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Show aimiiK a luvwr juirt- .ncl i ij n I,t-ii - ht iiii;!i I 1 I! II Ml rt tr ti lS pt i.l iln-i- thus r - hi ill irii'IU' Uuiljii Imu ii ill IIHilc TRUSTEE rnii:u'iion In me In i,i in I lliileiiM- nf In- - lat Mil Tlh ui nlul.: lull bn, is tinm iiie h, ina vaui.ii u.it in I. II. es I III! it linn Ire mi a lit ilia i : e ini i : mi! lie- i.e It J,el iii-iIn Iiilii lllllllleij tle.t ii! Ilia ixiails. hi. .ili is n-- ii, lieu a Mill .IKIee ll.al In filmier eiv ue, nr a In-hir It h Mini Juihnillili llnhltli'L III illlel h. In ill Vi i v.ete lie lii- lliiiie a net-- hiit-eSilijillielll h Kniinblt-ianil I lie tiiy, eimiiiiy or 'Inin vtlm-.-layetl; tin- t - l m-- .. , llif I I li II Ii i S SALE. i -- ii I iin - 'fl - mi Kaal m io or siVlegn bll b'la.iiiii ib,! la is. ana, inning and. 'lelauli has he. nia.l I..i I iiii'ii i of , ; ila'di j"'!i. ;:'ll, mm. I piiinipiil s.i:d .iisi.illineni in, to of two hundred I lie lil!!l Hi" ill'.IU'V in nil'll (if jen .. : ilii.niii ibillars, fehrnaty lemilir nf Sail l.ake (ouirv. I !M!: amoaiitiiig to twelve of lo I'j.ij'-sGEORGE D. HYPER. Manager pave 1 jlMiiiU "T fl- dollars; hy reasin id whlea ' I e. Innl iin, iie In (in- - in, I: r- i .'lu-teHill 1mi, lie- Millie ( In Ml i, ail I ij nl sia II is In !iilei niile', !e:. ! is f said nuies Imve I In soiiall" iniiiiIk Mini I' r'lliti'hlirf elilllk' I a ".VII liejil Mill Illiir.iliV. Iillshi fol.ovt :uii ile'ii!iii lea! slaii' "'I 'he sanif Wholly din 11,111-1- ' lie- f I III- - re'iliielh. Millie I lie lie a Sia till i . Ill, I Hill) min 'ill I lie t 'filjl, ' I.! SaP I.mI'I'. S'. He ii Mb.", and best Mill MlliSlTlIitlllllS US i'tMli, liiht lilt- Miltellii-ilii- r Inal Ilnil.llly etilnes Mil tel iMIlg bill v. heii'iis. it is provided jn Nli,i in M.'ieii I In- retailer has a line of neii 'I Mile iiie In. ill) Iniliinie ex.illl I'nminem ilia a a si:ni f mi r iti ruls trnr' oil'd iliai in any nmiee of In il;u e nil tin Jilis, Mht-rtlimils ubieii I.e in jiiMisti"is, suirli lr mi ihe luirl '.cast i iiiii' r "f nl said premises shall he lota I iiiarket. Tlit-- iiKiriii smile of the III lillilliiiUl Hie I li.n-i- l Slaies, ll.He einlil I Si, I, link nlie IniUill'eil mild indebtedness tt)ia,ll he and ::s i . Ilai A." Salt Imke City InniT in.iiiiif.ieiiireih ul.i, liail liraneii Inn me leailiiiK l.ieiins m n fading eialn m tendered, during or arter said anil iiiany men eiiiilntet in till.' helll Hill III, Mini'll ban I I.l llnl Ollneil Survey, ami ruiniing Hiem-- miiiHi Mi h :,.,i. ul imi and before sale, the said ' I'itics 'Ml ;t li I In i ill Iiie Inline ilnlil, sleepy fillaip'S Hi'u bus), thriving j II rmls, llienee we.ft nineteen first parlies in said trust deed should I'relLIil rnli. Mill! en iiH. These men, win, ufcmnpiiKliril rods, i lienee north four ill of lilt- xhv of said publication rlen ly fnnnil I hat lliey euiiM inaiinfae-lur- e sm h woiii, wi'i e hi a sense, iiilaii-lienee easl nineteen i I a i mils ti , !,',.!li lift y exptiiMtjs i$'iii.HM dollars io said ,ii:l i heir Hiiecialiies in Mime oilier IhmptKls, bill wlio win way Hint lliey or his suceessor for his servinisi-with a I .truer pliini ami tnr less were mil aiiveriiKing inure fur theni-selvelilai-ices-. ami i'ohI or materiiils ami than fur tlu-iwagi-tneighburs. Now. therefore, notice Is hereby givtheir bandit anil iliHinanllet 'ihe stale fair is full nl interest and Beginning April 8th Manager George Pypcr has secured Blanch en fiat ihe umiertdgiii'd trustee purHhniH. liramli all counnf meeiM wniiih Ihe ami ihe (he city i lie power vested in him to suant Bates ia hy their works anil HliippiitK Iheir try woikers alike Ii is ihe slate on a rust deed, and at the of iiroilinls frnm Hie eenirnl ex Ii i t,i t inn. Il is a great showing of ils mpiest i lie legal holders of said notes, will anil all ihe mei hints and filant, lieranse by ho tlniiiK lliey eniiltl pmilin-is- , sell at public sale to the highest bid-1- . wave on freighlH more thiin the Hie Male has limeesKcH by whit-: imcash at the west from door of In in the ensls of niaiiiifiii-liii'ils pusiiiiin in the world. It Is i in- comity court house in Salt Ttke thin way nnr nun Stale nf I l, til lost a a great showing of its pruducis, ami FOR THREE NIGHTS City and oounty, Utah, on Tuesday. few faelories. nne nf whih emiilnyeil all Hie mellioils ami pruees.-e- s hy ' nil iiet Ii Ciiiiiii :.e of 1!H2, day April. i sixty men Ami a sain ii was s.iiil that whieh Hu' slaie lias attained ils .: i we! vc o'clock noon, the said rvmi would Ii is a great Die ileei'eare in freight lalt-in Hie w oi Id alsive estate to described, satisfy said iniilie I lie iiriren mi eninmnililii'S mail Versity wllieh leaches iy olijeel leS- - one liair l.'i'.jl rolls, liieliee linrh lw il es and interest ami ex icnses of l in the easl elieaiei In I'tuh suns. Ii is Hie nlie place where Hie Kn, niie-iial- f i!!i unis to ihe plave "! im' lids trust, including a reasonable ll lliity he Ihilt lliey Melt- ehe:iier In lesnlls nf l.tlmr may lie sis'ii. The lieginning. ami counsel fee and compciisi!-'..iithe wlitili Haler, lull where is Iin1 far- s'ale lair is Ihe advert ixing agent nf j lM irnsi. Iiuwevi-r- . in s. lire n saiil inistee for Iiis services. Il is ilumer nr lalmrer, I In Mliini lel s nf Hie show win lor a nute ,f stale. ineni reriain iirmiiissury gieai ISIiKN .Ml 1. 1, Kit. retail meriliant nr Ihe Ineal newsiu-lNr- , (low nf ils siiire nl aei mu jiliKhluents. jsivief-iimlrei fl.'i"iu ilullars :' Trustee. in Hie ileal? Are lliey iiaylmr a t'lali lias greiil nalurnl ri'sniirees. able live i.'ii after il.ite with in More Pay. Mur L7ve. lower price fnr their annils mi Mei'ininl which have uiily begun in lie apple- J h iesl al s'Vi'ii 7 per rent per an "New Turk city school ma'ams are nf this I'eilnrtimi of Ireiylil rales nn chiicil Now liei" else can lliese In- ex nmu fruni ilnie until ninMirit y, payali e earlnail lulu? Nnl iiiurh. Tile whole-eal- plmi i'll in I'elier advaiilage than at Hie iiuarlerly; .mil an mile hi: giHi;g I n he an atli'iU'tive target for nre almiii the annual sla'e lair inert hit lit ur jnlilM-ranil fn'ty ( apid s shafts in Iiie near future?" aregaiing two ii u nl I 'I iie uiissimi of Hie stale pi"-- s is iu mil) iiiieH Mho prnlil by il ami Hiey iin iPi.Imis, payable im insi.il' said a prbrlpal the other day. Safest FirepruJ Theatre in Ammrrica With very little aiherlisiiiu in Iin- iiewspa aiiuuiniee iliruagli its culiimns He' nl iue!ve fILi dollars tm Hr from ll.y.r.O to 12.400 maglng f Direction Sulivan & Considine The ilienry li:i Hie prnlil is v.'iut'cs Han are being made along agri-- i w eipv 'fi' Ii L'!l ii ' dav nf eai b Daniel F, McGy, Manager l'ijpariv. even an exiraviigant spinster given In Ihe t'uiisiimer is sinii a the- cHiural. Iimiiiiilluia!. Ii v sHirk an I v ember. Pol. rainy. May and Aug-i-will lie to aide boost tile credit side until saal note is paid ;n fail; lifK'i of a ory ami has no lntinilal inn in faei, as iii..aiili'laiiiig lines Rome of mv savings account. n every said nob's lieing nf even d.iie with h.iid A newspaper shniihl luv may easily lie fuiiml nnl l,y iiniulry as teiiclifTs alreiulv report an invniin-to the price on an arilele shipped inlii sense, a business iiiHtiiuliuM. looking trust disd. ami luaiiing Inlerest at Matinee Daily at P. M. crease In the number or suitors, and I Ills lenilniy miller Hie Dew selieilnie. fui me, ami buiiding lor cent imr aninini I mm ma'iirity l( tlicv sav there is an appreciable In Neither line Die atlverlisinu rume In This is In- - inundation up m ,ciid; and. Two Shows Nightly 7:15 and 9: 1 5 M. i the Ineal piis-r- . of Iheir beaus' u ),,, j, i lit S:aie l',:i i r assuci.ilion eon Uliereas, defanli lia i.eeii aiaii" :n reuse in the 'rhen Hlnii shall e iiie rei n Ion nf of Hn Hie puynii'iii of installnieiii of in pruiemrions feet Ion." ils walk, ami en uperai.iiii Ihe newspaper In Ihe railrnail? Shall forces two edili'iriniial Sullivan-ConsidiAll Star Vaudeville il le Ihe part nf u frit ml ur an en mast, of mi'cssiiy, beemae the power emy? Shall its publisher aitl Ihe rail in Hie dcvclupmriil of Ihe slate as a ruiitl ill huililillK lip the euniilry null whele and ihi- - newspaperman, wlm is inelflfiitally (lie hiisiuess til ihe mail alive in his nppurt anil ics. reap! mill ils own mihseripliun ami adver- mure than his sliare of Ihe j THINK IT WRONG TO HAVE SOME it lie an tising imironagn, or hIiiiI! is largely from Hie con any ills-- : nf the railrnail ami all iniprnve-iiieni- I riels that ihe greater .uriimi nf ihe L.IQOUR ON.HANIJ. ami ItMe Its own presiit;e in the fair exhibits cumc. Naturally, Hie of You nuv need it for anv mn'ier of t'rt f rn; v. W.iea neiJiJ fummnnity? Oeiasiunally iliere is a beers arc anvioiis n, ilu everything Regular Empress stuhaidizcii sheet, ouiietl in wlmle or in possible In widen the i lucres! in Ihe GOODS GET PUKE Prices part hy some large t'lineerii ur Ils work of Iiie fair in lliese loculi; ics TiiiinaaerM, a null ennipitny, a siiRar They recugni.e iiie fact Dial lie' ineal AT ALL SEATS RESERVED is in ; position to do more eiiiiiKiny or mime real tsliiie Is 'timers, that pets a law lart of Mm snpimrl limn all oilier iiillueiices rmnhfiied I" I'HE fnnn (hem. Inn iianally Its etliinr is I reale the proper interest and senli-men- l Carry the fiext assortment of I.jpuors for lamilv use between Chicago and in favor of the work of Hie stale only a tool In their hands and unless lio says "white when the fair and Ihe advantages il offers fnr Mail ordcis promptly filled. Write for our an Francisco. price list. Whe n dominant inieresis way mi, lie sonn Iiie development of tin various ren the City we invite you to call and loses their patronage ami umially has sources of Ihe stale. Permit me to injjieii our goods. to come over" to their way of think- add Unit ihe I'tah Slate fair owes ils! Thu splendid progress largely to Ihe niisel-Hsing or go into bankruptcy. STRICKLY BROS. Props. writer once puhllahed a pH per in that support il has had from the makind of a rurimralion owned town. Hnd jority of the newspapers in the stare. 74 West 2nd South. Salt Lake G?y. Utah tinea use he would not obey ihe Direction Northwestern Assoclalon Tho president and directors of the flat os of the Ihks, but inslKteil on be- fair absoeialioa value! the appreciate BEN KETCHAM, Manager ing IndeiN'iident of his eonlrol, tie of the publicity given ihe stale fair soon found a large share of his of the I 'tali press. columns the through ' tit flliTf trey Uepexu mrgeiy N, W ,.erf.i tun mh A him In the fare, and rather than give lw (.nlhiise ihe producers and stork I THESE DfAYs up his Independence he was roiiiielled rill;,rH to put forth better efforts ir to leave the place and begin over imoilifnl farming and breeding. and Again. to induce tlicin In demonstrate their! Hut the connection of h new spinier irsiilts at the state fair. with a railroad company is generally the stage Flail has Just reached close ti: 1 f. Muiilated on any such linen. The w here tier people appreciate the ad-to tvlioe in ibis rase is on Iiie other fool. vantages of If we ever! The laiirn.'id nianagers desire In keep hope to have a great cuinninnwealth. j is else tin ihe right Hide of the newspaper Mils must become the iulliiriier with know his for iiian. they dominant principle of our business Ills srhscrllicrs tlf ho is iioiiesl and dialings. The newspaper publisher, fnir), la greater than theirs, and he who is lnihiieil with the spirit of co4 Nights starting Sundry April 14th the Clarence Bennett fan do much for t lie hciiciit of the ' operation. ns far as good business Company offer Toad In the matter of traflic or can in judgment will permit, is certain to In ii same the efSeeing Jure priumrliim. reap two for one in results Tor his iison than any rommuiiity of iroilue-er- s forts. in benellted by having good The officers of the state fair solicit faciliiies nt their disirs, Ii the of the state press in Evening Prices 25 to $1.00 wtiinds the local uewspHNr in hand t.i iMUMting Tor a bigger, heller and Matinee all scats 25c Ate on cordial terms with Ids adver-'llKers- . broader fair for the Con1912. year CASH THE GROCER his Kiiliscrlliers and Die local ditions were never hotter than now for rnilro.'id agent, and if possible the a bumper crop nnd Indications point Richards St. Both Phones 3338 iiinnagers higher up. In ihiw posltloa to the most successful fair ever held 'he can many times bring nh'iiii coii in this region. , EVENING 25c 50c 75c $1.00 $1,50 that will be of givnt benellt l i We appreciate the fact that it re-- , secure can belter lie all lairties. MATINEE 25c to $1,00 ipiires money to run the press; with-- ; rates on freight shipments, lower out it Ihe press must stop. The money Tares for excursions, and make sug avuilulde to advertise the stale fair gent ions fur the lieltcrmriit of tlie is limited, and il is not possible for the ntteiiMun Ihe ofllcers of the fair to pay in dol-- j that might vf the oniciiils of the road and still tars and cents for the valuable spare, save litem money, lie need not he a de'Oted to the Interests of the fair- subservient tool in any man's hand, hut they do the best they cun under lie can le fair to all Inieresis hold the conditions. The policy and aim Ihe resHcl nf Ills subserlbers. lie oil ol the directorate of the fair associa- - j setoff terms with his advertisers, nlil lion is to try and repay for these In the settlement of controversies that courtesies by extending to the editors may arise and Is of great help In de- - mid niiinagers of the press the freeJAMES ROGERS Manager veloj dug the resources of the commu- dom of the fair. me lo inform you that the nity and finding a market for their Iermil products, tint he must insist on a directors of the fair association spend "suuare deal" for both sides, and that weeks of iheir lime and much of Iheir la all any honorable railroad manager ties! energy, gratis, to make the stale xicctH or desires. Tills Is a generous fair a success The foregoing is simply an outline spirit von will admit, amt worthy not or the relations that should exist the commendation of Ihe comHi" newspapers and the rail- only toil we hope will, as far as road. Much more might In written. monwealth, tie emulated by Ihe stale iut It would make a chapter far ton possible, and like a this per for meeting press. iong 'tiaim provoke more criticism than this A Pleasint Windup. will undoubtedly receive. on the program Tin day was happily wound up with The next number was a short address hy Secretary Kti a visit In the Salt Fake Hieain Draw mg tvigu of tin- - tlali Slate Fair. Me said where the Carlek entertained Room players in part : the visitors with a splendid rendition Compartment Press. State Fair the and The of "Salvation Nell." This courtesy Sleepers Los Angetrs, May 4th to 1 th, excursion Tickets on In many ways, I lie state fair and was arranged for hy Kditor (ieorgo H. the state press are working along lyper, who is also manager of the Also sale April 29lh lo May 5th, Returning June 27th identical lines, loth having for their Salt laike Theater. resources Tourist the of the development jiini, "O f the state. The state fair, bring a Cars Red Wine and Eggs. DIVERSE ROUTE AS DESIRED state Institution, does more than any Tile Duchess of Vienns Ilohenherg other one factor to develop the LET Information Literature Ticket Free TELL that furnish support to the Is reported to have proved the vales or red wine as an aid tr, the pmduc Reclining newspapers. The mission of the Vtah stair fair tlon of liens' eggs. The durhess Is Chair is to encourage better agriculture, said to have been advised to try wine Cars horticulture, stock raising and manu- on her poultry hy Prof. Jnubert of a factures. To Indure men to think and Fontainebleau. flock Selecting of urge them to put forth belter efforts one dozen healthy hens the durhess fed and Tor Intelligent farming breeding. lix 0f them on wine soaked food The Real Key to Success the Ulah state fair is the place for the rate of one glass each lessons learned the who have thso well to demonstrate results. curlty a& Trust 1 In manufacturing, for example, .ho h 69 So. Miin St per-ce- nt H Manderkeld A. G. P. A, i hffl hd ,ad J. lWfd wtate fair leads in the encouragement t ' ,n. lho Company drinking only water, of new Induatrlea. If Utah had twentySalt Lake City wine-fehena are aaid to or thirtv large mnnufarturing Institu- - j much ,I,e i larger and of a liner quality, Capital $300,000 tlona. whoae produeta could he consist- The Surplus $100,000 cheapest grade of red wine was entlv' advertised and whose output 134 Main St. 1 used. nf the Salt Lake Gly people would be consumed by 4 .the state, it la obvious that the prewa i I I I - I Whereas, W V. !!,uri,ii Mini Ins i.yiiiii K' liarrmi, t ; a died : I I - . Ml.-I- i J , w ! . I ! 2. 11 -- Aii-i.s- Salt LakeTheatre i i . ' Jiiilli-llilll- 1 - imsi-.-iiee- r .v i - l . i - -- - : Salt Lake's Oldest and ! - 1 Equipped the West. Play House, Leads all Attractions the Highest Grade tn-wi- l. I wi.-hc- H i i : pah-.i-li.i- v 1. I lli'-'ll- er e s r il 1 inann-fnelnre- Nododys Widow e hisi-iu.i- s iifai-lnret- - , Hn-H- - T5he , s - s impress 1 - j tEHj eater M ' 2:30 nn-H- P. fe-v- ne h'tes on-em- Program Changes Every Wednesday DONT 10 20 30 Kentucky Liquor Store r blui-.kliird- Colonial Theatre -- 1 Af TO DO BUSINESS, attention cost Prices. Requires This our specialty. Everything Playing the Highest Class Combination Attractions necesary to success T. H. trails-iort.itio- v NOTT I inter-mountai- n Prices Conference Week The Squaw Man O DO pP 1 Zxl XzZIiO i i i I GARRICK THEATRE Peoples Popular Play House V PRICES! IMPERIAL COUNCIL SHRINERS Next Weeks Offering Mary Janes Pa I 1 US The tiue Secret of Money Making Savings and Investments Gives 4 to 6 d |