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Show enough copragn to make It. Hut, after all. "he was by no means sun- tl;Ht I nderwood had committed Write For This had steeled her and stifled j , that were naturally good, hut otherwise she was not wholly deiiciJ-'. Howard had conreased. so void oi feeling. She waa really sorry rhtiuld she jeopardize her II I, gnoii for tins poor little woman who was. name uselessly? fighting so bravely to save her luis'No, 'epeated the judge, shaking baud. No doubt she had inveigled his head, "there's something strange Howard into marrying her. but she I don't in the whole affair. Alicia -- hud no right ,u sit in Judg- had any band In it." tells how you ran ou her lor that. If the girl ' j incut he confeased! Hut exclaimed had been ambitious to marry ahors get the very latest Alicia. lu-in what way was she more guilty ' e fleets on our walls. 1 he Judge shook his head. than she herself had been in marry- 'That's nothing," he paid. "Tip-a man she did not love, simply for ing Contains a sample have been many inst.-im-of untrue his wealth and sis-ia- l of the Coior Plant our position? A famous affair of (onicsMoiis. the Alicia was herself sorely artists will furnish kind sas the Itoorn case in Veruuint trouble! Her coiisei.-in-told her you, FRKK, for any j'wo liroHtcrs confessed having klllid that a word from her might set the! rooms you wish to decorate. and described whole matter right. ilpir It isn't tlie good time a woman has She might hu ow they destroyed the body. com-- j that count with her; it's the telling yet able to prove that siitif lime afterward the murdered milted suicide. She knew she was of H. it an turned up alive and well. The a coward at.il worse than a coward e of the confession, of emirs nl.ji-iThe lieantiful Wall Tint because she dare not speak that was to turn the verdict from niurd-- r word. The more she saw her lius- roniri in 16 rxquikitr tints. Mure artiitle to manslaughter, the firniiinstnnr.iul hand's anger the less linn wall paper nr paint at a fraction of courage she the con. Kalsomine colon are harsh and them having been had to i'u It. In any case, she i idc'ii'c against argued common lienide the coloi iu water the days of witchcraft to herself. How aril had confessed. m, strong, If tints of Alaliastine. Absolutely sanitary i unfortunate women accused or he shot Underwood then1 wus no sui- easiest aiul quickest to use, l gnri furthest ti.e witches were often urged by dde. so why should she inn imluate , and will not liij, el, AVilli to confess us being tin- - only herself pm'kugr Hut then- was im off. or rub of 1 m 1 1 wav to them. an Open Attli reason why she should not show some j Dom'l iml let aY rgprrt to pull you product o . dirrviiuiia m rtrry at Sab-in- . in !0:n', confi sse( sympathy fur the poor girl who, after ii coupon that is Full S U. Pk.t wfaiic, gi'l he was a witch. Sin- mid ti,i all. was only doing wliat any good $; vrfulai lima. with Kciiuino iiji'i.l uiu tired to tier ill Hie shape m Wife slilllllil lb). Ablllll she repeated: 1 t itfc rs n i I vc r w a rc a hso-lutc- ly Alabasimv Company ami .''I. that she attended a me, t "Ill ee.1 tin- - girl and talk to her. of M insMIr lut. Lost IwS. at Sali-n- t village. She She must listen to reason" free. Ill iiot insane, but the horror of S tat lilt. Ink t. IK tan Slim "lieason!" exploded the Ii.it. r, You tret the full vhIiio lirmiy.ht against hi i angrily. "Mow can you DONT FAIL to WRITE expirt reason of our money in ind hi'cii leu mtii-l- i for a weak mind. ft. nn a woman who hmui.ls us. dogs FOR T1 IE FREE BOOK i m l ess it in troods. iiml t lie coupon us I, iv. limy possibly be our footsteps, tries III con. pel US to-- Ui stiiue i'licll iMlIllellce." un extra gtiiiil lHCiisure. take h. r up?" hope for ltis pour father's sake." Judge I In water, who bad :i;ipare!:t-iHr Mure In ask fur .mi 'licia, "1 lint you muy he rigiit paid no iiiicntioti to tin- - haulier's .! that lie , iiiay be proved innocent, remarks, now tui'iu-around, is ill eW hi lini ugly everything he said: Special pri.es daring April. May. Juno. j I un.and -i linn iiu "I think you do lmr an injustice, think you are the only July Augu.t; any qu.iiiiity. onn dozen to i ooo or more, l'nit lI.i a thtiiria-iitin New York to expnss such a Jeffries. SI..- comes every day in the Ciiar.iiiieed every Moiul.iy ami Thurwlay. doulii " that hope toward your your feelings I I It.irred vmoiith Itocks. Kh'xl-- i Island " I hiii'f forget his wife," remark-- ii son have eliungcd. She wishes to "It's No Use Talking About Her Any More. Reds. I)l;u It Minorias, Itroun leghorns anil del the coupium. tin- j.ulge. give color lo the belief that his fadryly. any time of the year All inltum.iiioii and uho replied. feel "No," ther's his on tinreally lawycr; Iik1.iv. ua to Wiiie championing application. prices Will you latise. She was liotust enough to ' sorry for the girl myself. Many a candidate never gets any The Bihn llafchery, Petaluma, Gal. me so. You know her uiovciiicutr are further than being allowed to pay the I l.ic her souie money if I Its uveal In tlie wi.rM.vaiucciiy IttaMichlck. Tin- lawyer shook hfs head. clorely wutehed bv the new spapers freight. "She won't take It. I tried it. She n ml she take good care to let il.c a -: murrlcd mini baa a (hupertm Many rants nn- lo defend her liuslianit I reMrlers think that she comes In te In Ills wife. tried to bribe her to go to some other to discuss with me the details ul her Hinen It 1. worth while lo lm well, take husband's defense. lawyer, hut it wouldn't work." Oarlirld Tea. Nature'. Mcda-lne- . "Well, something ought to be done The banker shifted impatiently (,n to slop her annoying us!" exclaimed his chair. Contemptuously he said: Il'a practically impossible for a man "Mr. Jeffries sufAlicia, indignantly. "The newspapers which I read don't . to form an liupurtlul opinion of fers terribly. I can henr him pacing give her the slightest attention. If up and down the library till three or they did I should refuse to read four in the morning. Poor man. he them." With growing irritation he The average man'a way of forgiving suffers so keenly and he won't let any went on: An enetny Is meaner than hia refusal one sympathize with him. He won't "It's no use talking nhout her any to do so. let me mention his sons name. I feel more. What are we going to do BY RAY WALTERS ILLUSTRATIONS we ought to do something. Try and about this latest This wommr c.v non, dulinghmi corawsy When an old man dlos and his rein-Uve-s OuensQir, persuade him to let me see this girl an is going on the stage to bo exand you are his friend aa well aa his hibited all over the country and she say that he ! better off the The lawyer waa silent SYNOPSIS. chance are that be lc. legal adviser." somewhat nervously with proposes to use tli family mime. bowed. "There Is nothing to prevent her," Judge Howard Jeffries, banker's non, under cutter, as if not quite decided as to tlie evil Intliiencn of Hnhert "Your husbaud Is a very old friend, Raid the lawyer, dryly. Hla Work. i,-- ' what response to make. He coughed lead a life of at Vale, An electrician ought to be a social The banker jumped to his feet and and fussed with the papers on the Mrs. Jeffries. I can't disregard his nmrrlea the daughter of a gsm-nl1 who died in prison, amt la disowned desk. wishes entirely " fucoeas. exclaimed angrily: his father. He Is out of work and In by There was a knock st the dor of "There must be! Hood Hod, Drew-steaVWhy an electrician especially?" "Why don't you have her pug dsHriito straits. Underwood, who had nce lieen engaged to llowanl'a step, the office; "BecauM he Is ao well posted on office. Jivatu ' surely you ran obtain un InjuncjfijVpeated. In proaiierV Cw mother. Allrla. In me In," tion restraining her from using the led the Judge. J sun vlrenniataneea. aiparently , Thp Midge lookVd uPr-T- fo Taking '1yiU11 ige oJ ijrrent topics. r w dtf?. You ' must tib sAm -nod and the head fcinilV ram! rt v Vta S. KS.m: nils it - ' ' vMion In tiTTuce fTlntfl ttV .,.i. 1 of soefnl highwayman, eort Mtiuutiy lscivertna in Ikward What do thing. entered, ushering you advise? cn interpreted as urue of anFsct snd Fancy. hla true character, Alicia tcnics liim t lie r "I advise patience, Jeffries. Sr. Thn banker, still aristothe replied lie sc n.u lu-- a note ns If hn rather rcfci-ntc...e. "Great Bcott, Marla, that's a daring house. this suicide. Art denier for whom he iiete. tired cratic but and looking dignified, judge, calmly. -luslnn into his business dresa! as ciiiiinilNHloin demnii'l an i and careworn, advanced into thu room llut Mr. JefTrli-Ha raunol make good. Howard calls at hut Mrs. Jeffries, Sr., was loo had no patience. "Its a fancr costume. Ills apartment In an Intoxlcnteil condithe Judge, who He was a man who was not accusshook with and hands I I were If would a slick to client yes,. so Well, tion to a loan of g..(oo to enalde purtniit quarrel greeted hint with a cordial smile. tomed to have his wishes thwarted. him to take up a business pjol'ysltiyn. he merely said: a little closer to fart." Judge. t Underwood tella hfm lie la in There wus no response on the bank- He did not understand up to why there Mrs. hla eyrt. (Toward drinks hluiself Into a "Frankly, Jeffries, if It were er's fare. Querulously he demanded: should be the slightest difficulty In maudlin nn a to ami condition, goes Ua Another for Medicine. sleep not for the fact that Mr. Jeffries has t divan A la nmioiim-i-inml UnderBrewster, w hat's that woman doing currying out his instructions. A Chicago family which employs aa wood drawscaller a screen ariinml the drunken exacted from me a promise not to out there again? It's not the first "Any one can advise patience! he Alicia enters. Hlie a take up this case, I should be Its butler an negro waa Ireper. from tempted tune I've met her In this office. Underwood that lc will not exclaimed, hotly, "but that's not do-- ! oonstantly annoyed by the doorbell of promise taka hla life. Hr return's iinli-sshe will to consider the matter. In the first Alicia looked up eagerly. "Is she ing anything. Hanging the desk On renew her patronage. Tills alie the house getting out of order. I'htce, you know I always liked Howtake her leave. Underwood kills out there now?" she cried. angrily with hla fist, he exclaimed: leveral occasions an electrMun who and I saw a good deal of him before himself. The report of tin- - pistol awa- ard. What right has she to come here? "I want something done!" used some sort of white powder kens Howard. He finds Underwood dead. your marriage to Mr. Jeffrlea. He hla predicament lie at tempts to What's her object?" went on the In his work, had been called Mi L. (Is Realising Judge Hrewster looked up at his was a wild, flea and la met by Umlerwood'a always valet. unmanageable client with surprise. The judge never Howard la turned over to the ihiIIc. boy. wenk In character, but he !iad banker Irrltatedly. the bell. Clinton, imtorloiiN for hla hrntnl The lawyer shrugged his shoulders. Inst his temper. Even in the most One evening when there were guests Capt. lot able traits, I am very sorry, treatment of prisoners, pitta Howard The same old thing." he replied. acrimonious wrangles in the courtof the one them thlril and through it dinner, to see him In such a terrible degree, roinplalned an gets finally indeed, alleged confession from I In- Imriiased "She wants me to take her case." room he was always the suave, polof a sore throuL The mistress of the nan Annie, llowanl'a wife, ilecl.-m-her position. It was hard for me to realThe banker frowned. . ished gentleman. Then was a shade house turned to the liutler and said: belief In her hiialianri'a ize it and I should never have benml she will dear him. Hln- on "Didn't you tell Imr it was iinpos of repnmch in bis tone as he replied: "Sam. when dinner Is over, gc to the buys Jnffrtcs, Sr. He refuses to iinlesa lieved him guilty had he not con- Bible? "Come, come, don't lose your tem(nig store and gel a small bottle of aho will emiseiit to a divorce. To save fessed to the crime. no Howard she consents. Inn when she llmls difference." per! Ml do what I ran, but there is "That makes Dobell's solution." "Yes." she assented. "It la an awthat the elder Jeffries does not intend lo She comes just nothing to be done in the way you llefore da ljnw.l!" exclaimed the stand hr Ids son, except limnn hilly, she ful thing and a terrihle' blow to his laughed the judge. acorns Ids Annie the same. I've sent her away a dozen suggest. The most I can do Is to reto Judge father. Of course, he has appeals negro In genuine distress. "Is dat do', Itrewater. help. had nothHr., to attorney for Wliat sin I to do if she in- main loyal to you, although to Im bell out of urduh ag'in?" Popular take Howard's case lie Annie ing to do with Howard for months. times. haunta on ofllce. sists coming? We can't have her quite ctindid I confess it goes r.gninst Magastue. As you know, lie turned him out of arrested. She doesn't break t lie- furni- the grain to keep my bands off this dour long ago, hut the disgrace is ture or heut the office CHAPTER XIV. Continued. hoy. She sim- case. As I told your wife, there are COFFEE HURTS none the less overwhelming. certain features about It which inter ply sits ami waits." One In Three. The looked out or the winlawyer You mean about the Underwood Have you told her that I object to eRt me keenly. I Teel thut you are dow and drummed his fingers on the case?" the wrong to " demanded her coming It is difficult to make people believe arm of Ills chair. Radd-'iilAlicia nodded wheeling hanker, haughtily. "No. Hrewster!" Interrupted Mr. that coffee la a poison to at least one "Ye. Mr. Jeffries is terribly' upset. round, and racing his client, he said: "I have," replied the Judge, calmly, Jeffries, explosively. "I'm right! I'm person out of every three, but people As If the "Yon know this he Is married girl coming trial and all the rest "blit she Inis overruled your objec- right! You know It. but you won't are slowly finding it out, although of the scaudal were not enough. Hut no ordinary woman. With a covert mile he add- admit it." tion." thousands of them suffer terribly be- now we have to "Oh!" she exclaimed, sarcastically. ed. "You know we can use force." fare oven The lawyer shrugged his shoulders fore they discover the fact. worse, something thut affeets me even "She has succeeded In arousing your shrugged his shoulders ami turned to his desk again. LaconMr, A New York hotel man nays: Each more thun my husband. Iteuliy, I'm sympathy." impniii tit :y. ically, he said: time after drinking coffee 1 became frantic nluiiit it " The Judge bowed coldly. "You can certainly iwe moral force," Well. I won't nvgne the matter restless, nervous and excited, so that I 'What's hupiK-nr"No." he replied "1 would hardly he said now?" asked the with you. You refuse to lie advised was unable to sit five minutes In one Hut she has nroused my sny thut. lawyer, calmly. hv inornl by me and -- " "What tlo you menu place, waa also Inclined to vomit and "That woman is going on the slug-- , curiosity. She Is a very peculiar girl, force?" demand' d the lawy-- r. Tlie hunker looked up impatiently. WE SAVE rov MONEY ON suffer from loss of sleep, which got that's all!" she suapiN-d- . evidently a creature or impulse and Mr. .leffrii s threw up his hands as "What is your advice?" worse and worse. I TYPEWRITERS determination. "H'm," said the lawyer, ritlmly. (1 certainly feel sorry if utterly disgust! with the whole The lawyer, without looking ti "A Indy said that perhaps coffee waa Call and we iiurKsw- Am. "Just think!" she rrlcd, "the name. for her. Her position is a very pain-- ( business Almost angrily lie an- - inini Ills papers, said quietly: Ma.'iiinkk t Uakuaix tha cause of my trouble, and suggested Mrs. Howard Jeffries' my name ful one. She hn been married only swered: Puicis. nr w rite for price IUt. "You know what nty feelinR in tin that I try Posturn. I laughed at the paraded before the public! At a time j a few months, and now her husband Sliwart-Glc(- a "Mora! lorn i.s moral lorce matter an" C. Typswritrr Exchugc thought that coffee hurt me, but she when everything should be done to has to face the most aw ful accusation j Ti i UK 1XTI NI'KI 36 West Ncrond South Ntrc.'t. Salt Like Cltr min pci suasion, or .muse. Hood Insisted ao hard that I finally had keep it out of the papers this woman ' that can be brought against a man. ; Hud. why can 'I people understand ome Iostum made. I have been us- Is going to flannl herself oil the She is phn ky in spile of it nil. snd is th.-sLiterary Vaudeville. things as I do?" MEN AND WOMEN ing It In place of coffee ever since, for t uk-- ! moving heaven and earth In Howard's A New Kngland admirer of WANTED :rhcr Trade. Onlyto The judge said nothing hut turned lzingM I noticed that all my former nervousShe fanned herself indignantly, , defense. She believes herself to In- - In to examine some r.Hiiinil. Tuition, Hint the aftei-mionl papers on his desk. low proposi-.d of tool. AVI. 1'i.imIii- - iiotrin-tiogiraran-t..'ness and Irritation disappeared. I be- while the lawyer rapped 'his desk ab-- j some measure responsible for his lUrlH-rt In He liard'y likul the inference that he February 27 ol each year lie set asid Write Molar Barbar iniiidi-dlwith a paper cutter. fortune. gan to sleep perfectly, and the Collaga, l:t f'oinmiinMl Street. SkII Lake City. purt from that, the tin- public sclionls us a time to lit could not si f tilings a as pjv tasted as good or belter than the old Alicia went on: interests me from a pitr.lv profession. oilier people, lint what wasplainly tlie use sp.ri.il attention in the imct's liw KODAK FINISHING "Yon know 1 have never met the al point of view. There are several coffee, so what was the use of stickwot Us. l.otig.'l!ow wa doubtless of getting irritated? II- - couldn't a Mail onl.-rgiven prompt ing to a beverage that was injuring woman. What Is she like? I under strange features connected hc.-l.ion. Aiui'i'ican with Imt t jrh i... of lie already t.H'k nl 'o quarrel Coini'lete gnat pint. Snpplit. me? stand she's been bothering you to case Somethin . In si.-tall Laka Photo Supply Co. of Howard's r!i ills h:i suffici'cni pLre iu t !: schools by W I "One day on an excursion up the take the cast of I lint worthless hits- - j conf.-isio- a. rite tor 1M ratalDsues. Mata Hi. don't h.di.-vbe in V ei y reader put Alicia looked at her l.usbar.l altx r.'i ivsi i, of Iters, lki you know she had milled tha: crime " country I remarked to a young lady her Lm.l un lti i.'itli sine-- - In lived aiul ui ought. And .'nus!y. l4'.y,!ii: A liberal min L.i :.ian la one who friend on her greatly Improved appear- the Impertinence to come to our house Alicia eli:ii.mil enim and. there is already (on min Ii fimlislinesa sbifttr.g .die paid MVulhir.qly: 1 think the way you do. ance. She explained that some Mine and uk Mr. Jeffrie to help I were to see if uneasily on her Litthill si riitinici the! hools. tlie and loo si "leiT.ups reading, before she hud quit using coffee and Htiki'd my liMNbiind to her, lawyer' face What was behind that' Mr. .leffrle t nr tied angrily, writing and arithmetic. f'nl(r, this Helping the Cause. taken to Fustuni. She had gained a but nil 1 could get from liim wu that calm, iiiKcruinhlf mask? Whai "How can yon think of smrh toward hull. lay and special i theory Vox Im you think you've alii1 wit 1tipuli of number pound and her former palimpertinent and iiuHsihU." had lie formed? One newspaper had i thing? I can't permit nty wife ir days In schools come to an end stain, boosted your circulation by giving a he suggested suicide. She , r pitation of the heart, bumming In the She heniluled a moment, then with u woman ol it will be necessary for teai-liecome in eoni.u-tmight to for the biggest po"I idit1 a pretty u her pie- - come forward and declare ears, trembling of the hands and legs utldi'd: .o provide year's subscription that Rob- that character." take a course In vaud-vi!tato raised in the country? tunin tit!' paper? You've seen her, ert Underwood had threatened and other dlsagrcrable feelings had who was vurii tv, and aimtit ull tha to Judge Brewster, listening the needed The Kditor Meldip not, but I get lake hi own life, hut how disappeared. She recommended me to of coiiri?" a vacation. Atcliildren will take he in spite of the fact thut he wa ilrcwKfcr race frowned. (our barrels of samples. waa and and take Uostura the scandal which such a course Judge iu hi quit coffee Hiobe. chison engrossed paper, pursed "Yea." he replied. "Sho come her would involve? She would have to hia very much surprised to find that I had lip. Delayed Payment. She admit every the day made regularly. literally change. visiting Underwood' rooms at he said with a forced already "Oh, Where They Grow. I bought this armchair on the me nee to to her refuse reand compel midnight alone. That surely would laugh, she a not a bad a all thHt!" "She said her brother had also "What ha of our old landplan." ceived great benefits from leaving off go till I've told her I haven't changed ruin her in the eye not only of her "I'm aure she Isn't." said Alicia, em- lady? "Easy terms?" husband, but of the whole world. If phatically. coffee and taking on Posturn. "Tbere'r my derlaion about taking Iter She must be amenable a "She's house keeping bending ir "Whut inolence! exclaimed Alicia this sacrifice of her good name "Rather. A dollar down and a do-a- r a reason." were to reason." California now." 1 should think that you would have necessary to save an innocent man' whene the collector can catch wee read tk abavw letter! A The banker's wife wa not altogeth "Wanted to jjit i.e. r tin- pruiiei m a wear fea aad fall w.f They her put out of the office." llff. perhaps ah might summon bk bad. un.hi vauitv er and Kxccxiv ..kl up ra Beaalaa, Ufa. later I. Free Book Shows 20 Beautiful Modern Mini lu-a- impalrc-- V - ( Rooms . i j I ' r c s. e hrutliL-r-in-la- I.- Alabastine ITid.-ruon- , t j Rogers Silverware i FREE ; (oft-hue- d i of vry Uns-i-r- rc-dcoiii- - ' win-lie- s the I WHITE LEGHORN HAUY CHICKS I y i -- Ilewlotfs Prod mils - 1 t.-l- i$e) liiui-aelf- - i :- - Third Degree y CHARLES KLEIN y arthurhornblow . i , , Y j Un.l.-ruvnn.- fellow-stude- er r, V -- 1.1. ' I r tf s li.-f.- a ' I hiiiiM-em-e- ; -lp . - " I muui-tliin- d - .t 1 J 1. Ix-a- : ' a j n mis-acn- x - j atti-nlin- e e tlu-ii)'- .' con;-bau- t.-i- l d her" - 1 ra. - |