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Show INMATES OF PRISON ASK FOfiJElEH Ten Petitions Are Filed With the State Board' of Pardons. Irour pctltlonB for pardon, four for commutation of sentence and two for parole, were Hied with tho state board of pardona yesterday and will be considered con-sidered by the board at Its next meeting: meet-ing: which will be held September 21. Tn addition to the ten names submitted, the case of Nick Ilaworth's uppllcntlon for a pardon, that has been continued on several occasions, will bo confddercd In connection with tho alleged confession of J. J. Morris, who whk hanged for tho murder of Walter Axtell, and who shortly before bis death is said to havo con-fesFed con-fesFed to the murder for which Haworth Is serving a term In the prison. Harry Tho(rnp, who Is under sentence to bo shot Seprember 2G. Is one of those who applied ap-plied for commutation of sentence The applications received yesterday are as follows: For pardon William Croon, burglary, third degree; J V. Nellson, petit larceny; lar-ceny; Harry "Woodthrop, burglary, second sec-ond degree; F. A Brown, forgery. For commutation Edward Bell, burglary, bur-glary, second degree; Harry Thorne. murder, first degree; Coorge Klontz, uttering ut-tering fictitious check; Alfred Peterson, burglary, third degrec For parole William A. Brlnghurst, robbery: Paul Molltz, assault with deadly dead-ly weapon. |