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Show DDL MM AMI-CAP. AMI-CAP. RIELLEY Consolidate Their Interests. -The new resort on State street is becoming tremendously tremen-dously popular. There are very few Utah pioneers who are not familiar" with the name of that popular favorite Col. Ed Kelley. The colonel has a host of frienda and admirers and while he; may not have lived here sen long as those grand old pio- ) neers who made the wonder-1 ful overland excursion to this ' territory in '47, he has taken 1 time by the forelock, as it were, and improved eaclv shining hour so that through-earnest through-earnest and persistent effort? on his own part he has made the acquaintance of almost tho ENTIRE COMMUNITY who know him in no other light than a man of fair and honorable business bus-iness methods and one who, is always on the alert for some amusement or entertainment enter-tainment for hij friends. Wo-may Wo-may add that Mr. Kelley hag recently consolidated his interests in-terests with those of Mr. Chas. Rcilley who, as an artistic ar-tistic dispensor of sparkling: beverages and a jolly good fellow, is too well known to tho Salt Lake fraternity to need an introduction through the medium of these columns. HERHKKT SLAIlK.Ass't Msm'r. F. AUEBBAGH SBRO. Greatest lusiin Underwear 1 Berrlns Monday, August :$rd. and will continue until every article h is sold. Come Earlv and Avoid the Crush ! JU I isLiN Underwear Sale! Ladles, why stitch, btlteh, and crook your lack over a sowing machine when you can b:iy nicely-mail" and well-fitting underwear at less tban cost of material. Ladles' NlKht Clowns, Chemises, Drawers Skirts and Corset Covers. Misses' Drawer.!, Children' Slips. Dresses and Skirts, at ttta uniform price of lie, iJfic, 60c, 7&c, S1.C0, tl.au, J1.75 and &I.U0. This sale will comprise Iner lines of poo ls than were ever before put lntu a falo, and lll be subj. ct to our miaU'Taul" rule that only tlm-e earments of each kind and price w ill be sold to one customer. u Li-Colossal Li-Colossal Bargains ! The extraordinary snocess l'our Special Sale ortlie past tyo weeks) fciihiiulatcs us to im-reased etlVtrts. Sec the Result! . F, Auerbach & Bro, 'i BURLINGTON ROUTE The Only Through Route From Chicago to Salt Lake. The Burlington Uoute has perfected perfec-ted arrangements whereby all freight consigned to care of tame will be loadod in a through car. N0 TRANSFERS i Thereby causing a taring of at It ait j three dayt between Chicago 1 and Salt Lake. Mark and order all gooit ihipp4 I are Borliagton Rout. E. E. WALKER, Gea'1 Afeit. t0 West Second South itreek Sail Lake City, Utah. The Elks Saloon Opposite tho Theater is to be in charge and under the management of Mr. Keilley while Mr. Kelley will devote his entire time and attention to the new resort he has recently established at No. 228 State street where at any and all times he will be glad to welcome his old friends and patrons with the warm hearted cordiality so peculiar to himself. The two sample rooms under the control of this gentleman gen-tleman are said to be stocked with the finest and rarest imported im-ported goods that can be found anywhere. The line ot Rue Inptei & Domestic Cigars are the finest procurable and as a matter of fact many compliments com-pliments are lavished upon the proprietor regarding the able and efficient manner in which these institutions are conducted and it may be safely said that there are few if any men in this particular vicinity that can be compared with Col. Eel Kelley as regards the management of a first-class and high lyres-pectable lyres-pectable sample room. The new gymnasium run in connection with the Elks Sample Room, opposite the theater, is quite a prominent feature and deserves the most liberal patronage of the public. Opposite Theater, AND 228 STATE STREET, ! LTS 15 LT8 I I CHEAP! I I Slolilpl ! On Monthly Installments or other j j Terms to Suit. i We am authorized to close out the remaining lots In ' Fourth South Street Addition They are located I Four Mocks West of the Jordan river, between ; Fourth and Filth South. ji fee are the Cheapest Lots oa tlie Market. I ! They Must be Sold as the owner needs Cash. C&ll at once at lioom 1C, Central J Slock. ? Lynch & Glassin, iseais. T. C. AltMSTHONfi. J. C. Koss. Presidint. Manager. Utah Undertaking Co. General I niierMm And Embalmcrs. Telephone 81. No. .? South Main St. Firstdooriiorthofifl.lt I . Ln flli,. St. James Hotel. 1 0311 LllKB Uity. Oiiea day and night. Evrrythln, new aud lir.it elass. Sueces-or to Evans & Uosa. Daiertaler and Emiialiiisr, KU 9iate St., Salt Lake. Special iittentiim given to the shipim-iit ol bodies. Open all nlht. Teleplione. 361. |