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Show Men and women for your local paper. Subscribe EVERYTHING to learn barber trade nr rirn vinri I weeka. Wages paid every night. In Creduatea earn f 15 to 935 per week. Cat. free. Write u. Mohler System of Cullegea, 63 E. F:rt South St., Salt akf City. Utah. In the RubberGoods aoooooooooooooooocooooq 0 THE END If you need anything In Pure Wines or Liquors, mail us your wants. . . . We will do the rest. Freeh Stock. lino mail orders. 114-11- ELITE DRUG CO, 33S Main St Salt Lake City, Utah. A. D. TOBIN, Furniture House and Second Hand Furniture Bought, Said and Exchanged. Agenla for Home Comfort Ranges and Supplies 33 West First South SALT LAKE CITY Bell 1267-Phones, Ind. 763 (Mention this paper.) New SSS3SSSSSS9SO FARM LOANS. MILLER A VIELE 69 9 o o Boll 'Phone o o If yon want to borrow o money on terms, your farm, liberal time, easy a line. us drop tlons, o o 19 MeCornlck Building. 8ALT LAKE CITY. SOS (9 9 797. 4V 49 49 49 49 long- op- - 4 -- HUDDART FLORAL CO. Send uo your All goode guaranteed. 4 TRAINSDAILY E A S T VIA o E. 2nd So. 6 i Copyright. 1M, by J ' I found Von Mlniien on that humid,! Grand Theatre.) sultry night the 31st of June pac(Opposite thu lliior of hie observatory, a flora! for work Cut flowers and J ing huge ho.vllkr room that reared Itself Jail occasion. M ou steel legs far above bis house. He 8 We make a specialty of shipping "j nas In a suppressed atata of excitement, which he attempted to conceal Write , telephone n funeral designs I entered. as S It' no uka." I said to him, "1 gor telegraph, s And. anyway, cannot work P O. Box 8 Phones 106. I'm going to the strikers meeting. s I ant you to come along. If yoo can " lie sprang to his feet and opened CUTLER BROS. CO. the window. "Look! F'ut your hand out here!' he exclaimed. 1 did aa Knit Underwear and Woolen Good a When 1 drew It In, ft was sprinkled Beat pants on earth, to order, with a few small aiiecks of what resembled soft coal siAiL 13.50. Rub your hands together," said 36 Main St, Salt Lako City, Utah. Von Mlmii'n. "Now look at them." Where I hail niblied and where each apeck had been there was a small smear of a bright red color. greasy liTO-LARGE DONT MISS THE glanced up at him, Inquiringly, 8 I What MOBILE are these?" 1 asked. He laughed 3 that runs to all polnu of Interest .8 a strange laugh. 9 with a good guide. Faro are the "Those, he responded, 'Seeing Salt Lake" Car and Autoa.,8 germs of lunacy. That's all." He S 5 40 E 2nd 8a laughed again. I looked at him anxiously. 1 thought his mind was wanMjasssseggsgeggseeseeiigege X dering under the terrific heat out of the glanced involuntarily window. It had become dark singuE. H. EARDLEY A BROS-- , larly early for the 21at day of June x The moon was high la the heavens. Everything Aa I glanced at It 1 leaped from my ELECTRICAL. chair. 64 Market Bt. Von Minden," I cried aloud, look Both Phones at that!" Von Minden sprang to the window. The moon was full and large end PETERSONS DETECTIVE SERVICE red as Are. That was not OIL THe whole town seemed to be on lira COMPANY, A thick hasp had settled down upon 328-32the housetops, and, like the moon, D. F. Walksr Bldg, the base was red aa Kama Balt Laks City, Utah. Von Minden stood with outstretchWa are prepared to undertake all ed arm. "It'a come! he exclaimed. proper detective business Intrusted to Tbs great epidemic of lunacy has us for corporations and Individuals coma Ha pointed far out into the Consultation and advice free. Call or space beyond. write. 'Phones- Ind 39X8. Bell 131 The strikers nw-- t that night In an We want three good, capable, detecabandon-- d sharing link a large, old, tives Write for particulars. rambling wnodon structure. It was filled to overflowing. A demagogue stood In the rosWASH IT AWAY. trum, surrounded by an excited mass I a-and uremic poisoning cured of humanity. We were late Von Castilla Hot Springs Water does the Minden and myself. The speaker had work. Rheumatism vanishes at Its had time to rouse Ms hearers to a touch. For rate apply to C, H. pitch of fury. Room 323 Southworth, Manager, It'a a good time, he cried, a Commercial Club building; Balt Lake thing to be here, restin' easy quluL What tho h d'ye mean WWIbWtMP, prye know'whal's happenin' mj I n 91-0- 9 6-- Y This Includes the famous OVERLAND LIMITED and the new LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED 8trlctly Twentieth Century, Vasil-baleElectric Mghted Steam Heated Train operating Pullman Palace Sleepers; Incomparable Obaervatlon Library and Dining Cara of the Tory Istoat manufacture, 0ILT 41 HOURS, SALT LAKE TO r.iionn . i. J. . .1 loud-voice- red-face- d M. THOMAS Attorney-at-La- Salt Lako City, Utah. Offices, 11 and 11 Eagle Block. PdynWoR and Surgeon, 60 Commercial Block. Salt Lako City, Utah. Phases ill!-- and 14I9-K- . N Inventions Trade patented. marks secured direct with Washington. Offlo V 8 Z 1906 MODELS. Grand Prise, Paris, 1900; Double Grand, St. Louis, 1904. Bend coupon below, filled out, to our uenreat denier or to ua and get our Free Trial and Easy Payment Offer to responsible parties anywhere in the United Btates. Dont delay. This is your opportunity to secure absolutely i ho best Talking Machine made, on payments that will not be felt We accept old machines In part luiyment. A written guarantee from the oldest, largest and most successful mnnufaelurero of Talking Machines In tho entire world. Columbia Phonograph Co Gen'I. ! Columbia Phonograph ComName ...... 1 & Slain XL, Balt 'lensral pany, Luke City, Utah. l'lenaa send mo your Frro Trial and Street and No. Eaay Payment Offer with Illustrated literature. City ... ...... M. It. 1X7-2- TEAM, Bute .. and Dealers in BUGGY AND EXPRSES HARNESS. Sadies, Blank ets, Whips, Etc. And ths Men Went with Him. whiles we're swelterin' down here, h you white-livereD'ye know, that McDavltt. the oppressor Me- Davltt, that calls himself youc bos an' mine d'ye know that McDavltt holds uNii house for theillk stockin' crowd, whiles you an' me Is starvin an' rluiklu'? His house Is ablaze wit light wine Is flowin' like water. The sky Is rainin' Mood tonight! ho cried. "Let those star who will. I'm goln to McDavltt' ball. Who'll come where Mullen leads the way?" He leaped to the floor snd plunged through the crowd and out of the door, a wild cheer greeting him as he went And the men went with him, pulling guns and knives from their pockets, picking np stones and staves as they went along, with Mullen at their head. We followed them McDavItt's waa ablaze with lights but not for long. As we approached the house. It suddenly became dark. Some one produced a torch and fired the house, filled as it was with horror-strickeguests. The flames spread, curling up on all sides. Suddenly the clanging of many bells waa heard upon the night air. Von Minden and 1 looked In the direction from whence the sound came It was help! Half a dozen horseless fire engines were charging down the MIL They drew up on the outaklrt of the crowd. The water-buwas near where Von Minden and I stood ths crowd had forgotten It Now they surged tround it. and we we n 35 South West Temple Salt Lake City, Utah. Established 1117 The Oldest Electric Supply Isom ie Iks Stats. E. G. HOLDING ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION MOTORS. CHANDELIERS, 53 W. FIRST SOVTH STREET GLOBES AND SHADES 99 SALT LAKE CITY. VTAH I dont know what happened. Every-Jn- g was red before my eyes. I was conscious only that something fell with n thud to the ground something that the crowd trampled under foot, and that the firemen were attaching the hose amf that 1 had done 1L Blood! Blood!" 1 cried In n wild frenxy, breaking away from the crowd and running up the street, Blood!" As I ran n great number of police officers jftssed me, on their way to the riot. Their eyes were wild and bloodshot. I staggered on until 1 reached Von Minden's house. lie had got there before me. Von Minden!" I cried, beating the door frantically. lie came out, and I started back In surprise. Von Minden It was, but he was completely encased, from the waist up, in a metal cylinder that surrounded his body. It was full of holes and emitted a white vapor that almost completely enveloped him. He laughed. Steam!", he cried. It'a the only thing the only antidote for the madneaa Wait!" He opened a small valre, and out came a flood of aleani. Instantly the blood For the first time left my brain. in hours I felt like a rational being. Then be produced another portable generator and attached it to my per- St MVLVEY & CO. 14-1- tt caught Thrift remen tried to get ihrlr machines through the throng, "lit U through!" they cried. ."No!" yelled the crowd. At the water-but- t near which j stood, one of the crowd, a burly fe. low, waa waving n crowbar round rvund his head. The flremen wit their hose tried to get near, but tin MOUTH.. ....IS AN ATTRACTION EVERYONE SHOULD HAYE OUR PRICES. Teeth, comfortable to wear, natural in appearance restores lost expression A Gold Crown, mada of tho vary boat gold, will not oomo off, or waar oat 94.00 to 91.16 Bridge Work, tho kind that lasts, mada of tho beat gold, will not to 9 L00 broak and fully guaranteed Gold Fillings, absolutely pure gold, and guaranteed not to oomo 11.50 and up out Alloy Fillings, tho naxt best fillings to purs gold and guarnntoad Tie to 9L09 to proaorvo the teeth from further decay 50c and np Silver Fillings, guaranteed not to come out If TOUR teeth are crook td, decayed or broken tho ELECTRO DENTAL CO. can remedy tho defect and do ft perfectly. They have three doctor! "each an expert In bin branch. A Bet of 91-O- son. We must go, Anson," 94-0- he explained, "in the pause of humanity." We then proceeded to Ahe two leading newspaper offices and dictated notices for their bulletins, directing everybody to keep their windows shut, to keep Indoors, and to keep their kettles steaming. Von Minden and myself as we went through the streets, cried: Steam! Steam!" to all whom we met The aun rose the next morning aa red a sun us last night's moon hod been and wherever shone the sun (hat day, it shone down upon ruin and disaxter. The whole world woke to And itself gone mad. The next day every slate In the union was clamoring for one man Yon Minden the federal government moiitjf all. A special session of congrefewas called. Committees had with Von Mlnden'a experimefed ratora. They seat for me-an-d engineers from every nd called Von Minden In. In-4-3 Mura Von Mlnden'a ap-rwas being manufacture1 avributed an In a uowerer, the officials Von Minden with them began to wake up to the fact that, while steam was the great remedy, it was a remedy that the masses didnt want To them madness was Intoxication they preferred it to sanity. It was Independence day, July 4th, that the crisis came. On that day, from every town and city In the United States, by prearrangement, men by thousands and tens of thousands, alarted out, mad as they were. yet with semblance of order, bound for one common destination. They were bound for Washington. They had become anarchists. They had determined to wipe out the United States government the president, congress, and every departoi I On July 15, that fateful day. stood with Von Minden on top of (be Washington monument. The mob had surrounded the city. The entire government had left it, and was speeding west by separate routes. At a preconcerted signal the mob entered. Nothing could have kept them out. and no attempt was made. to do so. Von Minden sat at my side with his finger on s button. He was ready at an Instants notice to loose upon I he mass of humanity powerful Jots of steam that would either kill or cure. For awhile there was no disorder. The great army entered, rank upon rank, and filled every street and every park. They were there to destroy, but to d'wtroy when the time came. Suddenly we heard murmurs something was wrong. Then a wild yell of rage, growing stronger as the time went on, burst from the throats of a million men. They had been thwarted. At that moment Von Minden pressed the button. I looked out. Nothing was wrong. Something happened. Below!" Look, look!" I cried. It Is quite unnecessary for me be-to describe It The mass of citizens low, In its frenxy and disappointment, had become uncontrollable they had become wild of rage, they threw themselves, not ujion the city, not the public buildings, hut upon one another. All day long that fierce battle raged within the streets of the city. Von Minden covered his eyes with hla hands. "My God," he moaned. We threw ourselves upon the floor, nauseated at the sight a sight of which the world bad never seen the Then suddenly the madness like. etxed on us. "The end of the world," cried Von Minden, leaping to hla reet The blood surged Into my head. Hurrah!" 1 exclaimed In a delirium of frenxy. "The end of the world! Let si die now!" We Ixughed sgxin In unison, and muttered Incoherent things. Then with a wild fling of head and arms he slung himself away from the parapet and Into the spare beyond. i Ess! First South Street 9 Sslt Like City, Vtsh 6 A CLEAN S 0 ELECTRO DENTAL CO. DRS. WARD AND EDGE, Open dally until 9 P. M. 176 State Street Rooms Galena Block. Sundays 10 to I Ind. Phone 29SS MSS. MiteaiMksMMa44ssjuF,!mivrn!srrnwri!iiRiiiv K4M444444444444Kt.RRRPKWR.iWitPrr,w.itipig an s.u It Hotel'll It For & Nice Room in a First-clas- s go to uIV jl the New Southern Hotel, , .... tj.. Hot and cold running water and ateam heat, electrio lights addXL ? ? bell service In every room. Rooms under direct charge of Mrs. Cand-J- ? Z v land. Hotel centrally located at J9 J S NO 144 WEST FIRST SOUTH 8TREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH a h P. H. CANOLAND. J 5 a; X 1.1 k t i1rrrgrwjwrfrrcrry !T4m4MMMiir42M'4'4'4kils(la'43air4.L44444444444444444444ir4 Bell Phone 2767 Independent 4444 Alexander Optical Co; Atlas Block. Salt Lake City, Utah 230-231-2- 32 Eyes correctly fitted and cared for by the year. Wa are the originators of the yeari care system. Call and let ns explain. ment d CROW Manufacturers d again be beat them off. I watched m. or R. A. HASBROUCK, w B. Bowlas.) 234 47 Co.MTh 0","Utah "a.y Utah Dental ds. a. simuutAX, non. Vta VTUhsaS Vs la. Ike WUfc Ote Wwfc. see mi IH (telflknl nkte) MI496IIIM 4SSMM miisMiN l Ift.H ngMMb worl Ini ismissimii ess o$Jd 6 BstraaM Fertttvdy Sat Utk Gold MWBIb Bride Ml e dilluji All itkiv lUlifi 13 ee himmi69 MMiILN U I TB e odd Vor CnrutiA FREE ttQ 9 f. m. Sunday. 10 to A AD WITH TOl Mnro THIS zvreersritrsitavreiPifiiysatvi'vx swwwwwwwiFrrvrvpwrvwwwvPW 444444444444444444444444 44444444444'44444'4444444444. Salt Lakes Greatest All Year Altractioh The Sanitarium Baths. Swimming Pools! Turkish Ba.ths! Private Baths! it 53 52-- 54 Natural Hoi Sulphur Water is Brought Right to the very Heart ot the City. PEN DAY dc NICHT. W. 3rdS. St. 8ALT LAKE CITY. utatststsotxiimFFststaiwwatwwRKstrww Chiropractic Treatment will cure. Is a now science of healing without the use of drugs. It la In harmony with natures laws. Seldom fails; never deco harm. Wa use no drags, no knives. Is common eenee. It will bear Investigation. It la the only mode of healing whidh exactly locates the cause of sickness and removes the earns. It la not Faith Curs, Christian Science, Magnetic, or anything else, but Chiroprao-tic- . Osteopath, Massage, It ia baaed on a correct knowledge of tho nerves. It adjusts all displacements and allows the Innate builder to reconstruct the broken down tissues Call and get a book that axplains our mode of treatment Consultation and Examination free. Lady Assistant Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. THE CHIROPRACTIC INSTITUTE AND CURE 64 W. 2nd So. St Salt Lake City, Utah. Bell Phono 1232y. 6hlro-pract- Photo-Therap- y, 16-pa- le |