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Show TERRIBLE TO RECALL. HIS EYES OPEN Wssks in Bad With Intensely Painful Kidney Trout la. Five W Mr, Mary Warner, of 1367 Koaauth avenue, Bridgeport. Conn., rays: 1 waa ao wesk- enad and gener-allrun down with kidney that for a Ion time I could not do my work and waa five weeks la bed. There waa continual bearing down pain, ter rlble backaches, headaches and at times dizzy spells when everything me. The paasaKes waa a blur of the kidney aecretloua were Irregular and painful, and there waa considerable sediment and odor. I don't know what I would have dona but for Doan s Kidney Tills. I could see en Improvement from the first bos, and five boxes brought a final cure. Bold by all dealers. 60 cents a bos. Postar Milburn i.'n, Buffalo, N. Y. FARMER dla-raa- a Makes Big Bargain for 12 Canto Postpaid. Tbe year of liM was oiieof prodigal on our need farm. Never before Slenty and farm aeeda return auch enormous yield. Now we wish to gain 200,000 new A cua-tbm- tbia year and hence oiler for 12c I ! - l " I IW Mo IIS rULyXd1.1::::: Tomato 12 lsiue IUinmI .Juicy Turnip ........ kernels gloriously beautiful er seeds 1000 ... Cabbage Karbnt Kmeralil l.'ucumlier.... l.le 13o j 10c flow- Mo 1100 piwtiwid in order to Intro-- , due our win, and if you will tend Ilk! we will wild one package of Kurlu-- t together tmilitlower, Berliner srith uur iiMiiunt h lnt, nursery Mock, hie and farm seed and tool catalog. yew-iThis catslug is msilnl free to all inWrite to dy. tending John A. Heler Seed Co., Bo W, Is Omumi, Wia. Totnl All fur 13l- - n Rich Men Work fer Pleasure. Theodore Gill, the worlds greatest authority on Ashes, works for the United States government, receiving one dollar n month for his senrlcea. He la a rich man on whom many universities have inferred titles and d green. ' TVr'.TV artlnon O. TVyer; another wealthy man, who knows more about mosquitoes than any otlatr living per eon, devotes murh of hla time to government. receiving $28 a month. Gifford Tlnchort, a millionaire, la bead of the United Stales forestry service, but he la comparatively well paid, hla salary being $45 per annum. Several olher rich men are on the government pay roll at nominal figures, working for the pleasure of doing things," as President Koosevelt puts IL Judges en Their Dignity. The ceremony of the United States supreme court Judges marching from i heir robing room across the corridor to take their seats on the bench, which occurs at high noon every week day while the court la holding session, la always a matter of interest to the average visitor at the capital. Every day there Is a small crowd waiting to see the stately procession. The other day Justice Moody, as the youngest niomber of the august body, brought the rear. A flicker of a smile apif peared on bis face as he noted the figures ahead of him, but it passed away Instantly and he became as solemn and grave as the black-robe- OF SCRIPTURE CRANKS AT CAPITAL THE BEST TEA WASHINGTON SEEMS TO HAVE ATTRACTIONS FOR THEM. GROWN Authorities Familiar with Many Strings Hallucinations, But Occasionally Meet a Naw One The Old Timer. TRY ..IT. Just as inserts are attracted by the bright glare of an electric light, so are cranks attracted to Washington by the convening of congress, and each year brings new faces with new hallucinations. Home of the old eifV-weuk- BVT FROM YOVI timers, who have tuuuagt.il somehow GROCER to keep out of the foolish bouse, are here again, notably the fellow who has a scheme for bottling sunshine, but among the braud new ones is n toll fellow from Hie west who Is clad in costume. Ills hallueinatlou Is well defined, and an who was tackled by the military personage remarked: If that fellow keeps outside of tbe gray walls of Ht. Lizzie's two days lunger I will riiisa my guess, and 1 have been handling queers' for nigh unto 15 years.'' ' It Is said the newcomer declares he la the commander of tbe armies and navlea of the world, and the United States; also chief of police of the earth, and governor general of North and South America." He la here, he aya. to have congress-pas- s 'upon the trifling sum of 15 billions of dollars Townsend's Enamel Cream that he requires to keep hla military Superior UakMaiu0lTfkctu.Miy. and police forces Intact for another to ISO powder, lu uw WA SaiaolcS. year. For solo ovory whore. Prioe SO ooots The capltol police are on the lookout for the variegated commander and other of his kind, and when he goes to the big white structure toan-rang- e for the passage of the bill for All the time that the best plaoe In ! hla billions, he will be taken into Utah to get Watchqp or Jewely custody, and then 8L Lizzies and a season of solitude. Several members of Inspector Boardnmn's detective corps were In the front office at police headquarters one afternoon when victim of old 170 rye came along the steep grade of result IAIN the street walking with auch an unBOY WAS SOMEWHAT MIKED. certain step that It waa feared he SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH! would meet with jierBonal injury. Wo oarry tho largest reliable linos Had Wrong Idea of the Sound to Be When he had stepped from the paveIn tho wost. ment to the street and bark again Removed. several times the suggestion Best Trolley Wheels. waa room. Oh, how my heart sunk then! Deacon Allen Sheldon, who recently made that one of the officers make a It hu now been settled without 1 dont want to bold out any falsa was universally respect- case, hut while tlu-- were discussing question, says tho Brass World, that hopea to you people,' he says, hut I passed away, who all ed knew him, and his i he iiedestrlan'a condition the latter tho host trolley wheels are those by think with proper care from now on, stories were listened to with much de- made a sharp turn and headed for which contain no lead. The constant your little girl la goto t git welL' aaya n writer In the Boston the building. arching of tho wheel nnd wire burns Elsie, It seemed Jeat like a ton of light, How are you, Cap?" Herald. He used to tell the following out the lead and causes the wheel to the f bay had been lifted off my cheat light with a wear rapidly. If a trolley wheel is manner In deal of which he addressInterest: great Aa aha .Jest there. fer your ma, why When found which contains lead It Is cei. one ed of the a saw I small detectives. he aaked hie very you boy busted down an cried as hard aa abs wear out rapidly. It could. After Doc. waa goue we waaLw father to let him go with him to the rubbering and I thought Id make a tain that It will . obtain scrap metals to la difficult Do call. want me wlth very for He any-went, the you TwrB1 down an out to the kitchen kneeled do not contain T" which on market the he returned he 0B thing right there an' thanked God fer the I Wunt you for anything?" repeat-- I lend. For this reason trolley wheels toll the folks what happened. moat glorious New Years gift sd one of the detectives. Who are must bo manufactured from new th" churx WM anybody In th' w give on , tax . property metals. F every you?" ntrt. our V hoalth of tahr ilder. Whatever of interest came up Never mind about that said the your pa ain't no ranter er Use for the Humble Potato. I want to know If the church had to he voted on at taller. my recyer mn bein' n ltaptlat has Many persons will be surprised to the town meeting. ard is clear or if you want me for moat of th rllglon for our learn that the potato is used ln The pastor being feeble and his inythlng." Just then I seen how It waa that they an not roles In article The sleuths admiltted that they France ln the manufacture of Imitathe strong, cornea times In people's lives when ' tion meerschaum pipes and marble" town warrant called for the removal knew of no charges having been d theyve Jest got to have somethin' of the the potatoes are board from over ths liltn and told sounding the caller billiard balls.are After for against bigger an greater than anything hu36 hours ln an they, peeled kept exihnt he might be excused. He waa man t turn to with n great Joy ar ' pastors head, since it acted as an and not as originally not asking for an excuse, he said; eight per cent solution of sulphurio tinguisher, sorrer. great acid. They are then dried nnd pressed Well, It waa a long time yet before planned. When Allen returned he he had merely railed to pay hla re- hard enough for use ln making pipes. told about his mother the none of men the spects. sounding out t Although was play strong enough you In the office knew him, he was able Under strong pressure they become doors, an It waa a hard winter. 1 board, and said: Mr. In and his to refill I the boyhood days of many solid enough to be turned into billiard said, Flagg got up burned every post of tbe fence are and balls. voles: Mr. I of them. Moderator, squeaky firewood afore south fer the eighty n we make motion remove the It la that rather refreshing to meet It waa over. But It seemed like we The Coster and the Fishwife. old friend' said the caller. The had so murh t lie thankful fer that sound from under the board. " Any one who swears, says the meeting has refreshed me ao much Bishop, of Carlisle, our little girl? we waa strong t care fer any any of manifests the Shakespeare ae Noval Here, that I am now able to walk home, and beggsrliness of hla T don't want to sheer ye, Mr. th amaller troubles that we come Tho vocabulary" la William hero the of Shakespeare tell mother all about it. Good day.' greatest indignation 1 felt in says he, but Im afraid she's acroat BillingsDannew navel a and the by striking to It really haln't so bad look back lu for a alege of typhoid fever. gate and Covent Garden at this unish woman writer Sophus Bandits. warranted slur on the powers of men 'Well, after he waa gone I went out at It now after th' trouble Is over, but Moreover, British and American rendHAS 8EEN MANY CHANGES. who In the kitchen an told your ma, but them hard years In Kansas drove ers will seldom, if aver, repeat themselves probably soon have n chance l' give up ln a ten minutes' speech. London she says, brave si kin be: Well, Exra, nearly all our neighbor Senator Teller Talks of read for to this tale, Queen Alexandra, Colleagues, Globe. If the Lord has seen fit to put that their land an move away, broke In Past and Present. who recently read it in the original, murh more on our load we must bear hopes an' pocketbook. Them of as as waa so much Impressed by It that aha Reward of Duty. up an fight It out doin' our duty the stayed la purty veil fixed now, but advised the authoress to have U Now the senate chamber Itself we we for fit an' At the end of life's brief day we fit got, to everything him.' best we kin, leavin the rest seem doesnt widely different from translated Into English. This translaAn I thought ao too. Ho we Jest kep' hard, too. An', O, ye. about th eaty-logwhat It was then, but everything else shall be. rewarded, not according to Well after you was well an tion la now proceeding and the Engthe work we have done, but to the our hearts brave an' done what version la to be dedicated to the is changed. None of the men who faithfulness with which we things begui. t' take a turn fer th' lish seemed right t' do. have been were here then arc here who la herself a Dane. and The hardest thing waa to figure out better, one night ma brought out that aueen, endeavoring to do our duty In what14 more seats are used. Seven states ever sphere. Rev. F. B. Meyer. where t' git the medicine, an' fruit, Chicago book an' laid It on the kitchhave been admitted since then, yon an dainty things your sickness called en table an' says: Exry, what do yon GOOD HEALTH know." BRING This was said by Senator want I' do with this? An 1 sex: Leg Seeking ths Good. It la only by thinking about great burn It. An' your ma sez: 'Jest what Dfk William Pink Pills. Used After Teller of Colorado, and tho time he spoke of was 30. years ago, when he and good things that, we como to I waa thlnkln', too.' An' ao we did Arrest Fatal Decline and the Grip, first became n meinler of that body, love them, and It Is only burn It. an' what's more, we ain't by loving Rebuild the 8yatem. of which he Is still a member. De- them that we come to long for thorn, never had one In th' house since, an weakness a caused 3 cember was the thirtieth anniver- and It Is only by longing for them by Any bodily we never send away for anything we blood can be cured sary of Mr. Teller's entrance Into the that we are Impelled to seek after car git at any of the toms in Boston, deficiency In the Dr. Williams rink Pills senate. It was on December 3. 187 them, nnd It la only by seeking after 'cause wo want to dtvil with them as by the use of new make he was these sworn in for the first them that they become ours, and wo that because pills actually has an iut'rest In the country we live of the grip the time. enter into vital experience of their In. an In us people that lire dost by. blood. After attacks run down and the Colorado became a blood state la in 1876. generally beauty and blessedness. Henry Van of needn't put yours In Why, you he continued, which explains why Dyke. th stove, too, Elsie. 1 I.Mn't mean-y- es, patient continues to decline. About three years ago," says Mrs. my colleague. J. B. Chaffee, arid myI don't know hut w;iat ip BB Fidelity of Heart Jennie Cowan, of 718 N. Henry self, entered the senate at the beginwell y' done It after si: Little faithfulnesses are not only I ning of n short session. I drew the Street, West Bay City. Mich, caught a severe cold, which ran Into term which ended on March 4 follow- the preparation for great ones, but litFolk Denounces Mail Order Idea, tle faithfulnesses are In themselves was confined to my bed : Addressl: g a mcctin-- of retail mer- ths grip. I ing, so that I wouldn't have been s the great ones. The essential fidelity weeks. At the end of that senator 1 If chants In Jefferson city recently, Gov- for two had not been of the very long I was able to be about, but was heart la the rame whether It be time ernor Folk, of Miw;r.i. .raid: run down. I wu so weak Immediately elected to succeed my- exercised In the mites or In n royal a self for term We are proud of our iplendid completely of the cheeks had regular length. treasury; tho genuine faithfulness of I could hardly stand, my cities, and we want to increase wealth no color and I felt faint My heart Thin reelectlon came on December 11, the life la equally beautiful whether It and population, and wo also wut oar would flutter and It wu difficult for Just eight days after I first took my be displayed In governing an empire i seat. times. one at to towns Wo Neuralgia man breathe other to grow. Only who country wish the me or In writing an exorcise. F. W. Far' city mnrehanta to build np, bat we settled in the back of my head and n member of the senate now was rar. rhsumsr from member then. raid Mr. Teller, with also desire tho country merchants to stomach and I suffered shoulders. 1 do not believe ln ln my In look his tlsm Temperamental Differences. eyes that went much furprosper. tho A man will spend n lifetime quarrelI had the care of the but doctor ther than the confines of the senate order citizen. If a place u 83Wi in town but became no better until a That Is Senator Allison ing with hla own heart, whereas Why Cert'nlee, Mr. Williams. Jest enough for a man to live In and to friend told me one day how ahe had chamber. He is not make hla money in. fra good and I am sorry. 1 woman can never believe that her here, Lat Ua Know What You Want Williams Dr. Pink enough been cured by to would like for him to spend Ms i:oney la, tho anniversary heart might be in the wrong. Johs enjoy try them. I pills and I decided to Oliver Hobbes (Mrs. Crslgle). for. We hadn't been tradin' much hlm. with No merchant can succeed without Washington Dispatch oon felt better and continued using with the stores In Huston, buyln' advertising In iu way or Boston Transcript. the cured. I wu They until entirely them The Weapons of War. mostly from the catylog folks y know, ratronizo your town papers,another i built ma up again to perfect health build Benevolent Old lady (to tramp she an ao we didn't have any credit there them up. nnd they win now I feel whenever I and I use them Senators Want Possum. has Just fetrhed ln for n feed) "Why to apeak of. Hut I went t' Foster, th' up In Increased trade and ths townSenator Blackburn and some other don't yon go to work, my poor man?" ougreater 1 Inval-unabtold how him Pills are thlnga portunltles. Do nut bo Pink Williams' druggist, an Dr. afraid that I would If 1 had the tools In southern statesmen have been hear- Tramp was. 1 didn't have no money t' pay business Is going In such esses, as well he hurt by the of hunts near possum ing B. O. Ly "What tools do you mum." Washingnot because they blood fer th medicine an things, an thr diseases, i other exposures uf wrong-doinlB the ton, almost within shadow of tho want, then?" Tramp "A knife and prospects fer the next year wa as commercial world." only drive off the germs of the disease cspltol dome. They think of organis- fork, mum, please." but build up the eystem. The pills poor er poorer than th last. afrheumatism, anaemia, ing a foray in that vicinity nnd may cured have Mixture of Many Nations. 'Why cert'nlee. Mr. Williams, he and be expected tn slip Into the wood Uncle Ebens Wisdom. of fevers, neuralgia tereffects N. ua know what let want the Parker, you aays. 'jest dramatist, wu many other severe disorders. Do man dat has n short way up the Potomac almost actually done : In till France born times an we'll carry you along l:ij fj.her ss an Williams Pink Pills are sold any time. Complaint Is made that It Bumpin', raid Uncle Eben. hah a come belter fer you. We're all in a American, his nuuher an Yniiiah hv Dr. on or sent, postpaid, all druggists, Is practically Impossible to get this right to brag a little bit. Bnt I sin' was ItluZn tight pinch now, but If we hang t'grth. woman; his first lm:g MMlnt of price, 50 cents per box. dolleacv ln the Washington market. got no patience at nil wtf do man dst I come out light and he was rdurne-- i iu r,grm.,.' Dr. Williams all goln' to ar things I brags Trout what he's Bic boxes $2.50, by the gwlnter da" Medicine Company, Schenectady, N, Y euno-tmie- Pies for Danes, l(iie C. t doo-bor- Karlin-- t Ly Allred IP, Clark.) got (here. Sis?" Inquired Farmer Williams, as ho kicked off bis felt boots and set them carefully behind tbe atovn to dry. "Tnata what I thought It I .mked like. of them there Chicago cat) logs, thou-- h I baln't seen one rlost for quite a few years back. Me an your ma ust to buy mighty nigh rverthing we used out of them cstylog.-- when we first come I .and sake, I have to to Kansas. s when I think of laugh now tbe way we would git kctclied ouct In awhile. They a some cheap thlnga If. them catykKH. tm' then agin lliey'a a Y never kin lot 't ain't so tlir-ap- . tell till they me, au then It's too late to send 'em back. Hut as I waa a Bayin', we haln't bought nothin' out of a catylog fer a right smart o' years now, an' the way It coinn about I had as well tell y'. cuiish I don't think much about it y' really remi-inheWhen wo rniue to Kansas king In the first of the '80's wo got along right well. We wm.i able to pay cash fer what we goi. and we gut tbe money fer everything wo sold. We waa pay In' out on i he place right along; cropa was pqrty good an' wo was a feelln' like the Lord was a smilin' on our efforts, and the happy home we dreamed about when we first got married waa In sight. But they come a change In Kanaai long In the last half of tbe '80's. Times got hard ami kep n glttln Four straight year. It waa tighter. so dry y' had to soak the hoga afore theyd bold awlll though I will gay they waa some extry reason on account of the awlll bein' ao thin wheat Jest died In the ground fer want of winds biled the overthe hot rBB Bat . . . ..... out 01 1,10 corn F wasn't no pasture, no nothing. You can know we was a feelln' purty blue about that time, but we was young sud strong, and thought with the chickens an' hugs we could git through anyway. Then one day you got to com plainin' and lookin ao thin It worried ua. Your ma la n middlin' good doctor, take It nil around, but nothing ahe could think of dune you any good. Well, you kep a glttln plndller and plndller, tin yon got aoat y wouldn't da stUtln'. but wt,la a chair by ..the kitchen stove, wrsjqied In your ma'a old shawl, an you looked ao pitiful that we made up our minds to have the doctor, even If It took th last chicken on the place. Well, he come, and after he'd looked at you awhile au' felt your pulse, he ahet hla watch up with a snap, an aaya, quiet like: Better fix up a warm place fer her In the front room, don't have too much light nor any drafts to strike her.' Then we knowed It want no small sickness we had to fight, an when we got you fixed up In bed I follered Doc. out on the porch an I aaya: Well, Doc.,' sex I, whata the matter with (Copyright, What y make dancing more popular. Nowadays, when exerrlse .la a kind of religion to men and women alike It la a odd that one recommended by all and recognized all the world over and In all ages m an attractive pastime, Into which the art of fascination largely enters, should be more and more neglected among ua. lady 'a Pity torlnl. 1 LESSON WILLIAMS In Time of Adversity He Cot to Understand Who Were Hi Real Friends Prosperity in Standing Together. ft seems a very great pity that some determined effort cannot be made to fpkgTtianlMi City hy There Are No Mail Order Catalogues in One Home. in the end. I have faith In th eos BALM try, aa' In tbe .eo;.i; that live hen-an- ' notsidy s sick Imiij is a goln' to suffer If 1 kin help any. Well. It was the same thing at HEALING PROPERTIES OF PINE KNOWN TO ANCIENTS. Harlow's grocery, an' th' coal yard, everywhere in th' town, ('erinl', Mr. Williams, we'll see ) through an this.' It made me feel mean an sios'l Oil of the White Pine Tree Used Sum some wav, though I don't know xlf. ccaafully by Physicians In Trailift An' often when they'd put In ng Consumptive Patients, oranges or somethin like that, as fin' In a 'jKilogizlu sort of way, 'UB.e Tbe Oil of tbe Pine Tree la supsomethin' for th sick baby, Wllllaas, posed to be tbe balm of Scripture, it coutnlna great medicinal properties why somehow It mado a hard ItR-come up In my throat, an I baf a ai1j wu regarded witn tbe ntmoat in my eyes, kinder achy esteem by the ancients,-- and to tho queer like, y' know. present day is peculiarly prized by s about It, fer the people of the East. Well, le In! A noted authority on diseases of the you kep a glttln' weaker laj throat and lungs, who established weaker, a a' we kep a feelln mort more hopeless. It was a sad Christ- camp for consumptives In the Pine mas in our Loum that year. Your ma Woods of Maine, says that his entire was Jest wore out with watchln' an treat meat consisted of fresh air, tryln' to do her work between times, nourishing food and the Pure Virgin an' I was so nigh sick with trouble an Oil of the White Pine Trees, mixed discouragement 't I ust to go around will. Whisky and Glycerine in (he fob by the barn au' Jest cry like n baby lowlr.g proportions: llut 1 never let on to your ms though, Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure)..y,oz. 2 ner she t' me. We tried t' eacouraso Gl) each other though we kaowed In our 8 " Good It blsky hearts 't all our cheerful words was Vied in teaspnonful doses erery four lies, an' each one knowed the olher hours. kaowed it too. It la claimed the above mixture will Well. Jest th' night before New heal and strengthen the lungs, break Years Doc. called us outside your up a cold in tweuty-fou- r hours, and cure any cough that Is curable. Thu Ingredients can be secured from any good prescription druggist at small cost, and can be easily mixed In your own home. Virgin Oil or Pine (Pure) la pnt np vials for dispensing. only in Each vial is securely sealed In round wooden case with engraved wrapper with the name Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), prepared only by Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. plainly printed thereon. There are many rank Imitations of Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), whlrh are put out under various names, such ns Concentrated Oil of Plue, Pins Balsam, etc. Never accept these as a substitute for the Pure Virgin Oil of pine, as they will Invariably produce nausea and never effect (he desired seini-niilitui-- y e half-ounc- e I You should remember St s yRwuid f pje-'erre- WIV-llaiu- s. d to-da- oUuira. WHITE BREAD Makes Trouble for People with Weak Intestinal Digestion. A lady In a AVIs. town employed a physlcinn who Instructed her not to int white bread for two years. Hho tells the details of her sickness and she certainly was a sick woman. lu tho year 1887 I gave out from overwork, and until 1901 I remained en Invalid In bed a great part of the time, llad different doctors but nothing seemed to help. 1 suffered from iwrobro-aplua- l congestion, female trouble and serious atomarh end bowel (rouble. My husband called a new doctor and after having gone without any food for 10 days the doctor orfor me. I could eat dered Grape-Nut- s Qin new food from the very first The doctor kept me on mouthful. Grape-Nut- s and the only medicine waa a little glycerine to heal the alimentary canaL When I waa np again doctor told twice a day and tin to eat Grape-Nut- s no white bread for two years. I got well tn good time and have gained In strength so I can do my own work again. My brain has been helped ao much, and I know that the Grape Nuts food did this, too. I found I had been made 111 because 1 was not fed right, hat la I did not properly digest white bread and some other food I tried to live on. 1 have never been without Grape-Nutfood since and eat.lt every day. Tim may publish this letter If you like ao It will help someone else." Name given hy Tnstum Ua, Hattie Creek, Mich. Get the little book, "The Bond Ao VallvlUe, In pkgs. a ! g,. t -- .7 t- re-ce- nt le u |