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Show INLAND NORTHWEST THE UTAH BUDGET Ge A LCAZ A D Tin- - lling ol Beautiful DINTS ' Main Street Motion Picture House i tn-- J ils M Wiiliaiiis. nuii M K. neiinm-a- , i v. of in Iiik at Win luting iiiTiimt 'liunis m of liiisini'SM, fmin oin in tii. ( is CASINO - t on Ai joivii-i- i - l Im'iS'- - in I'r ivu was il.iy ami v.iili hut- iiiz, us tin- - other 1n ELEVATING lii-- ii i ii hi'iiti-iu-i'i- l I l"aiiiiiK up tin rity. is Kvt-r-y t i s OPP. A Good. Geaa, Wholesome .Show Mitaeea Daily 2.30 to 5 P. M. In- - nn-nt- INTERESTING INSTRUCTIVE Admisson 10 cents Vaudeville and Pictures j inaiii to . road years.' iinii'i.-oi- i "un r.iii I'niti-i- l Siut.-good a I bill poster, rotiftrurlioii train for tho tJooil Iloada ('nil June! in was round in the Kagl.-s- ' rlnlilinii-- i on ':i volition to In l Isiki- llausi-- r with a bull.-- t ln!n 13. 14 mid 15. In liis liead it un ari-- i The funeral of John L. Reynolds, dent or KUirldi is not known. thn only white man to witutus the bas j j W'lii-tlu-- KEITH-ORKIEN- The of tin Missoula Fruit historic Ouster massaere anil escape and IriNlui'i- uHMuciation has derided with hi life, will be held in Pali on Monday. to build a bin warehouse and aiiple to in be Missmil:i, packing plant ready Sheep shearing bep.iin last week at to bundle the produrts of it the Manti Steam Shearing Ai Dippin next fall. ronipany's corrals at UiriKtPiiihiirg. TIiiiiiiuh Kuikliill, who, after year Seventy-livthousand head will hu of prospeclmti. achieved a iorlune iu suearcd at this place. nt thr Nevada, died at )roilie. Cal,, Iasi! The eoimneiieeineiit rxereisweek. Me iiiiub the first big Kt lik- - at Cti'li Agricultural college at IjOan Ely. .Mr. Itm kliill at one Hun! bervd 'his yeac will be held from May 25 tc S. as a s'.uto senator. The sis'iikers ehnsen for the or will inelurif (iovprr.or Spry. of a Utah pi mimes l.'ijjiin.oof) wool uiiiiiially. TIih in prmiin-tim- i To learn what this s'at. is iloitiu tc Idaho Is Ii.imhi.Oimi pounds in Vjo-- ' ' farming, the two sirt:s ol '.lien is whe tiling, 4o,000, Min siuods; io Nevada, I'ru'iiay:in ex pel is and IL.ooO.ooo iMiuoils, ami io M nii.uia, arrived in Salt I.ake Iasi week, ar' Hii.ooo.noo pounds, a touil ot I lit! .initi.- - visiting dilTerent seci ions of tin state .it 000 p'ni'ids. week. .1 i!i n M. Itrowii. A veldat of noi y.iiilly waslirmmlit he weallliy stork-.li.ila nt N'eviii'a City, Califoriiia. in tin of Moab. will iie i ried at Iriee i!i eis of I'aul M lloyle, rburgf'l willi Ju"e for (lie uinrdiT of Ids soil Mr. ami Airs. James A. the murder of V. II. M. Sinith. edi'or uid danclit'-rlit Triieki-.if ltepnlilie:ill, Ht iobiis. a changt of venne bavins i l'laiekee, on miry 7m last. The heeii rallied. main' While walking ailing 'In Jury was out four hours and live mill: llles. ('reel of Ixii.im. Dale Jenkins, a boy Aui'iiiiohSlos will iiui ho permitteil thmil IS years of ne. was siruek by to enter Yellow stone puik tin emu-heard that t from an upper story Tin- reason giwn by inn window and his nose was almost tit; sr.i-oi- i from his fare. seereiary of the interior for rciii..ing !ii reip-usis t tint to permit aiimmii- Tin I Dili I', mb residents near Do: biles to eti!r!' tin park woillil liees will probably at las: secure of the whole Inal r. Jidiii I. N'jwland. president of sitate a road system. :hc Mtim Canal ami Irrigation comATrcr delihcr.-uiiifur Imurw, the pony, is ncKotiiii.Ini; with the nt Cleodivc. Mont., decided that headers to organize a coimiiiy. Max M. Iu'akv, twice tried for the It is announced that work will bemurder of Frank Kelwni at Wibaux. gin soon on the road between My Uni Mont., In l!Mo, Hliinild not ham; for and Price, and when finished it will of lie Kiiiiahle for automobile travel. It the crime, hrinuiuK in a second decree murder. The defense is said that the road could lie put in Tine condition with the eximndilure ol pleaded Insanity. DeclarinK that whe would ratio r die not to exceed $X,noO. Kdwin Dowdru, a resident of Salt by her own hand than to be murdered after the trial of Woiik SI Sum Lake for orty years, died April 13. and Lew Soon, chanted with the mur- from apoplexy. lie was sixty-eigder of Sold ItlnK hud December. Ol years old. Mr. Dowden crossed the Sen, Chinese slave girl, who is a prin- plains and mountains to l lah in a cipal wltneHH, attempted xuieide inthi jovered wagon, and was a pioneer Portland Jail, hut will recover. merchant of the state. So far this year the Welter county The laidy of Carson Ijiik. soil of Alderman T. K. I.oiik of ('nicuKo, who schools ha vh been freo from contagl disappenr(d March 5, has been found ous diseases, according to County in the Yakiina river live miles below Physician J. W. Pbicuck. The ccjggiy North Yakima. Wash. Doth legs and quarantine adopted this wlr.tet wai one arm were broken and It Is lie xuinewh at dilferent frotn . llcved that Long was knocked off li- - nil more rigid than usual. asVT'ciatfon !iu'he Tool.a tn logo nub I lie l iver TjV" a 'tfain. no Fair t County hours of continuous will benefit to the extent of $1,700 as Forty-fou- r travel without food, rest or water, ii tbe result of a special tax u!K'ti the iXiiitlfsh. voted la toil Kailrond ft Navigaibm company imHse the tax for exhibition purmca in tho last two months. The govern- as permitted under the state law. It has been decided by Dr. K. (1. ment claim a violation of its a total (owaiis, Hiiperimendenr of the State law- - and demand Industrial School at Ogden, to put of $1,000 damages, e of the tract under Chief Scarfaec. said to have been parr cultivation. Four acres win be plantt.lu oldest, survivin' of the Arapahoe ed la potatoes, fifteen acres will he Indians, died last week at Arapahoe, prepared for grain and thirty acre Searface 103 Chief years. Wyo.. aged ieaee for hay. was noted for his ilerfttv for are being made ot Investigation readmes men his and white with the to adopt the white man's customs, lie Mi urges that tho fanners of American prevented his tribe from participating Fork and of Pleasant drove have In the massacre of (Senerai Custer' be. ni Imposed upon by a firm which sold them seed potatoes that were soldiers. supposed io be of Colorado Pearl vaThe itostolfice department report but turned out to be small, 1 that on January 3 there were forty-- i riety. sernbby spuds. iu nine postal savings deisisltories Thn board of health of Provo Is Montana, with an aggregate of demx. to make a for the preparing its of $275.1010, deposited by 2,300 de-- i establishment of a rainpalgn district garbage pnsitora. or an arerago or $120 each. within the business district of the Since tho system was inaugurated in town, and to see that each business Montana S.ono accounts have been hcii-- t takes care of all rubbish and opened and more than 7.2UO deposits vs lies, fo that they ran tie hauled 1.KO0 withdrawal. made, with about away by the city. Sixteen million acres of land in A bee special, the first, of its nature California, Oregon. Washington. Idaho ever to he run over a railroad in the and Montana, containing more than world, left southern California Sutur-400,0110,000,000 feet of standing timber, day for 1'tah. It consists or nine cars, will be pat tolled and otherwise pro- pacli carrying from (JOO to 80 tected agafnet Ore this scusiui under swarms. In all there are 5.000 the direction of the Western Forestry swarms. Kadi swarm contains fioin anil Conservation association, which, ',0.0.01 to bees. with its alliml organizations, expendIn The Mtcn Commercial ed $070,000 for thla work in 1910 and making a strenuous campaign for new 1911. members. The club has taken an opA man need not "retreat to the tion on a building in tile renter of the wall" before killing his assailant town with a view to Pool. when the circumstances indicate that billiard mid card tables are being and other amu,iiietits and so- death or great Irodily Injury may re' sult from the assault. Thus the court .dal fcil arcs contemplate.!. Modi interest is In'ing taken by charged the Jury in the case or Hurt Hicks, machine shop owner, charged he dalmncn of l'tnh count In getwith the killing of W. A Wnrtmun, a ting the finest dairy stock that can union picket at For land, last Novem- M purchased in the c.iiin:ry. ami a ber. The Jury, after de'.lberu' ill'.; sev- iimi'M'r of farmers ami dairymen arc j eral hours, lound Hick not guilty. tending cast for t borough tired sine!., j Tin rt-il- i A company, a $5.tMi.o0it W. Fritter, of Superior Judge tin is 'oucern, coiporat. name of the1 denied the of alien ,:;,pTli Seattle, ornany formed to tak- over l'tnh j Lars Kniaiiuel Homan ft r naturalization because lloman said In would ...1 proper! ch and opera1 e at: interid an railroad e;mi. t !i",: tli. mire-- . stand by bis labor uoi,n iu prefera' Spa;-.- . sh ence to tbe government of the Iniied wi'li ihe Salt ..!. Io'-Fork Stan. Mrs. Jomi'o i' I: on of Woods t'ro-iHarry Heher was found guilty by About Jury nt Kly. Nv.. of in tinier in the s suffering from lock jaw. econd degree for the kfillin: of Jen-ti- iwo weeks aco she was i Fitzgerald, u woman of the under uni a day or so later had a tooth bill the attending physicians irorld, Inst December. Heher showed jo sign of emotion whatever when tre tillable to dctcrnr:-lther of tluse was the direct cause be conclusions of the jury were yf the attack. Suddenly stricken while In Salt A Seattle dispatch announces the Lake to atttnd conference, Charles leatli of Krastu C. Hawkins of chief engineer of the Alaska WjhmI, Sr a prominent merchant of syndicate and Holden, Millard county, died on the lb. Mr. Wwnl was eighty seven Inllder of the Copper Uiver 4r North-vestercars old. Tho cause of death was and the White raa ft Yukoa Jineral debllltv. a Xta CoOOOOO, 9 j Motion Pictures Beautiful Ballads Continuous 12 to 11P.M. Admission 5c. I Trans-Mediu- Pontyn & 9 9 Page two conla ns Map of the world Map of the United Stales showing the accessions of territory from Treaty of Peace to the presaent day. 0 0 m. 0 56 South Wert Temple Street o a c Wall Chart Coupon Publisher Salt Lake Argus SALT LAKE CITY. 9 9 Please find enclosed yen Spiritual Adviser 0 45 cents for which havr tome mailed your 2 page wall chart. EatahSahed 34 0 j Program changes every Day 3 Mrs. Harriet o e (jcatre a Material, size 29 x 39: A-- L Page one contains Map of United Stales, Republic of Panama Hawaiiansland The , d Alaska Seats 10c. AB r - T of Eveainp 7.15. - diri-.tor- T Which is of interest t men and Women. Boy and Girls, can be had while they last, by sending ihn coupon 48 cents to this office A few words about this GREAT 1 wo Page Wall Chart made I In-i- i OUR GREAT WALL CHART OFFER THEATRE BEAUTIFUL tlii-u'i'i'- liusim-h- s y j if 25. Lake wi'li a iiimmki.t ut mu n t ! in Suit lihtiiiiss Au.ii-'iml- Kv.-r- KunililiuK CHASTE. in ( HlPi'lC. I Everything I'tah Day,'' April Hiiiiiv rsiirt of tin- - I mi luof Kiii-- 1 Milii-- Name 0 0 o 0 Rdable Infomuition and Advice a Given on Matter of Life. a 0 a o o ooooooooooo n in-la- , I XfuNA jcatcr Moving I 22 Aihtoa & Saturday Giildren 5c 2 to S ' j j CcnL Mgr Songs change Tur. Ac Salurdy Chidrrn 5c 2 to 5 Program Adult 1 0c Matin Daily I ajafoc-H- ' & theatre. Leading Familv Theatre 4 Big Acts 4 2 Reels Pictures 2 The Revier Moving1 Pictures in Salt Lake made Factory Sugar House Station HK-acr- j j j i I j MISSION The Theatre Different Pictures 4 Big Acts 4 Prices 1 Monday 0c Reserved 20 Trade Marks eta. Matinee Daily We have them all the time and especially on Saturday. We Meet All Price PURE DRUGS EVERYTHING PLEASANT CAREFUL PRESCRIPTIONS COURTEOUS TREATMENT HALIDAY DRUG CO. Cor. Stmt, and First Sw Sail Lak. City, Utsk kinds and forms of den work, each of which has specialized merit There are many Bridge work to be rigid in every detail and possess the quality of permanence : Scientific Htncrican. A handiorialy llluiSraliid waagly. iJHwtat Hw Tan.n. 13 a eiliii'Hi if any anantlln miinilia, L HsM by ail nawadaalaiw iw : MUNNCo.86,Btfc' New York Uraacb UdUn a v a v SrtV Bt, Waablasluo. D.U must bo exact 4 t4 in its 4 4 4 Hand Household Goods Bought 4 Sold a::d Exchanged 4 4 Ind. V in All dealers Kinds of Bell 212 167 So. West Tetnnle ' - Is What they all say becond 2030 Of our painless method ' j " Office honrs 9 A: M. to 7 P. M. Salt Lake City ' Heesch Korth Co People w i;h a Huartantee JOB 10 SMALL or LA ROE For lls To Qlve It Our The NO rHERE 0 a. m, to 2 p.m. 26 Main rt. I door north, of tf k,..,, bu,. x 153 PiofessionaU in Ind. 1817 the Busmen. Tablets Combine the 6 in S $5-00- 1 .nt .00 a City, It is Easy to PUT ON and is a Office, Yard and Planing Mill North Temple st. Salt Lake City, Utah box Mail . 153 157 W. and Orders Promptly Attended Doull Bros M'fr's., Knulsf rd Coiher Salt IS Fully Guaranteed. PROTECTION virtue Sexine, Damians Wafers and Goat for tT LUMBER MERCHANTS of Lymph for KKMEMbER THE NAME Noall Bros, and Armstrong Orrin Powelle Nerve well nothing BETTER than The Samson Three Ply ROOFING EAST 2nd SOUTH ST 2530 BeS is Samson Brand L Utah, hair ooods LADIES TURKISH BATHS A SPECIALTY AND COSMETICS Sanitarium Hair Dressing Parlors Amej MeCu!in & Phtlpt Face Massage, Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Scalp Treatment and Manicuring I ! - 1 1 I Does Your Barn need a New Roof? til MAIN BTHKWT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH HONEST WORK HONEST PRICES ; : Sundays Boston Dental Go. k I 1 of extracting teeth. Examination free, all wtkk Guaranteed. 1 U - 4.50 Didnt Hurt a Bit 4 OLSEII Q NEALS0N mechanical construction 22k BRIDGE TEETH. GUARANTEED. EACH - V par.-iiasiii- Drug Sales Bridge and Platework Designs Copyrights Ac. Anvftiw uradliif fibtirh nnd dmrriptinn nif 4 eftir aw'tfriu"' our uimhkui froe whether ea -9 UinmiHti ('owmtinlnto My iMUPitulip. HANDBOOK on!ufuU IlniiaMrHiivcHsiiiiiiriilfnL Ol.lr difiiicy furewi'unii uetentit. $ lJatffita Mken tnrihiiili Munu A lu, receive 4 rriol witliout enrue, U Uie ' 2 Reels Pictures 2 Program Gianges filled and look naturnl. twcnty-cight-ho- Manager Vaudeville and - - Moving Pictures 1 1. Revk-r-. si,-v- ' tTIjeatre. Joha B. nothing looks wot re than a missing tooth Have the gap in front of the mouth. ' Songs char.gei Tur. Program 10c Mstinra Daily Bridge the Chasm ! j Pictures Adult ' p,-l,- ipstnlM lay. AU atraetmn of teal mrnirrd work imiFMiir.i: w rft We Treat You Right. 52 54 Wert Third South Sreet Phenes: Ball 4041 Ind: 8181 w GOOD THING If IN CASE OF SICKNESS e win-the- r pre-tente- And where no doctor can be had quick J. Bergermrn makes it his buissness to deal in Whiskey and Wine that are absolutely pure. It is advisable to always have a little on hand. Se-ittl- IMorgan-Uuggenhei- u allway. YORK IS NOT DONE fOU ARE SATISFIED. Utah Liquor Co. s2.2u LXh.Vuh |