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Show THE ALTA INDEPENDENT Alta, Utah, Wednesday, January 30, 1907. Vol. If. HOTELS AND ROOMING The Josephine" Cigars are Ask your dealers for this brand. ;ood RIEGER . t Merchants." LINDLEY, The Whisker VAN Salt Lake City. NOY APARTMENT GLADSTONE HOTEL. South Street, beany tarnished rooms by toe day. Week or Month. Rates, 60 cents to 11.50 per day. Special rates by the day, week or Rooms 75 cents to $3 00 per day. Telephona 1699. Modern In all Its Appointments month. Rooms by Day Weak or Month An advertisement in the local paper often brings 100 fold in results. Try one, and try it until you have results. Do You Yant WorkT nniat ui THE NEW YORK nworiAi mlt laic cirri ioni Independent Phone 1424. 263 8outh Main SL 8team Heat and Baths; Electric Light .... HATBoVissoSaOLo" REAL ESTATE CARDS. SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. NCW THE KEELEV CURE. Drunkenneaa Cured. A positive and permanent cure for drunkenness and the opium diseases. There la no publicity, no sickness. Ladles treated as privately as at their own homes. The Keeley Institute, 334 W- - So. Temple, Silt Uko City, Utah. vmo-dat- e HW7&7fcSa"" .LTl.O.TV ,HY " 48 MARKET STREET LUUIrumw.MA HOUSES Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. 119 South Mai St Salt Lake City, HOUSE, Throughout Proprietress. Jamestown Tercentennial Commemorating Americas Three Hundredth Anniversary, to bet an Elaborate Naval, Military, Historical, Educational and Industrial Celebration. 35 Eaat Third HOTELS AND ROOMING New and Elegantly Furnished Mrs. A. Van Noy, GREATEST OF EXPOSITIONS. 'AAAAAAAAA MHOTELMETROPOLE,! HOUSES.! WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt Lake City. . .Located In the heart o t the dtp. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms, First-rlas- s in every respect Steam, beat Electric Lights. still No. 27. REAL ESTATE CARDS. GEO M. MeCONAUGHY, WORK FOR EVERYBODY. Aul Estate and Loans, .Now Is the tima to Invest. A rapid Teamsters, Laborers, Always Wanted advance la certain. Choice building We Furnish All Kinds of Help. investment. Securities, Trades and lota all parts of city, 100 to Of all exhibitions held in the United 500, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Business Chances. Ind. Phono U6L $13.60 cash, $7.50 Mr month, 7 per States since the Philadelphia Centen- 62DIXON 41 West Second Bo. SL, East First South, Salt Lake City cent. nial in 1876, the Jamestown Tercent1872-Ind. 'Phone 983 Salt Lake City. Utah. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO, ennial to be held on the shores and Bell Phone 28 West Third South SL, . 14 i waters of Hampton Roads, near the 78 Weet 2d So. St cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth and New-pa- NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ! OUR MOTTO: THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. News, Va., April 26 to NovemUNITED STATES PATENT. ber 30, 1907, is to be the most unique, Homee on Installment M. A. No. 4173. .1 a SpePlan ESTABLISHED 1693. Quick Seloo In Real Estate and In originality and novelty will In the United States Land Office, cialty. I all A. ExpoL, previous completely eclipse Farms and homea for sale or trade Brattain, Manager. If yon want to bay or sell Real Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 22, 1907. Have you ever thought of getting into business? For instance, a I sitions. Notice is hereby given that Charles Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought m list your property with ua for Estate, commemorates the The celebration JJ paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, reatau-j- f and Francis C. Tyng, whose Exchanged. sales. We have the buyers. Tyng quick the in most Important event in htatory-rant, or, fact, any business enterprise? If you contemplate each a Room 8 OMeara Block. office addreM u American Fork, .1 move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be foundinc of the first celebration of the Utah, have made application for an No. 63 Vi W. Second South Street Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. first English-speakinsettlement in UnIted 8utel patent tor the Texan" Salt Lake City. nioney makers. Correspondence solicited. I Business Opportunity Department A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. America, at Jamutown, Va., in 1607, and Emma lode mining claims BUY a LOT or a HOME before Captain John Smith and h small jousted, situate in American Fork W. J. HALLORAN, party of colonists establisheda village mlnlnK dIgtr,ct. Utah county, Utah, prices advance. Wo advise you ro Real Estate and Loans. population. The celebration will show gardlng localities and make your inof 1500 linear feet along the remarkable position attained by consisting Established 1851 terests ours. each of the respective lodes, and sur- Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South Street, the United States in history and edu- face ground for the convenient workCO., . MARINGEll INVESTMENT 40 East Second Sooth. 8alt Lake City, Utah cation, together with he marvelous ing thereof, being Mineral Surveys 8350.00 buya very choice Main ha ludusry development and commercial 6571 and 6614, respectively, and deManager Seeing Salt Lake City i. w Cora. expansion during three hundred years. scribed in the official consolidated Lota. Goodwins (From Veekly.) And when make 1 others, they Contemperaueoue with the Exposition plat thereof, posted on the ground, and In our home mines look about nioney them will he held on the waters of Hampton in the field notes and aurveya thereof, W and not how beautiful an?dorou th oltnation heir a brtiinelSS Roads the greatest naval pageant ever on file In the office of the Wo have all kinds of invostmonta In of HOU8TON REAL ESTATE INV. CO- register 0f the city, and exclaim: Men dream real estate and wo write all kfnda at witnessed in the world, in which every the district of lands subject to sale at That was the whistle on the great of having monuments whan type of war vessel from the navies Salt Lake City, Utah, as follows, new locomotive Progress, and It la ahall have died, I will build mine they insnnnca. hero of all fcyelgn nations will participate. ... YOUNG A YOUNG, la Homea for rent and sale. Lowest bfcihell that while 1 am yet alive, and ao they buy ringing. Another atta tractive feature will be 17 to With magnetic variation lot deg. d make plana and it la In this General Inauranae, Rial Batata and mean n now They time table that, the international military encamp- 17 deg. 30 min. eaat. prices. Easiest terms., 251 Ma' of our Lord 1907, that those mon- - Loons, 602 WhMfigham Elk, haR been adopted and if you do not ment in which detachment of troops Commencing at corner No. 1 of said umenta are going to begin to mater- Lake City, Utah. Ind. TaL W77. yof will not get aboard. of European countries will unite with Emma lode mining claim, Survey No. Salt Lake City. rates the moat a train that haiL!V.why n magnificent soldiers of the the United States in 5614, whence United States mineral aboard or you will be locomotive la series of drills, maneuvers, parades; monument No. 1 bears north 11 deg. 60 Frank VJbyleftMeaaaELTftfler. Vett!" ESTATE REAL FOR etc. 1967.7 west min. feet; thence north The site of the Exposition iq located C4 deg. 18 min. east 1145.1 feet to cor-e- r them to the world. ' Reel llal within twenty Tmmraw-'H- de of .the f No. S or tka ctaM f fheube soetn ment Co. Large Hat bargains tabbing Hf of th they ? Why, you must be Tidewater cities of Virginia, reached 84 deg. 11 min. cor1600 east to feet Speexclusive 1904 are we over Increase agents. which J, gold Salt Lrte Real Estate the beat In- Jf by ether trolley or- - steamer, and fea- ner No. 8 of said claim; thence north cial attention to property of estates a llYer ,ncrete f itoard tan! a vestment In tbe world. Utah Com- ture baa combined with the ingenuity 64 deg. 15 min. east 2.2 feet to corner Old reliable $2,0110,000; a copper Increase of $2,- n?tmercial and Mining Stocks the safest of man in making a beautiful and pic- No. 4 of the Texan lode, survey No. and or call. 830 8a 000,000; a mercury Increase of $14.- agency. Correspond ta the worid. cover The 6571 ; thence south 2 8deg. 04 min. eaat Main turesque spot grounds 000! be d,y Lake SL. Salt This In the metal line. But City, Utah. J" a?ther Members Salt Lake Stock and Mln-ln- g more than 400 acres, and two miles of 540.2 feet to corner No. 2 of said Texthe whch Shoshone for there is plenty more, in sugar. In wool, Jfaw Exchange. water front facing the greatest water- an lode; thence aoulh 61 deg. 56 min. LOCAL MANUFACTURERS CARDS. in livestock, and $3,000,000 In the Inway In the world, and commands an west 1500 feet to corner No. 2 of said upon the mountains are LOCAL MANUFACTURERS CAR Dll creased .. estate in of real Salt value of him that brlngeth good unsurpassed view . of Innumerable Texan lode; thence north 28 deg. 04 Lake City. nd points of national historic interest min. west 600 feet to corner No. 1 of An advertisement In the local paper in There difference this !,d,ng"1" la another no? other tidings ara ur. The sceme of imndscape decoration said Texan lode; whence United often 100 fold in results. Try last Item. A brought. Listen to the message values brings the ago yeer en e n Tana? Fr of one will he novel and elaborate, on States Mineral Monument No. 1 bears one, and try It until you have results. were latent people were dreaming Tanlata. An acJu,r Sf the attractive features being the floral north 36 deg. 15 min. west 2733.7 feet; bntl Cltjr: wltn quaintance of an unearned Increment now the ,4,TrohFarjf fence which snrroundi the ground. It thence north 64 deg. 13 min. east 353.9 tablet, will this, WJ1I eclipse the values are active and the man who !er; 7ftr In a result pleasIs made of trumpet vines, trained on feet to corner No. 4 of said Emma SMOKE THE BEST. The King has become an puts off a purrheae until tomorrow ant surprise to meshed wire, intertwined with hony-euck- lode; thence north 84 deg. 11 min. will pay more than he would have to suffering women. and crimson rambler roses; west 1500 feet to corner No. 1 of said BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. Tile ladles' safeFrom Bingham pay today. In eases the effect being an artistic triumph Emma lode, the place of beginning, beguard. She has turned That Is, the boom Is on. That la bout Blngbam. 134 W. of er sup- and Makers, Whitaker Dallas, palnfnl I wdg-ahapeof flowering beanty. the boundaries of said exterior the aherp edge ing upward what this train with the Locomotive pressed monstrua- exhibit pal- claims consolidated, and containing More than twenty-fiv-e d ern-ticbe work an done Is but M.M per attached to. It means. 3rd South Street, Salt Lake City. Progrese . aces are now nearing completion, com- 40.293 acres of land; expressly saving -im j- m,ght,er WOrk" ,tt the fn. I M)I At all drug stores or by nutll. i tore? and Manufacture Auditorium, prising and excepting therefro mhowever the children, ten years henoe, will COCA-COLIN BOTTLES. Liberal Arte; Mines and Metallurgy, area of 5.880 acres In conflict with From Cottonwood: We have wait telling of the mistake you made. Food Marine Appliances, Machinery, the "Boley lode mining claim, (unBecause you must know that the ad- ed long. 1907 is to bring us realise--1 Products, Arts and Crafts, Transporta- surveyed), leaving a net area of We have established a plant for hob vance In the mines haa only Just beC'0ER W"K Stocklcm ..d Ophlr: tion, Social Economy, etc, in addition 34.413 acres, for which this application "Thl. tllng thia moat popular drink and we gun and, fer It all. Salt Lake la the to Hie government and States build- for patent ie made. BurPri 70U B0,n5.,t? iron fences, Bank. Office and Coun- clearing house. yeSLwe,re Beaver: The discovery point of said Emma want an agent In every town In Utah When on the ings and pavilions. They will be of Hurry up your new mr Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All of Austerllta semi permanent construction and In lode la south 3 deg. 54 min. east 304.4 to handle it. Good profits. Write na the sun rose In morning or we will swamp you with kinda of fancy wire and Iron work. glory over the Carps- - Dmiacea, appointments wll excel and similar feet from corner No. 2 of aaid claim,; at once for prices, etc. I was w who do thlan Klctro Plating In Nickel and Napoleon, Mountains, ..w la copper in all the Latest Flnlshea. From Newbouse wl1 Co. group of buildings ever erected. In and the presumed coarse of the vein Coca-Col- a out stretched Lake his Salt Bottling V, with staff, coMlde " mllllone to com- - write for Prices. or lode runs from the discovery point architecture, they will all be of the Salt Lake City. his sovereign hand and Bald: Behold Tenr P. O. Box 3. lonial period, forming an appropriate south 84 deg. 11 min. east 961 feet of" Austerllta," and the awed P,ete Jbae 10 and 12 atory buildings sun State St the Salt Lake City setting to the natural beauties of the to the easterly end line of the claim BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH staff doffed their chsppesns. lnJ? Old Ploche: environment and north 84 deg. 11 min. west 539 RedempUon la tl Is like that here. When now, at Another attractive feature will be feet to the westerly end line. nlgb. Walt until our little road la ta turns aun the dawn, purple xlslng makare extendthe government pleasure pier Many bright boys and girls The discovery point of said Texan and gold, the snows on the lordly Wa- - completed from Cfllente aud see a ing 2,000 feet into Hampton Rdads. lode la south 21 deg. 20 min. west ing $5 weekly after school working for stch range, that la the aun of Salt BeTPnd'bJ'Jb !' 0,d IToche. From Ely: Before this year la out At either end it will be surmounted 369.16 feet fro incomer No. 4 of slid us. If yon want the same chance, send Lake, presaging tr lumps greater than 111 with light towers and a working exhi- claim, and the presumed course of the make other copper camps e haa we for It achieved at will we Austerlltx( bit of wireless telegraphy. The en- vein or lode runs fro mthe discovery us your name and address and come to the knowledge of men that all wem aecond dess and all our million-thi- ? nt residences in Salt tire structure will be illuminated by point north 61 deg. 56 min. east 280.3 send you $2 worth of our quick-sellingreat region. Utah, with her cop- thousands of arc and Incandescent feet to the easterly end line and Household Specialties. When sold, per and geld apd silver and lead and laJJ City. Frcrn Goldfield, Manhattan, Bbyo electric lights, affording an unexcelled south 61 deg. 66 min. west 1219.7 feet send us $1 end keep $1 for yourself. wool snd sugar, turns to this city as Amuse- to view of the naval display. . Yerlngton and Fair- end line of claim. westerly of Plnt will' adjustment. We ments have not been lost sight of, and We, before the year Is out, These claims are located In unsur-veye- d You can do this In one day. seme view: the feels More, helf Nevada make Salt teke what Jerusalem the "Warpath, covering more than a part of Township 3 South, furnish you permanent work. way, snd Is bringing hither her gold was in Solomons day when gold waa mile, will offer a diversified class of Rsnge 3 East, Salt Lake Base and Co and her 11. Groesbeck sliver Address N. Meridian. original novelties. The railroad's that center here can- - aoplentlful that men no longer made Utah. RRRmtmtStRRRStRRRRRRMItRRRRRM The location notices are of record Springvllle, not do the work assigned them, and any acconnt or silver. Scots Dislike Sweet Corn. The air cf Salt Lake la filled with In the office of the County Recorder of more are coming. MAXHELD VINEGAR CO, Ir-tSweet corn is not appreciative In Utah County. Utah, as follows, The new smelters are being hurried tbe ringing of the Joy bella of d train this Emma lode in Book 78 of Mining, at Manufacturers of Scotland. All efforts to cultivate completton lo meet the Increasing represalble business; TRUNKS, TRUNKS. j by Progress Is compassing the land taste tor it hare had but slight hiuv page 88; Texan lode, In Book 59 of for reduction works. 1 PURE FOOD VINEGAR. R. As men In the mines rich they nd tbe fame of It fills all the space and the wholesale canned goods Mining at page 513. . The nearest known locations are I are saying, We must grow find a place between the :fli iu have come to regard sweet corn Factory: 720 South Second Weatj a Survey No. 5420, Lone Star lode; Bol great schools, great churches. - It smoke by day is a cloud, it aa negligible article. Telephone 979-night ey lode, (unsurveyed). theatres, stores, libraries, a good dl- headlight by Pjjf to men this of the all I direct that this notice be pub mate and Joyous surroundings for the pointing t stsrsfRSftiwatRWetWMtsww The First Theater. 155 Main St., Salt Lake. lished in the Alta Independent, Salt city as a Mecca where the banners children." The first theater, that of Bacchus, Lake county, Utah, the newspaper the air, and where all of light Hope Salt toward turn Instinctively they at Athens, was built by Philos about published nearest to said claim, for a Safe' Xt Lnke, for Salt Lake haa all they want the temples of n marvelOTS froltlon REMEMBER. the year 421 B. C. Nearly a hundred period of nine weeks. and still Is so near that they can run are about to begin to soar upward In ALL SALT SALT THATS merchant does not local If or aboard In Get teel. your and marble had that dale . FRANK D. HOBBS, Thespis years prior k in, make a vlalL and return, before carry In stock Temple Brand Gar-- iven i ratio m in s wag nrelJ yu wl11 be left. are missed. Register. they ments, Ranma Head Sweaters, 8e-g- o ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND n issta Henderson, Pierce, Critchlow A on. Srewry wns Lily Underwear, send your ordBarrette. Attorney! for Applicants, John Manufactured by THE HISTORIC WORCESers to the sole manufacturers, Salt Manufactured only by Reeves Co, Salt Lake, and Lake Knitting Works. TER. INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO, M. M. ft the Indorsed by SALT LAKE A MERCUR RAIROAD OUEEN OF ALL 8AUCE MUSKX N. V. Clayton," Manager. Ask yourj Assn of Utah. CO. TIME TABLE. See the Utah. Lake Salt City, PIANO Grocer. On the Labels. utah BlCWNG-- nrc cq3y Effective December 10, 1805. Orgens And AB fELT ; COTTON MATTRESS. Musical Instnuneate Westbound. Eastbound. ROMNFiY AND ItYAN, No. 1 No. 2 L1NQTYPERS. Stations. Leaves. Arrives. aOUTH VEST TEMPLE IT, BALT LAKE CITY. Ml. South Main straat. All KMa Mercnr 11:15 a. m ...1:45 p.m. KitdMf alt Lake CK 11:00a.m..... Summit ...l:55p.m WORKS EMU 10:30 a. m Manning ....2:16p.m. 7 CITY. 10:05a.m. ... Fslrflsld ....S:13p.xn. UTAH J SALT LAKE CITY 55 W. Second South. Arrives. Leaves. Richter estate A. West First South, Salt Lake City Utah. rt g con-whe- Suit Lake City Has Caught Her Stride. . to-wl- t: ?r ?,f 5?."? s. 2? . Stlful Lirori Jt. ie d, i.i fr W A ta BXfiffiJE? , Pt 1 g Twb, t o to-wi-t: bead-deman- Meredith. runk Manufactur- Oliver - x er. I . IMIMIBBUHSUN Beesley Music Co., a STB SALT LAKE iS! |