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Show k 1 I v you my word of honor she Is Ji danger. Call your sister!" Even as he spoke he tapped lightly turned the key In the lock and whls pered, "Now! to the Prince of Court land. "Tell the Princess Margaret I would By NARY R. P. HATCH speak with her! said Prince louts Author of "Tho Bank Tragedy" For a moment only! ho added, fear not Ing that otherwise she might Coefrlgkt. IIS, by Lae m htpuS come. There was a stir in the sick cha bei nd then quirk steps were bear CHAPTER XIII. Continued, that tbe interests of the bank called coning lightly across the floor. Tb "Very j wni.M for the resignation" of Slim" tbr at tbe of fact princess appeared Kneeling down by Ills side, clasping Therefore he resigned, but i the doc. her h lhhIk and closing her eyes, Desr united expression of good will and Weil?" she said haughtily to h Jesus, she brother. Prince Ivan she did not set mamma, andsaid, TdvhK my papa and respect from the officer, who felt IVrley and me, end assured of his perfect honesty and refor he had stepped back Into tbe died make uk all of the corridor. Louis beckoned hit used to be. happy ingether as we liability. And biri;i us all our On the other hand, Tony Osborn, sister without. ins. Amen." who had himself withdrawn, waa T must speak a word with you." be "nd forgive us all our sins," he asked to resume his place In the said. "I would not have these follow repealed, so low that nu!y Clare heard Crovedale hank, which he did, much hear us! She stepped out nncuapect him. gratified by the renewed confidence Ingly. Instantly the door waa closed was In lilt mother Perky arms, thus manifested. If there had been behind her. dark figure slid be half asleep, and (Tsre of suspicion in regard to tween. Prince Ivan turned the key them and kissed them both.approached any feeling between tho cashier, s complicity arm. and laid hla hand upon her Goodnight, my darling," said her a ben supposed to have absconded, Help!" she cried, struggling; "help mother. "Get into lied, and I will and Tony, It bad disappeared. Indeed me! For Gods grace, let me go!" oome aud tuck you up after I help the bank officials caw plainly now Bat from behind came four coasaeks Perley to undress. Ho is too sleepy to that there waa lltllo friendship beof the Prinree retinue who half undress himself. tween tbe two; for, though Mr. Hamd her along toward Mr. Hamilton looked at the group ilton waa affable when carried, chanced the gates at which the Muscovite with misty eyes aud a strango, yearn- to meet, Tony had little they to him to say horses stood ready saddled.. And as ing gate. Then putting on hia bat he and nerer went near the house. Howdown the waa carried Margaret pis suddenly left the house, and walked ever, he was as respectful as svsr sage the alarmed servitors stood down the street, encountering a man toward Mrs. Hamilton. who atopiied to apeak to him. But All this time her attitude toward Mr. Hamilton brushed him ona side, Mr. Hamilton did not awerve from Its unceremoniously, as he said: coldness and reserve. She palpably "If you mutt see me, come to tho shrank from being alone with him, office Not or having any private conversation. Are you sick?" asked the man And he never seemed to resent her peering into his face. attitude. Instead, he grew to love her Yea, sick of living." better end more tenderly every day, The man shrank back without reHe wee often conscious (bat Conplying, and Hamilton strode on until stance was submitting him to tests, be met Mr. Carter, who asked Mm as If .she still doubted that he wee where be waa going. Indeed her husband, and one day he Nowhere. I will walk back with said to her: you." Look at me, Constance; my hands, That's right Oh, by the way, who my height, features, gait; oonsder ms was that man who called to see yon et In every way. Do I differ In any rethe mill today?" spect, taking Into account tbe trifling "A business acquaintance. changes my mental disturbance pro"Well, I don't like hla looks, Vane, duced, from the husband of a few and I fancied you were not over and months ego? Tell me, Constance, and above pleased to see him." tell me truly. "You were right; hut I have known . Why do you question me? she him off and on for years, and In Ma asked. I have never said yon were way he has done me muny a good not my husband." turn, I suppose he thinks. "No, Constance, and In your heart "Whats his name? you know that I am, though you affect THE MISSING MAN O' S R; CSQQQTT,Autfar c (Covrrlgbt, list, UM). by 8. B. CHAPTER At thin point an officer came swiftly acroaa the parterre and stood with unoovered head by the steps of the terrace, wailing for permission to ascend. The Prince summoned him with n movement of his hand. What sews?" he said; "have the ladies yet left the Summer Palace?" "No, my lord," answered the officer earnestly; "but Johannes Rode of the Princess Margaret's household was come with a message that the plague has broken out (here, and that the Lady Princess is the first stricken." "Which Princess?" demanded Iran, with an instant incision of tone. "The Lady Joan, Princess of Court-land- , your Highness," replied the man, without, however, looking at the Prince of Muscovy. "The Lady Joan," cried the Prince Louis, "die is ill? She has brought the Black Death with her? She is stricken with the plague? IIow fortunate that, so far, I " He clapped his hand upon his brow and shut his eyes as If giving XXI-Contln- usd. tankai Crockett.) tering the prayers of the Church in a rapid undertone. "Prince Louis to see Princess Joan!" Ivan snswered the challenge from within. The door opened slightly and then more widely, lean pushed his friend forward aud they entered, Louis dragging one foot a Tier the other towards the ehaded couch bjr vhtch knoit the Princess Margaret. Thors of Bornholm, pallid and stood beside her, swaying a little bnt atlll bolding, half unconsciously, a silver hasln. Into which Margaret dipped a fine Hueii cloth, before touching with It the lips of the sufferer. Prince Ivan remained s little bark, near to where the court physicians were conferring together in stage whispers. As he passed, a tall, d man, girt about the middle with a sliver chain, detachd hlmtulf from the official group and approached. Prince Ivan. After an Instlncllve cringing movement of homage and salutation, he bent to the young man'a ear end whispered half a dozen words. Prince Ivan nodded very slightly and the man stole away aa he had come. No one In the room had noticed the Incident. Meanwhile Louis of Court! and. almost as pale aa Thora herself, bln Ups blue, his teeth chattering, his finger clammy with perspiration, stood uy the bedside clutching the crucifix. Presently a hand was laid upon his arm. He started violently at the touch. It la true a bad case," said Ivan In Ms ear. "Let us get away; I must speak with you 'at once. The physicians have given their verdict. They d blue-lippe- foam-flocke- grey-skirte- d lorg-bearde- half-force- "I see it an now!" he cried. "This the reason the Kernsberg traitors were so willing to give her up. It Is all a plot against my life. I will not go hear. Let the court physicians be sent! Cause the doors of the Summer Palace to be sealed! Set double guards! Permit none to pass either way, save the doctors only! And let them change their clothes and perfume themselves with the smoke of sulphur before they come out!" His voice mounted higher and higher as he spoke, and Ivan of Muscovy watched him without speaking, as can do nothing!" with hands thrust out and distended With n gasp of relief Prince Louis nostrils he screamed and gesticulated. faced about, and aa he turned he tot. Prince Ivan had never seen a thor- tered. ough coward before, and the breed in"Steady, friend Louis!" said Prince terested him. But when he had let the Ivan In his ear and passed his arm Prince run on far enough to shame about his waist. him before his officer, he rose quietly He began to fear lest be should have and stood in front of him. frightened his dupe too thoroughly. . "See how he loves her!" murmured "Louis," he said in a low voice, "listen to me this is but a report the doctors of healing, still conferring It is like enough to be false; it Is cer- with their heads together. "Who tain to be exaggerated. Let us go at would have believed It possible P once and find out" "Nay, he I .only much afraid," said Prince Louis threw out his hands Alexis the Deacon, the Muscovite doctor ; and small blame to him, now with a gesture of despair. Not I not I!" he cried. "You may that the Black Death has come to go if you like, if you do not value your Courlland. In half an hour we shall life. But I I do not feel well even hear the now. Yesterday I kissed her hand. Thea there is no need of ns stayAh, would to God that f had not! That ing," said more than one learned is it I wondered what ailed me this and they moved softly towards Go stop the court physi- the door. But Ivan had possessed morning. cians! Do not let them go to the Sum- himself of the key, and even . as the mer Palace; bring them here to me hand of the first waa on the'Iatchet lint. Your arm, officer; I think I bar the bolt waa shot In hla face. will go to my room I am not welL" And the eyes of Alexis the Deacon Prince Ivans countenance grew mot- glowed between his narrow red lids tled and greyish, and his teeth showed like sparks In tinder as be glanced at in the sun like a thin line of dassling the whitening faces of the learned white. He grasped the poltroon by men of Conrtland. Without the door Iran fixed Prince the wrist wfth a hand of steel. Listen," he said no more of this; Lonli with hla will. I will not have it! I will not waste "Now," he said, speaking In low, my own time and the blood of my trenchant tones, if this he Indeed the fathers soldiers for naught This is Black Death (and It la like It), there but some womans trick to delay the la no surety for us here. We most get marriage I know it Hearken! I fear without walls. In an hour there will neither Black Death nor black devil; be such n panic In the city aa has not been for centuries. I offer you n way I will have the Lady Margaret if I have to wed her on her deathbed! of escape. My Cossacks stand horsed Now, I cannot enter your wifes cham- and ready without. Let us go with ber alone. Yet go I must, if only to them. But the Princess Margaret see what all this means, and you shall must come also!" , - accompany me. Do you hear. Prince But but but " Louis still obLouis? I swear you shall go with me jected, "the Princess Joan she may to the Summer palace, if I have to diet That will reflect upon my honor If we all desert her. My sister will drag you step by step!" His grasp lay like a tightening cir- continue to attend her. They are cle of iron about the wrist of Prince friends. I will go with yon . . . MarLouis; his steady glance dominated garet can remain and nurse her! A light like a apear point glittered the weaker man. Louis drew In his breath with a choking noise. momentarily under the dark brows of "I will, he gasped: if I must I the Muscovite. will go. But the Death the Black "Listen, Prince Louis, he said. "Yonr honor Is your honor. Joan of the Sword Hand and her Black Plagues are your own affair. She la your wife, not mine, I have helped you to get her back no more. But the Princess Margaret la my business. I have bought her with a price. And look you, air, I will not ride back to Russia that every petty boyar and starveling serf may scoff at me saying, He helped the Prince of Courtland to win his wife, but he could not bring back one himself.' The whole city,, the whole country from here to Moscow know for what cause I have so long sojourned in your capl-taNow, Prince Louie, will yon have me go aa your friend or as your ene. - death-rattle!- " doo-to- r, to-da- y empty-hande- d, L "I swear you shall ge with me," Death! I am slcfc truly, Ivan, I am very sick!" "So am I! said Prince Iran, smiling grimly. "But bring his Highness a cup of wine, and send hither Alexis the Deacon, my own physician." The officer went out cursing the Muscovite ears that bad listened to ch things, and also high Heaven r giving such a Prince to his fatherland. e At the Princess door Prince Ivan tapped gently and Inclined his ear to listen. Louis fumbled with his golden crucifix, and as the Muscovite turned away his head he pressed It furtively to his lips. Ever since be set foot in the Summer Palace he had been mut my?" "Ivan Ivan, you are my friend. Do not speak to me so! Who else is my friend if yon desert me?jp "Then' give me your sister!" The prince cut up his hand with a. little gesture of despair. "Ah, he sighed, "jou do not know She Is not In my gift, or Margaret! yon should have had her long ago! Oh, thus troubles, these troubles! When will they be at an end?" "They are at an end now," said Prince Ivan consolingly. Call your later out of the chamber on n pretext In ten minutes wa shall be at tbs cathedral gates. In another ten he and I can be wedded according to yonr Roman custom. In half an hour we ahull all be outside the walla, if you fear the Infection you need not come near her. I will do all that Is necesury. And what more natural? We will be gone before the breaks you to one of your hill cutles If you do not wish to come with to Moscow." "And the Princess Joan T faltered tbe coward. She la In good hands, said the prince, truthfully for once. I pledge u "Help!" she cried, struggling, from her cries, seeing that Prince Louie himself was with her. Yet she cried out unceasingly In her ! anger and fear, "To me, men of The coaaacke carry me off I will not go! O, God, that Coora wire here! I win not be silent! Jflffauricc; aloof Court-land- save me! But the people only ah: shoulders even when they did the guards sad the waiting, the underlings and porters at the palace gates. For said, "They are strange folk, them Courtland princes and princesses of ours, with-- their marriages and giving in marriage. They can neither wed nor bed like other people, but must he taken by force. Well, happily It la no business of ours! Then at the stair foot. she sank down by the sundial, almost fainting with the sudden alarm and fear, crying for he last1 time and yet more pierc"I will remember," replied Edes, In h is dazed fashion. ingly, Maurice! Maurice! Come to Then bove them la me, Maurice!" to Ignore my claims end to act as If "Solomon Marks." the palace there 'began a mighty "Solomon Marks. you doubted me, eren though yon do Well, goodstricken blows noise of clamor, the not sty so to me." and the roar of many voice. Bnt Ivaa night" "Good-night- " He bad never spoken to her so of Muscovy was neither to be hurried and sternly before, and she plainly determinnor flurried. Impassive and trembled as she looked Into his face. CHAPTER XIV. ed, he twang himself Into the saddle. "Tell me," she said In a low, clear Hie black charger changed his feet with every particle of Interest It Solomon Marks. tone, to take hla weight and looked about Solomon Marks was seen about appeared, of which her nature was to welcome him for he, too, knew hla Orovedale and vicinity for several capable, concentrated upon hen quesmaster. days. He called to see Mr. Hamilton tion, tell me where I always laid "Give the princess to, me," he com- at tbe mill, and waa closeted with my head when I went to sleep." Now assist Prince Louis him an hour or more. Afterwards he manded. He looked at her a moment before into hla saddle. To the cathedral, all wee seen chatting with Primus Edes replying, At tbe foot of the bed. It of you!" In an affable manner, end later, the was a fancy of yours. (To .be continued.) ame day, he celled at Mrs. Fry's No, It was a habit but no matter," house. and she moved to the piano. Mixing Theology and Poker, That lady was not glad to see him, Sing to me, will you not Con"Few persona except clerks behind and aha showed her feelings plainly stance?" the counter know to what extent dis- by being very glum end stiff In ber Yes. Shell It be your favorite?" count Is given to the families of clergy manner. She did wot like Ma looks, Yet, If you have not forgotten It" men, firemen and policemen," said nor hie errand, which she felt sure Oh, no. I nerer forget Find it a floor manager In an uptown store. was to learn what be could concern- for me, please." There Is no doubt we ere often im- ing Primus Edes. Indeed, she wee For a moment he gased et her earnposed upon In this way, bnt there fully convinced In ber own mind that estly. Then be glanced through the seems to be no way to prevent it he wee "another detective' feller." pile of music till he came to "Annie Solomon Marks got no friende Jn Laurie," which he placed before her. It Is bard to question a woman! She sang the aong In a sweet thrillveracity when abe tells you aba la tbe Orovedale. It wee plain to Mr. Carwife,' slater or daughter, aa the case ter that even Vane did not like him, ing tone that brought out all Its tenderness to the welting ears of her may be, of the Rev. Mr. Bleak of Flat and was relieved when he left town. Mr. Hamilton was engrossed now, listener. bush, or that her husband la a fireI wish I could prove to my Annie man. We must take her word for It day after day, at the mill, for Me help The oddest case of that kind I ever was seriously needed. Moments of Laurie what I would do for her, he A young forgetfulness saw happened last week. seemed to steal over said, In n low, breathing tone, ea he woman came around to purchase some him, causing Mm to forget names and stooped to lay aside the mnslc as she articles for a camping outfit; said shs details, bnt a word recalled them to finished. You have," she said, In a tone fell and ber mother and sisters were going mind, and then be would go on of to spend the summer In the Adlroa-dacks- . meaning; and she left the piano, perhaps, for days. Hie aptitude for business, always remarkable, bed crossed the apartment and took np n et lessened in the least, and be was book. "Among her purchases were six The next day Mr. Hamilton asked n packages of playing cards at forty confident, be told Me partners, that cent a peck and two boxes of poker very soon be ebonld fully recover all workman st tbe mill to tell Primus Edes that he wished to speak with remembrance of the past chips. " And now,' she said, as she reach"If so," he said, "I shall know what him. As the man stood waiting, not ed for ber purse, please compute tbe I did, whether I presented those notes venturing to speak himself, Mr. HamusqAl discount for ministers. My after altering them myself, at the ilton said: Your name la Edes, I believe." father le the Rev. Mr. Dash of St bank, where I spent the time before I went to Seattle, end how I existed np Yes, sir." Circles.' Have you worked In our mill "I thought she waa Imposing on us, to that time." Like the widening circles produced long?" Much and I made an Investigation. "About eight months." to my surprise, I found she was speak- ly a atone thrown Into a stream, ao the mystery surrounding tbe bank "Where did you work before you ing the truth. New York Press. affair at Orovedale waa prolific of came here? In Alabama. consequences. Returned Home to Die. Full particulars bad "Were you born there?" Twenty-si- x years ago Joseph Stacy teen wired through tbe country and No, I was born in Vermont." disappeared from hie home in Eliot enterprising reporters bad worked np were your parents?" "Who eolumna Me. Hla whereabouts remained about it for tbe newspapers "Thomas and Mary Bdee. I wss an mystery until two weeks ago, when which they represented. One of the widening circles caused only child, and they are both dead." he suddenly presented Mmself In the Were you ever married?" bsd by the local disturbance extended to town. He stated frankly that he "No, sir." oome home to die, end did so within tbe bank of which Simon Low waa "You are said to lie a good, natural a week after Ma arrival. He bad been cashier. The directors, ewakenlng to Would you like to be tbe machinist. witfeet that depoelts were being in the west most of the time sines to our other mill, where transferred called . with hdrawn home. rapidity, leaving alarming to study meeting and unanimously decided I you can have an opportunity ' - an-Mde- tbe works, end, perhaps, have a poet: tioa si foreman there after a timet": "No, air. I like where I am, and ould rather stay here. Very well, remain where yon are; but let me caution you, aiy good fellow, never to be seen watching my house as you did before my return." I will remember." replied Eden, In hie dazed, hopeless, fashion, though his sallow check reddened and bis eyes gleamed fiercely for a moment. Mr. Hamilton turned to hla desk and took up hla pen, and Edoa returned to hla work. But a toon si Mr. Hamilton waa left with Mr. Carter, who had been present during the Interview, a silent hut watchful listener, the latter said: That man la chock full of mystery. He wbi lying when he gave hla parents names, and answered so glloly." "Do you think ao? I do." If I thought ao," said hla companion, seemingly startlud, I but. He pshaw! you must he mistaken. Is stupid and harmless." Yes, It was very evident, ns Mr, Carter said, and also as evident that he was very unhappy, not to aay hopeless. Mrs. Fry pitied him more than ever. She petted him, and fixed up bitter doses for bis liver, as she said, and cooked tempting dishes till her eons began to Juke her for her preference; but this made no difference. I do like him e sight better'n the rest of the boarders. I feel sorter tender to'erda Tm, hes tech a poor vreetnr, somehow, so kinder harmless an' sufferin'. Jest as if the world bad been rough on Tm alwus. Tls on some. She did not explain her meaning fully to Dan, but she did to Mr. Ham-merl- y that very day, calling at the parsonage for the purpose. Mr. Ham-merla little more pallid, hut gentle and kind In speech as ever, eooa came out of hla study to apeak to her, and he immediately broached ber errand. Ita about a poor man that bokrds Primus Edes, with me," abe said. hie name Is. He's a poor ereetur, an Im drefful Yraid he's aet hia heart on Mia Hamilton, cause he was well enough before her husband came back." "You dont mean to ay," and tbe minister's face flushed, "that be would be so wicked and foolish as y, that!" "Yea, I do; bnt It wouldn't be wicked an foolish in him, for be is different from some dont seem to realize as some would. Yon mustnt be hard in your Judgment on him, Mr. Hammerly. No, I wont be herd on him," answered Mr. Hammerly, In a low tone. "I am sorry for him. I think I beard something about this long ago. Hava yon spoken of this to any one?" "No, I haint, not one word about ber, not even to Dsn, an I shant." That la right It would not do to that I will try to find an opportunity Mr. Edes." And with this assurance, and lightened in her mind, the woman took ber way homeward. Mr. Hammerly called to see Primus Edes one night after hla days work was ended, and found him softly playing the violin In his own room, sitting quite like a gentleman in dressing gown and slippers, thought Mrs. Fry, as she conducted the minister Into the apartment. What wee said st the Interview no one knew, but Mr. Hammerly came forth exceedingly thoughtful, nnd Edes played far Into the night, but with closed windows. t (To be continued.) to speak to kind-hearte- d REV. MOORE'S HARD LUCK. If Ever Strong Language Could Be Justifiable, Wh- yRev. Samuel Moore, our beloved pastor had an excruciating experience one night recently which disfigured bis face to euch an extent that be scarcely looks natural. It must of been about I a. m. that Mra. Moore woke up her husband and I think there le burgu-lar- s aid, down stairs, Samuel! Rev. Moore wss for going to sleep again. He said there wasnt a cent In the house and the burgu lars waa welcome to all they could find. Mrs. Moore, however, was nervous, so at last the pastor arose and started down stairs to Investigate. He was In Ms bare 'feet nnd dura near broke Ms toe on the stair cane, but he said nothing and proceeded down stairs in the dark. When he entered the kitchen with hie hands before him he straddled the door which was standing half open, nnd the edge of It struck him fair nnd square on the nose, smashing same against his face and almost breaking It, as you might say. The parson then lit a lamp. He thinks hie none must have bled a quart and It pained him terrible. The noise which Mrs. M. heard wee made by the cat, which bad shoved the cover off the' milk Jar In the cellar and was helping herself. Rev. Moore kicked the eat outen the house, and after he had bandaged up bis nose end returned to bed. In speaking of the matter later Rev. Moore eayi he always endeavors to lend a Christian life, but If he could of cut loose and swore when he run Into that door he thinks It would have been a great comfort to him. No doubt It would. "Blngvllle Bugle" Items In the Boston Post. Ambition. Uncle Horace (who Is something of a sage and philosopher) My boy, It le time for you to begin to think seriously of tbe kind of future you Intend to map out for yourself. To sum It up In n word, what epitaph are you ambitious to have engraved upon your tombstone. Nephew (Junt beginning Mn career) He got Mb there. |