Show TEE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE strN DAY MORNING C 17 MAY 13 1934 ooperation Starts Move HELPS FOR LMAN WHO WANTS Ta BUILD' tiorne Loan Act Changes The ÁrchileCis' Small House Service Bureau Inc That Will Increase Local Assure Speedier (Relief D'emand for Better Homes For Distressed i0wril érs GEORGIA 110USE DESIGNED' FOR ECOHOMY Cost of Modernization Exposition Set at $30a Building eó sts Federal Board Chairman Explains Benefits s s of - 009 Success Depends ' of Utah Public (0 1- on Backing ‘' 107- 3 - It I 0A la pi:-41- S By BLAIR RICHARDSON Out on the shores of Great Salt lake some years ago two yOunt inenloaded a gasoline launch on a big wagon used for hauling' scenery The boat weighed about four tons and made the wagon li wheels creak For power to haul the boat to the city two auto-- 1 were used The old Saltair speedway was the road taken fi mobiles to town and everything went along all right until they reached that of the air t- Part of the road just west mud—mud port There they struck 4 with apparently no bottom The wagon went down until the wheels buried and the boat was almost iwere level with the road surface As the Itt '10- - 4 - -- Ot ' ' I - r-- ? li t t Co '"'L iv ' :)pri - - ''''''-a- 1-- 4 fil 'IM - - - ' 4ez114:- ''' 0a4''''r::- ' - t I 1411 ' 1414 l'- 4 ''' '' 4161 o ! Strong Protection Given to Private Savings shut- 4z 1? 1 s "Speedier relief for distressed home owners increased credit for new home building and repair wider employment in the building trades aid strOng federal protection for pri- vate savings are sonie of the concrete benefits anticipated ' ters hip roof open porch wood quoins emphasizing corners Features of the interior: Stairs coat closet at one end el living room: bay window: Colonial fireplace plaster arch with flanking bookshelves between living and dining rooms broom closet in kitchen grade entry with stairs to basement three bedrooms bath:' five clomets on 1 otro: - 7 ' pediment: "bay window - - of Amendments Features of the exterior of Colonial entrance design with fluted pilasters triesgular 11 - 4- a s:-- ' are mintmtzect N from the amendment to the home owners' loan acts recently signid by --4-President Roosevelt" John H Fa- - 'a '1-- ' i PO J 1: hey chairman of the federal home — —- It --loan bank board bas declared His ' m -1 4 'ximplete statemeht follows: 41 i ': second floor ft 'Five major objectives and several :11 - ' fl' 111 'S - t ::1 l' C Detailed building' documents minor ones are accomplished by this of the tvto automobiles pulled "' t i liolmOr I at drivers new houses for of shown the all Unit in this Tirst the and jerked the load sank deeper and ' legislation 1 -' I I J '- ' N -- ' — ad States government how- guaranseries may be secured at mod deeper and the boat owners soon de- A 4 t li' 'fi ma 'I" fr'''' tees both principal and interest of ' 4'0 crate cost through the Home (lif0 I cided that if they were going to get : ::- ir 4 41gv ti t 4t t the bonds of the home owners' loan 1' the wagon out of the mud some peal Editor of this paper --Building vi‘otolooM--— 116 ' '' ' tcorporation previously' guaranteed This service is presented to our I pulling power was needed t 1 One of them walked to the airport only as to interest A second impor readers LO through vt 1 tent pmvision of the act rigidly re -"A and stetted calling up his friends who Fundamental with the Architeets' Small House in stricts To 01140 p1'A1 to loans by the corporation owned automobiles and within an InBureau Service Is which 0 ' 44 home owners who were in involun Maintains bout nine appeared at the scene of Los t Angeles Cause 'Mir"' Construction dorsed American mat! the May Ai aaludoll"'!"--by ' 110drAML00111100110111614'4sith on June 13 1933 or The mud hole A long anchor chain default tars tute of Architects and by the Lead With San whose default at a later date haa was fastened to the Wagon and 'ftidto Heavy Expense 'United States Department of been due to oirctmistances beyond itretched out loess the toad About se4120 Courzirce eiseo Next their control Only in exceptional every 30 feet the chain was attached to the rear axle of acar When eve rg- — The first shocktng signs of deprecl cases will loans be made to applicants whose default bas Occurred since thipg was ready a signal was given ation the house owner gets are craciti then fir the cars to tighten up on the chain SAN FRANCISCO—Los Angeles In plastered walls They come in "A third e of the new amend- andwhen that wu done a signal was again maintained leadership among r 100KS COM well-buiwhic fieltr provide employto "pull" 'Not an engine was the cities reporting largest volume of houses and in poorly-btilazG-- 6 I' ''' 1 given E:ormality 6 CrO ones Every conceivable care in con- ment for the equivalent of 125000 rated not a car was strained all the building permits inApril according III 1101 11 drivers pulled as one They had just to the western monthly building surstruction will not always 'keep them men for I year or more is the authoti- A Lby one thought and that was to pull vey prepared by H &Baker Si Comout But if the house is well built ration of 9200000000 to be -advanced - - - c - - -m 2 i Oa I that boat and wagon out of the mud pany San Francisco ranked second repairs are often eariy arid inexpen by the home oWnere7 loan- corporaUse YrroitA-Ditilli- ci 3 Just before the cars started one in and was followed by Portland Beverroom sive If the house is a poor weak tion from its own funds for reconditerested spectator looked the situa ly Hills Oakland Seattle and Sacrathing repairs are likely to be dila- tioning homes This fund is strictly1:1111112111110 1141f tion over and said: "Impossible it mento The volume of permits in limited to homes on which the cotcult end costly 164'0'17 Plaster craclu are caused by streaks potation makes relief loans can't be done" As a matter of fact April declined considerably below IN "The fourth important change efit was impossible and couldn't have March and April of last year The to that somehow accidentally get thrown 1 POrCH A 5evais I ? been done without Cooperation With tal for April 1934 was $3754915 into walls that were not designed to fected by this new legislation per- 41-"I"' 1 ri ili'14 'sr 1 Even a fairly small mits the United States treasury to tuza ' cooperation anything can be done compared: with 04417170 in March! take them xagrtm income shares in any The more difficult a job is thagreat 1934 and $4312155 in April 1933 amount of movement from these buy li 0 116 NIIIIIIIIri 111r11"efres er the cooperation necessary VS do it Total volume of building permits 0 stresses will crack the plutering In Federal Savings end Loan association '' kOori 'LIVIA() t — the optional moratorium for Just as that wagon and boat slipped for 76 cities reporting In April ' house these movements I well-bui: into the mud- while traveling along amounted to $4248609 against $4 are not likely to be extensive for borrowers from the home owners' 25x25 are one res Outside )2111' ' ' ' the road to the Pith Salt Laken 814871 in the same month last year U for the reeasonable costs of this house -Ltir t they ere more often caused by tomb loan corporation is sow withdrawn — i If minor amount of twisting or settle- - The former privilege of paying no slipped into the "mud of depression" Nine cities were added to the group plan' the arranged efficiently compact as they traveled along the road to the of 25 leading cities reporting largest ment which le ended when tile first installments on principal until June — 411111 has made possible- rooms of comfortable H i future As they found themselves volume of building permits movement is completed The plaster 13 1938 has been abused by many conveniences all There the With usual size 'ul MAW miming In the mud they naturally April They were: Stockton Pasadena finally cracks relieving loads All borrowers who were actually able'built-hbook it need t closets ' are for every II 'Fresno' Burbank Santa Barcases Is to fill to make such payments No 'postis needed thought only of themselves and start that ' ' closit'7( a generous porch r shelves and chhia 6' C1111111111111111 ed treading up and down to get out bara Santa AntroZakerstield OnIponement of principal payments will the 'cracks 11' '' VI S or for screened be greatnecessi which in glazed The more they trod the deeper they tario tind Modesto—all in California now may be except permitted il DtDILOQ11 Repairs en Structure 'vtDrOOPt 'fffli:' "1eat usefulness French doors open on it tout cases Bear in mind that the went Finally most of them stopped Thirteen cities reported increases t f In the poor construction there are monthly payment required for both 'f rooms in in over bnilding and both from look to 1' permits some think dining and t Then around 1041016 April living es 0 I'' in the errors often fundamental sup- principal and interest is Only $791 B Construction: Wohd frame but would noticed their friends were in the March and IT reported increases in LAa -' ports so that they continue to move for each $1000 of loan The average 110mill white look equally wellif built of brickwith game boat and realized that if they April over the corresponding month I under loads indefinite for en time and in of r1 Were going to get out they must last year Those cities reporting in : principal payment monthly stone quoins moil IOPP aos 'am For examples of these we have foun- terest by the 200000 present borrow-er- n 1:4 il iI Home building queetiona will be answered ! dations built Atin poor soils or floor 'reqUires less than $23 the aver-:without-zharge---Detailbd poll ' ip beams-tha-t furnishing and are too shellow and thus age loan to date being $2903 —s----A few weeks ago a group of Silt last year were Seattle Sacramento Rill' the for color living 4cheme common suggestions A loads fault bend under alio --' -"Federal guarantee of the principal Lake business men held a meeting at Vancouver B C Pasadena Fresno :PEDLO011o 111 room as shoirn above will be supplied c' 117-----:- ' is the case of pertitions that are not of the home owners' loan corporathe chamber of commerce Thema Glendale Burbank Santa Barbara PAIR 1104 II Write to the Home Building Editor of this : rigidly joined together Plaster ap- tion bonds has been taken for grant --4'pose was to form plans for a cooper Bakersfield and Ontario Those titles ' : paper enclosing a stamped envelope ' plied directly pver chimney stacks ed since President Roosevelt urged ative Movement of same kind to help reporting Increases in April over last ' -- --always cracks Oakland San that step early in January The bonds Salt Lake and Utah These men knew year were Portland Copyright 1934 "es Architects' Small Vous' V a V house Inc Service in Bureau Repairing broken plaster have advanced in price from approxthat our city Is facing a shortage of Jose Berkeley Vernon and Modesto of this kind is often a discouragingly imately 85 to par The cornoration's homes thet thousands of homee need while the following cities showed in endless process The repair opera- activity in exchanging its own bonds in April over Much: Salt repairs or modernizing And- imprev creases' tions to stop the cracking must be for mortgages has been greatly speed- Int They knew that a potential mar- - Lake City and Santa Ana Room—Design Living meds on the structure itself It costa ed up as a result to the relief of ket was here 'for 'all types of build- The arrangement of furniture shown real money to reinforce weak floor thousands of distressed home ownmaterials electrical heating zstiing room is but one of sketch this in ' joints it is a major expense to jaCk ers The presents 4 per cent bon& of the tibr hundred tturearid up loads over rotten posts or to re- the corporation do not bear the prin — of several that are possible—eand k)tle otherTthlitit that ii1aecea- ' settling foundatioris but patchi- riper guarantee but may he place make' a home e real tom0 : : ' !' eery xpaned by the fact that adequate ng- ttp cracks withouelhest correc- - changed for the fully guaranteed the land ': and 'ttity a best city wall spaces have been provided—but tions is also money wasted It is what per cent bonds at any time within v'' in which 10 Mita PER this has qne advantage in that it PEN the doctor would—call "treating the the next six montha par for par UnPROGRESS ACTIVITY BUSINESS GENERAL Out ot several Meetings grew the CENTS CH4 keeps traffic lanes open while still symptrimi end not the disease' 4which less previously tailed- moderniratinn exposition providing a congenial grouping for SO "Restricting loans by the corpora- cooed- Saturday II the old :Knuts- Simple retching a) U STER I p NCH conversation Those who are passing Von ' 'sperstficallY to cases where reis ford hotel building on the northeas So ler as track patching itself OF FINANCE from one place to another will travel 10 corneref Third South ' and State is a relatively simple lief is actually needed will have two conterned that r 7 not I till around and behind this group pprstreets 'The coat of the exposition important results The new emend' thing The plasterer breaks out the ment MUM Nowt - will make& it impossible for a borthrough it All the elements used in :f exceed $30000 and the show- will broken clears soft and materials the ' f set t ad- : leisure moments are here togethlast al least 'ix weeks Mayor Mar- Hi and rower or a lender to take unjust -t- o lath of the keys spaces plaster corer in neighborly fashion while the owners' loan ' the home of cus ha's designated Maweeke to Jime30 Dip-Novantage ' fills the opening with a special patch- ' -' : ! Yet Apparent s but desk the bookcase and the console -- 10 It discourages deliberate de i ssIlgodertlization ' 1 ing plaster He makes as smooth a poration home DUSINESS ACTIVITY -- IND Or APAR l'''' : ' ' has started a move- - ':' all and elements table owners who are in no 4 mirror—single Cooperation as his fault by areas Letdown Apwith Summer ' job adjoining — plaster of them—are placed outside it so that to wish take 30 and real CENT DELOW WOAD distress NA merely 134 that will increase the demand i Akin will permit That Is all those using them will not Interfere for new or better homes The coop- - Sometimes when the old plaster is advantage of the low interest rate :40 COMPARED WIWI AU PER CENT A -- 43 pears Near with the group about the fireplace eration of a few business then made paiable on loans of the corporation bad and in soft crumbling very The same restraint shown in the excannot obtain our this exposition possible Its success is better not to do- anything Such defaulters '" I I N À MKIIIMADNO loans and simply destroy their own i It MU-- I 0 and accomplishments depend' wholly NEW YORK—In its weekly sum- terior design of the house may be used $11111117673407r4Ter4 in best The in with that Cass' ' repair to get- on the cooperetien of Salt Lake and advantageously in furnishing and decconsists in covering the wall withi credit standing in attempting mary of the general business situa- orating it-them Utah people at this show plaster board' Conditions of this kind tion the Standard Statistic company "The 'amendment alto prevents the Walls—Wallpaper with warm gray Maas Genera It are likely 'to be found In olt houses lender from exerting Undue pressure WINCHESTER of New York currently comments as background small landscape pattern are louses new that there but many theRounbusiness activity throughout In on the borrower to reduce the prin have plaster pearly as bad follows: of his loan Since the principal try as measured by Winchester's Ceiling—Light gray plain Or wet piuteri is applied cipal If fresh "An increased number of Industries seems now Business Activity Index and the became a deeper shade Woodwork—Painted guarantee probable much water Is have given evidence during the past to be marking time In fact since the mess is created lenders and some bormit reached par many 1 week that their seasonal peak of CC of the gray last of February 'which ended the brought into the house have tried to exchange their mort tone Floor—Medium in dark to woodwork and may things happen tivity has been reached While no businem to gain sharp increase in activity rugs be made good gages for the bonda in order reducgeneral downtrend of total volumes Floor Covering—Gray-greeamnein has swung back and forth making no finish that may never greater liquidity Demanding a patboard band On the other ottt- either plain or with a the has waa been see the it plaster cliffs'and WASHINGTON thought yet experienced Tintage198teep TONOPAH rUP)—In real headway doing a tion of they have urged the tern that before the days of artillery and The index of activity at the end of is not only dry but gives as good a borrowerprincipal wind-swevast amount of dead work during the look novrpoints to a gradual letdown Curtaini–Ruffled curtains of to for village English through apply help lonely ö Ivory surface for paper as the other It also loan corporation' past five months in their lease On the of business during the next two or point d'esprit or dottbd min No the legend of King Arthur and his tircraftthe ancient stronghold was April stood at 2312 per cent below isrelean Plaster manufacturers make the home owners' 12001oot level of the Tonopah Ex- three months above the high normal slightly Unless the borrower was In default' just drapes la end realThus wallboard a Table of both Round the indus"The automobile and scores out was plaster Knights steel it pointed Today tension mine practitally at water last June or unless through mitdor point of July last year and compares Furniture: ityaecording to the National Geo- of sheep pasture on the slippery with 4014 per cent below normal a there is no competition for the mar- tune beyond his 'control default haS level Jake Butler John Bernie and tries continue to provide the mainstay 1 Radio console ket to to the which graphic Jgeneral society activity manufacturing swiftly slopes plunge WA applicaJoe 1)e Oracle all of 'Tonopah have year ago this time 2 Easy chair upholstered In rust If plastering is to be done the best occurred since that time lenders On the northwest coast of Corn- sea However as in yore the reached an immense pillar of ore lett with the former currently operating who The most unsettling business bation will be rejected 10 to tapestry is have advice of well a the at a new plasget Prespeople is rate Tintagel for door of the the the high the only year keep when rometer which Makes up the index terer bompany ceased operations employ such tactici are stroPIF wast3 End table and lamp to the memorial a erected ent on stone hall Orders hand to that entrance and Or exit headland the ' suggest any several years ago is bank debits which are showing time 4 Combined end table and book mythital warrior who according' to 1934 the Architects' ing"Intheir steep narrow stone steps lead down great resistance to any increase Bank (Copyright The pillar is said to contain about recession in these basic lines will be the interest of safe InVettment with lamp Service House trough Small Bureau Christian Britain's led over immediate kings to cliff a Inc) legend the narrow 1500 tons of ore that will run from moderate causeway debits measure the speed of money high future 5 of small or large personal savings and Easy chair upholstered In green against the Saxon kings in the sixth which links the headlarul to the main- turnover $30 to $50 per ton including the weeks and this prospect It is not so much the for the restoration of activity in the land century usual one ounce of gold to each 100 sets the outlook for some letdown in tapestry amount of money available as it is building trades no part of the new 8 Bookcase numerous other lines The favorable At Tintagel Heed it WU said is The castle's banqueting hall with the circulates ounces of silver amendment is more 'vital than that speed at which this money 7 Secretary the crumbling ruin of an old cliff-sid- e its grasscovered floor is an open-ai" In addition to thichuge pillar the trend of building activity also should which provides for purchase of full- which makes business activity castle—one of England's most affair and the society disclosed it artners have operred three feet of aid in maintaining business totals at' 8 Desk chair in money more we need speed paid Income shares in Federal Say-Today 9 Console table with colonial mir- remarkable antique m o n umenta— was Iron! here that Ygrayne wife of circulation and it is this lack of speed $35 ore off an old stope They are now relatively favorable levels this and Loan associations by the where King Arthur is alleged to have the duke of Cornwall watched the Which is "On the outlook for mr in wood frame above United States treasury This step boitting ore for their first carlold some the other hand causing business to mark 18 Tip top table in conducted Table Round his schedreduction mainof Castle on the exproduction TerrabiL siege ehipment to a ititah smelter They time HEATING PLANT quadruples their loanable resources ules is particularly apparent in conDavenport upholstered In rust Maintaining that a legend which has land When Terrabil fell it was reand goes far to develop these privateis pert to take out'two or three cars a sumer Our Q heating plant 'survived so many cehturies must called Uther Pendragon conqueror goods lines where the rela- frieze rnonth'll'he ore is hoisted 00 feet by COULDN'T RESIST HORNS type The boiler when Installed wu ly managed mutual home financing 12 and Cornishrecent table have a rate End of and lamp origin the duke slew rspectable and married his widow tivtly high sn electric 'hoist and from there buying Wil- said to be oversize but It is impossi- Institutions for an effective' lending - trammed to the McKane men it was explained believe and Legend holds that King Arthut was LOS ANGELES (UP )—Ivan E home 'haft 8000 the outlook for higher prices have son had no ear for music but he could ble to heat the upstairs The plumber program for home repair and -- -Merresulted - from considerable tales of acin Arthur bornpreserve King this marriage rates feet away inventory at no 'Interest reasonable and auwas building said all the wrong ot raucous plant hooting lin the enchanter and Others Bult of many 'colored Cornish pot resist the Id reaching this underground treas cumulation This is especially true in owners to home coma I called comall at a to heating good horns according Tintagel castle it was revealed is atones Tintagers new King Arthur tomobile ire the three partners laid 1800 feet the case of textiles The near term issued by the district attorney's pany and theysaid I should put in is tracery of crumbling walla on a vast hall according to the society is cir- plaint CAT SETS OPPALARM of trackinstalled 504 feet of airline movement of commodity prices will with petty theft their heeting system An ordinary rehim headland at the foot of which the seas cled by a corridor containing forty-nin- office charging electric have considerable Influence in deterthree fans a NEW—ORLEANS (UP) --- Twice was accused of stealing horns pair man said he thought the boiler Wilson extent Cornwall Howthe of and and crash of the mining duration stained hoist and other equipment glitter glass windows enriched This heating within one month police tused to was in fine condition seasonal recession in such lines and LONDON (UP)—One hundred of ever the water is so far below the with heraldry of the Knights ot the from automobiles He was said to have t tones vary: plant cost me $700 I tennot afford local business establislunent when the further material price weakness the world's rulers have met violent eutle that the white foam of the Round Table The hall itself is said selected only horns with !TO GET SHORT WAVE s notes to those to discard it I will be grateful for burglar alarm sounded in thb middle would tend to accentuate the de- deathi in the last 75 years Edwin T breakers is hidden from view by the to have twenty-lou- r stained glass win- jug from "razzberry" NEW ORLEANS officers of the night Reavily-arme- d any suggestions Swiss yodelert imitating cline thinnest mist clel niftiest communication dows Woodhall former Scotland Yard man lighted by medieval torches on A It is impossible-t- o directly give de- taught the 'mune prowler "AU In two factors considered castle is it the oak as parts In a book he has just published appears abets between New Orleans and 54 foreign separated quate advice by mall aa to your beat- each time lie was s cat whiling away - STATE ENGINEER HONORED The hail's chief treasure 1E a colleccountries will be provided by July 1 likely that the recession of general King George and Queen Mary he by a deep ravine which legend says ing system Its failure to warm your nocturnal hours playing with wires Pa (UP)—The COLLEGE once busineu was STATE future Defended months of tion during early bridged declares probably are the only royal by paintings by William Ratherwith completion of directional short house may' be due to insufficient radi- of the burglar alarm be will of published State by Penn moderate Engineer relatively pro- couple in history against whom no wave trenamitting and directional reation or poor circulation the piping at Pennsylof' and confidence students in portions engineering the PLAN gen- serious assassination IDOG NIGIITMARE CAUSES SUIT STREAMLDIED TRAM the serving it Stuco should been inch plot ever has ceiving stations near here by the IL eral no- layout may be of poor design received has is not outlook disState to vania be college likely C A Commtmications- Inc 71 D been directett Yet the king's safety T Mich (UP)—With heater not large enough to carry the thick Have It put on in accordant" DETROI CIAKELAND Ohio award first turbed for a the selection movement of of its tice the by propot- has more than once given the special Riegle resident engineer announced man with the specifications ofthe) Portload The fact that the she has frequent nightmares In streamlining apparently the vogue in tiont now Indicated?' best editorials printed itra said the beater wai in repaircondi- land Cement Wench corps inxiety association which vicious dogs attack her as a for the good vehicles newspaper Detroit railstreet the during many college engineering c Before his visit to Faris 'In April tion mem' nothing more than that the result of having been bitten byi won secdnd The the paper year 1914 rites Woodbalt a Frenchman way commission has authorized a little Scotch terrier named Sam Mrs boiler itself is clean Your MSS last year The awards are made left his Soho lodgings with the inten- 90500 expenditure for the construc- Hilda heatthe attention of an Jacobson of Cleveland place the College NilW TOftt Mat 12 Engineering MgInes ing engineer who would expert street car with Heights filed suit for g10000 against by et 15 tion of assassinating the president of tion of a inspect the We Can Help You staple commodity prices (December 111931 France association Ile was arrested in Faris modified streamline design The car the animal's owner Joseph K ICe plant We suggest you get in touch equals 100 1938 a aaaaaa equals 2305) Of salvaged maSaturday 134111 13511 week Just before the train bearing King to be constructed men the with One service day of OFINCII SACRIFICING hie bean the of was his Kean said nem' only dog 1349 year With Your previOts : 1934 high 1404 drew into the Gar du Nord terials will be 35 feet long and about 10 inches high "and never would 'BIG SPRUCE TREE FELLED Raul ultra modern home manufacturer of your beater Have WON 128 0: 1488: 103 kas6 George Ond of himmake in on Emerson Avenue near lath ail 1032 blab 1034 1932 low 104 ABERDEEN Later this same Man was Implicated 10000 pounds lighter than the Peter bite anyone" and advise inspection Seaple Year-ag- o Cast Spio and span inside and Salttrdar in the assasaination of the Archduke Witt type care now in operation the'largest spruce trees cut recent- you ' out Silk (lb) 8 441 e 180 A prefusion of flowers and ViDE ISSUED at near here measured 12 'feet 3 READER'S Cootie (11)3 Ferdinand 0487 0 Serkjevo 075 irrvcco OVER SIDING ly shrubs sad a pergola in the back Rides AO onk (lb) c InChes at the butte and scaled 47826 MAT FD11 C)FISH IN WISCONSIN ye It is suggested that ter a job of NEW YORK for the hildren Business reareader's T(72)—Anow 13 0499 (1 ottileao to son compel owner to sell FAMILY stucco over aiding metal lath be nailed Wheat (bU 1513 89025 to meet the requ1e board feet of lumber enough ee SUPERIOR Wis (UP) designed PROBLEM guide Corn (A) 48 Will 254 build stucco to airplanes arid the — C Many ment applied C has Gillett DALHART ot Texas C the siding CAN Bit SIEN BETWEEN 1 and sea workers' Between national VP) just secretary of flogs (cwt) 100 370 not the Will a — this make Amo4402 Silver 331 good two of (off) the issued American Presithem commission been job? will the C Richardson invite J way by $ Pti M TODAY BY 3071 Steel scrap (ton) 12126 1025 TEACHER IS PEN GUARD MORRISON- metal lafh be too near the siding? The C000t (lb) 05 Dalhart pioneer and his father have dent Roosevelt to visit a waterway elation for Adult Education V eti5 MOUNDSVILLE W Va (UP) — A It will make a good job There Lead (lb) 041 lived in the administrations of every demonstration next summer and to guide lists 900 books and designates MERRILL & CO C 00854 Cotton (11)) 1145 of the Utah States Rich- fish in the lamed lrule river For- those which are more appropriate After teaching 22 years at Oak Dale la an advantage in having the metal Wool (lb) 78 1075 president the so wuateb 410 that W rethe near 3131 lath has aiding Jefferson W here SouthIs near Ind mer ardson's for fairly Coffee Heibert John Presidents the Hoover Rich and who 1075 0912 reader I father the late although lacking (lb) 013 0283 ardson Sugar (lb) was born in 1796 The son the late Cal Vin Coolidge have fished technical background may wish to signed to become a guard in the West stucco will back up behind the lath P' i—Nomini' ' and completely enclose it thus pre In the Bruls- obtain precise information Virginia state penitentiary iwas born in 1849 1 t tOoPYriglit lani 51 moodro It 1 i j ill ' i — ri' M r"" 4 ' ' '" c - '' - PO gr- 2:7 A' t -- 4 'i1 il:Li t REPAIRS OFTEN LITTLE IN COST - f PLASTER JOBS l'- th ''''' ' -- I — opi tlt I '4 -- -- 1:vr - 4 1 tx i REpORT GAN : tith y - coAsT ciTIEs k '-' 'sVAc ' s '' ft z ‘t‘ t W ' Errors Frazi --- ' of Design 111000411 ' Skillful Tempered of Ornament ' i ill v Ili - --- ' dA 4 I ' '44 (( ' 1te :ttit 11--77- - ' - 1' ill 111111 full-pai- d F A - - lt It" 1 OS 7--- IRI l - i)1i:y°et -- - r ----- - 'Al -- - t" 11111 i V4-1-4i4 lt lt ' - se 1 I ' ! '1' '11 preyfriends r31 itoiri ' - - ! ' -- 1 a ' A ok 211Ligoopio:0' 1 -- - itial-Titii---Tah- if -f- " --Z----' 1 -- a- II Kos 40P1----- -7 Ili - - r- - Index Shows Businesg Marking Time Bank Debits Resist Recovery Efforts sE A oN)&pEAK1: 11 ' 0 :' ATTAINE11131r Us i- OF 13SS --- L ' Tonopah Miners ReàhB Pillar Of Ore in Shaft 1111111 ---I- timi I - : - I :' VEAA :- " :7 AWD ' ‘ - -it ing Arthur Legend Kept Alive in English Village gray-green- n self-col- Nev---Aft- er iron-studd- high-grad- e Home' Builders' Clinic r' - ' hot-wat- "- Hundred Rulers -- Die by Violence e p ' - - (UP)--Claimi- '' r i'TTELBILT" Commodity Index I (AP)-tnd- Wash-(UP)- - GARAGE ' - all Bert 7 to ' 4 Palmer :J - '49 k S t I |