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Show ' ' - ' . ,4'Ay V- ' '.1 I .Wr?7 i ti . v'-.- ? :'$x' tyvi v S v ..' , HOv LEGION SPONSORS r"'" syf ;ifi'. FILM FOR SCHOOLS s "t . ' t'V Js r J'rf1 r s' s 5 ' .x , .&: .'5 and Stars The on. Stripes Dis-pl- ay, an' edueational film was two schools of shown , the . Blanding this week. The Soheel viewed.it .Tuesday, nd the .High Sohoel students,, saw I ,;' ;' H , T:j . : ' -Jt. .. i ' ., $ V' . , 'S k.. x ,: , S? jtt I V-. v .!(f v - f -- 'If , jv.'-i?. ? ? " j- - 'i't 1 ': ! ! s .if .tn This . is Wednesday 0f the many projects Elem-enta- ry ..,.Jist 'ras being oarried but efficiently quietly, out by the. Amerloan LegimPost f Blanding Lavar (Took) Lyman is 'the pest oemmander this vyear ? and the proudly tall, but M Cenmander unassuming cowboy quietly 'guides his C . Lyman says - . that the faoiisg the major projects Legion will be the sending .of a boy to Hoys .State in the Spring now . 'aid the organization of the big ' Rodeo on the Fourth of July the aim of the Legion to see that the Independence' fty Celebration i$ every year the best in this section of the west, and this year, is to be' his exception. It. is NOBODY'S HURT, just practice make-u- p activities of the left Donna Cline, is Little Theatre Group . wound the clubs guest concerned about an artificial To is Blanding artist closer has on Dr Porter..- . the same wound inflicted view of i the meeting was adjourned LITTLE THEATRE until February 5. interested in Joining Anyone GROUP MEETS to aet or participate The first meeting, sinoe their this group in any other phase of the thereorganization) of the Blanding atre is Invited to contaot Anne Little Theatre mi held Jan 8, Porter or Donna Cline Mrs Donna Little group Cline the president, took organized in May, 1957, with 25 She introduced the members Sinoe this time the eharge other of fleers, Gene Blioken-st&f- f, group has presented "Claudia" a vloe pres Anne Porter, secretary) and Bill Cline, Then seoret Treasurer by new ballot Rasoo This was Theatre is a professional artist make-u- p under his expert Mrs application of make-u- p Cline aged 70 years and a ho- rrible, down and real 1st io gash appeared side of Dr Porter's the face Light refreshments were served right ipsm a The : two men visitor is are brothers A- . the ads are 14 M lSa - 2" 'ffiwssf Day get mumm with the smuys my DS ME QJ11B The County Reoi'eational of Morgan County On 3 --act drama, "They. Went That-their way baok .to Morgan they Mrs Way" a western comedy and "Night j visited .with Johnson's of January 16th". parents, the Clarenoo Blacks at Montieello aim the of the group to It is Howard Hurst and family wound ereate a desire among our olti- zens to attend andor partloi-;U- p a .Salt Lake City. trip the pate in., .the production of well. 4th. of. this month In Salt Lake Mr known plays Hurst attended' the .annual Kick-O- ff Cenventien of: the New Read Yoric Life Insurance Company held news too in the Nediouse Hotel. They Fl Carol Lyman and Mildred were eleoted to the board of dlreotors After a short business meeting the time was turned over to DeWltt Lee of Montieello. Mr Lee, the Johnson and family. c ; Morgan, Utah, were visitors $u day in the Lyle Johnson hornet Don Direotor and in the City hall ' M i KDARIY T r VEKS M YOUR HOLLAR WILL mi MflHITEW BOY MORE rnin Jo ...... VLy jl |