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Show I Hah Camstruetiaa f ,riiilo : they wore living ln Blandlmg va sad : . J; up,: and:"r'f. down ? tke itreetl .v. l' ' ' V -- " u !'.y. .vAiY'V inn 'AM PORTER i . . . Nr. and I Mra. Mary Stevens ha gonote tha young bays in tha group.: or a 4iait with Ogdn Walt Dienty This story is was famshown on the Prodiiotion and jmd teTgy HMlokay Mouse Club". ' ily From Ogdon oho piano m to St. Goorga to do omo Tom-p- ie - We ware glad to aaa Cllsbee ' ' ' work. Lyman out to Churoh Sunday evenFor aloigh riding fun Mr. ing Cllabaa has Just returned Gaboon blocked off ono of tho heme from Salt 'Lake where ha had Ida atraata In town last waak. same surgery dona on hla back, Mr Thla safety maaaura laft tho and Mrs Claranot Roger to a aafa with are plaoa ypungatara grandparents of a new baby, ' anow. this weak Proud parents are play In tha hold Tha Etoetera Club lta Mr and Mrs Tam (Mlakay) Redd ! hr . j ' , , flrat this yaar at tha af Mantiaalla mooting homo Ada Mrs ojf has a big Co Rigby. Hyra Wright Tha slater baby girl and brother ? : prli. it i j fy lthiough Moves - rara oaaaa Iona Utah on to given approval ivj sm Working with wax is ana Adams' many habblia auoh aya i $ i aewor improvamant Among4 tho ould ba tha moving of tha dia-oj- al iyctera from lta presort" af Mrs Juan and Lorralna Jenaa Hansen ara proud paronta of a now boy born in tho Mortloollo Hoopltal, Jan. 4. Grandparent ara Mr. and Mrs. Alma Jonaa of Bland lag and Mr. and Mrs Rtno Hanson of, Thlo makes two boys lta to an area near Shlrttallj Mortloollo. Hanaona 'ornar. The Shlrttril Aria waa forMr.tho and Mrs. Byron Kennedy ound to bo suffloiortly low lnj have moved book to Odaaea Texas! il ovation to permit tha entire Mr Kimody has boon employed by lyotom to oporata by gravity i j 1 LaVar lyman Mr NTs A Mrs. Fred Halliday and twa other ears will , taka tha twartyrtwa youngsters ta Marti Friday and return Saturday Their teacher is Mrs. Louisa lymaa. ' Mr and Mrs. 0. Frost Blaok ara in Salt Lake City with their son Arvld. Arvid will loavo the L.D.S. Miaalen homo Jan 12 to tho: fill a two year missionMiaina ion.! Central Atlantia Statca Mr. and Mrs. Black will return! home on tha 13th , . ; , . Chloe and Kenny Ann Shumway Tha laaua 3eoeafeor 30, cuslness whan a 3 weak They vacation to California. will piok up Mrs olty. ."Oh, that's or 4 1 ttt. r.H . , . rlpM. I i vas Edward lyman and Mra ; Ma- rian Janas and Laura Douglas worm Sunday School Staka Board visit ora in Dove Croak last Sunday. . v . ; rang v far Miaa, Karjla Collinp and Mr. Jerry Cropper whe wara married Jan.. 10 ball Wadding . 'The staff Kit- hama ofOila , : , Wright ' wam , a farewell party ; ; Rodd 'V Monday! Bob McAfee and! ; Brawn dyda Watkins visit Blanding Mr. the; Ward Sunday. and Mra. Grant Baylas Shorry Jack Certenio Betty lymaa and Pearl; group presented Jeanneretto Merlin Grover ten Parkins wara Staka Auday Pairner era at Sohoel Beard Tony Jones Yvonne Hartohner. The rtartalned at a dinner honoring Tracy with, a gift to hmlp maker Vat Bradford. Mr. and Mra. wore Other guoito Lucy Harris Purl Baylea Marion Jonaa hyrtla Radd Mr end Mra Joa Nialaan and Mr and Mrs. Alma Radd. Tha food waa dalioioua and all who attended had an anjeyabli timi. o Mr. and MraAlma Jonaa have Just returned from a guided tour, of California Thalr visit in- BiiMmmHiUH 1 cluded suoh wall known plaooi aa Disneyland Marino Island feats Simile; as unfunny aa a so--' Barry Farm and San Dlsgs They, called "practical": joke. saw tha Rosa Bowl Parado Law--; " ,, ranoa Walks Orohastra and visit; A cynic ia an with ai ad tha raoa track. (Alma olalmi' realistic outlook. optimist tha raoa track was tbs meat fun.) . . i ; I : j r ro- - Ellon lyman : Barbara men ; ; n j "Sorry, old !man;: to hear youf. vlfe ran iway with 'thechauM I - Theda; ; flve-pou- na tar." p:.vY' : . : . - Bill Blaok Mrs fcv;t. aeted as hosts and! ' Lilly! hostess. After games and a dolk attend; lalaus chili supper tha young pooplo sport : tho - ramalndor ofj Doris Mrs Baylea Josephine tho ovaning danolng. Thaaa att- -, Adams and Mra Mamie Adams drove, ending wara Deaane Burtanahaw . t ta Salt Laka Sunday They will! Ranaa Blaok1 ; Kathleen Brens an! return Wednesday Barbara Caster Kathy B1 token- -' Palmar Disk toy-- 1 Mrs j ' .t.-- Blaok. Helen sine been petitions circulated and filed at tha olty! of floe with tha required number .:vl of signatures. .. gothir dentures. her mother weeks with , Mra. Anna Brown and Mra Snyder same from Aneth to Sunday School have ' to ALako I from1, Fellow acrou the dean iroxn ua says hes the unluckiest man in the world. , He won a box of caramels the same day he is go apand sovo ' Bradford Wrirfit'o: the aoona ef Lake Cal- -! honoring Traoy Jan. 12. Otis brother Mr. Bovin in Salt City Each hao relative In ifomia they plan to visit. ' Tha . ! lyman the to Salt ns. of Harold requested petition .copies Thora Mrs Clark Hiraohi Mr and have moved into tha Mary Stevens home. Ha taaehas tha 4th grade.; Tha Hiraohi family some from on La Van Palmar Dr E. N. Porter'. Lorenzo Hawkins Howard Jurat, and Eugene Bllekanstaff r; . a group of man oompoaad ' . mediate friends war in attend- anoo. Duane Johnson stood with ;Jorry as bast man. Marjla works as a a oratory with Engineers. Ids: lted and Jerry is working with; Cedar City tho Stato Road, Engine aro. Tho! Mrs. Nora Nialaan and Mr. and young ooupla plan to mako thoir Mra Frank Wright have laft for; homo in Blanding at tha proaant. City wat-- r. lta start got i Piston group. waa jo of Mr. Jonoa. Thotour duotad bF Chi Taraiana. Donald and Wanda Blaok havt; at 6 1 00 P Jl. at tha hama of Mr'. laft to spend a couple of waeks! and Mra. Duane" Johnson. The! In tha &nuQr South Thoir pleas! earamony was parf armed by Biiahop' include soma time in Mcxloc dine Blaok and only a fow.lat--i and 'hereby j permitting tha olty taj "amove the troublaaoma and ax aenaiva; to oparata aawar lift itatlona new In tha system A filtering and Chlorination :lant and a new tan lnph Cast iron line from tha storage site ;o town' would highlight tho improve mart a in tha Johnson Both ladioa aro Herman ; hoataoaaa wara waiting at home for her Colleen Dlaok and Wanda filaok. Sunday evening Blending Ward Connla was and , held q testimonial honoring played 3lngo . Swenson won tha dallaloua look Traay Radd .whs' is going on a Central Atlantia .States Mission. lng cake for flrat wara matter Tha bualnaaa Aftor, opening prayer waa offered waa a lunoh Redd dallaloua Kart finished by Speakers at the, sarvadi! and tha rama&ndar of tha matting wore Traoy's ' parents waning was apant playing gamaa. Mr and Mra B Frank Redd hla; Stake Rallaf Society Union alitor Ada Rlgdy and Traqy. Mrs! Moating wa hold In Montloallo Rava Redd a tag "Tha Lord la Kar. last Saturday Thera wara 34 Shephard" aaaompanltd by Ranaa, woman jfrom Blinding who attend Slack and aftar a faw remark! by od tha meeting Montlealla 2nd Bishop Grant Shumvay invocation Ward Singing Mother pros ant ad waa Truman K offered beautiful mis leal number under Traay has bainbyworking at Rigby. Parley; tha dlraotian of Marilyn Rowlay Rodd More, for tho 4 years past Barbara Ann and frrtls Palmar and has always had a friendly; welcomed a now bay in tha Moth xim aura for all greeting 3 While writ Hospital January everyone Jolni ua in wishing lng for tho now baby to come Traay eusaiee while ha la away ; homo Tim and Vaughn are staying Bivariy Ouymon daughter of' with thoir Orandparinta Mr and Mr and Mra Dwi Ouymon is'eon; Mr and Mra fined Mrs Stanley lyman har bad with rhoumatla; Wilbur Law are tha paternal favare All har sshael ohuma randparants ' wish Beverly a epatdy raaovary During tha pari wak w hay Joan Moaliy and Anno Porter boon writhing an advsntunou drove to Mortloollo to visit at! ttory of the HCld San Juan" an tha First ward Rallaf loaiaty! t.v Our wall known river run Monday morning An interesting1 ;.or Fmnk Wright taka a group lasaon waa praaantad by Sarah bo ya down tha rivar and this Bart an Mra Dora Adams had J i thoir ana aa ield af by a ana beautiful sandlas and oan story on display. dla arrangaminta n Lmaamromumcif.; twa-!lBlmding Wards olavan v r vaar aid Sunday Sehoal elasa is plamning a temple axauralam Kra Irma Kuril and Hr . and ., V) .4 1 , |