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Show SPECIAL NOTICE. -- WVW-Wi- It tbla paragraph Is marked with s red rross It indicate that we, script ion to this paper has been settled fur three montha from that date If marked with s black croaa It has only two weeks to run. but unleaa otherwise uolitied we shall continue to forward the paper. Very respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. CALIFORNIA with BEST REACHED VIA TIIE NEW AND LMLEW POPULAR Why? wl.er. OS. ti.n w!i.4 whan It I LIuwT Sb, why la a 1iihi.IT I'd Ilk in And whrf nio Inr Hi-- do-- I tail a fALT The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 190 ki.w. iiw-dl- I X THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTE " A.manac FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEKM . The Irl H. Hicks baa been compelled by the popular demand to l..ilinuti tliat resume the- - publication of his well are II. o track that the chick known and popular Almanac for 1907 Oh. a ll IliM.Je This splendid Almanac is now ready d A crn. il. . .,u. wit. re the For sale by newsdealers or sent l.latiei? (sistitaid for 25 cents, by Word and that faih-lieOh. a lu re Works Publishing Company, 2201 Lowore cust Street, St. I,ouls, Mo., publishItef.ue ll.ey nne cu.tlit In Ihr furl.-.ers of Word and Works; one of the Iia.r V i.f I la mialile ll.e im in lest dollar monthly magazines till, l.rr, nut ( the train one America. One Almanac W in, IU. K hi goes wish liivhl? every subscription. of the curwn ia I In' Oli. wl:.-i- rlifc, ah? The hole in tl.it C I )fc.-v- 3 DENVEKS OGDEN AND ? li.-r- r CHOICE OF ttOUTES, hop-ln-i- .. .WINTER RATES... wli.-ki-- THROUGH r ra l.i. I inkl TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHAflGE OP CAM ..if i l."i Free Recllalag Chair Cara. Dlalag One Barvlee a la oarte oa all through trains. For Foldera, llltralad BuukUis, eta. filial mi the as. I ! 1 L A BENTON, 1.- - Greenhaloh Remedy Go. Guarantees a permanent cure of the tallowing diseases C Catarrh, Dipthrria, Rheumatism, Stomach Troubles Indigestion, Canker, Rupture, Cancer, Kidney Trouble. Gall Stones, Urinary 'Troubles, Chronic Sores. Eczema. Piles. Remove Tape worm. Dropsy, Asthma Blood Poison. Salt Laki City, Utah On no railroad in America la the nyHteui of discipline amoug employes developed to a higher and watchfulneaa for the safety of puaHengt-rdegree than on the i Chicago, Milwaukee&St. Paul Railway j BELL." Otherwise you the CAN'T! Pure Gold Rings hsvo " 18 k " Telephones Good Meals. ,cago a ! 1 FOR COMWC COVER TUB ENTIRE rtKlT OP CHRONIC. PLICATED DISEASES. without cured forms, any acuta using and rtwnlo RHEUMATISM, both Kil.mous drugs or In nny way liiiurlng the TROV-m.K1 HAH li'ERB, IN DIP NBRVOtg Wa also cure all forme of BK KIDNEY AND RIJtDDKR DISEASES, ILCKIW. STRICTCRE, AND CHRONIC DISK AH KB OK TUB HTOMACII AND DIUK8- TIVH GROANS. PILE. PRfMTATITIS. TUMORS. ETC. Wa whh tu lay a pedal sireae upon our meihnd of treating IIIIOD POISON AND SYPHILIS without using mercury. Our fee being so low It enables many who are afnirlid to procure the highTerms mini to suit If necessary, so that est. scientific medical assistance. everyone need nut gn without treat mrnt alnl be rur.-Those who are afflicted with such trolib'es and are In a position where you that our boms trestmenl la effithey cannotwa pay tia a visit, wa aMurehome. cient and have cured hundreds at DEEP-SEATE- Just STIIKKT I WIND. in mir towaare "Tl.e e'r-'e- t lliiiR paved with adiiili!' Wings 'Tilin' noiliiiu. Where I -- and not live they are roiw-i-in(- l safe lit that when hold ii. men get : x. in HI shoes! (,'wiin! An' now or I Kin Kit Kllie Wag kind Rointiioiiian to Imud me er nake-akiwaieh Toll and or lndian-hcucharm, I'll fool like a bull cimi: Hags n Here' a new hired girl tory. a woman had a now one and while (tying Inst run hill, said "And now Iamla. we have at eight TORONTO. OTTAWA. MONTREAL. BOSTON. PORTLAND. QUEBEC. Come and see for yourseU or write for samples and sel&measure ment blanks. M, DANIELS 57 W. Second South St, Salt Lake Gty HtsXUVSSSVSWi GEO. W. PARKS, Land Attorney, Auerbach Building, Salt Lake . A(TOM.M(iliTI(l. RAILWAY r. Mer.r.wvvwvevvf'vvrrrr.r NO AXTU.'IU'KI.TY Foil HIM. Ruga -I- k- guy giv je u camel hair undershirt, did he? Alt' a pair of alligatorskiu Wag C Suits or Overcoats worth from $35 to $50( from $20 up Pants worth from $8 to $12 . , , , , from $6 up Walker Building, Salt Lake City. 1 PACIFIC BVlock." well. Mum." utd "Very lamina. "If 1'in not do n by that time $on'l wait for me." J-- 5 J , City.- - fMMMiWaWiiiliMilaMglaiadiiiaisvuiWAa wrra!KK.KKKKFKK.witww.w.wr.rrr L. H. GRAY, Land Attorney. Attend to nil business befora Office, United States Land U. S. Surveyor-General- . State Land Board, State Engineer. y .nA scrip bought and sold. D. F. Walker Building. 1 Balt Lake City. Utah. Ta CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY I I Through car service from Chicago. Rates of fare and further information from General Agent Passenger Department 232 South Clark Street. Chicago A. C. SHAW, pr. Kaw Traataaak Dra. to Oa tllitri th aaaraUala4 $ al Dr. win Inal Oatonhal DUawiaa, iaalailBS Daaf.au, Aitkaa, Hag lam aad Laug TVaaMaa, UXTIL rUBTBKR XOTICI far a lav faa af SI mt trrataaak ar III fa traatotaal watt ODBSQ, all Mail-ala- a fraa. af Dn. Ibaaaa' WOUDHUroi. IWW TSXAT- Sr MXXT thar ar. a.abl.4 to sat mUg saaaa rmal aaaaa fa a vary faw traataaoto aran tha all sad abra auXar fraa Catarrh warn ay ba rarad BR. A. 3. SBOSXS. Why 1 a tr.iu.ealf aaa ba OUBK1 ba Afplf today aaa.laaad. Dr. ikan alia treat act aoi afl aanbla am af Man. a.4 CbllAraa af arary aaaa ant rica Fraa aid CacMaatial far aay diiaaia. Call ar writs. aster, her.1 if BXaraa ar d n ai' Van A Special Dspsrtmsnt for Mon. all bar a gpaalM C.prto.Bl acMurtwoly tor tha traataaat aa aura af V, J3,' aaua Prlrata DUaaaaa af Mas, wb.lkar by tecaraaca, axaaaaaa or aaat 300-30- rtctlB af eUad atr Ptlua rtmw nit-wafart- ci.ta wha ban aaatnatod dlnam tba all ethara wha nnd tba aonaal sad aid af axpartauaad lvltad la aanrall this daparfaaaat sad ba sdrfaad 7 OtMlIxOB'' " r' rX aura tba curs aegar DR. BHOXIl' U MODERN MCTHODB la all Print DU-may arracta ta pay tba faa far a aura la (Ball weekly ar naatbly as th aura aregr , or you Bay PAY WHEN CURED. Ka matter what yaur troubla la, ar wha has failed to aura yau, ronralt that Maatar twaclalialaL fraa af rharga, and leant haw yau yat ba farad. CALL OR WRITR. TIIOILU:. j Until Further Notice $ 5 Be And all principal points In Canada and New England, via Detroit and the XX Wishes to inform you that he has just returned from the East and Is now in a position to show his patrons the largest and most varied selection of uprtodate all wool fabrics in the west, at prices which are well within the reach of everybody, Attorney A Counselor, 619 D. THE ARTISTIC TAILOR m Til WPlI Mill It Tlu Mik unii !inl In ti. Hut Iw MH'lls il nil l l. .t .f .S p i; finish! If (he $i( K mini WHW XX 0. GATRELL ppgqgitieuWsfsisuuu t:is aitt.ivs lot Salt Laka City, Utah. CANADIAN OYRUB nwy!" MEDICAL INSTITUTE South Main StrasL Hood in her deserts. tun'Tiii! 1906-- 7. M. DANIELS Fifteen aaaayi or analyses for $3.i Gold, Sliver, Lead, Copper, iron, ZIl Sllcla, Calcium and Manganese. u ran bet! And iullld him cil. Write for particulars.' THE HENRY HANSON CHEMICF Xut all who merit Kiirrrss attain 1L RE8EARCH CO, Tin satin' lurk I hat land a weak Analytical and Consulting Chemist alKlor" In u ruler' 54 Railroad Building, frequeutly lutrs hii able man from his Denver, Colo, U. 8. A. saltTakeT 0 Opening of the Fall and Winter Season MMHHIIMMM THK MODERN JACKIE. Little Jark lluruer lil.l III h vurner nKareti: 1 Ml laka Wrtte far MaUlag We Want Every Man in the Country Who it Afflicted to Write Ut About Hit Ailment WE CURE YOU AT HOME. e Hook on Ihaes of Men. Write for Free Diagnosis Chart and Hours: I a. m. to t p. m.: aveiilnga, T to !.&; BuiuUys, t a. ni. tu 12 main. 159 Bt, City. Hninklng a Dlat Faaa. Agent. j G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt, 100 West Second Smith Bt, Salt Lake City, Utah. tawweMMsMiiOVi' naMlaWaRf Aasayars and Chaiwlsta. 199 g. W. Tempi llis mother came uigli, wiih eye - Beth phenes 249. E. DRAKE. N. L. DREW, General Agent, 109 17th Street, Denver, Cole. R. H. Officer St Co., 312.30. Our Fee Need Not Be Paid Unless Cured. Vt la FREEI We Are Reliable Specialists. t . 44. f 39.1 'tab. Wa desire to reach Ih poor aa well aa the rich man. and by making our faa un easy terms, wa Increase our payable buainiNM and secure lasting gratitude from thousands, who would Mherwlss remain afflicted If It were not for thla liberal oflar. LIFELONG CURE Chlcaga without ohanga. Arrlvaa In Chicago in tha morning. Wa alaa ran through tourist care te Chicago and St Louis. Steamship tickets on sals! ta all points In tha Old Country. Let ua know where you want ta ga. We will do the root "Nothing finer than tha Reck Island Dinar," C. F. Warren, Agent A. T. A S. I ty., 411 Dooly Block. Salt Lake City FOR CURES ONLY. A That la the happy trinity that makes happy travelers en' Reek Island through trains. Through Standard Slaapar dally Salt Lake and Ogdan ta' portlonate rata from Idaho an points. Date of sale, Januai ;uu, 1907. Return limit, sixty day' nd for literature. Under Absolute Guarantee of PAY US CONSULTATION RATES From Ogden and Salt Lake City to taaourl river points $32. i WFCMEMfN this OUTSIDE. Company 'ram Utah and Idaho to All Point East and Return, Via Santa Fa. ' hv INSIDE. (aaatitMwwwwwwewwaaitjtejtaatUWMtwuuwwtMAaa Good Service-Goo- d REDUCED Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. "18k" i: Pa-clll- c for tickets and Information rail on I BALT LAKE CITY, UTA town in Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have & Two tralua every day Ogden or Oenver to Chicago via the Union and BL Paul line. Through aleepent end free rerllnlng chair care. 4V-- A P. & you want to talk with every If 7. 1 tried a new scheme Christina, said Uncle By. winking his eye slowly at Bings on the opposite side of the grocery store alove. "I bought my wife a nice, comfortable suit of clothe a pair of mittens, four iwira of socks, and a half down soft shirts. My wife bought me a feather btsi. a new party gowu and puld the rent fur another quarter. And do yon believe if we are both aalisfled.u O. Sounds Big, but its True j S- - SLEEPEF1 TOURIST FROM OGDEN OR SALT LAKE WANTED: 10 men In each state travel, distribute samples of our h, a ii lady, pray? viihi;i:i fill, uh, ..i goods and tack signs. Salary $85.00 I lay? l i And u wtl. hiiily why $3 00 per day for expeni t)ii, why la ll.e a hi. I, and the when oC a 1st iunth; ses. ! wlin? SAUNDERS CO., And will, in the km drat raid "FhM-- I dno"? Department P. No. 4G Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, III. idlewild Fancies. Sorrow-- niulils inure auccea than THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT ; pleamire. STONE CO. Idleness is Hie grog shop aloug the CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MAN UFACTURER8. highway of life. SOLE AGENT8 FOR Concrete Block Machines. Want tv j One little ray of nnhine la worth establish a plant In every city, towi a cloiidhurnl of whine! and village In Utah. Block machines from $100 upward When ha till and bad biscuit come in I Start a small plant and become In dlning-nmii- i door, Cupid flies j at the lepender.t. out at the window. Uorrcspondence solicited, P. O. Box 1131, Sait Lake City. Ind Phone 3806-Firmly founded in the belief that Christmas presents should be practical, an Iowa woman presented tier husband with a beautiful new tablecloth. Whii m C. AND e H. BURTNER. D. P. A.. Salt Lake City Third boutti, Between State and Main PULLMAN I Shortest and best line to BullfroJ and Nevada's Mineral Belt, via The Las Vegas 41 Tonopah Railroad. Ask the Agent, but specify San Pedro, Los Angeles 41 Salt Lake J. - a-- Borne men '.rivibl. Borne men lunc f.,r airtfo' Borne I know liuv e found If Some riso liwve a wife! that yau hi HOME CURES PY MAIL. 1K7 JUST kt: nredhx Wings I'm glad to nee ihxt our old .Ttend Blllnon has married to wn Bings Yen? Wings Married a soubrette know. Blllson always too eany and undemonstrative for his 0wn good. Now ho has a wife that ean do th kicking for the entire fatally 1 T7!n(lolili!'l or no ft. Write tbr our IP TOO UTX OOT OP TOWX, WRIT SR. HORR1 a BBORIS far thalr Xaw Symptom List, sad at thalr advtoa rail. IhalpWntuntoaurewa REPORT fa on SOrrarKprictic. Rexlw StSotLawyeiw. Writ or coma to wKn-w'SHiaoroa- . 0. c OPPIOa BOORSi Dally, a. m. to p. m. laa-iaa- a T to a. laadaya aad haUdoya, 10 a. m. ta it. Drs. Shores & Shores, EXPIRY SPECIALISTS. HOCSTOX XLOOX, SOOTH KAXX SALT LAKX OXTT, OTAH. STXEIT, m |