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Show believer. A What He Wanted to Say. teacher w ho bud taken gicat trouble to impicss every detail of lie tened (Ulieai:y to ., pohte.il story li -- Min upon ills class was sadly him tor lii'.ipj'.iliili'i! on (hat was being Mihuu'ied asking die name of the Vcrilleulioii by a puhtie.t! lepur.-Iwlig wild r, 'i'.iii'J previous In IJiieell Wiieii tlie .l his nar- Yii'ioiui, M mill only one land up- Gifford I'liicliot. at ids brother's house, in Iark avenue. New York, lis- A WHAT WILL CURE MY BACK? 1 r linl-he- rative Mr IMii'hio 1. edit'd .md held. "Ill reply III (bill as :he i:d It. d:.iu sternly lojil die teacher peasant replied to Hit -- I.I'I liielil lb.it pointing as he spoke to the boy whose his fellow count moan loved lords ton ui.xioiij, desuo to impart tin ni'cessary well ever to eat them: liif'iriiuilinii compelled him In use ''ois,' you remember," asked laurs. rather tragically of Helen, who was calling on her. "the time we sorority girls rented a cottage for a month at UobinBdale and 1 endeavored with my most persuasive arts to engage the wealthy landed proprietress to do our housework? Perhaps you recall how I labored with her under the mistaken idea that she was a newcomer in this land of the free and that she was looking for a Job as cook when she came to see us?" "Yes, I remember," answered Helen, I'm surs with a reminiscent giggle. if 1 hadn't had the presence of mind to explain to her that you were so pitiably near sighted you could scarcely in-- 1 distinguish the faces of your most turned have would tlinaie friends she us all out of the cottage in her indlg- nation. 1 hope 1 shall be forgiven tnat very helpful Hi tie fiction about your defective sight." "Do you recollect," Inquired I --aura sternly, "tli.it other occasion when I told the girl who roomed next to us at Ft. Agnes' school that I bad almost perished during the sermon of the lotiK winded stranger preacher who laid been inflicted on ua In the chapel one morning? Yes." responded Helen, cheerily, and she told you with unnecessary emphasis that the visiting clergyman was her father! 1 haven't forgotten It was your expression of dismay. too comical. And the enormous quail-- 1 titles of our precious goodies that you lavished upon her failed to soothe her Injured feelings." "Did I ever icll you, Laura asked how again with a grim countenance, last summer I gratuitously and forcefully favored a Princeton freshman with my scathing opinion of any boy who couldn't pass hia college If I did tell you examinations? I must have added that I found out later tnat he waa conditioned on three studies. Of course the bright little summer flirtation with him that I had dreamed of promptly shriveled Into a mere frigid acquaintance. Why do you Indulge In these painful reminiscences?" demanded Helen. Because of all the many malapropos things I have ever said or done there is none other that equals my latest Helen, behold In me a quiverI am thinking trass pf contrition! ing of having my horoscope cast by some professional wizard in the hope of discovering under which am especially prone to make Do Brings Prompt Aid In Case Of Firs T ho out buildings are often at the mercy of flame1 A minutes time gained at the outbreak of a fire, means saving the property. A call on the Bell Telephone saves the pre-dous minutei. For rates and service consult our local manager. MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. f Are etrlctly reliable 6paclallata Expert Medical ahlll and expeThey have the rience. Nineteen year,' centin In Like Salt City. euecaea iioua DKWARK OP FAKE MKDK'AI. IN.STITITTBd AND QUACK MCTOR8 wlih no name anil -no resinuixiMUly. U you need a raa utter you ALU that Other, lower lee,, eaaler taroare abaojuta dealing you know who you reliability anil the greateal experience with. WE CURE Catarrh Be Sure Make No Mistake Deafnesa Aathma Dlaeaxa doe, tint welt, fitsrt right; and Lung Treuble yon may not here a aecond rhance. free coufldental and Consultation Rhaumatlam Invited. Call er write. All medicine Epllepay free. Hay Fever Stomach Liver Don't Givi Up Hop Became Other, Fali. DRS. SHORES MEN Heart CONSULT US FIRST. Wa maintain a eeparate department far tha treatment and cure of all apodal dlaaaaea and weakneaaee. Insuring privacy and atrlcteal confl donee. Longest eatabllahed greataat to writ feea eureat experience Don't experiment gat the more end you no beet. It coata may par in email weekly or monthly nxtallrr.ent, ax the caee progreaeee. or you may FAY WHEN il) In all (pedal dlaaaaea. ell examination! Kidney Skin and ladder T rouble and All Chrenld Narveue and Blood Plaaaaaa that are Curable. -- to HOURS Dally. S; HOME CUBES BT KAIL. live out of towa WRITV Ifforyou free eymptem Set DSS. SHORES ft SHORES, 249 EXPERT SPECIALISTS Slain Street. Opposite Balt Ukt City. Kaitfc-O'Brtrn- 'e. Evenings, 7 to ; Sunday. 10 te 12. New Train Service VIA Denver & Rio Grande m Cnnection THREE With SANTA FE ROUTE BURLINGTON ROUTE ROCK ISLAND ROUTE MISSOURI PACIFIC UNION PACIFIC FAST TRAINS EAST TWO NIGHTS TO CHICAGO TWO NIGHTS TO ST. LOUIS THREE NIGHTS TO NEW YORK For further information tee any D. & R. G THROUGH SLEEPERS To CHICAGO KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS agent or addreu A. BENTON. G. P. A. D. Salt Lake City F. A. WADLEIGH. G. P. A.. DENVER. Colorado THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WEST including the states of Wyoming, Utah. Idaho Nevada. California, Montana. Oregon and Washington is Inseparably Involved with the prosperity of the transportation lines operating through those states. OVER A MILLION AND A QUARTER DOLLARS EXPENDED ANNUALLY In Kiting publicity to the resources of the states embraced within the territory traversed by the OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD and related lines these efforts, the population of our and Paeiffc Coast Country has becen almost generally doubled within the last ten years, and no efforts will be spared to continue this colossul work in the future, because THE WEST PRESENTS OPPORTUNITIES For descriptive literature and further information regarding the agricultural and commercial resources of any of the states mentioned, ad dess: GKRRIT FORT. Pass. Traf. Mgr. U. I.. O. S. L. R. R. Cos., Omaha, Neb. CHAS. S. FEE, Paas. Traf. Mgr. S P. Co . San Franriseo, Cal. D. E. BURLKY, Genl Pass. Agt. 0. 8. L. K. R. Co, Salt Lake As a result of Inter-Mountai- n i.t Ti-a- . eilii-acy- Use Allen's Foot-EaNothing jolts an cgoilst like the refusal of people to pay unv attention to The antiseptic powder to lx kliakrn into the sins' fur tired, tender, smarting, achhim. ing, swollen feet. It make. your feet feel Sold eiiny and makes walking a Delight. everywhere, 25e. For tree trial package, address Alien K. Olmsted, lx Kuj , N. X. Jfr. Winslow's Southing Syrnp for Children teething, aufiena Uir gum, mluee-- t In n.im Illation, alias pain, cure wind eullc, Lc a buttle. Cooking as an Art. What kind of a cook is Float wife? Snow Impressionistic. Ikies a thin vrunuu worry because she baa such a narrow nut look? llnk Eyet Fplitenilr la the Spring, Try Uurlue Ktra Iteniedy fur Krllabla Ueilrf A man is be owes-- df always willing to pay it Is a grudge. w a harmless substitute for ASTORIA is Soothing Syrups. I and begun . to think ihcreRi 1 bn, WUS Ili for me. Doans! Kidney Fills cured me and' I huvciiotba'l tin1 slightest trouble Hinci AT ALL DEALERS 50c. DOANS Box KSfAV Tuffs Pills The dyspeptic, tha drMtlhatrd, whether I of work of mind or body, drink or la MALARIAL REGIONS, wIS find Tuft's (HI the mnst genial rcriarw Siva aver offered tha suffering Invalid, Pettits Eve Salve TONIC FOR EYES Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and It is pleasant. It contains neither other Narcotic substance. Opium, Morphine nor Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over laf ' years, has borne the signature of Cha& H. Fletcher, and has been made under ! Feverishness. , ! Vu ib3 'peftJ'JHii jou fuijTr ML Counterfeits, Imitations and Justus-goo- d are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Letters froir Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. ftoiwtesDigtionflwifi ncssandltestlontalnsncito Opiunt .Morphine norMiacaL ftoT Narcotic. MBNMSSa.ISHMM AvtouetsamnnsM W flmfiil JbtSmm AxUkUt- t- HmSiU, kmJW- I exclaimed, reproach- simple faucet which cun lie locked to prevent the nilsuss of the contents if a barrel to which it ia fastened haa seen devised by a Pennsylvania irurt fun Daw-her- s Our idea of a iar.y woman is one never gets bnsy with her who hat Bur-row- a. Prevents Theft From Barrel. Kiu- - neyaccn'Iiona Ttlita ratlin'll untold Btury." an it oy a tiro ( son and she thereupon icily informed you that she had no son and that Mr. Acker was her husband " Oh, that was a mere pleasantry compared to the thorough manner In which I have forever lowered myself In the opinion of my cousin, Tom You know that 1 have always adored dear old Tom and when he eonfided to me a week ago that he waa engaged I was tremendously excited. 1 begged him to tell me the name of the lucky girl. He described all her charms glowingly hut refused to divulge her name Just to tease me, I supposed, for Tom has always been an incorrigible tease. Well, last evening at the Montroae dance Tom came to me and said that the time had rOme for the Kreat meeting of his favorite cousin and his sweetheart. I eagerly followed him rcroas the floor to the side of a most attractive looking girl. Then Tom aetually introduced her to me as Miss Snickle-frltx- .' London'. Consumption of Water. London i onaiitiicd the I'lioiiuous total of 22;:,r.3fi.hM gallons of water every day hint .war. Tins uii'ans that each of tlic seven tiiillicni mill persons in the Metropolis used 31.S7 gallons a day, and that til ear!) hniis.o 204.24 gallons were disposed of in the lame period. baik. What is Castoria. aateAemarks to the honor and; the indignation of my ancts. Tnen I could either have myself gagged or I rould retire from society during that destructive period.' Your latest unfortunate remark must have been even worae than the one you made that time when you mentioned to Mrs. Ackers out at tha golf club that you had greatly enjoyed being In a foursome with her fully, 'How horrid of you!' Then I turned to the girl and said, 'Of course you've learned already that iny cousin always has to have his little joke under all Imaginable circumstances.' "To'ii glared at ine furiously, hut I couldn't, understand why, so I continued as pleasantly as I could, Please tell me your real name.' " 'Sni klcfritx.' she murmured. I utmost collapsed. Do you wonder that I feel it is necessary for me to take some kind of a cure? I supposo Tom will never forgive me." "Most certainly not, Laura. was Helen's none too comfortii.g assurance. "How could l:c. when the iiainu la doubtless a thorn in hi: flesh? Bnicklefrilz! Isn't it dreadful? How delighted she will be to change her name!" Chicago Dally News. Janics C. Ilanlin, Weatherford, Days: "My feet and limbs became iiunili snd I Lad terrible pains through my uarrv Tex., se e Oh Tom!' li-l- l 'Well, I don't mind lieiieving that strenuous efforts to increase his diminmyself," the old man said, "but there's utive stature, "one of your Intelligent a good many who wouldn't. little schoolfellows will tell you what none of you have the brains to know, j To keep artificial teeth and bridge-wor- Alt hough the youngest in the class, bis antisepticnlly clean and free is an cxumple that It would he a from odors and disease germs, Paxtine credit for many uf you to emulate. At drug Now, Antiseptic is uncqualed. them." tell then, Johnny, glats, SOc a box or sent postpaid on rePlease, teacher, Jim Mills bln and ceipt uf price by Ths Paxton Toilet ninned a ptn into me!" Co, Boston, Mass. Tiwn the Intelligent little hoy sat Perhaps you are one of those chaps down. London Weekly Telegraph. who want the eHrth. If so, what would Fooling tha Lord. you do with the old thing Ir you had Mother," teased a little boy of five, It? "does God know everything that I'm ONLY ONE II Klimt OI IMSE.M going to do before I do it?" vsn i, i.AXsm a annuo fnt oi imns. "Yes. dear, everything," she said. of K. IvUuYk. I m4 tbw W urid Well, does he know that I'm go--; in a minute and put on Ing Is a man dissatisfied with his ' my upstairs and Many any my prayers and j iHijamus lot because it Ik too near Ills neighget Into bed?" bor's. Yes. dear, he knows everything." "Well, tuitigh he's going m get Garfield fur ilia tils renibing fnim fooled, for I'm not going to say my . pure blood, i, a remedy of lilnl Prick before relii'iug. pray era.'' St. Ixmls Republic. k Comiunn sense will do mors to curu backache than anything else. Twill tell yuu whether the kidneys lire sore, swollen and aching. It will you in that case that there is no use irytng to cure it with a plaster, if tho passages are seant or too frequent, proof that there is kidney troublo is complete. Then common sensn will tell you to uss Doan's Kidney 1IIIs, the best recommended special kidney remedy, A TYPICAL CAS- E- Apnfrrt Remedy forCOKflpi-Ho, Sour Stomacn.I)lantoa Worms jToftvuliiousJcvrrisii ness and Loss of Sleep. Fletcher.' H. Dr. Albert W. Kahl, of Buffalo, N. Y.t says: "I have used Castoria fa my practice for ths past 26 years. I regard it as an excellent medicine for children. Dr. Gustavs A. Eisengraeber, of SC. PauL Minn, says: 1 have need your Castoria repeatedly in my practice with good results, snd can recoin mend It as an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children." Dr. E. J. Dennis, of SL Louis, Mo, says: 1 have used snd prescribed your Castoria in my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of years and find It to be an excellent remedy for children. Dr. 8. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Fa., says: I have used your Css torla in the case ot my own baby and find It pleasant to take, snd bars obtained excellent results from Its use. Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago, III, says: I have used ytmr Castoria hi rases of colie In children and have found It ths best medicine of Its kind on ths market." Dr. 1L K Ebklldaon, of Omaha, Neb, says: "I find your Castoria to ho a standard family remedy. It Is the bcA thing for intents and children I have ever known and I recommend 1L Dr. L. 1L Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo, says: Tour Castoria certainly lias merit Is not Its age. Its continued use by mothers through all these years, snd ths many attempts to Imitate It, sufficient recommendation! What can a physician add? Leave it to the mothers. Dr. Edwin F. rardee, of New Tork City, says: For several years 1 have recommended yeur Castoria and shall always continue to do soy as it has Invariably produced beneficial results. Dr. N. B. Sizer, of Brooklyn, N. Y, says: 1 object to what are called patent medicines, where maker alone knows what Ingredients are put 1m them, but I know; the formula of your Castoria and advise its use. GENUINE CASTORIA of Bean the ALWAYS Signature FuS'urilc Signaron o r NEW YORK. A tty month ftldM 35 Doses Exact Copy of Wrapper. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Yegrs. NIWMItfA TNI CCMTAVN OMMNV, Tf MWRMVaTMlT, OBI Pomade Vaseline A eholco d reining snd fur the hair. Highly reflnsd; dellrxiHy perfunu-d- . in healthy condition. Chock, dandruff snd keep IniiiIus sad In l'umtdo VxMtllne I. put up In sttnu-iivcm I'ihisiIb VASELINE. oollspslbls tubes. If your dealer does nut esrry It, write ux. W. ll .In t lei! anul yim five li t r f hnnkiM . wp.. 4arrlb la ntker .hole. VimIIiii" nlr1liM fur lull. I uuS fondly ua addra. taut X pnn-rvxllv- LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN CRB AT VARIETY FOR, SALK oAT THB LOWEST PRICES BY Inll -- -- Sll-H- Chesebrough Manufacturing Company 17 Slot. Struct (CoowlidutedV NEWSPAPER UNION W. Ademe St, Ckicufa WESTERN l New York A PUTNAM FADELESS DYES |