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Show Smith Sets Membership Sn aii cl; clown the "Afreet up estate Page group Jan. 16, 1959 Mr.' and dened Mrs. death to hear last of his sudden Monday. Gordon Adams to They Lyman , Lavae Redd also spent some andboys. time at Riverside with Mr. lyman's nephew, Mrs. entered the Junior Crosby, who is in the Southwest Memorial Hospital at hospital there. After touring Cortez Wednesday morning for .various points in California She is rest and treatment. returned way of Las they by under the care ' of Dr. E. J. Vegas, Nevada, the Hoover Dam, " re-occu- ' trip to Southern California where they paid a surprise visit HILDA PERKINS Calvin Pehkins fcollin son small Don Smith, president of the took their, Chamber of Commerce Was reoently Bradley. to Salt Lake City to elsotsd .a director of the Asso- seek medical aid from a speciastomach ciated Civio Clubs of Southern list, for the and Eastern Utah. This unit is ailment that has been bothering oomprlsed principally of the him. Redd and r , , BLANDING OUTLOOK a with 3 ring Merritt his Mr. Conway and Spanish .Fork, Utah where oounties whioh border t on thq Mr. and Mrs. LaVar (Teek) Ly- they visited Mrs. Lyman's sister Iva Mrs. Hatch, Colorado River with Grand and returned Sunday from Salt Lake man have reoently returned from Ida Mar Markham and family. San Juan on the Eastern banks. a Tho primary interest of this City where they had spent group is to develop the recre- couple of days on business moth- er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin E. Morris new lake which will be created and son, Robby Joe, left Tues. when the Glen Canyon dam is co- morning for Wendover, Utah. Mr. Land-A- ir mpleted and begins to baok up its Morris is. employed by and will spend ten days at Wewater reserve. The 23rd of ; this month tho ndover on. company business. Sarah Oliver went to Mrs. directors of the Associated Civio Clubs of Southern and Eastern Delores Wednesday for a medical Utah will' meet with a group of check-u- p. Ray, Carl and Clarence Perkins Utah state senators to discuss ational of the possibilities . construction of a highway spent Wednesday in Cortez on from Blanding west along tho business. Mrs. Elaine Jaeger. is the new present route to' Hite. Though employed at operator Hite will ,bo inundated, by the beauty the lake and this ; new road will Louisa's Beauty. Shop. Tracy Redd, son of Mr. and oross the Coloradoa few miles B. Frank Redd will .enter the ' Hite ferry!, Mrs. LDS Mission home at Salt the projected .road will probably the follow the present one to a Lake City on January 19th, after as a point a few miles below the Na- which he inwillthe serve Central A- upstream frejn . tural Bridges. Hr. Smith says that tho importance that Blanding will take on as a '. tourist and reoreational oenter in the near future Will undoubtedly outshine even the 'missionary tlantic states. His headquarters will be in Virginia. daughters from - j San the - week . to see them back in this area. spent Cortez matters. Juan County concise ien gave Blanding swimming pool pro- ! to business, attending and Mrs. Frost Black Mr. j ! and Mrs. Gordon Adams; and' Delores in Tuesday Mr. the j Their friends are glad field. "county increases BLANDING POOL In notion taken last San lob moved into the Guy Palmer apartment Sunday. Jack is em- -; ployed as a painter on the Fish: housing project at Aneth oil prosperity, brought to the area by the exploitation of both Uranium and Petroleum. LOAN FOR Mrs. Jack Jones and Irene and Ant one tte, Juan Pueblo, New Me- x- and Mr. - re- - home Tuesday from Salt Lake City where they have. spent the past week on business and turned : ject aflnaiielal shot in the arm. j The loan whioh was originally pleasure. Their son, Arvid, en- -! was Increased .to tered the LDS Mission home there $50000, $54800 to bring it. to the same last week prior, to serving as a; -- ; : ! total as the loan given Montle-el- lo for their pool. first : missionary for the Church of Jesus v Christ .of Latter-Da- y Saints in the Central Atlantic; - payment of $25000 is forthcoming in the near fut- ! States. .1 , ure and there is no question but Little Jeannie Black is a what the pool will: be ready for 'guest of the Conway Redd use when the weather will per- while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Black are vaoationing mit outside s wining. Another item of good news per- with Mr. and Mrs . Kenny Shumway The : ; ; fenilyLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O taining to the swlnnlng pool in Mexico.Powell Bruce Aands is that the County will itself through a bond issue thus spreading the reimbursement over a greater period of years and lowering the tax reimburse load. Mrs. selves with bathing suits suntan oil and all other important gear for swimming in order to be heady to take the big plunge when the time comes. Artist William Jordan, 53, of Savannah, Ga ., blinded by glaucoma 14 months ago, still paints. He visualizes the scene, then executes his work with " colored ' pencils chosen frbm a specially designed- - rack on which each pencil has an assigned place - ,; Nine o the nation's major airfields areT slated to receive radar equipment with which towermen can scan runways at night and in bad weather. Jay Powell of Fredonia, Arizona, has recently been call- ed to fill an LDS mission in Old Mexioo. The Powells are old-tiresidents of San Juan and O Q O O O o friends o relatives here. o the (Jack) o family that they into Holbrook the Trading o Post it easier for the o children to attend school. o greetings to all of their o friends here. Mrs. Iva is having a o well earned vacation her me In the meantime residents of have equipping themBlanding are 4 son of Mr. and O and many Word comes from Leo Hunt have moved from making They send Hatoh from duties at the Gateway Motel. While- - she is. away the work is being carried on by Mrs. Ula Stevens. Mr. Johnny Hatfield was among who were laid off the Job Aneth making necessary for ' him and his family to leave Blanding and seek employment those at it elsewhere. Friends of Doctor R. W. Watson of Delores were shocked and sad- - O o cum o o o o o o o o o In An Atmosphere o You o Enjoy o o D o O RECREATION o 8 o o O CENTER o o o o o o o o oooooooooooooooooooooooooo smaii 'll mi |