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Show POCKETY 3. Ji Ifrs. Dwight I-Iaxtman of Texas, "VVlio Has Ecturiied to Her Homo Aftor a ! Visit With the, Osborne Fa.niiy. I iIIIXmTrrr777Z7Z idytifc : 1 LyU( All matter to bo included In Sun-O Sun-O il'day society must be in this ol'iico not )fltHIater than twelve o'clock Samrday. fc' JT'ISS SEDMA WALL, entertained a EC I few of ller s'rl J'rienca yesterday V I it-ternoon at a delightful tea at . V JL her home to meet her maid of rm honor, Miss Alberta Kills, and to rear. itf some- of the beautiful gifts from afar -CT fat have como In preparation for her 'ending. The home waB bright -with bdot! pwon and tho affair, w.hlch was ihov-mV ihov-mV Uglily informal, was enjoyed by a num-r7n;rn' num-r7n;rn' of old friends of the famllv as woll Bl the pirl friends of tho bride. Illss oHIjs poured tea at the tea table, which 'a8. adorned with purple and white fctcrs. and a number of tho young" glrle ''psisted, j ;w ' i vMrs. Frank B. Johnson entertained yes-, yes-, . f'rday afternoon at a delightful tea at (j pr new country home to meet Lrs. Lyt-ij Lyt-ij Bton Price, who is a visitor in tho city. . he attractive homo wua bright with ,. any garden flowers, and about soventy-.uV. soventy-.uV. r friends wore present to enjoy the Cjlrfair. Mrs. Prank Harris and -Mrs. C Bseorge Savage assisted tho hostess by eef&Kulri"? tea and coffee at a tea tablo 25ffhjch was gorgeous with tho autumn ' Suits and flowers and trailing vines of bloom. The wide verandas were arranged ar-ranged witli cliairs and cushions and the place was filled with admiring friends outside as well a3 in. Captain and Mrs. T. It. TJarker entor-tiined entor-tiined tho Post Bridge club delightfully last evening, having their guests at the Officers club for the game of tho evening, even-ing, where nine tables of bridge were played and two of flvo hundred. :md later taking the company to the Ifarker homo for supper. The rooms were gay with many flowers, and Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. Harry .Tordan served at the tea tablo. many of tho bachelor officers assisting. Among tho affairs planned in anticipation oC the Wall-.leffs wedding Is a dinner tonight at thn University club, at which the hridegroom will be I tho host and the guests will bo the members of tho bridal parly and a few close friends of the family. Another dinner tomorrow evening for tho members mem-bers of the bridal partv onlv will bo given at tho Hotel Utah by Mfs.s Frances McChrystal. m Captain and Mis. TV. R. Graham entertained en-tertained a. party of friends last evening very pleasantly at a dinner at their quarters quar-ters preceding the mooting vof the Post Bridge club, their guests being Captain and Mrs. Arthur W. Foreman and lieutenant lieu-tenant and Mrs. Frank "Bowcn. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen Kevcs will entertain a few friends at a. dinner at tho Alta club tomorrow evening In compliment com-pliment to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swalno, who are visllbig Cojonol and MVf, Perkins Per-kins at the post. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Wallace, who have been spending the summer with Mrs. George Tuttle at Wequetonsing, Mich., are expected home the early part of the week. Mrs. George Uern has issued Invitations for two luncheons to bo given next Thursday Thurs-day and Friday at the Country club, the affairs being two in a series of events planned for the near future. y Senator and Mrs. George Sutherland no out to Sbadybrook farm today to be guests of Mayor and Mrs. Samuel C. Park for a day. They will leave tomorrow evening for Provo to visit relatives for a few days. Mrs. .TCHzabcth Konncmort will issue Invitations In-vitations today for a largo reception to be given next Thursday evening at her home for Senator and Mrs, Heed Smoot. Captain and Mrs. Gcorgo B. Pond of Fort Douglas will entertain tonight at a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swalne, guests at the Perkins home. ti Mrs. John Holt is back from Milwaukee, Milwau-kee, where she has beon visiting he daughter, "Mrs. Honnan Uhle.in, tho past fow months. Miss Elizabeth Wells entertained very pleasantly yesterday afternoon at her homo in honor of Miss Eva Lillian Younger, one of the fall brides. Mrs. Edith Richardson, who ha spent the summer abroad, has arrived in New York and will como homo within a short lime. Mrs. Drydcn IJ: Coombs entertained yesterday at a bridge tea at her homo with Miss Mabel Holt. Miss Loulso Holt. Miss Hcssio Levi and Mrs. John Holt as--sistlng her. Mrs- W. W. Trimmer left yesterday for the cast to spend a month or more in Leavenworth. Knn., visiting velalivcs. The P. 15. O. sisterhood will hold the opening meeting of the year this afternoon after-noon with Mrs. A. J. Gorham at her home, Tin Second avenue. Russell Snow leaves today lo enter the Tome school for boys at Tort Deposit, Md. a Mrs, William C. Druoul and little daughter daugh-ter have, returned from a. three months isit In the south and cast. 4) 4 Mrs. Arthur H. Park and Mrs. Hamilton Hamil-ton G. Park will ho hostesses at a bridge tea this afternoon. |