 1 talu ment when entirely witt wit out oui money at first I 1 preferred a little money with me but bui at the abe last would not carry it it I 1 had it the lord will provide I 1 cannot cloes without a to those thoe at home who have friends abroad and have sent anti and are able to pend end bo boika ke which they ought to do I 1 have seen in my may travels the book of doctrine and covenants Cove nanta and key tc IL theology given to friends who are not to in the church those booke in my judgment ari are not the bast to give at first under the circumstances I 1 would recommend the book of mormon orion works voice ot of warning hymn book church kiis history lory the be pictorial reflex of salt bait lake city to Is highly appreciated in this part arlenda FrIen deat at home books to your unconverted relatives relative i and much good can be done Much berm barm has baa been done by sati anti mormon books much can be done by the placing of truthful books in the bands of the people J D mantosh |