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Show Nicest thing about that it doesn't have nv days. Best way to wife is briefly. J .4 w .1 -I Trophy Presented to Football Champions beautiful trophy e ; repre- The senting the Championship offoot8 in Utah high sohool ball was presented to the Bronoe Re-g- Wrestling Popular Sport at High School at team lm San Juan High Saturday of the Cortes gue Mr LaRay Alexander principal of the Blending of San Jum High School made Sports fans area ere being erred a very the presentatlM to unknown dish Max Jones and Carl Blaok but alnost Mr at the San Juan High Sohool this reminded us Alexander and Coaoh Phil Rollins winter that the Bronoos were undefeated his wrestlers are building up an in league play and lost only two ing impressive record of wins her- -' lag lost only to the Cortes Panthers to data The next hone natch will take plaoe next Monday the 19th at 7i30 pm Every ene Is enoouraged to attend and beoone acquainted with this fine sport and wateh the Bronoos take on their perennial rivals the Buekaroos of Mentloello Coaoh Rollins reninds that High sohool wrestling is not the grunt groan spectacular typo of e Medy that is viewed in the professional matches All pageantry and faroe is taken fren high sohool wrestling as are all holds whloh night cause bodily Injury to the participants, it is a question of skill and force and because the torture holds have been done away with the natch neves with speed and Interest is high Meng the fans The public is urged to attend Ward Salt co-capt-ains iIsini in the entire season The first to a strong Spanish Fork toM by a seoro of 6- -2 and the seoend was to Cedar City in the DJ games state quarter-fina- ls The Bronoos are to be congratulated 'for their fine play this past season especially in view of the faot that it was only the third year that football has boon a part of the Athletlo pro- at gram San Juan High Certenle Tony the AUTO AND TRUCK LUBRICATION to Maed was Servic Cgnnifirol olass B team and many of the ether players resolved mention for their outstanding action on the gridiron All-sta- te TV Shows B-Sq- vab & BATTERIES Potential Power tires While the Bronoe team at the High Sohool is doing a fine Job and showing a lot of promise to- WHOLESALE wards a berth in the State Tournament at Prove there is also a reason for those who look to the future to wear a big smile Host That reason is oeaoh Morris Swensons B --squad of SophMoros and Freshmen In ploy last weekend they wen Jan. 17th the RETAIL to Lake Teas Tomorrow night Third Ward Blending will neet of the highly touted Ivins This will be a Salt Lake City two praotioe netoh between the strong M Men teams. Featured on the Salt Lake team will be Billy Maxwell former great for the University of Utah floor is whose work on the a helping to make the Ivins ward team to watch for in the o owing Ward v All Chureh tournament. Third Ward will field a strong team led by Gene Shunway and Dudley. Rowley plus The .Blending the sooring ability of Neldon To date they have won Cochran 3 and lost 2 tilts losing to Mesa Junior College of Grand Junction and Dixie Jr College Mesa is now of St George listed as the top team in the Jr College loop and local fans will have a ohanee to see this fine team play the Third Ward M Mem halftime At ex-cit- 3rd . here on January 24th two tilts st a The determined first TOLL was again- erew whloh Moab seoro ftaally wen by a trounced the Saturday night they was 57-- 52 Cortez Panthers Town- 28-- 56 speople idielikcbasketballra doing thMselves a disfavor if they wait until 8 pm to oone to the games because there is a lot of aetlM on the oourt at 6i30 when work the younger boys BRONCOS. go to B TE&G8 V UN Bronoos of San Juan High chalked up number two league victory by beating South The finery marauding 66-- 43 at Ferron The as the ended at narrow a lead to olung However late in the seoand half everybody started hitting and San Juan pulled away as Carl Blaok hit fog 18 asTomny May first half 23-- 29 Bronoos Cont Page 12 Colun 3 Build Anyth LICENSED GENERAL JOW EGGERS, Ph. 3271 heir CONTRACTORS JERRY BROW, DP Ph. 3601 |