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Show READY FOR BUSINESS-1 We have purchased the Theo. E. Christenson Store and are now ready to do buuiness. CALL AND SEE OUR NEW LINE OF Dress Patterns, Shoes & Notions lev Goods Arriving Daily. Never pass us fcy Wehtber you buy or not A COMPLETE LINE OF General Merchandise i fIMCfiilds &Soh I Main Street, Gunnison, Utah. PHONE NO. 11 Rings Little Liver pills regulate the bowels and oure sicklitadehe. Easy to take. Sold by Paul von Nordeck, Francs Has Fits. Seme ppopele have law suiis, Others have suits at law, But I have from the Royal TaiJors Some sam p'es that are nailors. Suits for the lean and suits for the fat, Suits that look good from the shoes to the hat ; f-uits that will fit and fits that will suit, Made from wool samples that'B Guaranteed to boot. Geo. S. Feancis, Eas', side Main St., Gunnison. ' t iy - ' ' 44 444 4 4 4 STARS fell in CENTERFIELD the other day, here are lots of pod shoes but STAR SHOES are better. SOLD BY CenterfieSd, Utah Agents forCarhartt Overall Uniforms. V-vJ . 1 '"mans work Svw; 1 i ,Jiv J"f?V Ba V '2rJ callo for overalls that li-i'A 'ir'W k2 jSSyW win endure Ereat strairl ''''V''- vVs fct KvlWi- and rough wear, ao well ftO J VA afford protection to the bedy, - r'1'"- Pvra113 1'' acknowledged. They rjq mar!? cf pur j&j f 'dtKj ' !e;S R7!A ot-T' re the, wides' .A r. - c 'cr..f Fk wWr rnde. Buttonsand buckles have the ; stay j-.-C q i: ir.-'i f two. scorns ; the cuspeoders rt the Icnpoot sl E'1 Pocket 3,'twc hip,l-.vo frcritone money, one rule uiii "-vV-j ftf"-4 .Mw;lfiStIfeaKi' 'Ki oe combination pencil and watch pocket. '&-x g- Wr'tH 1'he many points of superiority of FTZ Ovct ills VV?: fc? Siff'v,v':'Jj make thcrri xhe favorite with every man who we.:r,; ; -'5 raroSffifV'Si'wrr them. Call and oee us, and vo will fibow you thai vXjQ ju Overalls arc the best mo.de ' For Sale By W. H. GRIBBLE, Qunnisoii, Utah. ' 4M4fi$ TTr-rrarfMTiovj SfTcOall Vrfterua sold buietfnhed 3tr;e.i rhn ot anv olhc r rp ,1 e o i ra-itcn b. This is on tiCQOttfix at rKr-flyl Ecctt.'.icy a:id simph"fly. J3IulV;i jV y c '.T?ie im--i of rnshion) hzs rooten-jhs'-'-ibirrs tiiar, ntiv other L-n ' M t imc Un nuinb-Ti I) a&utfW Fer suMoriOergts.aMcCll wJ Hb .lr-i:h rwraViW". Pat' err. Grlo(sVe( ot i de. gti-i-v) - rt -t Ppenlit3 CaralpOTji (shov in dec premioiw) U!tU firoe. Aurci 'i McCAl.L CO.. New.VwJt Oo B. BERGLUND Notary Public. Gar tii: ( ii, Utah. CLOTHING. A neTy sltipujetit J ust arrived. BOYS SptTS, Lon4- Ftal3, from $5.00, to SO 00 BOYS KNiCKEKBOGKER SUITS, fiOiu i'2.b0 to All trie Latest?. Styles, Ciius a::d Sleeves. Cf" 11 Q "f" ' ' sen it : Sob i : A, H. Ctirlstensoa. E. D. Wooliey. CHRiSTENSON & WOOLIEY Lawyers, Office over Matiti City Savings Bank, MANX? - - - UTAH. i . H. GRfBBLE Live Stock Gunnison - - - Utah f . &-:-fr;r. ' ' ?:V "-:-x--"'"'- ;ir O. B. BERGLUND. Arrapitie Ranch, Gunnison. - - - Utah. EABKsfcOTtfl and CopyriKlns refTis- 9 S5 tn-Q. .-.-nd Sketch, Model orFhoto, lor gree HSreporr oa patentability. ALL n'jGiNEss H WL STRICTLY OOWFIDE1 1AL. Patent .pmctlce eiiclttBlvely. BnnslngicferenceB. ;y m V'iciaakfl inreniors should )mvc ovs band- K book onflow to obtain aTid Sell patents, What m- Si SS vratfonB'"willpay.n'V.'tn pet - ..nr.ncilier '-aluablu ir. Torn nit ion. Srnt tree to any address. H S!aymaker & Nielson Painters & Paper Hangers Calsiminers Decorators. GUNNISON UTAH M Trade: Marks ?ra&rfV Designs VV '.' COPYRIONTS &C. .nror-: F6ltSlp8 r. p!:etr r.Tid dnrcrinUon mp.T qufckP! -idccc .i ti our op:nioti free whether ab invcn'ioii ip li'.'.'hsbty p-uon'j'hUi. Connnmitoa-UmisBtrlotl.TJamftrtoiitW. Connnmitoa-UmisBtrlotl.TJamftrtoiitW. HjlFUlBSCC on Patents sont trot. Oi.icvi nzenoj forsectirfne priynt3. I'arcr.is ti!t3Ti tarotiKb Mun:i Cl recoiva si"' M: rowf, irjut cit'jo. in toe A liwtdBomely Hhisital Rd rooUl7. T.---?' rir-oDlatlun rir-oDlatlun r nny BoientiUf jonn :). ' r. . ? fj a vear: fonr mun. $1. '6,1! : ail rfeiTadooJajs. MUNN&Go.36"5- - -llewW Branch Ofru.0. KS F St- WoaolBton, D. O. JOB PRINTIXG. At This Oifice. 3 Denver & Rio Grande Railroad SCENJC LI IN E Of THE AYOKLD 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY 3 ) to oil points east. Through PULLMAN and TOURIST SLEEPERS between SaJt Lake," Denver. Chicago and St. Louis, without change of cars, DINING CARS on all through trains. TRAINS LEAVE GUNNISON Northbound, 11:31 a. m. Southbound, 1:40 p. m. I For descriptive pamphlets or other information call on, or address I A BENTON, G.A.P.D. IRA OVERFELT Salt Lake City, Uath AGent, Gunnison Annual School Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1 1 the registered electors and piopei ty holders of the Gtinnisoa School Dip-! Dip-! trict, that the Anntil Meesiog and j Election wilKoe held in the VVashing-1 VVashing-1 toa school builaing, Town of Guuni-i s in, Midday, .Ttvy i:, 1909, for the j i.i :;l,.g ;ui puia, ria: 1. To h.-,ir and act upou the I Statistical and Annual report for the year ending Jans 30th, 1909. 2. To tletdrtuiae what amount of compensation shall be allowed the Board o: Trusteed for services tendered in the yer now closing. 3. To vo:e for one tiustse for tlit-term tlit-term of three yea):-; ; and one trustee for tea term of two ycus. And to transact any ether business tbst may ptopeny come before the meeting. Meeting will commence at 1 o'cloi k p.m. Polls vtilt opea at 2 o'clock j p. in. and rem.-iiii op-ia for four (i) succSive hours. BRIGHAM JENSE1N N. C MYKU? JOSEPH CHRISTENSON School Boar i. . Detect Gunnison, Utah. tlii&21at ;iay June; 1909. E. L. Parry & Sons, I MASONS and STONE CUTTERS Jtff& WTO Granite and Marble Monuments, $k!lk Headstones, Mrntles, Grates. L m IKON and STEEL: FENCES. ;Z MA NT I, Snpets Co LTAH. TOWN OFFICIALS President Anthotfy Metcalf. Trustees James Bowq, if. M, Childs, Leo N. Gledhili. Antcae Yepson. Clerk -W. J Gribbl- Treasurer Jame liov-n Marshal aud Streei Supervisor-James Supervisor-James P Pjeldsted Pouodkeeper Parley. ?. Childs. Justioeof the Poac;j Albert S;vaia. Health Officer J. A, Hagau, M. D. Attoruey Ltwis Larsoa SC COL BOARD Chairman Brigbam Juofen. Ceu-ierfield, Ceu-ierfield, Clerk Joseph Chrsitenson City, .Treasurer N. C. Myrup, City k CENTEJFIELD PRECINCT HL Justice of the Pea. JJk ii Smbley- L jnfatfri C. II E LAM CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. i : - ' '-. X . i, nd Bronchial Remedies, because !t rids m An improvement over many Cou- nona"ne 'bowels. No oo: ,tes. - -M-g-J system of a cold by acting as a artEULE MEDICINE CO.. .. ; . A. r-.U$r satisfaction or money refunded. Freparea oy FQR SALBBY PAUL VON NORDECK. |