Show MB AIR DEPEW DID NOT SLY SAI SO 80 the rho following statement has baa appeared lu in nearly all the newspapers of the country as having been made by chauncey M depow depew there are fifty men in new york who can in twenty four hours stop atop every wheel on all railroads close every door of all our manufactories manu factories look lock every switch of all lines and shu aha down every coal sod and ivan ion mine in the united spates Sates they aa do so they control the money which this country produces now mr depew domes cornea and say he be never gave utterance to such euch an assion lion and does not dot believe it that there are railways coal boal min mines and factories that are run Indel independent pendent ot of now new york MOD men sod and capital that while the heads of great corporations corporation could check the wheels of IL austry temporarily in many lines were they insane enough to attempt it they would be quickly over laughed by the mass of the american people in mercantile and mechanical purva ltv and who are the persons who really eally wield the national power either by their activity or lethargy relative to prevailing conditions since mr dr dabow doubtless knows what be did say he be is given the benefit of his disclaimer |