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Show Nona or special election or CITY BLANDING SAN JUAN COUNTY, UTAH February 17, 1959 PUBLIC Nona IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on tho 17th day of February, 1959, a. apodal olootlon will bo hold within tho llnlta of tho City of Blending, San Juan County, Utah, for tho purpose of outsitting to tho qualified votora of aald City tho quootion of approval of tho Initiated ordinance adopted by the City Counoil on January 15, 1959, whloh ordinance la on file In tho off loo of tho City Clerk and Recorder and nay bo exanlncd during regular bualneaa hours, Tho ballot title la aa follow Inltlatod ordinance, adopted January 15, 1959, subject to approval of tho votora, eonoornlng tho Joint olootrlo, water and sower ayaton of tho City An of Blending, by providing for rodonption of all of tho City's Eleotrio and Hater Revenue Bonds, dated August 1, 1947, and Sewer, Power and Viator Revenue Benda, Series 1954,. authorizing the issuanoo and sale of refunding and inproveaent revenue bonds In the anount of $800, 000.00, and the application of the proceeds thereof to refunding a portion of said bonds and lnprovenent prescribing related details all as provided in the Initiated ordinance, being Ordlnaneo No 1959-- 1, adopted (subject to the approval of the electors) by the City Cornell ef said City on January 15, of said spites, and 1959T'" DATED it said special election the polls will bo opened at the hour of 7i00 o'eloek and resaln open until and bo hour at closed of 8t00 o'clock ps of the election the as at the City of Blending, this 15th day of January, 1959 a H day Per the purposes of said special election, tho City of Blending Is hereby established as one voting dlstrlet, constituting the regularly established precinct for said City st whloh the voting plaee and election officials to aerve therein are as followst Voting Placet City Hall, Blending, Utah Election Officials i Opal Black, Dora Shusway, and Lola Black! Susan Butt and Alternates! No who E Shu may pernitted to vote at said special has not first been registered as required by person election A shall be Chapter 2, Title 20, Utah Code, 1953, as aaondod and eupjfl sweated. There shall be no special registration of voters but the official register last node or revised shall constitute the official1 register for such special election "ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTia IS HEREBY GIVEN that on said date during said polling hours, at said voting place and under tho obacrvatlen and direction cf said officials a special bond election will bo held for the purpose of subnlttlng to sueh qualified electors of the City ef Blending as shall have paid a property tax therein, In the year preceding sueh election, and who are registered as aforesaid, the following questions "Shall there be Issued the refunding and lnprovenent bonds of the City of Blending, Utah, In the aggregate as principal anount of $500,000,00, or so nuoh thereof nay be necessary, payable solely froa the net revenues derived fron tho operation of the City's Joint olootrlo, water sad sowar ayaton for the purpose of (a) refunding bonds authored 53 to 81, 87 to 92, and 96 to 98, all $36,000, Inclusive, In the aggregate prlnolpal anount of Revenue Hater and Eleotrio 00 of the City's outstanding Bonds, dated August 1, 1947, (b) refunding bonds lumbered 4 to 28 and 32 to 200, all Inclusive, In the aggregate principal anount of $194,00000 of the City's outstanding Sower, Power and Hater Revenue Bends, Series 1954, dated August 1, 1954, and (e) iaprovlag said Joint systonf sueh refunding and lnprovenent revenue bonds to be In the dononlnatlon of $1,000 00 1, 1959, and eaeh, to bear Interest payable October and October 1 of sanlannaally thereafter on April 1 and boar Interest Meh year, and to nature aerially rates, as follows! San Juan County, Utah, F lanom flayer (SEAL) ATTEST! a FranolsD.Nlolson City Recorder |