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Show 1 , 43Mas5hW5lfi!l ! at Blanding, I Utah I. Cox W. ROBERT CANTSEE, UTE AS, DIES Jan. mi f ! PUBLISHER ! I 16 1959 Folks across the street from us are really roughing it. Can opener and home freezer broke down at the same time. OF GUNSHOT WOUND Published4 Every Monday and Friday 'o' BLANDING OUTLOOK evening, January 12, a 21 year old Ute Indian died of a self inflicted gunshot wound. C&ntsee of White Mrs. N. Lis comb is on an exYoung Robert Mesa was scheduled to appear in tended trip to Pleasant Grove California court on Wednesday to testify in Utah and Anaheim she a case concerning his sister. where will visit in the Monday parents relate that he was homes of her sons. She plans to worried and frightened over this return to Blanding about the and apparently chose to die ra- -. first of March. ther than to appear in court. The LOS Indian missionaries conducted funeral services for him in the Indian Chapel on WeHis : . t i d- The : First Issue is the first issue of Cantsee Allan Bland ing's new semi-week- ly on Eight hundred copies of this issue are being distributed a free get acquainted basis to homes in Blanding as well as to homes in the coranunities at Bluff, Mexican Hat, and in the new community springing up near the bridge in the Aneth Oil Flald. The next two editions will likewise be distributed on a free basis. Copies available at newsstands will for obvious reasons be sold at the regular price of 10 per copy. Our will be The is not yet concrete polioy as to subscription rates announced OUTLOOK later. will strive to print all the printable Interest to the people of this area made to keep Its columns faotual and every and completely believe that Blanding has an acute such as we will endeavor to print. We need news of effort will be be useful ; in the j Reservation Cera- e- : j who steps down as president of Communist China, retains his post as Communist party chief of Red China. Mao Tse-tun-g, The smallest particle of mat- ter is the piece of pork included in a can of baked beans. ; ; j JEWELER j YEARS IN BLANDING 12 e A philosopher is a man who knows how to make himself com- - fortable behind the eight-bal- l. j j I ! for a newspaper rner to Canyon interred and young unprejudiced. town is in an enviable position of having one of the States largest payrolls in prospect as the natural resources of Area are further developed. Other towns are now the and will continue to make a strong bid for the area's trade and it behooves the business interests of Blanding to be on its toes to sec that this new development be built up as part of the Blanding trade area. Blanding Outlook hopes was 14, and CXir The January tery. newspaper; The published The paper is to be a BLANDING OUTLOOK. one we However will only publish very Monday and Friday. issue per week during the remainder of this month. This nesday, j sfrive to in this program. This newspaper is printed by the OFFSET process a method being used by an increasing number of small town publications. We acknowledge that there is a little roughness in the appearance of this first issuer we expect its appearance to improve as we learn more about the nature of these devices and machines O yuir used in printing the paper. The difference between a techCareful: that crunching noise nician and a handy man is about underfoot is caused by stepping three dollars an hour. on broken New Years resolu- -: ! ! He aired recently the that it had been 10 yearsthought since he last saw snow. A Jersey City, NJ., amateur radio operator packaged some snowballs in a can surrounded by dry ice and shipped them to his friend. winter-loneso- me CLEANERS tions. Ham radio operator of Largo, Fla., gets his winter by express. Glass and Body has been service formerly work to the limited to radiator repair at added Radiator Service. in the enterprise, locatedowned South part of town is by Bus and operated by Gary Sprouse the S. . : ; & H. The Harris. To ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS FOR THE FINE PATRONAGE GIVEN DURING OUR OPERATION OF THE ARE YOU POSITIVE ABOUT TOUR COVERAGE? The time to find out Is now. Como Ir and lot os talk with you. o Basin Realty & Ins. WE KNOW OUR SUCCESSOR WILL CONTINUE TO WARRANT YOUR PATRONAGE UNFINISHED BUSIN&SS WILL BE HANDLFD FROM MY HOME PH. 2481 |