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Show I SEEDS FINE TONIC FOR WOMEN. Early Hatched Chicks TTie Ooc m ! AKE YOUR MONEY MAKERS YOU NEED AN INCUBATOR ARE IN WIIIIVJK IXNESIMT : The old hen goes broody too late in the Order Now Write (or oui catalog. season. Jell all about the best incuhatcxi and &itor (Dileu SEED CO. VOGELER GET THE Best brooder. From 60 West First South St. A Salt Lake City, Utah by Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. 1 0 to Fifty Arc Much Benefited Forty-Fiv- e Tin change of life" N a most critical tm1 in n woman's ami tli" anxiety by women ns it draws near L nut without r. Ms m. v, HOURS ARE VALUBLE In hi satabrH of nnntitr proto li.rn. Without thease Italaies, tiuVcli VERY TRUE. ti with the Unninn Paiifir, ! Y;l:r !. Vi -- ' Southern il: .:t I : mi . being exfieinJed in doi'hle traking these lines west rf t!ie Missouri River the Uork signal system for protection is being kept at the highest possible state ol PIR1FLES QM FACE 3 YEARS effectiveness, and equifment and service are continuly being improved and brought to the latest staneards of Quality. j ns troubled with acne for three Consult aay !jng ycun;. .My fan svaa ihu only part affccti.il, hut it mused great dlxllguro-- , uient, also siiTitIuk and loss of sleeti. At first there apiMMred red, hard rimples whirh later euutained white matter. 1 suffered a great deal enused by the itching. 1 was in a stale of perplexity when' walking the streets or anywhere before the public. I used pills and other remedies but they failed completely. I thought of giving up when nothing would help, repesenitive when you are ready to travel but something told me to try the Cutl-cur- a So-i1 Bent for and Ointment. Cutlrnra llooklet which I read eare- fully. Then I bought some CuMeura BaP tion'aTw m'rjow $75,000,000 T!.- - . W.ii v will Wdineti THE BEST FARM PAPER I ) I used Llitleura .Soap for a?e, mT1(ppfreirtR6 nt morning and evening, trcatiflont brought marvelous results so I cAtinued with It for a few weeks and wiXt cured completely. I can truthfully say that the Cutleura Remedies uri not only nil. but more than they claim to tie." (Signed) 0. Ilau-'me- l, 1013 V. 20th riaee, rhiengo. HI., Mar 2S, lll 1. Although rutleura Soip and Ointment are sold by drug-gH- s a sam- and dealers everywln-re- , hook, will Ve of eaeh, with be mailed free on application to Cuticura, Det. L, Iloston. r The T rans- - Missouri Farmer & Ranchman Expert tell you all about farming, dock-raisin- g, plant food, toil and everything else connected with the farm and ranch. ablo of the AND .T Both Papers For the Price of ONE :furr Yf).. Or i 11 you 1. 11 Vi.- -. i. i n n on your o t:i l1 : , Mini . . your Lj-tli- Of I l.".pi:i" ii i 1 iiiil (..! 11 " n l.illmi i.wie ii In proper i'iiiii- - S'l I li' . st..iv to tie writer 'Tour sti'i' " shippi'il. In ili'rlili'il, Tin- ull fiir ue You l.:i.- :i . Iiapn-- Wiley Wdll'l do nt why tliliis r 277 South Main St. - 4 Percent Interest on Time ft Savings Deposits u-i- 1ink-lam- - - -- I j ""' ' i trii-nd- METALLIC HEELS I . j AND COUNTERS l win re liiiiiinr'K in cnM Ktur.iKr." buy shoes ready fitted with tliev heels or your cobluer caa qatckly fit tliem to the short ymi'ra now surine. Lighter tluii leather. If yMir dealer iso'ft BMppliad wrua ,. Your inquiry brings a booklet. UNITED SHOE MACHINERY CO. - BOSTON, MASSu- - Faint Hearts and Fair Ladie. Fro: - And the lieaiilifii' blonde m.'irricd rieli old duffer simp!y lie I'iiiisc lie hail valvular trou'i'e Snow Vel xiill some proplo miv faint heart never won fair lady. DISILLUSIONED. " f K Kj uh-l- lr I .... .oHe , - Alter s. .iipailiii'ig with people who In trouble many a niiui t.rgins to feil Use il i M'i'iTife are tinrli.'M by imrifvin II;. ales Itlii'iiinuiis.'ii. . -- clirmiii: uiIiik iiI- Hii'l - - 'w m TBEAT8EST jii: Mi: WOWS DOCTORS gli1 nud JelTeraiin (k1 Is TO PAY M., riillnillililit, NOT A PENNY for the Next Thirty Days THE NEW FRENCHREa.fDV.il' ,n THERAPION m.addh. diiip,, n kkai Fll.ljt rjlM:ri Kn4 iMrHi Ilil.MI IMtFK-li- (jiiar-?els.- U H KPNhihspv -HS KfcrPTIOLF: hr I'HKF Iemh m KH.. r. pH .Sn J. id,,. I p llAPltTlfAU,MSlM)S i . . If you mCri no rnulter w!.,K w lt (iiseiisi from itiuuinati'in writn. If ynu siifh-- fruin K ill ni v 'I rouble, writs. No niatlrr whal fruni. to butler writn you Offrr Is L,t 1 r yu P "Wc-- wc have find our first tii:- quarrel I" she suits. Well, doll t lie SO liroken-lI.rtff!. mlviif - 1,. (.'lier Holli.'III. "U'l'irrcls . never n'noMit to nini'li. " I ut ours wasn't hail as funnv as ! had siipi ' ( K t: wnii!K lie, iilli r till " 'lie ji'ltcs Iui; ( io::i nliiiut liisl llw-ict- kl.lw MEDICINE FREE LONELINESS DISPELLED ... B Foliowcd Instructions. "What is ibis?" tlie fond hus-- ! )ui;d. lui'ding lip a ga''i'l"!il tliiit lias to hi- - wifi. pir' in eu ih " I a r: of tny Minin. . i wariliobe." r- ' tl.c o,.'iiei!t wire ii; it? A 'I su;..ii)-- e it is; - : r, 1 n.uiiy lends money will. out ?rrirltv Im.itmws ti'oebie Wl j y. dn z W. N. U.. Salt Lake City, No. Uecently dcfinitly proven hy eirrinirnt on nniinul that alooho) lower the gcrmici iui power o( the body and tlmt alcoliol ptiralyze tlie white piiscle of the blood and render them unable to take up and destroy disease germ. l)ieae tferins cause tlie dcalli of over onc-l- i ilf of tlie human race. A blood medicine, made entirely without alcohol, which i a pure Klycrrie ex tract of roots, such as lSUtodroot, (Juccns riKit, ( iuUIrn Seal riKtt, Mandrake and Stune root, has heen extensively sold by driiisti f.tr the past forty years as Dr fiercs (ioldcn Medicul Discovery. The refrestiinii influence of tliis extract is likw Nature influence tlie bluud i botlicj in flic tonic which give life to tlie blood tlie vital firea of the body hum hrihtcr and their increased activity consume the (issue rubbish which has accumulated during the winter. Dr. It, V, I'ic'ce, the foumler of tlie Irvalids Hotel owl' .tti -Surgical Institute, end a physician of large experience and praclice. wa the first to make up an Ai ishativu Extoact of roots, witiumt a particle of alcohol or narcotic. Ithwlih llieirntif of ibsiin-- ll.nt I write to In you know of VS' th yrrat licni-ii-t I r. - iivi - l fnn t!i e of ymr pinlirinn and srtfhuo:." wr ies tin... Wh.IIkvks. if loslyriniili. U.C. "1 rm-Jtmlnirntst fjj . fr. mi a rnniiiy H,n'. C.insull.d finir durum bag (,.i JT fvrsif'ir Iiir,-TL- f lT I ks TVtffl Saw hut ihe lil.n.k irridb m,i.-ih Me who have a Bell 1 elrphon ou never need be lonely if If you live in the city or in the country, your friends are .. easrly ar.cessihle if you nse the Bell. You can have a pl borly chat at any time. The telephone is a protection for XJHGk V Kl'hnair JgJ the home. If something unurual happens, you will find tha All psrts of ihe country Bell Telephne an ever reaev friend. universal service. united N5j5ri53!S are by It A BLGOD miCINEWnWT ALCOHOL. it Ism been PII.KS ( TltKli IX H TO 14 Him II IIIIM-I- ' if I'AI HINT- i"in- iiiiv nw ut Helm, a. Him A, - itv. i I'.ub iusiui4(idSuni,iuiif Y Of an towiinl n.ysicry. men lean inward Wcnim If a man saves money It is lu'.'.'iiisp . . ' AKE YOU INTERESTED IN DOCS? N'IkI Iih' for a rtiji) ni Urn it; ttltkM a ol ShihKSkN liisun iisinaiaiag iiiuny iirtiialKiif Intfn'M iidiiCjiaaen !tt liaji vit ii l ifiiijniN pii'iiirvs Him1 IViiiiD-rv- . lliiii i Imim1 ilk thfiMUl, Bw ht.lar' Hriiea, M M. krtfnirulpiiiif 'jlin Murine Eye Remedy Co..V Chicago Tnnr.lruaifii.! SII.NI' tdiis 'S - ' I'ntr-lir- e IL tne-liiiu- i he is kept too busy nt woix to spend COMMERCIAL BANKING then i ftui,ifn I hr Nuw dMiniH fur tnaiir at nml Jk per h ;i n, and ai d Ut jrant. Mnniin Mire iu A ptic TuIhi, A. aiik toe. WiD furnish capital lor the opportunity which will surely arrive later on 1 pr-e- No Ey Art tuirkly. Try il for Wnl, JJ.srd FyeiiN. JIIum Wairrj Murino m tratHf HMk in rHi-l;.irhure. Misl- not n bjr om (ntMvUi rti.riuii1 ! ' Fiiip UMd in i i When Your Eyes Need Care kaimtM--b- i a: U Try lltirin Salt Lake City. Utah , i ma-ier- The MERCHANTS BANK , . liii,.s1 sp.!k itili nml ; A SAVINGS ACCOUNT STARTED NOW WITH liiiM il ' i , "JA!i I i I Life Sentence, in your romanili niariiuis of (iui'i'iol.errv npru- Pof the long son., nee .,1 Koulke K. with Vou llrnndt. hi.ld at a dinner in New Aork: -tr remin.i, me i wu t hn rimcleu damilU'd A la a Iauuloii. drnve eertiiln nil k ll.ril nielli) In Kuine ilia- tuxi eah In and, when lie giiiKi-- ' they linM. We mlcl i i. ink nt a Ktnry whlrli told how gut out, gave the driver u very small III KWi'. lheiirl fi ll him Until kIii' ni.i l.iin s' rime anil well, then The driver mistook him fur a mein1:1111." tc tin aii.ir iMr nt he house of eoiiilnolis nnd The Jolcsiiilih sent Doe. Wiley a hunch gnarled: " 01" ,M'V. 'km1".1,!'" OieoKave .lit in his oust flip and don I never pit In again! eleellon t. is. niury lli hi ni ili m leii'k. xpl.'ilnlin;: "T!.em raid the "Don't worry, rny . Ji.k.s an wi 11 i.nsiTveil, us lie sel urf for tile house of pe-rlint h .iim' nf th.'iu K't NumIi liMi'i'p'l lordK. 'iHin't wiriy- I'm in fo- life.' an. iiinii rveil. rt.ev r. iii.i iif tins y.ar . m harvest; In r th, r.i i p. nt " jf ll!..lll Ilf lit ene-t- i nth of one per I gave my wire n check for fl.nmi e. lit. In min.', tm. T KIkilvit inure than a yesterday." rilll ,,y Furnish Shoe Insurance to Miners, Quarryw "What was the rause of your lils-- r f i,ni mn"-- t known as Inirmful . Lit-silty?" nMh men, Farmer and All Men Who I knew ilic'd never hate fie nerve miaht - .k nt sninc Ji.ki-- . thnuah, If Do Rough Work '"8l1 " " lo lry Shoea fitted with neullk heels la aft twfrs u Im ,,or ln a K,K.( s uiiirfi1ectrd shoes. You can :n i iiius aii'i il. mi. I flmt v.i.i m. 1. - iv ir i Inn1. '.l - female organism ami builds up the weakened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through tills crisis. The nnw'lisi sent Wiley an t'pllfl ninna- - I y;m p:. infchange of iiir ;u.d ) t wiV'-iiom fen nli. ... 1 the needs of wometrs system at this trying period of lur life. It inrigorates and stnngthen.s the IM'tl.lll'- - H'liirll t (ill l.ii- MANY tcit-sii'l!i'ii- .' ink! aims Vegt'tablo to Meet prepm-i- l 1 in r claims. feelings. S leet ami limlis iu I was ii pillar and laid so I'lin Ii h:ii'l;:ieli ami lieadaelic, was miMiiis, irritable ami vtu (i,".mi.ili nt. Siiiii iiiiies my tiie wa.- gomi but mure oft eii it was imt. Aly kiiim is tionbled me at times ami I ei.ttld walk only a short distance. I saw vnuradertisi'nieitt ina s I r nuil tck l.ydia K. and Comiotimi, Vegetable 1 was helieil from the first. At the end of two months the swelling had goito down, I was relieved of iKiin, and could walk with case. I continued with the nu'diciuc and now I do almost all my housework. 1 know your uii'dicine has saved me from the grave ami I am willing for you to publish uuything I write to yon,, for the giod of others." Mrs.. Kstkm.a (iii.Lisruc, K.K.D. .No. ifox 34, St Aitue, Illinois. : l Ls CVimpmml l.llli'iil rnlli.li'li'ly wv E. 0 IO i.;, ri"g il.twn pams, weak ill a :i ; l,lsW W tin- - idhii'H, i 'i? IU. , Ami-- i v .is , , Tliese symptoms art' calls fnmi nature fur IicIjil Tim nerves aro cyj'ing nut for assist anru ami tlio cry should Iks heetlcd in time. p - I' It tm of I j t (AMI OUT i: oi l: m. : 1: i life Mill'll WOllMIl'.'l great chaugtr may bo cxpcclciL we Ff'wr7,4KL Estclla Gillispic to rito vlto itn; lipi'ti'iii liitiB llitj H'lilKl nf lilllf II Wili-y- , . .. : 1 Jll: I1 ow: apii;;i', lii'i-ili'i- I. Invading the Enemy', Country In jv.irsu init' of a plan I havp bad In mind for fomip limp.' announced' Pastor (inudsole at the close of bia sermon. "1 have rented a small room j in an apartment house In a fashion- aide neighborhood and expect to open a mission Sunday school there on the j first Sunday in .M.iy. don't ktiuw, hrethnn. where th ehildren wlio nt- tend It are to come from. if. iniii ed. any children atti nd It at nil. hut it will he there all Hummer, and may lie re- garded either as an opport'inpy or as a rcprcncit. We will now sing our closing hymn. ' nent of the lubscription price Oi TO SUBSR1BERS. FARMER the will end you I Paper we for ONE YEAR. RANCHMAN, a sixteen page magazine I e SPECIAL OFFER :! I 1IT.. I. . -iv !Hir.) ! ITIrs. VC i'- w. i.ltiio.' i ami ami tii.'.'.iiirss, a:.i iiiijnktinlf, ly iulelli-iijintiiiptly I n - "IJL ' . ' & K j tin' ij. , mmils vaii- con , tiiction, irngnlariii I i - In-ar- y! . 1 ll'-s- flim The Van Society in a funny tiling. low so? The .Mu ill The Mini A Kir is nut. "in U" until ht' lias ol,t- &P, le'5?r? tiF.it' Sin h warn "'ti:' symptom i as of Miii.- - ation, Ii"l ll.i'bi's, liof . In .'.il. u , miUH'I.'. iniH in!i!ig i ii, tiniMi:..', ill the r.i : s, ji.i!;.i;.i:ii :i of thu tom Pacific and O O-N. Lines, cVs-nto mve ytu to eastern points, the PacIic Coast and loc ally. n I'oll-gcsuu- ti s Vv O. S. LINE RAILROAD corni'-ilM- :3(( r g nwli.K General Sherman s lid war is. : in When her system is in a rmulu ion, slii may In1 JiiVlli.'ls'M'il to js ii'n AV, of nf soiiio oi .i:i. At ibis ami tumors tilin', also, (uini-rto form ami begin :i!v more li.il tin ir 1, -- Mi. live Hoik. LL. Li In This rKcially true in traveling. traveling east cr writ : north or south bv rail, you plan to Life tn.r; you vs ant get your destination in the shortest modern comfort, and you expect and requite rvrrv possible huy age I'lHu lire.-.- - Kk lit: r.t. One Blessing. "There'll one blessing about poverty." sayp the poorly clad philosopher. "Name it." demands the agitator. "Why. a man doesn't have to hire a whole lot of expensive lawyers to ilmw him how to stay poor." Dr. I'iercus I'lrnsunt eltei rpi.1ite ned s,vrl W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES " "Your bat i.iiig driss'' As short m that? "Yes. dear Y'oii know ymi told me business had Imcii imor and I mint ii'ononiix; on everything" ueuf tlic Jr. alMii'nt Ihe sore is b.Vl.,1. n. I i''niy lii'Mrr liiwlth disii ever did. 1 ilreMid (Im woi.P'l wi'li llr. I'STre'a Salve a ' lur beik tna 'lletden kbtiiral i and ' Iliwiiil il.Iin. I sluiil slwnys revunu.i'iid yuor mteiii'iur. 1 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 400 & 5.00 For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS th k 'mum. i.k uni 1 1 v FOR OVER 30 YEARS WEAR W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES You can save money because they are more economical and satisfactory in style, fit and wear than any other makes. W.LDouglaa name and price stamped on the bottom guarantee full value and protects the wearer against high prices and inferiorshoes. Insist upon having the genuine W. L Douglas shoes. hUI'i m. If viHtr 19, l.r write IiirIm ..rjnn4Mm, (ir raUlc.Fast rv ft'elvr i.gt Irta gisd. Nkiif'Tjf cLatiw I'rfiwMi. nm1v W. I,. i W. f 'vwlnTe I |