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Show SURELY WINS THE PALM. HOUSEHOLD FRIEND. One Mean Man Who Outdoee Some PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color almost twu-- m much a any otlirr dye anil cost you line ana. 10c per packtge. Others. Many stories have been told of mean men. such as be who used a and he whose wart for a collar-buttoconsisted In son to his sift birthday washing the windows so that the lad might watch the cars go by. This tuan, however, seems to have won the palm: Tbere was an extremely mean man In New Hampshire, who was Hie proprietor of a hotel. By his direction rules were posted In the hostelry forbidding almost every conceivable privilege to those not guests of (be place. Tbere was absolutely no rhance for the casual loafer to get newspapers, pen, ink, stationery, etc. There were not even free seats in the olllce. One day. relates the Success Mage-sluhe chanced to observe a chronic loafer gazing at the old clock that hung on the wall. The next day a It ign was placed over the clock. read: "This clock is tor the use of the guests of the hotel only." n If you want to see a man act silly huat up one who Is Jeslous. riLKI Cl NED IS (TO 14 Mia mm oiM u k.n I' uiniiitd to ran inf tfh im. U.iitJ, RiMRimi or tf m PAZO vM 'There goea one of the I WU iyi ur uiuiMif rtfuadwl. Mu wen you ever seen," remarked the There Is no cure for the Indigestion auburban atorekee)ier to the hosiery caused by being compelled to eat your a dressed as drummer, shabbily own words. passed the window. "If 1 kuew all he does about business I'd be Gsrfield Tea (the Herb remedy which in rich." utiib-t lie Pure Food and "He doesn't look to me as If ha Di). - i lioolj 1 taken to reyuUla knew much," said the hosiery sales, the i.ivrr. Kiiliirx. Momach and bewela and to pur.l) the blood. man. "What's Ids line?" "Hosiery," replied the storekeeper. A poor i.i.iii's chances for reaching "He's an expert on socks an' stork-ins- . the age of ilm-- scoie and ten are far He ran kaik 'em over an' tell than a rich man's, because the better or ravel whether awuy they'll right doctors wasie leas oa him. run. What's inure, he rould tell me whether I ought to order from you How's This? or not an how big an order I ought We offer (hp H'jndrrt iMlirt Rewart for nr to give you. lie ran tell Just what sm or i vii :iii cmboi bo curod bf Haul Catarrh cure. the trade's goin' to rail for, too. There F. J. rHF.NET A CO., Tol4. O. We. tfa J. Clieory bate aooaa ain't uotliin' about a sock or storkin' furtbeUtft mi br iru bioi parfortlf bm arable in :i in.s'.btas mud tnaarfaliy merino, lisle, wool, uiImhI or silk or obU: uuari) vi.i uad by hl drui. mercerized that he couldn't give W a isu. k ikk It HaaviM. w bolaia Hruafftau, Toledo O. points wuth rememberin' on; open t alirrh i uip is uka luiarnally. as'llhg AWFUL EFFECT OF ECZEMA. work, fancy or plain, heavy or redlrtt'Uy bt.ui tl s inadnd nations aurfatf of tho a spoi frro. !nco M oonta pay oymen. enforced don't matter what. birttte. y r" hriistf'iin. TakalUi.'b Fstni.k "Why didn't you call him In, then?" Covered with Yellow Soree Grew asked the drummer. "1d like to have Worse Parents Discouraged Life of Horses and Doga him see these host-- , if he knows any Drove Sores Away. The fctatenieiii has been made that It about he'll that tell you thing homes average from 20 to 30 years of they're the best ever put on the map "Our little girl, one year and and doga from 12 to 14 yeara A ket and he wouldn't advise you to half old, was taken with eczema or life, French credits the horse 1L called o less dozen boxes that waa what the doctor than a couple buy 30 to 40 years, the dog with 20 with and to try. Shall I go outside and holler We called In the family doctor, to 24. Theie is a sufficient range of at him?" he gave some tablets and said she to cause Not on your life, replied the store- would be all right In a few days. uncertainly in these figures doubt whether detailed study has been keeper. "I'd sooner take your word The eczema grew worse and we mads of the subject. for It" called In doctor No. 2. He said she "Where did he learn about the hos- was teething, as soon as the teeth Thoroughly Reliabla were through she would be all right iery business?" asked the drummer. ever there was a reliable and safe It Doctor worse. Search me, answered the store- But she still grew remedy It is that old and famoue porWhere did he learn about No. I said It was eczema. By this ous keeper. A llcock'a It has been in Fall River prints an' Redditch nee-- 1 time she was nothing but a yellow. use plaster for sixty years, and Is as popular could dies? Who gives him experience In greenish sore. Well, he said he as ever, and we doubt If there window dressin'? llow did he find help her, so we lot him try It about Is a civilized community on the face discovered we out the wuy to arrange stock an ad- a week. One morning the where this wonderful pain of globe vertise It? Who taught him what he little yellow pimple on one of cannot be found. In the selecPtruna is a household friend in knows about the principle of bargain her eyes. Of course we 'phoned for reliever tion of the and in their This Fridays an the kind o' notions It pays doctor No. 3. He came over and manufacture Ingredients more t an a million homes. care la taken the greatest to keep In stock? I'll never tell you." looked her over, and said that he to keep each plaster up to the highest number is increasing every day. tor more Maybe he's lieen in the same line could not do anything standard of excellence, and so pure Peruna has become a household word o' business you're In." her, that we had better take her and simple are the Ingredients that "Not him,1' said the storekeeper. to some eye specialist, since it was even a child can use them. all over the English speaking world. "No more'n he's been In the drug bus- an ulcer. So we went to Oswego to caAllcock's aro the original and genIt is an old tried remedy for all iness or the hardware or the furni- doctor No. 4, and he said the eye- uine porous plasters and art sold by tarrhal diseases of the head, , throat , ture or the butcher business. I never sight was gone, hut that he could all over the world. Druggists I and heard tell of his practicin' law or help It We thought we would try lungs, stomach, kidneys, bladder l drivin' a team or runnin a newspaper doctor No. B. Well, that proved the Japanese Hot Batns. female organs. or servin' in can tell but he In Japan hot baths are used at n congress., same, only he charged 810 more than Peruna Ask Your Druggist tar Free doctor No. 4. We were nearly dis- temperature of 104 degress. Fahrenyou almiit r.ny o' them.'' Almanac tor 1907. I saw one of the Cutl-cur- a heit. Immediately they leave this couraged. Kind of sit Isn't man, In the paper and the bathers plunge Into perfectly cold advertisements he?" coni the drummer. Woman Is Adventurous. would try tho Cutlcura we water. A European doctor who has thought "He's all made the around all said by right, In proof of the assertion spent many years In Tokio declares "Tliul's the only thing Treatment, so I went and purchased the German authorities that all is well storekeeper. of Cutlcura Remedies, which that, after s bath of this heat and the set a resaves he's officer of life. Sometimes that the an my well In Morocco, cost me fl, and in three days our subsequent douche, he used to feel cent German expedition to Fex tells around to the butcher shop tellin irm all day In tbs coldest winter daughter, who had been sick abou how, in the heart of Morocco, he had Gurliy how to cut meat an' then he'll showed Improvegreat months, her, while In summer ths bath eight met an English woman touring alone. mosey over to Root's drug store an' and In one week all sores hat ment exactly contrary effect, and ever-lastimake his he Frknces him how Is Mrs. tell woman might This fearless Of course It could no disappeared. cooling and refreshing. fortune puttin' up snakeroot V. Campbell. She Is reported to have restore the eyesight, but if we had a his Morocco after grandmother across bitters recipe tbs all way traveled used Cutlcura In time I am confident' iAgton a Shingle 8tate. on horseback, with no other escort had wrote down from another recipe that it would have saved the eye. We of Washington produced late when a Kiowa squaw had given her than a few servants. Is no remedy so good for 10.ii 000,000 shingles In 1906 fiscal ehe was a young gal an which shed think there skin trouble or Impurity mi the or p0r cen 0f the total out Keeps Young by Outdoor Exerclso. Improved on by GO years' experiment- any as Cutlcura. Mr. and Mra Frank blood new of lhe gules. Washington xjnted in'. Although James Bryce, the IL F. D. No. 9, Fhilton Os- ( 459 m8 vJth a daHy output of )U man sure. He's Abbott, British ambassador to this country, "He's an 1903. 17, N. 47940,000, or 18 per cent more than Is 88 years old, he has not by any around Williams real estate office the wego Co, ' Y, August ' In 1905. In no other other stale does . means exhausted his physical ener- best part o the mornlns read In' Wil Deveioplng the the yearly output approximate 1,000,- gies or his fondness for exercise In Hams paiiers an makin plans for Is talk In England of the pro--; There is the open. His favorite recreation puttin' the Standard Oil company out of the natural re- - 0W(0 mountain climbing, and he Is presi- o business. Williams lets him stay posed development Sudan of the sources through scien-titl- e dent of the English Alpine club. around because he gets lonesome In Immense forests exploration. tho office waitin for the boom thats line the banks of the Blue Kile along TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT T.kaLAXATIVI UUOMO Quinine Tabeia. nrar-Ir- cornin' when they extend the electric Its upper reaches, extending to the refund miinov If it folia to curt. K. W line out here. Yes. sir. I'm glad he's Abyssinian frontier. The ebony tree HOVKS .iauiuiar.il oa Saab bos. tte. man, because when hes Is met with along that river and also sn a other places he aint near the Sobat. Along the White Nile man them around s time accepts Every around here. gift it costs him a dollar. the India rubber creeper, a valuable business ? asked the source of rubber, abounds. There are his "What's Mrs. Winslow. Ronthln Syrup. Or has he got any?" drummer. lofMni tin inu, nano For children tMthl large forests In the alley. pirn, euiwwlailcoUu. DcebutUa. Aint I tellin you? said the store- province and gold has been mined in "His business Is my business, some pf the mountains. Search sill Love your enemies -- but not John keeper. an anybody's business. It's givln' be made for fuel. Demijohn. valuable points. Mind you, he dont Then They Went Off. pretend that he knows all about dry me that you are loaded." strikes "It or law or or posthole groceries goods to the double-barre- l aid the he What pistol tidies. kulttin dlggln or fundamental shotgun. claims is that there's "Oh, not quite, rejoined the latter. principles at the bottom of all of 'em RHEUMATISM . "I'm Is only principles and that them principles with AND Whereupon they both exploded o common sense. He's got an Idee Thompson's Eye Water News. n Dally Chicago Is spread-ihere laughter. around us most of that NEURALGIA matermatter catsup on roofin' terial, I guess, an that's what keepa him busy correctin' us.' There's lots like him, said the Many women suffer in silence and drummer. "Well, how many boxes drift along from bad to worse, knoware yon going to take? Say three ing well tliat they ought to have with. to start immediate assistance. ' dozen, just llow many women do yon know Well, there it Is," said the storewho are perfectly well and strong? keeper. "I told you I was overstocked Thecause may be easily traced to on hosiery now an it didn't seem good some feminine derangement which business policy to me to order any manifests itself in depression of more, but you tell me I need to order spirits, reluctance to go anywhere am three dozen boxes more. What or do anything, backache, dragging 1 put it to you now, aa do? to sensations, flatulency, nervousness, goin' and sleeplessness. a reasonable man. I'm doin' a pretty think-In' These symptoms are hut warnings fair business, makin money an' that there is danger ahead, and unof enlargin' my store an' hirin less heeded, a life of suffering or a couple more clerks this fall. I've done serious operation la the Inevitable But own on actin' Judgment my it by WALSH result. The best remedy for all FLORENCE JULIE MISS here's this feller I've been speakln these symptoms la The Proved Remedy of tollin me piat I don't uee enough For Over SO Years. common sense, an you're Insistin' Price 33c and 30c that I'm away off when I think 1 don't medicine In the country has from native roots and herbs No other want your darned hosiery an and unqualified endorsement No other medisuch received widespread "You don't need to darn these cine has such a record of cures of Lydia hose, said the drummer, closing his Miss J. F. Walsh, of 828 W. Sflth St. KewYork City, write. Inestimable value In sample case. "I'll call on you some E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound bus been ofiUnesa caused which other time. Keep me In mind, that's restoring my health, I suffered my back, hut your dreadful headaches, dizziness, and n,FMns all." mMfdne noon brought aoout s change ay general condition, built beat-poste- d fl Always Bought rrrparatLoafbrAs t latilethrFoodandBeffuia-lin- -- g simulating die S tanaebs and Dowels of 1 e M A N I SV H 1 L DK Bears the Nl 1 Promotes DigpalionChr? rful-n- Signature f nriUur ss andltcsi-Contah(hmun.Morplune nor Mineral. of Not Hah c otic. K- - A For Infants and Children Tho Kind You Hava r !- sicrasi Mto'oujjrSiMZLfrraaji In I enc.w-lopedi- (XnMaltir Aperfccl Remedy Use forConsllpa-Uon- , Sour Slimach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverishness and Loss Sleep. For Over of Far Stmts Signature of Thirty Years NEW YOHK. to-da- y Stoajvs Liiviirveivt Fbr Cough Cold, Croup, Sore Throat , Stiff Neck. Rheumatism and. Neuralgia im-nu-- At all Dealers Price 25c 50c 6 1.00 Sent Free n' TSIoaifs Book on Horua Cattle. Hogs O Poultry I- -' Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan 615 Albany St Boston. Mass. . d . a f d Yaa css always depcad aa af Hsycr verb abaca lot all mm weather. 10-ce- Bahr-el-Ghaz- Built salid, ol selected ac they are by far the beet wor Miners, Presped era, Luabenacs Werhbg Mea to wear. Mayer Work Shoe" like all Mayer ahoee re built an booar and wear like Iran. Get them from trade-mar- k appear your dealer, but be Sure the Mayer oa the eolc. half-shot- F. Mayer Boot NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. SMAliPIU, VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE CARTERS Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simi-le Signature iflVER O8 lieutenant and cap a life lasting tain, hla whole over 20 years. HU present rank to that of sea-gntn- g vice-admir- REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. PEPPER PLANT A OU1GK. SURE, SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR FAIN. FRICE ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR TUBES-- AT COLLAPSIBLE ISt-BY MAIL ON RECHI FT OF I5e. N POSTAGE STAMPS. DONT WAIT EP COMES-KEHANDY. TILL A TUBE THE PAIN A substitute for and superior to muatard or any other plaster, and will nol and curative qualities ol blister the most delicate skin. The tha article are wonderful. It will atop the toothache at one, and relieve Headache and Sciatica. We reoommand It aa the heat and safari asternal Known, also as an asternal remedy for palnu In tha cheat counter-irritaand stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgia and Gouty complaints, A trial will prove what w claim for It, and It will ba found to bo invaluable In tho household and (or chi Idran. One wed no family will bo without It. Many no preparation people aay "it Is ths best of all your preparation." AcceptIt Is not genuine. of vaseline unless the ssmo carries our libel, si otherwise VASB-LINSEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. pain-allayi- E these Little Pills. SMALL DOSE. SHALL PRICE. COUNTER-IRRITAN- CAPISICUM SICK HEADACHE mid-hlpms- EXTERNAL THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Prince of Wales a Sailor. The prince of Wales, who la to command the battleship Dreadnought, la In every sense of the word a practical sailor. At the age of 12 he became a n naval cadet, and later served aa and made a three yeara voyThe prince age around the world. never shirked hia work, taking hla turn at all duties In all weathers. He worked hla way up. becoming In turn Shoe Co. vi.-- r V :; i.v OIL TtwyHsoitSsTsMs & Milwaukee, Vh. ST JACOBS trem frees Bywepria, and Too Realty A pertset remedy tor Dtnlaeaa Basses. Srowrinaea, Bad TSsto to the Honth. Costed Tongue. Fain to the Mde. TORPID XXVXR. They ngubto the BoMh. rurety Vegetable. thee wear the,Hooerbilt For "dreie-up- " for men. WOMEN SUFFER caktefIs 1 MFG. CO. CHESEBROUGH MEW 17 STATE STREET, General Debility, and invigorates th Fyutmn. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing invitation to Womente write Mrs. Ptokbam, at Lynn, Ma YORK CITY 'SKSKSsr 1a fistul(ics DlSa TRPjATOR I MINOR, HOWARD E. BURTOM,VJ,V"d V? ,! LySfjj Speetam prl5:Ztneorl.iopFer-ri. Cyl.ltf .cMSni md.t0ri MeiliM eiivetopM end full aaa6ria Btrt. prcli.l mm as enpira- - iiosm . Louie. U" Till READERS - urine to bw enr- thtnf adnrtiMdm Ke columns tiwuM Imm upon hevme what liiey ask for, rafusuif all tuMi hats er teuution. CUBEB W. N. U, Sait Lake City, No. 4, 190. |