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Show for the benefit of the whole !f i'oi:i!iii'!iity. Later, uhrn tiie road was ' coiPi'l' led ami ii.iins running lie was . e ii'clpii-ii- i of an annual pass for ; nt'iivli ng llie lime laide, ami if his uni-- . .nui'iial was a rry iiil'iu-ulia- l Hi lie and hix whole fauiil) were fa in Hit- same way. Being a stock-- ! Min L "Iiicr ;i tkI part ov.m-never paid .'ii.uhiug u. r i iiifii ul to tin' ruud and ins iiY'ii iiiit rests, no imiii'.'i how poor llie M'liii'e or how (lisproporliimule 'le ': I.. for Ihe S' nice rendered lie si fined 10 act as a soil of buffer le' v. uii Hie public and Hie railroad. Ill ol a lietween tile raili'Hiid iiiul iis employ ex in llie mailer of wages or comlilimis of lulor. lie was usually expccied, ami generally ih'l. clianipioii die micros! of thi- - mad. 10 .king more 10 his own linaiirial pr s Ihe. II lo llie lieiii'lit iif the mile.: Ill lining llils lie dill Hill ni ncei'S.I t UTAH ASSOCIATION ENJOYS HOSPITALITY 011, Mil - 1 - University ol Utah Entertain State Editors in Royal 1 I . Style-Interes- ting ilifl'-rcnc- Papers Article by Capwell Read-Railro- ad Ajir.l Mb. .Monday. r,;,! '."T. lit fJli I - !l- riKti HSMMiill inilt I S'l.iois an I'.'in.-dc- l i" 11,,,n,r W llt11 lh' ing for Tin- i it ::i '.Mile arlieles iii'lioidiug llie rai.roi:!. i'lil lie was s'liiply ui'iilral an. I ulhn . i fiii'lii ling inicivslx in t;,.,lii ii o-- . : iin lie hems. lies I Xt wsi'.ipers til limes changed. laii'e liliil'e pil'Milent. Koine of II: T p till nrs wen- sciisaiioiialisis. Science anil i'e i uiw'siiy rf I'taii eineriuined itr u.embcis in tin lli'si quurtei'ly meet l in tin Arts anil. I.egipm.iy S l litii-Ii-- liiisini'ss meeting of Medicine uiiiil they liave iwo ycais of college uiirk anil il il k "f Work with IToidept c. as juniors. SMid-Accepted. si,., tv.-ssfuily c mu '!i'i ilu-.-iyears wl.ere John I). Biles of Iji - Win" made an iufor-iiiu- l ;i i mi: l to lut- nurd r 01 the Itui very pointed address on the iii'.-.- : M'lmols ui iniiln i:i. u iTne.ig- . "Possibilities of the Weekly I 'i' i 1;k) ! New jil a. W.ikIi: Ymk. mi. in M'hieli lie di'iiatasiraieil a. i i,lu r large colliers. wherein the we. hi) pacr miglil i:ii. ilv lie niiiiie a most p ten: faeior l'o, Utah State Normal School. K'ind in a '01111111110:)'. besides imkiny. i Sta e X ii'iniil Kclinol is the dncere. as pai'y of lie first pc : a i 'o living ami protit fur its i.wii'T. lie ronelii ion a g"i,erai dis.'lis-sini- i At I'. 10I ol lldiie,.: len of tlie p. n, oil of Id line lo; 111,.; I', k I'niversity ) r iii ,n. ! Mil of deiails v as liiij 1111: i) imrt ly ip r ' a ti'iid'':!1 )' o'. N l In '.l, p nil'':' I", K'lien an ad imi: :li" :: wi ,d of ACis ami K" ':'I'!"'.' '."'I" il'i'l pro, 111'" t.'iliei. 10 t in uniM'i'siiy cafeieiia in e . (In(i:'ii:i Seiio'd is lio- - i '.d ' : .. : tile 111 e.lle.silial bllidi'ii',. where Hu :i I. in he I'p.M.siiy ' ... Ilk. il'i'l ik'l" Vail Col.. 'i,,.'t tie tills of the lieii.i :.;i' siii'irior advaniares ev r o'iier I ' I.. : i" t ali: a: ihe ieii.i r reived an el.ili lioinial schools III : .i:e i,:u ih ia:-- ' Kpslluii Soroiiiy ' r : i'ii:ie : rcnli-.itI lie following iliiivi'i's: os. I'eonu-- i' II s li O'.l'e luni'iieo.i wilii l1"" u iilieciiii'-I'ii: mean: i" i.ie C'livi rsii ' 11pl.fl "I ae : I it ;as: Tni . Mi.i'i's. ui'lftcil'.'i ijis 1. 1I1 'ratin' I e r 1. o' ' , :l) '1 - -- ) :;:i':,.-.,ii'Co' en I 'ear . el:-iii :1 oi;C'' I.ills rle v in si- in. "i till.' I! Ms Hot Yia-Nil ."Con fiein expi r: and sp 'I'inMi' s I: :i IT wiieriin ate inn ul . H.e tarimis d pari aa'iils or Hie ilipe Olives yr-'i"'iv i'sIij . and t.uy I'ousian'ly eoiuc (Ireeti Miivi-. of he g ' I." "e.l" i" M.lle.l AliiioniN w.ih aden '"11,1;., l)":n.gi lie pursuing ,.. Ci..'. ;ii.ii 11 - t.i lie ii'.peu JX in Cake e 'iirseji of bin.ly. Coil' e Xorinal !l '. .1 .! i..i I.: ; uadi- ('indy !' 111 ,.n ...' V.' illsTiie'i-iIrlemcill-i.'- . :. : Iliii Salad : ill " la llie V lk !:v o r hi. win re 'lulu l.u to The "i!i-Ie.1'. : nliui'f s'e Iii'1'rjieei'ilisi.-- fi'iun of lii.-- !i tiy lie s ale 10 Hie from. 'Ill 3im pupils are served, is l.ot nearly svi'f Ag:,',ciilii::.l College ndooiiaie to the needs of the I'niver-sitl.'f.i'ion The Nornrii is niannlai'Hiier s:oi:ld hironalily . as to size and aey 01 iae piiss as idy loeaiod at ihe e'ige of lie i ri ein :. ireddiii. of pulilieii) fir he inu : Miss Lucy M. Van Co'i. wiio piei1) : ip on the liencli land overlook- in Ids i'Iiosi i liii"1 midi r lie offi ial i",a ihe lu aulifel eiiy and valle) o. know in:" sides in 'ho r. Of title of Mean of Women, made a spe-iii- i' il''e:ii Sair I "Ke .and iis aeo- - depends iii.nii le.iinis Ihe pnldie k'liivv i environmeir is unsuria :ii. "ha! In i..i someiliing they waul, li r:i rial talk in In r response to the ":i-- t 1. lii.hefo " ,".0 master, in whioh she iirgeil me siaii'T!e l.ui!dim;s are new ami are weir I'" mi pn ss to help the Iniversity faeuliy enuij'i ei! with iiimlei'n applianeeK for j' he ,uld,.i' eye tie.' neM nesi way-- i.f al ami work. inlveriising is place a pen pi ure sivure a home for girls where the lion v. id here The School has hi'en high V c'impli- now scatiorrd over Salt Lake Cii n'trai: 'lie nr-- : :c en mighi find quariers under one roof met.ied liv such leading educators as i.on. that hr. John of Columbia uuiver- and u domestic jurisdiction s the iiiiii!iif.riiirer has Mine ilii'iy r. James L. Hughes, Toronto, that the newspaper man wauls. Hi" would lie vastly preferahle for those slt : who come in from ouisidi of Salt ( anada Dr. (1. Stanley Hall, Clark value and neeeKslty of which the TorK. Dr. (Seorge Vincent.. mer niu.-- t demonstrate, so llie news- ake City. uii Iresldetii .1. T. Kingslmr.v of ihe president of Hie rniversity of Minin- - paper man 1ms something imlispeii- tin- - Miisisiai lniililiiii:, V. S. 1'is : ill rlinlge. - . l.' M!i ii !,m ir P I'rul'lh li- 'i'-,,- ' . .i."e I : . i'.'i.. ! ' 'i,- ' . . ! 1, I il:-'- i : - . . up-iie- 1 - r sm-ees- 1 ,: : I :i edu-aiion- A. s 'i) 1 ; : - )l .,IU .; 1. I . : 1. -- d :;,t W i il i 'f ' r in is 1! ! ! ;c .e i.de'ii . ;tl- : ir . iil'i 111'1 U 'll ; of iii;. 11 il!' I ll r.i'l H-- i 1. II I'ui : supi o' I nc- : - In lien s a new spa 1.1 - "i: ;:.' I'C1-he- . r;iii ' 1! r' I i, I t lit 11 li!' 1;. l!.. t' !lf I i: , Imi ti.ijt n '. ' . ' . il." .' i tij-- '1 i sMi-del'- m ? .. I ! I n! slil! ).1 tiuin l)n o' her mrans is tiioiv iii till tlif . s ine-i.-'in- ,M it a ml mo c iii m .... lit-- - Mi-O- In1 i', ti,iit vliiii- 1 : k'-v- 1 GROUP OF UNIVERSITY OF UTAH BUILDINGS . . nil-il- l - : l 1 v- : . 11 silli-il- Ill i 1 iiiiti cf sobriety or peiui'-1.- ' ol llie pluees vlieie ' were set I'p. They wi piesM-a ccri'dii iiiipiilsive .irouuil in ihe eoiuinanily and liesoii": ( assihiiiui'e in rlartiug a paper for 11: H'lipie. as liey elll'lcil It. They I' Hie railri'ails and their managi'i ai .uni ei'Miitd enemies to llie 'nr;Hi; i liens among llio.-- c who had liulc : i.i'ii- in llie eoiuiiiiiuiiy. Iml they a ciriain intlileiicc tluil. wliil" ii p. i"ki'd liosiilTy on Ihe part of the d cause In roads to impi'iiv'c '.:i t'l'ds inodcccd ffi els lard, iu:e! iii'i. .111111 wlial Hay li:ni rouiiieil In iiue ciiy dining a raiho:i sir 'lip' years ago. the edi'ms of two h ' of l.ese sensational dailies t uii iip ihe i ry, "D'Wii with Ihe railmau 'I'r e ihi'iu "III of till1 eity. ami ' Tie. and in iheir eagenp vs for n,i airily an I lo pmnioie sales liiev ev 1. weiii so lar as 10 advocate the lllilni,-- , ol the depot s and touring up IT '.racks. I'lp ir welds acled as a in l:i iin; Ihe minds of ihe Mi'ileis lo mu T ail ext 'll lh::l they iliil S' lire in iln di'i'ols and cars aii'l d'simycil an api'iilling ainmml o'. Of ellipse, the editors were !ir: 'riy words, hat Huy miry lor ilicir r.ish the princliuil were more sorry wln-I iihiiicHK whose enterprisi'S were wii'ikcd and liiiildiugs injured or d" sirnyed. wiihdrew tlieir patronage and the city had to pay a million and .1 hair dollars in additional taxes to the railroads for the loss of heir hii.hliiigs and rolling stock, and win every newspaper In that rlty was boycotted by the riiilroiids, their papers were not iicrmlitod to lie sold on tlieir rralim. Thus their activity reacted upon the community BB well as themaelves. However, they iilHin haw seen the evil of their ways and for some years every influence the rK could exert have been directed paf in bringing more railroads into th city until today Bittsburg is ss well supplied with transportation facilities as any city of its sie in America and its growth liotli in population mid busiiirnn is llie wonder of the century. were nnl ms loe.iMs .is inn imi is aliiinsi iii.'i nniiiii) wiinld lie a 111 ')! Wllsle, llilllll'ili'd I'V I" old'1 nf d !) s fiililid ,1 iim' :or 1' li'ii i i'll ns n ' liii.si'iniii.iinr i f Hie news n: wlml lie was doing. Inn in enlliiu allec.l.i'ii in it: ... .1 . iln mail) ml. nuliii'es Ilia: wueld h h,ii . I. i rne in Hie e.iTiimnnii y by leasnn ul j I it .'n Hie fare, alllio.igb onl a few him il" , il'i-O' I'll.mi'es away there might In- an ! e I'a'il ;c ni'i'-- i ea! iir.i in his n rw lielmiiiL' surplus of produee dial i HI '.Ie1, ss 0 i) W , e i mig'ii he had nminsi for Hie asking. Il "' 11.1'pi'i' 'I'ld I1," I ' -' his The iiis'iesii) fur railroads is 100 up !.II e dour 'nils! h I'll'il'i.i I I n nl in n"'d further eommeut. and h'.iii!' I the o! a lie', spa per lu a i. Idle ihe hell!' ln. Iianiil" - and lit 11:1111 i V lias mil al'vaxs her pi 11! hi ll' al ini. iag- Idn's wl'n-and nut lo tile gem rality ol peiip'.r. I hi pie'iv iiig'iig make iie I'oii'i'i) ciiiioi.d preinoier and hnMiler has h ;, m. a. :d n'niv lliii'.P 111' ! 'I'grea! !.iil"IIigeiie', and therefore fftoi'ts lo kll olT .i iialoiv illsec!'. 01 c t roll s ef ," liewsp ip'r, even ii worius .eie . hcvf heip d Hu Hu re were i noii.'.li ef ihem in a given ged:e:. ari:n r ami lior! ii ulluralisl mine than "i'a lo Sl'Pi'ort one Til' peoile of is geneially known any sen Ion of llie oioiniry sire more I'.IIISI'III l, o c ! ( . , : I 11 - . . 1: I . l"-i- , . e 11 1 . al-n- - ! . 1 d. 111 1 11 JbWLtyuwj!,Oits :luraKcrB,, -whose empty purses caused tnm lo sort of writing that Indulge in to tiie animosities of the disappointed and which was taken up and published by eirtuin mug.i.iiies whose owners had iiion regard for the dollars hey might make by Ihe project Inin by doing the square lldng by 1I.1 ir recdcis. And a lot or pinluaded "liiorx all over llie country loo's up ihe howl and made tin life of a ollieial t burden and the nr llie stockholders so iilPi-rialiliai many of them liccam.' disemir-:ig"- i pud sob out tlieir holdings at a greet loss. Before the Commerce Commission appointed, ninny of the principal railroads sold what nr' known as conmiuieis ticket!1." by which the purchaser was given a certain number of miles of daily rides for a certain: iinount. Anyone could purchase these tickets and the plan worked no injury to anyone and was a decided benefit to the poor nmn In that it permitted Mm to live in the country where rent and lost of living were cheap and yet work in the city where wages were much comhigher. Immediately after the mission mine into power and when Hie rale per mile was nil down by legislation, many of the roads cut off tli" commuters privileges and everybody had lo walk up to the captain office and pny full fare for a ticket ry day. The result was that the poor commuter hail to dispose of the lilts homo in the country at a sacrifice and go hack lo llie city and pay the high rents In order to get work and live. Wlm made by it? Tin commit, r roria'.nly did not. neither did Hie railroads, for they lost the truffle and ran trains of less cars or empty ones. And the newspapers did not. And then were other damages to the common Isolde produced by this lend, hostile altitude of these era of public opinion. They asked for a eh ling, in the freight rates so that distance goods hauled for a shorter would not lie subject to wo high a rate as those hauled a longer distance. On llie face of it. this looked like a rcnulrement. hut If carried to fur ihe full extent it would produce differint results from what its advo cates imagMie.iistilitHc reasoning will ap-I'lii- 11 1 rail-ina- d divi-i!eii- i,. wi-i- s HYDRAULIC LABORATORY Ojr material progiesi'ii due to our ability lo measure accurately. A Methods for ihe exact 1 CORNER hi? equipped with slam, gas, gasoline and hoi a r engin?s and accessories with which the students become familiar by thoroughly I tiling them. measurements of steams of water are learned here. and Dr. R. U. Boone, I'niversity t'nivemity acted as toastmaster at California. Irofessova llie Imnqut'i and introdin-eThe State School of Mines. or Docors Merrill, Stewan. Marshall, distinand other TinStale School cf Mines Is the Lyman. Reynolds guished educators to the assembled Kngineeriiig College of tile Iniversity editors. Addresses were made by sev- of Ctali. Il is located on the same eral. each showing up some needs of tilt- as the I'niversity, and is ail inhis department and all proudly indi- tegral part of il. It affords int ruccating the easiness and high plare ol tion in those subjects and branches Hie great I'niversity of lTtah. which rf engineering that And application as a monument of pub- In the mining Industry. But this stands thrift ami is lic enterprise and lry needs the serviees of chemical. riiablisiied on a commanding site civil, dectrii al, hydraulic, and tneacres on the east bench c!iui:ic;il engineers as well as the serof ninety-twof Silt. Lake City and nearly a million vices of mining and metallurgical end'dlurs worth of property, engravings gineers. lit order to prepare students or some of which are shown on this for these various lines of engineering several different courses are offered. page with brief description. THE MECHANICAL LABORATORY. IN is lalK.-.fc'o'.- ! eMi.-i-- ' hi e.l."..I ) of his ilcmonM ration who fills iris paper with tra:.;i in nr." tiie hope lhnl some one will Inmj thing ami v I'.uniaiily furnish with something better, will live and j It is folly to expci t a. lie in penury ii:irvein from unpinned seed Mr KJ-- ' itor. if your community, your nrii'i: ; lacturers. your merehnn's are si ;w Il prod them into iii and Vitality. - 1 - . in-d- : - , :o:nr-Hiiti'- c.ici measure to the seal and 'I - o is the water that goes into Hip jn!-- ' stock tint turns the wheel, m" ':r' D" water that flows over the spill the oiscir m vo'p your minions of improved ni thuds in lire, horticulture, cattle breeding ; ml ry raising, etc., and leave out the profitless lata stuff, and Hie To be continued in our ilex'." Show 'i- - in in nCapnrer who is sluggish and slow j hr:w v '.l hiis iii'.:i: atipi'ars in and liow ret y is Hie cut of Ips fac ; iuic.i .0 a news llem a id j to"", r him as an mlicr'is " ."i'ii ii'1-ui- n i 1 of the banquet Courses. The School of Mines now the visitors were escorted on a tour offers seven four-yeaenurges. each of Hachelor of of inspection and in every building leading to Ihe paeons of praise, ejaculations of sur- Science in some specified branch of prise or Ohs" of horror when a engineering. It also offers courses to or per- graduate students which lead to the frog was exhibited skeleton thrust degree of Master of Science tn chance a grinning are: The courses offered into view. electrical Bmchuies were given the editors, Mining ciigine'-rinu- . engiir. wiiieh the various departments are neering. civil engineering, mechanical ! engm''erin.l briefly exploited, comprising engineering, chemical general engineering and irrigation enThe School of Arte and Sciences. gineering. The tlrst part of the latIts purpose: The Sehool of Arts ter course is given, however, by He and Sciences is ihe oldest id the four t'tah Agricultural College at Ig:iu schools comprising tin rniversity of i inly the Iasi two years f the r mrs Itiih. The founders of Hie institu- - Br given by the School of Mines at p, Luke City, tlon and those who. from time to After the tired visitors had callc:; ; time, lave been instrumental in its deveopnuT;:. have ever kept in mindr- - 0;l the various d purtments Huy re-- ! thill the chief fiipctioii of the Itiivi j t., evened at the Musmii.i ImlMing. . well- - j w ,eHe tipIIsHth'i! to Mi' sity is to r'wluee as announced. equipped citizens. Itemizing this. HitljuMgram School of Arts and Sciences endeav- - j oMninc addre.--s wii made b ors to provide Hint true and liberal j ir Daniel H. rollct. secret .kv 01 : inwi:.l culture that makes thinking men and Manufacturers w'uncn and that cnlire that inus: Hiiij n jart : j ever ferni the foundation fur the best PressUtah the and Products Utah pro'csslonil anil 'echnicnl education, What I have to say this li aims through mutual helpfiiliip's to weld all dcivirtiiietits or the institu- 011 the subject assigned me will ho in! tion into a unit f"r the aid and im-p- r the nature of siiggesM m. rather Hum be-Yemen: of the young 111. n and of criticism. The rel iHotisliip women of l't ah. 'ween ftali piutlticers and Hie pri-s- s ; of the sia'.e the country press, if.von; The School of Medicine. please, is entirely r ciiiroi'til. an I it: ' Tl-.School f'f Medicine gives the mn.-- t iiis'ances is almost nil. I urn st two years of a medical course sure you will take no offei.se ai liiiS) for '!: pin- Tiiis work is designed for juniors aud s,. it ,,.,.1,1. if w(. us.-uAt the conclusion r Kngi-neerin- ag-ic- II. Capwell. editor of the Tl'e-ni'i- t ib'i Mali ni on ili' railroads today than liefi.ro in Hie iilsiory of the world was the next on the Time:', 111" iie: follow i.::d wlm read them no great cities cuT.il vi:lio.;i ptoci'iiiu. j .,. ,.r: ixsi. the fanner could not market his prodiMTH erd oiler starvailon would :H :le i'ie ini. ill itntils of so'ne seel Ions ii'nli.g a railroad in their neighborhood He h:s lived llr wheil-- i The assignment "1 this subject li r I." nisheil Hie jiople to know w iiic editor id hs vori v. ns ; ' : :i sing, to en-toaiiiry new spa pe; seems like asking n man to writ" "rage ''.iln 01 .d 'n Imildlag up about In chit ion of liiiusel! to hi' i1;!''!' ci iiiiiii'iii') ;. giving him the ii rich! of way at the least cost and In family, the two lieing so in pendent upon the oiler in these days m.'.uy oilier v. a is. lie has tint neither coil id do much without h" I'lin-- io sinnd in wi'ii hi. n in I !naid or inll'ii'tice ol the i.tlii'r. 11:' ll;e rcsriirccs of the country W li il ihe i"l 1.0 nercily it lias been mutually ni'wspnp'r may lie t!i- i!is in I rort il le i seii'iiintiir ot news and the leader hoh. Vi Tim ago. before W. in ihe manufactiir! r. That i space in his coluiins. am', .e.iici'ss in disposing of il wili tie in riele u' ni I -- 1 ! 1 ;ii-- i r T - to be Ihe lirces-s:pnl.lic cpinion. its news weidd iif.l Im H1:' I'li'road t I'.n ii is carried very far from its place c! today, the editor of an ini newspaper in a town where j'lililiratlon until It woiiid lie s'ale and in Iccrdly i allow news, and its opinions o; icsiiion to a right of way was like-;i o'lid lind a eiy small cit-:lii'M lop. became the r e' one 1iidf is if it w ( re no: for th-- ' rapid more sliares of stock it in in ihe t; is; xrt j; t ri of M;e prluteil "oromoHon stork it and the emniriiions from ,!s subs1 til eis in Hiir nm" :i j rr enss. ihe invi'.:ir. 'o M" .it. vi re used as lubricants to ,;,y;ng iis; .f s.:!s r l.i rs anl nilvi-ids renders to drop their nntag- - v :i-- 1 - M I discover- 1 lirciid-miiidcd- 'n ti, i ; j fl-- - Bill in answer mauds llie eointnission derided that I under certain conditions this would guidance tbo practicable, and under shio-rrrt the large manufacturers and in-trust." the railroads were a shorr mate must fonned that they and a lorn: haul rate on "earload kind ol vl.il meins of one parlieiilar one sec-from tri'i'Si'orted inu ,'oo'ls hnf on of ih' country t" another, carload minimum a hat less tlia'i or si ill pay Ihe original rn' e f '.oild of lit. whatever rate the tariff sheets required. ransiiort.it ion companies over H;- -' A i'd What a reiolrlng tiros. Tom mere::!' ri, I, tom's I?) division. cinl's held luituniets in honor of the u rvcnl !M1 HiM:iknrn in ihp intoivstHwent miinufnct tiring com naiiies lh wer npplaml-eit, 'O claries over It and .v the little flah. the retailers, who 0 thought they would he able to get ot IP Hi belter profit on their goods s' j 1 d ! rr.c rio1 it I'xsiiisic'iTriiisiisrE EStotoiilsSSfcflJiittMSE. n mi aac c..L& : .T : ir .. r .s:,; to - g.- 1 WiWmaBB - !V 'A v'-- .V1 - 1. itm : . t -- J : .r A .b S i,l i d WT.ST KLK A I ION FROPOffFJ) NFA1 CENTRAL BUILDING UNIVKKSI I Y OF UTAH |