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Show slightly overcome the of or fisilisli In is i tie j iinlei-- Books of the Latest a'l eeiifurlei iMreptt utm ail p rullis Irom ar L .lll-- L PATRIOTISM A CHANCE M s- - TO LEARN MUSIC. lleilhti t'arpentiT nf tbe I .tike, was lesmusic in town Mond.iy. riving arid sill vvitl.iiiii line lecnnl ip up of fttis, a class She IIIO on lln sons re-pi AIIO CIVIC PRIDE proved and test Hod of iHti-sThe stiite of l'i:.h t. doiiig ; ami publication for six pupils hen- - and all aiv progressdi rful work til.mg the !.n- m i m ii.ir school anil library, pertaining In ing nicely She woiil I lie glad to have dry-1- . timng the e t cits on iii iiii.ing social and domestic as tiny one who winhi-- s to l 'tirn to play lo art, mil hulls. At eai h of the dry l:,rm I i.t m her at the home of Mrs. ob What Loyaty to Town. County and M0RE UTAH PATRONAGE 11 ng periim s:i,i,.,iis tests tire M l"I'Ular subjects in general. I.i call and MEANS THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF UTAH In i In opi t: in the nt wheat between the hours De Hollow, How State Mear.i, and it MORE FACTORIES FOR THE curried in our line of literature. Send (iertntde LANDS BEING CULTIVATED oa's. harlcy. rve. irtaifti potaCommunities. 12 o'clock. and velops STATE OF UTAH. on your order or inquiries and it will of tildes :u;d ill.toes, fruit nnd WITHOUT IRRIGATION. of tliise expcrimi-iro receive la Below prompt attention. and dis'riliiiti-- will.u'it v. it.li ihat all who are ititen . NOTICE TO THE PUBLIU. mentioned a few books on popular aub if my town is the tnv.t in tin . T() Send Money Abroad for It Is an Indisputable Fact That Dr) every reaib-- of this arihle oml.l have Anything U for ready refeience siii-- Tor a s' inly of cijuuiy, it must tie a That i. Raised or Produced at Farming Pays, Failures Being PracTim two leading magazines of the no thuds. It'll!' tin Nu IKS, live." Home is a Suicidal Policy i If in y is the best i:i Utah p re pi I red liy A. Merssnr tically Unknown as Result of Pacific Coast, the Pacific Monthly and Tha Farmers' Home Library, a bonk Ir in e r be ubmit the best county It Not Wanted Here. rill and imlili.-h'- d liy the I'ltrh Scientific Tilling of Soils. have been consolidated the Sunset, full of valuablo information on eidl.-gsiatlon. It which to mu in tain my homo." under the title of Sunset the PaIf I have decided to iiiaiutiiu eontaliis a repot t of years' farm, garden and stock culture. Ev- cific I it owe here an to of dry farming methods Monthly." myself tba farmers inay or wish to It is the Intention uf the publishers The agricultural future of I'lnh must The farmer who st'idii's to make niv home Tin- - blgg-- st ev-- nt this and t lo- my in tlnv history of erything ' deiwnd largely upon arid fui'iuiug. H ot her bulletins iss"ed from the iudu.-.tria- l I tab' which we all tiny well know hm to deseases and care among to the West and a magazine of naproud and cuinineieial matters not liow many miHiumt if any reader cun'i'it huhs-rib- o sliilii ns and prolts liy tin- ti. will be held Irom April r stock. It is a farmers 'encyclopaedia tional value and importance. money wo may spend on buli'llng irri we an- wu-ttof the It will be known as "rtah lro-dir'- s liters will lie the ti'ittvigallon projectH and In conserving tin able to make his arid to res yield an v.iiu.Vi pan-. ,o far a In- - is .ou To Introduce It to new readers, we of Week. At that time it is In-- . many subjects. A royal octavo book water supply of the state. There ar abundance !:' nnd lie is alsu lieliev.ilile, thus to before tile make tho following special offer; will place the public of over 700 pages, with nearly 000 pen million of acres of our luud that cur assisting iii the redemption of our tituo in reading this nrt'cb-- . Mativ j p.odtii-'.of the state in a manner that Send 5')c in stamps, and we will put never be reached liy the Iriigatioi. hut-.i h rt empires and in enriching the a has been mv-i- l .II impress by the the people with the drawings and 04 full page half tones. I canal there are vast empires of xl rnnimnn wealth. on our snbesription list for "uni.-'- .' mime who all imp-ov- e your variety and higu standard of Price Jhal will never hlossi ui wlili imyihinv And dry funning pays. only S2.S0. Postage 22 cents. That fni-- l iii' t.'.i l:i the or on the farm lui ,ii ttidii u.ries, thereby four next the months, and will send arousing but sage, greusewood mid rui-ti- , I'resld'-n- t ''Tlie-iwith the rem-j.l- ; ex Is Indisputably smiled. tiling.-ti,.n and more iti'erest a of the superbly Ilti.p-free for copy you loyally oept they be redeemeil hy "diytsiiii Wldstiie says I, mm liuslo-'of win- - gum! eioiiji my fatit.-- r and ,h,r support. ouhKvery iinisirtaut r Dr. and Chase's Recipes. 800 practical lustrated ' number, vvlo-a- t lug" met hods. t1 ey might r ini-eoniain ns much murl'lvo m.v ic oig.iniation iu tile stute is w'ork-.iJl Or our .iMMi.uiiu urres Indian be g i d trailer-men- , of ur.'ihli matter us 1,(125 Sunset the of whi.-u- t also fatuous poster, fi.r me for the my eliil ill the movement. especially Among thm-land lees than II.'hiij.iiihi acres cmi evei grown and kept iindi-- r IiuiimI condi- dren." I t ul i:e i n Development League, for liotiiH remedies. This book will securely packed In a mailing tube. be Irriguted -- the remaining I'j.uuu.lMH tions. I'lah wheat will I'luli lines hni the khtd of the Salt l.ukiv Commeri-jaCbib, the stive many doctor bilhs. It contain.. It will make a beautiful ornament for actva must ei-in weight on ir ul nil. willi only gain 2'i man who tuk'-- this st md M itiufiicturi-rAssociation of rtah. lio(i sueli iiinistiire as falls directly upor shipped Into emdoru nitirkets. Thai imjirovi-Mieitts- , I your front room or den. Price $2.2 f. ii;,; pages 7x9 Inches. to muke the Native Sons of I'tiih, ibis Ilah them from the sky. Tin- Mississipp-vallesignitlcant fact Is worth ing. easier ;i".d mrin- pleasaut, lint Send your order to Fred Lockley, l':nh 24 cents. Associiite jiOKtage ii. the Sat I'liltistiy farmer would proliuliiy womlei It is conci-dm- l hy all Hint last year does t:i'i i the nut. ini will sav Northwestern i.t.ke Iteul Kst.lte Asnljiiuilou. Manager, Sunset the till nt such a slaleim-nt- . is "Tbe stun- - of I t in was good eniU-:gel wiib a severe test in dry Tarmiug Itc-"- i Tl tim Ad tides, Pacific Club, Portland, Oregon. on The Monthly. Great War more of hiii li precipitation ihan they j ,,rln the White Slave iif the low for in failier. am! 'I is g i.id eiioug:i :1 Merchants, tiud the two t'r'-sdeed. Not so in rtah. Here onr des 'bin; yet the I'lali yield wna go-uand fur nu ; Trade. i that every daughter ic i uj in rt lands are likely to receive it-- and! TI.i-This year, iimli-is ru'-pro!1: fair. the sitiie of I'lah The plan of this campaign for Imsi-:n- - young girl especially should read ns L. D. S. CONFERENCE, con-litwidow uw miii-l- i as twenty Inclo-- ol soninwhat iiioic ons for ;i everv sol u iiieii. ami is us folliws: It is warning of the traps and snares for Salt I. al'.e. April 5. 6, 7. th-i ; ; goo,: is aiblud to iirewjiiiallou in a year. In ordec iu!:i big ''roil : hin vested that g ods. w:ir-anil ar- a downfall. Over JnO.iiUO copies of i rn .1 i lirt It is ten to fifteen l"iui'tii.vi) if r Mb ctnix ffoin I h sc parehi-- soils n uulli d the Relief Society, April 3 and. 4th. One or uiar.ufacturHd in cieut (jiincit it y of farm prod nets to tiy liitabi Is In tin- - acre will pay tie- - ex- Mraiitlity , ,, trj, as ti this book had a rapid sale and distribu- fare rates via Salt Lake Rofite trains to bvs. i.tCej pcii.iuced 1Mt ,H pi;l(XMl for the trouble l yield a prollt, pense ol r.inniiig hy dry farming t. very and town or the state. tion in our tountry. Descriptive cir- that run on time. Ask for tickets via acientilic utetliods must he followed. It methods, where everything is liin-i- l Tli.s 'wo be done by securing cular will be mailed on application. SALT I.AKE ROUTE. vi.-lIs not Lnoii,--.,-i Twi aud a , faT bt-nty to linn the crust and: in Ids v tit . profit, riiere may ,.1W- - rinl We This book tells in & ie local plant the seed. The soil must masterly titylo tbe nf opiniun as to "mil i ( r he' r,,l'lA husin-I- I. ainii-iii-I t to a 'Moitma. that every one of them will the comiiioiiwealth areal non analyzed (be need must he tesn-- and details of this revolting trafburning iH J!,..2:;ii '1,1 ,n'' It must lie planted untl eultiv.Meil with Her Idea ot Americans. or Homesti-per trade iu Itmiiu-iiv- l and , It has COD pages with 32 full l! luril- - fic. ' duo Scotch gtrl bad A little highland Mun.lreds of of ,I'idl0,r i 1!sM the clmrai I teles. There la however of hl half-tonlp wull the uv erase i illustrations. Iona mi room for argument on the quo-i-Price looked forward eagerly to the coming, page "I' in ihiii""' , ' "idn-Jof I,, 'dunty and .he Jl.fiO. postage 16 cents. M'! locality being eiillivaieil and tile III elks: :,ni1 in ,.m of whether 0r not of an American cousin. She had never in Utah lull of the variety of grain being giow n. j up tin mu: tor of the establishment and state. of books be these returned seen an American, but she had her Any may This campaigs for Utah shoul.l ap- 1,1 ,,'il1 It'"1'' with s:.ge iinpiov un-tit la by no means ilia-of home8 Is thn work Her mother own ideas about them. . tu on not Iif found in lor peal every stuto, person satisfactory receipt and Rf imewnoil, awaiting eol.niizu of tusi-'- i j.r- gression. President John' A. Wids-couraglng, with for lookher to remonstrate had it means to ,io11, every mail, I tirchase price will he refunded. Homes for liundreilit of fhnn-aay- a iif toe of the Agricultural enlli-gSure')-- if tin- I'lah as found by the woman andsomething I'lah, th after hard at their to guest i Iiiiil in his con ing vanils of di ilii-aof the crowded cast I'ieiu-eIn the preface to h's able s sixty-fivAddress years ago. wax a had arrived. It is a suicidal policy American ,M to In girl ,,,,n n Dry Farming ' now these desert "'de u "The ilural land ef prntninat that time, the K. V. FOHI.IN, It is very rude, she said. "Why was'es. It !s mi Iii the state of I'tah I'tiih of I'.ili' is a land of protnis!-fu'fillw- send money abroad for anything tiiul .Science Series. 334 .a Salt lAkn City, do you look at her like that? nr at. llarwnrd raised The home. Ave., Bl,,, lend ,,,r In produced "The posslhililles ol drv l,"l'le 'ibis is a sentiment that la thus unwise c:tu are stupendous. tah. "But, mother, her hair Is lighter In Hie atreiigth or lo '"'nl'rr:ition uml In dispel the shr.ul-.to ihe patriotic Instinct (.(immunity that Me neweoineis are nf everyappeal we may have fell envious or the V!,il,,,K mine. than citizen of the state of rtah, never hope to become thrifty. More Agents wanted. among us. nnd that here. und inure- - ver, It is a sentiment that than live hundred articles of every Yes." great ones or old; of Columbus in,,. "',l l Mr" In tilioii the ,v,r c,r he greatest l,n,,,r siiolI.I be ipt--attbroad as far as our day use art manufactured in Utah "And her skin Is white. to say nothing of the numberless ' sheltered facilities will l,fH,lual sunshine, l continent; of Kalhiiii shun ling Yes, but what of it? CARE BABY. THE OF THE r und uf orchard garfarm, ,h, rl,,,'H products ,l,, wl"fry inga to the reallng lnellli" of the rcM few years, the den. "2 always thought that American During afTo-not New The are Edition. and un """iniiiln range, whieh range pasture, mat (5th) Kacalante, ismdering pikiu the mvs-l,,- ' state nf Utah will receive a vast were black. In the manufacturing alone tery of ameunt uf publicity through the work considered neiir l4lH aliundaui'eB of ttsh and game Tor line. i,ni1 for ,l,,n anpreme j,,v of Amerlca'a dead am lorn We of the Utah Development League and The Care of the Haby. By J. P. In Instauce it will be found Rfdiideur. ran lie found op- - affiliated need harbor no envyltfga, --for n the r organizations. Especially that every S. H.Ginsburg ror A. N. Holds way Crozi-all of Utah nalore and I1"' romfori or compare produuis (iriith, M. D., Clinical Professxinqueat uud non- thp during 19 G wl'l opportunities coma with the best from else- sor of Diseases of Children In the ,u'ro ,ht '""F ullU up favorably Irrigable desert are offered as Hue 0e ihe world know to we let hava ! that will revel In the good here a state as fair asthgt where. The quality is also ae good aa tbe world haa known to any iwwthe and Penn IN tlje Hospital of the University nf many times belter, while th makers and ahapera or empires. tl,,URS of ,iTp nrp lil,,or e or. that is of I'non. and Revised Edition. Firth Is entirely competitive. anla. We stand before , price producing ' bet- -' true, the home industry I and stiudy hands cotne into UXlla-",1,1.. .1...V ..I-.I inarts l2jno. of 455 pages, illustratod. Philathj f 1 alright but if you want something lg. factor to fftERT M :. fown. m. and London: W. B. Saunders delphia hundreds a of heated ut .alr the vision ThnXh iiore -- oIf them. to home peop'e an order with. buy the liberal and homesteaders. comes and goes, Cloth, $U50 net. stronger try lth striving eyes were given to the Company, 1912. patronage medium of hundreds of thousands of the desert Is seen covered with blosof this stste. there need W. II. SAUNDERS COMPANY. Phlla: Horse Shoe Liquor Co. visit ors. loyal citizens of Utah wll producers and PROGRAMS FOR OBSERVANCE soming Helds, with ehiirrhra not be an Idl person in Utah. Loyal dPlphla and London. to correct have dis-In ample opportunity homes and achools, and, the j here support of industries already pubThis book, by the tanre, with the vision In lieurd the OF "UTAH DAY" ANNOUNCED false liiipresalniiH which have been so will Insure the establishment of othS. L. City 50 West ls So. the ers so much needed. New seen to be throughout be widely distributed to needs laughter of happy children. The des-lishers. only ce.',nrt)s United Rtaifn regarding Utah and her n. will lie conquered. j be expected if old oue appreciated. It should be read by Wholesale and Retail Bottle goods cillznns. Utah has Its capital city, of can acarcely of the enrih's Nearly Ci mother and nurse, and should aspiecialty. which all citizens of the s'a'e should areTheIndifferently patronized. surface receive an anuiial rainfitll of to support hntne l suggestion e to Bocat Exercises the Calculate! . the home for frequent but he of liinre I importance lesa thun twenty iticlms, and can be proud, should be followed, not mere be dustry is one the be Use to than any of Home Producta locality reclaimed for agricultural general In theory, but Iu practice. The at, ( fee have no hesitancy In purimses We Ship to all Points A prosperity of Ihe entire state. Held in Every Community. only by irrigation and shoulu recommending this book to our readand Is vice for everybody guod Tho spirit of boosting which has perfwfcd world aystem of irrigation he considered as meaning only ers. made so many of the states nf tbe not of tliisi will convert nboul The success nf the "other fellow. west, and which is becoming more one line of vast area into an incoinpuidhly fruit-- ; industry helps every FOR SALE OR TRADE Utah in than the of noticeable slate one-halful garden, leaving about of other liue. It has been said that Suggest It programs for the A Perfect Saw. the earth's laud surface to be re-- serv.nce of Vtali Day. aa prepared ever hefore, is a spirit that purely "he is a philanthropist causes who 80 acres in Davis County lo trade for To say nothing and saw wood claimed, If at all, by the methoda ofipy p a'lerlal I'tah Day committee should begin at one's own home and two blades of grass to grw where home extend one's to the from of most one be then; seems to The noble of sagacious small ayalem 4ry farming. slid approved hy the governor and acreage near Salt Lake City, or but one grew before." What, then modern agriculture has been con- the state suHriutendcnt of public In- town; in une's home county, and thua shall be said concern which Is phrases passed down by our hard residence the of properly in Sail !ake Gly, or strued utmost wholly In countries of struction, ami by the board of Rover- - circle Hie entire state. tn the number of working forebears. Like most sayings adding constantly of and towns of the cities sibundunt rainfall, and Its applications ll)rtl of ltlt. nilh Devolopincnt Many its employes and increasing its pay- which have emanated from manual will sell or rent same. Address 557 are Ihoae demanded for Hie agrlciil-- ; i - Hgu'1. will be carried out in every the northwest have discovered writh-Irolls? labor, this Is blunt, homely, and. to East 5th South St. Salt Lake Gty, Utah exthn last few years that the Sural development of humid regions. city and town of the sdate on April from the loquaciously Inclined, be can constructed, A house painfully Vatll recently. Irrigation was given 25. 1912. penditure of one dollar lo live dol- foundation to chimney, of Utah .ma- accurate Show me a man bent Jackinhabitant each every lars lor year scant attention, and with These programs are as followa: with the possible exception knife fashion over a sawhorse, with terials, aJJXlXtW!0UaA-v:Aal4.'.WIs a in woik one-baprofitable Its world problem of conquering publicity Afternoon Utah Day. Aorll 25. of glass. The interior can he large- a short log under his buck, and I will of the earth, was not considered. 1. We local Thee." "Utah cf with Iaivp Song. furnis'.'l'.igs UTAH FURNITURE CO. provided This Is a lesson that Utah towns ly The necessity of her people causd ' 2. Address b official of school, ex- point out a man who Is minding bis In the ma'ter of clothmanufacture. nr-are communities to If zeal. admirable with beginning Vtah to become the pioneer or the business own of the family cm painilll. ,,nriM),., 0r Utah Day. Second hoed Household Goods -learn and, although we may not be ing, each member west In ihe adoption or Irrigation-arwDsvt be speaks, he ceases to saw. While Opisii'innlrlea Utah secure nearly every necessary a amount to was in 1M7. As early us 1H70 f,,rK )0 large expend saws he Is necessarily mute. Hence he Is. It People. essay prepared make. however, prize of Young home ticle Sold, and Esceanged. of money fur favorable publicity, we rrops were grown successfiilly without y imy putdl stuffs that this this shrewd phrase, which Is, punning I Bought, la the way of A Irrigation in lleur River valley. Uaclie arWe pan do to Improve can all expend a little careful thought state excels. Monthfew Atlantic are saw. but There aside, a perfect 132 West 2nd So. Bell 4317 effort tovalley and Davis county, In Salt Lake o,,r ()wn Town. by mayor or presi- - and intelligent personal ticles of necessity or of luxury that IF- idea the wards that valley. dent of Commercial club. IfaitKiti&i&VMX&tnfftiiiefataisJiaiatst-are not grown or manufactured here. 0 During the 'KUs the thoughts of 5. Means to our home town Is aliout tho best What Utah Day Thn list of Utah products are too little spot in the best big state of the Utah farmers turned to the possibili- Me." prize essay by girl pupil. In this arDouble the Depth. T.ik may be cheap," but numerous ato be mentioned ties of the dry lands, for the growth 6. What the Utah Development Union. few are cited and ticle comparative own our is work for undertaker was symunctuous community of the population was more rapid than i.lKIII. i Hn good The Utah to by consumer which unfailingly as an incentive for the an investment the const ra.-- t Ion of canals. Many of Development pathetic. and the representative, variety of more learn scope I and brings big returns in the ro interval ve farmers liegan to 7 Amerlea." "How deep do you dig graves, as a of the state's resources. realize, loo. that wheat production on , program for Evening of Utah Day. also In dollars and cents. hunasixeif the old millionaire's seven rule? than more a:1 Ihere o Irrigated lands, considering the cost of i llrt(,r auspices of lan-a-l Uornmer id one kind and an- voting widow. factories dred did a Interest not return fair water, j x'DiDm. 00 NT KNOW OWN SLANG other in Utah, and there Is abundant1 Six feet" on the rapHul Investi'd. Aa a result j ll inusic to be arraugi-locally, J "Make It twelve. she replied. opporiueity for several times that some attempts at dry farming were Utah DaV by Mack exthe Mick Returns Highly Dis- mmibtr. in line already partly new will par the difference. Puck. made in the central purl of tin state. llIillnr r of Uiim'nen-ia- l ploited. and in others entirely but with rather discouraging results." r ' gusted With His Experience to this locality. It is uo '.die boast or uro! , i acres thousands Britishers. the many Among Today fan We do to Improve to say that not another state in the llie cultivated without "Made It So. Town.'" to he assigned lobring addition!,,. in the number .. rqjtU Utah In of water hv artltlcinl means every ,.nv At Fort Monroe some time ago (thla t Ace. said Mack the Mick, na he Union of natural retmuriw.. n(j ,n'tu.i,. I11 the slate from Cache valley valley Uoiija-ratlvEfforts disembarked from the second cal In TluIV .in, unlimited of Is an old story), where one of the veson the north lo Ihe Kanab desert and Hilv, Accomplished iu Other Coin-thsels of the navy was temporarily of tbe I.iislcmfa. deni llrltstoii'? gangway lead, building coal, copper, r(,n. Arizona strip on the south, and niunities." in tn assigned locally, Inhere dun no iMr own slang. No, dey ' of endless variety, including marble awaiting orders, a delegation of nnuy the Uintah country on Ihe enst u,rl., mrnished by secretary. lon't. Straight: 'and onyx; gold, silica, silicon, gypsum. officers stationed at the fort came to the Nevada line. Failures are prac 4. "Why Utah Should Rank ll'ira. IT IS ESSENTIAL There is a set naval regulaT took In ilelr law courts one day Initio graphite, asphaltum. tabfiylte ahoard. ion of Anionit the Western States." to be tically unknown. The proport . gllsonlte, salt, sulphur; all tion that nothing can be so on board to a successful business man n Lmi non. ('heel dev didu't know ehit'-rinyield tins depended mainly on Ihe In- assigned locally. that the of cement, and other ship until the commanding officer or- buying and selling of tn- ri- - undine, telligence used by the farmer in pre 5. ' Whut the Utah Development what a toff was Acre. T..tra-- t. own the Ingredients of minor importance. substance.!, ders It. While the army party were und the carful attention 10 finances jmrlng his soil and planting the seeii league Is Doing for I'tHh," repre- ilang, mind dey didn't know We appeal to every citizen of Utah looking over the and Ihe can- used by him In cultivat- sentative of Utah Development t! Straight: Chi-e- ' ship, twelve oclock should have equal attention. Proto Btve loyal support to "Utah ing and gai hiring the yield. Precipi- League, to ho assigned. A custer dal's a huckster he ses, duces Week" and to let that event arrived. A Junior officer approached Profits Are Made tation aud weather conditions have 6. Closing song. ''Amorim." ez he. dnt a guy wot he'd swiped was be the beginning of a campaign that the captain and said, with n salute become of minor. If not practically It Is suggested that each careful Is speech s toff. twelve oclock, sir." "Make It by buying and prompt Hales, will kuow no cessaHon until whirling "It negligible quantities. The prolUahav bo limited to 15 minutes. '"Wot 'a a n!tr says his nibs, d wheels of Industry shall be heard in 0." responded the captain, and eight only to be swallowed up In louses ocvuried soinewhal, according to tho bells were struck. The army officers casioned by careless handling of the all parts of our fair state. head Jedge varieties of grains grown. Many of Humility. Height that tbe navy men wanted finances. Our financial experience and suspected Ms 'A not a toff.' heeded have a farmers the gratia says lawyer, guy is at dinner a lot FoUette, Senator them to some questions and get advice are always at th disposal of ask clus-wot wears fine advice given out hy the experiment yer honor. But of a certain notorious said Madison, old. or that this was a bit of foolery our customers. station experts. They have either rer honor, a real toff la a gent, a of the Baker departtrust's Thanksgiving That trust: Mr. 8. Joseph got up to Joke the land warriors, gome plowed the soli loo deeply or not deepgent; and ment of health in New York has had time after, a party of the army offly enough, have growu vurletlew of won't be this year so boisterous I lawanother says 'Why, fought; made showing how the icers Invited the officers of the wargrain not suited to their soil condi- blatant as It used to be That trust 'dat a toff was a bloke wot wore pleturr films learn their lessons ship to dine with them. The dinner tions and climate and have refused to has certainly become subdued. Its yer, mothers" "little tn eyeglass.' abandon old and unprofitable methods. spirit Is aa humble now as that of fathers" took their was progressing when a lieutenant little Recently EXCURSION RATES. "len de head Jedge he dropped his turn nnd all the small boys in the entered As s consequence they have barely very ugly man who visited a matriand. saluting the senior offVia Salt Lake Route. mote than paid exiienses. while their monial agency and sa'd he'd like tc wn eyeglass outer his eye and h neighborhood iff one of the schools icer said, gravely: Colonel, To Salt present, City. On sale April 3 nnighbors have made handsome profits find a wire. Rut the agent, lookini says: babies, and they the major's blind horse la dead.' 'O' course, dough dere's many were busy borrowing Arid fsrming ranaol succeed on any the man over, returned sternly: Tra 7th inc. to Return limit April 12th. learnat very apt "Make It to," responded the colonel, bowed themselves oher thun a thoroughly scientific plan. afraid It won't be eaty to find a wife exceptions to de rule.' Relief of them. These with the 3rd and 4th. I care take Society to April how greatest gravity, and the dinIt does nut have the great advantage Den dey all laughed, but flew ds ing babies the friend." for care 8. to I). 5. 6 and 7th. for my have you. ner children April Conference, proceeded. Nothing was said at that humid farming enjoys. It preoop disgusted. T thought,1 said the applicant, von mothers are at work and the time, but the navy officers tell tbe Ask for tickets via the "SALT LAKE their while sents obstacles which have been only " Totwyers!' says I to meself. 'And might have something short-sighteare taught to do it sclenl'flcally. story. ROUTE." dey dunne deir own slanguage I'" on your books'" Inrm'i, to e uiiih-ituh- ar.m-- . of Music of Salt Publication I t - n m-- : 1 s s pub-llslii-- sti-d- r ! l la-w- i : Agri-eultiir- I on-o- ti-- : - uc s di-s- :i:-k- s tr dry-liir- l g k e r lu-e- )H-- l r s - - e pret-ipiia- s l r ' s . ftiv.--.in- ti- i I a.-if- ig-- wln-I.:...- d tnei-chant- dlff-tem- i-s Kiih-rge- s - I '!.it!s r . ekw 1 e , ml'.-Tlti- Hi-- 1 - - mon-wealt- s tn-all-- e - pre-yout- li l gr-i-- d v vaea-ahore- a the-worl- -- r d 1 a ""' "y a-- MB cf-rv- T hS 1 hk. , 1K well-know- I 1 s in-- 1 re-W- . I ' one-tent- h f J 1 -- , n lf , or-th- . disFi-niinatln- i i e self-respe- - d ! , I .What e e - mi-fro- j i. - ml - . gen-uwln- e Davis County Bank Ike well-know- n d |