Show ' ' i I - C - - Mt SUNDAY MORNING MAY 13 Agents Make Arrests for Sale Japan Diplomats Worried By Incfeasing Publicity Give n by Foreign Pres's - ' Miniature Violin New Copper Alloy Perfected in Missouri Built :by Texan Mo 'Fool's Gold' Turns - Out To Be Rich Ore Specimen Coins U S - - ---- ------ cis' 1 KANSAS CITY (III))—A slew alloy called ternium has SABINAL Texas (UP)--- A concert copper been perfected at a small foundry for humming birds could be played at I I DURANGO Colo (UP)-- -It Independence Mo by E C Ausshouted wu i on the E violin made here C by NEW YORK alp)-T- he govern- Just a dull somber afternoon in New tin It is made at a cost below that Examination showed the white Gibson tiny t one is It and of other alloys Austin said and meets ment id prosecuting those who buy or ton's cafe here The noon rush was quartz wu shot through with veins of inches long and weighs eight grains all tests and standards sell gold coins at the new increased over and the cook and help were yellow metal Gibson carved the miniature from The tensile I A wise old prospector lunching in strength of the best marking time until the evening dinof hard maple pecan wood and of price of gold The situation is unique ner trade began arrivint the seven grades produced by the cafe hitched up his trousers scraps The Used in the in the long history of gold When ebony finger- Austin Is said to be 80000 pounds ebony al man Na he walked over and took a squintat the boardandbutton was se- to the President Franklin D Roosevelt In walked foodyoung I 691d Roman' Returns to He wanted to see rock square Inch cured from a violin made in 1633 raised the price of gold recently to didn't want he snorted "Just Iron which be once the proprietor "Hmmph" I Noted Wars 635 in ounce the he price Political jumped repaired i TEXAS SEEKS WISE CRACKS time In prelimi- pyrites—absolutely no value He Genmore than 65 per cent to the highest naries wasted no Everything about the small InstruCalled fool's gold because no- ment is in proportion The strings AusTIN Texas (UP)—Wise cracks erally 60 in for Liberal Views over years figure "Mr ewton' be said "I have body but a fool would think it's gold" were made from a regular violin become literary if thee are old enough Editor's note—The following resume of Jumbled foreira &fairs Any form of old gold such as outand wise enough the Texas Folklore out of work for several months The disappointed youth left with-Odated jewelry dental gold and odds been has been prepared bY a corps of expert observers- for this newspaper string which was softened picked I want to have a try at prospecting telling Newton where he had apart and spun into the threadlike society has decided It has launChed sold WILLIAMS be DYKE McClure Syndicate kinds and the ends Newspaper of all and may By contest for the most striking expresand am asking you to grubstake me 'found the quartz Newton thought no strands legally at the advanced price but We'll split sion or proverb of the southwest J on what I find if I more about the incident pRontlx 'Ariz-W- P Hunt receight-Inchas Gibson other two not the coins reserved are be will of for are circles eligible gold :night Governor George find anything" Japanese diplomatic Several weeks lateroa mining engi- miniature violins He carved and as- Frank noble author and research proGovernment agents recently have After fessor of the University of TexaS is ord holder in terms of service among mail disturbed by the increasing Icrucial moment some consideration Newton neer dropped into the cafe and saw sembled a small one men in two wagon truck inside arrested one Philadelphia and decided to take a chance He bought a specimen of the Ore the nation's state executives the entries is getting in the forgl receiving a bottle fan An FRANCS ornamental and Tokyo other for gold publicity for the buying selling I of the last of the politically' powerthe boy camp equipment tools and "Where did you get that specimen wood chain carved from a in s coins recent new coins single Feench at to the the The enter England liberals will prigT13r eign press Vie ful of ore?" he asked Newton "It is one piece of wood are other articles of the transaction had'a face value of supplies of the richest I have seen in a long his fray for his tenth gubernatorial camof Mitsura Toyama is the latest vic- refusing further negotiations with 0750 and were sold for $83 Under The boy left handicraft e ' paign on the Democratic ticket two Some weeks he time" later returned tim of the European spotlight He is Germany on armament question' has the law all gold coins must present fall state this a to sent Newton rock chunk the an of baby the nervous waving a into thrown specimen t laShamanism" is a primitive l'ellvery Europe friend of Foreign Minister Hirota be returned to the government for "I can Observers agree his personality a truckloads of this stuff assayer It assayed over $5000 to the gion in which the 1 leader of the secret "Society of state their face value Meanwhile as a re- from the get gods are supposed ton of he the will be one of the outstanding fea- and top inBritish work of MOnths ground" Mtk to be responsive only to medicine by sult of the unprecedented advance in to the Black Dragon" an unofficial - ' the of Opposed tures campaign Nvas statesmen a in solution men called "Shamans" hazy ! that watches the leading the price of gold millions of dollars him will be the incumbent Governor quisition bek to a was unOle sight—Gennany given and assassintar of old gold is being discovered Saddle Ash Tray to Aid Major Operation Hoped B B Moeur who came into office politicians His motives are io widely defensive army of 300000 France war'Jworth --t In American homes and turned into c plat- worthy two years ago on a to her her and is so great strength kepe his and Save Chinese power Fire present To Tree Forest Prevention cash respected conform and several other strong Enwas to be dared safety guaranteed by that the police have never It is estimated that $500000000 1 4 I i gland There were still many diffi- worth of old gold perhaps much touch him although several of the i tenders' Veteran Campaigner was culties however and France traced were an”--T- bl murders deidle lies and more often forgotMass stilt EDGARTOWN MONTREAL novel (ITP)—A t ! But Arizona Interest will center a afraid that Germany would use the ten throughout the country to his door ma vice for preventing the starting of sate it from the ravages of worms vote of the "Old Roman" Insiders say he is one of the main months of dickering to build up her tpon tbe wan Yon cannot be mongol 141 as the veteran campaigner Is called supports of the present government forces agreement or no With the and don't care for Prance Trench forest fires by smokers hu been in- and rot the most famous tree on unless you "move volt -Freed from charges of machine pol- Tokyo's proclamation of "Japan's announcement of the German budget Marshal Petain advised a cleaning up vented by Major Fred Brewster of Martha's Vineyard islOgi—one of the E spock of Dandruff itics which belped to break his long right and power to prevent any for- which made Germany's military and increase of the Rumanian army Jasper national park intemitionallY few of its species In the United Atate--s i ta dominance of the 'Dernocratics'pri- eign activities of which she disap- plans clear to the world Trance was and maiden have it that French offi- known Rocky mountain guide it is Tonic t ' —has undergone a major operation Lucky Tiger mules two years- ago friendajbay proves in China" burst like a bomb able to retire gracefully shove the cers have been sent down to see that revealed here 1 I which tree Chinese of is for blame It the failure to pagoda negotiations it's done without too much corrupGreat be will return power: (113ICKLY don tido for you end in European official circles The device consists of an ash tray of 22 years of statehood Britain in particular saw herself con- onto Berlin'a arbitrary action and tion radius 34 For led wake your halt look which can be attached to the saddles Captain Thomas Milton brought from Runt luta been Arizona's governor fronted with an intolerable 'Japanese refer the whole matter to Geneva t Lucky Tiger Halt Took Ii a touveloue We'll hear lots more from the Iron of trallponies in such a position as China In a flower pot and planted Without of the was Germany's presence—and Guard (and welt- - give ithe boys a to permit the riders to deposit in' it alongside his new home 97 years In addition he president Monroe doctrine invigorator of the kait and scalp Get constitutional convention and active London sees a threefold purpose in Germany won't go unless her defen- hand if they can clean up that stable) pipe ashes used matches and cigaret ago Now It towers 70 feet with-- a t today at your druggi and tefoy the the in territorial of the sive rearmament is conceded new tingle' of health awl cleadintee stubs instead of allowing them to spread and each year bears (Copyright McClure Newspaper ' - politicallyliberal issues—bedayswu one the maneuver—intimidation can in the accomplish nothing Using Nanking government discouragement league yellow blossom& drop to the ground Syndicate) to of and rearmament convention at the first to oppose legal gambling of foreign capital for China and the way I favor state prohibition (now repeal- testing of public opinion to see how will go gaily on I ed) to sponsor Judicial recall and far Japan can go in the 1935 Pacific tleAlthough Boehm and Goering rat771-1: sl'CI 7 their sabers and Barthou goes to ! ''''''T17fr:77:7q:7:to champion free text books in the naval conference To weaken ' 4 I 92r :14::::!:Hie :r:i:e::i:in§ :::!:::::: :! to Warsaw and the a Prague tighten up states schoole—he hatbuilt UP : solidarity Tokyo is letting Trench connections - a war either of — large following whose support Is Al- out Tumors– of American-Japanes- e on France's ! of or ' part agreements but London isn't falling prevention (1I ways 9 cannot be Earl bum for it and is sure of American sup- revenge on Germany's called An race armament kriminent early issues faded from the port in case of real trouble u w Germany doesn't One thing is certain—another load is the danger polltic t a of offensive an dream army creating that in au) eastern 'tate of dynamite has been dumped in a ot t astuteneal at the moment she hasn't the money t :: and nationali promidangerous diplomats vary place might have gained s But Trance to keep her present absoIt wu agree this b only the beginning tence be found new-onelute superiority will strengthen her : this remarkable feel for the public forces with Italy and Great Britain' ItUSSIA "pulse politicians agree 'which hu z ' Moscow sees a tremendous loss for following suit Italy sees the danger triads him the dean of American govR a 's 01 Soviet industry in the Nipponization and is doing her best to suggest - t 0111During success dicker—without much 0 e the peat few years he help- of China and believes that- - Tokyo " Europe thas become auspicipus : id to make the country conscious of plans the exchange of Chinese raw andAilthat's which an the (4 a powder keg : Colorado river materials ' : yi products—to ' ' ' ''' troubles Now at 74 many observers the CW11161011 of almost all other Chi- - armament racesets off 7: lis trade Observers report that Insiders point out that hardly a I believe he will find a new platform ne has been Trance raised voice in to win new friends and hold old ones sentiment is very bitter The Rus- single sians won't take this lying down against the government's sharp poi In line ' Four years ago be ran against a Thats where the greatest danger lies icy toward Germany' and say that "solidarity against the German danon a "back to prosperity at the moment :i-1t Jlepublican --with Hunt platform and won- - "I Diplomatic ciroles notice redoubled ger" Will be used as a high card in maneuvers ::: '4 ' am being drafted by the public he ettorta by the Soviet foreign office the coming political 1 has said in informally announcing to Ind a lirmloolhold GILIAT 'SWAIM :':::: Litvinoff la increatingly polite in i his candidacy this year Londen and Paris on the subject of The British government is watch N acme-whRussia't entering the league while lug the armament situation i )k ::::::::::::01:::::-The London attinervously the various Soviet agencies are work : :lp '!:::::' -) ing on the European press to create tude is that Germany is entitled to a :: :::::':'::'::':'Z:::::t '''' Rec- fair defensive force although its real an atmosphere of friendliness ::::- I :i::04::::1 of Germany's 4:1 ognition of the U S S R by the necessity in the late financial condition ond the ALBIN Wyo (UP—'rhere was Little Entente is in the offing Rus desperate :' peaceful intentions of her I c! ens tewspaper campaign that ob- - $ia evidently wants a sate rear—right obviously If Germany neighbor is doubtful 4 '4''"'777 4 ° tained result& :1 't ' y ' to should i teesation---iattempt bring hear bomb ' 7777777 l' 4440 4' : !':!!!!7 7 4 Pm ?'''':'''':' e 44fk4:'4488 IL O Cooper editor of the Albin Observers report the 8 '' '' era and other offensive weapons into :''?'' '"e17:Zi'':' ':: 1'4'':: '!':''i::':A :!::' '::':::':t::'F4: jt:::''P '' 40 ' :':'''::!' 4 4'- '' :' In 4 antireligious 7' Propaganda ':r:i''S4: "7 letup 4 '8 Journal published ea edittrial in the Ink the' be such would action rn' program t:?:::' il persecution of the clergy 'and a which he called the state highway :':: as a war of for :' ) '7 marked increase in worship A con- terpreted preparation littit i:t::1000000 patrol a amiss organization 1 revenge and France would be given : The editor stated that Editor servative wave also seem to be pine- approval in taking ' " kN loanswasimiepavawawAwavwxosols-i 4'''' ':1:'::-:::1::'::k::1 protective education and everyday life '::e:717:17'5 Cooper had driven from Itla home trating t' The of and classics the history study auto:ir::::1:::-:to Greeley CoL and had met 17 'or triumphal budget bas not Ma° mobiles having only one headlight is coming back in the schools'" :4::' :i r:!:::::i:'Ir a cut in taxes a raising :'V:::::':'4:':"''' only brought and are divorce made 06i9g---''' rring being 14 each (17k) '''' more difficult The demand for of the dole and government salaries '': g':' ::'1::'::':"Where" the editorial asked "wu ''' - '''' and a restating strengthening of the ' ::'4::::::4:H luxuries" is "bourgeois increasing it 1 the highway patrol"? s ' national government but has bad a A short timerefter his editorial WM European public opinion it react- tremendous 1 '::::i:'::::'' ii° ' on effect phychologicel ' '' -to news the which is favorably ing '' 1 ' '''::ig'::' '' :':'::iA0::::':1' ' printed Editor Cooper went for an '''7iit ''''':::'' 1 '' ''::::'-1 other ride 4 state highway patrol- just what Mr Litvinoff wants But Europe British superiority without ": ':'':':':''::i:4?": maids its impression I dictator has it's not all propaganda 1 man stopped him ':'l 'dr i:'417r:'': The gentlemen In London feel their o '0 ) ':::::':X::? 4 1 Editor Cooper's automobile bad ' t:s°4 ' c ' ' conoats ace il7::!!'77'!:::::g:':': a them take POLAND and we'll ' ' ' 4 ( Only one light burning 41054 f I 7axcedxsofcakkottoor4 ) 41p-tinuingly firmer attitude toward EuWith some concern Marshal 1 '11 A 11 ofouvP "'" i'7'''' Al ‘ and other questions in the ropean 1 sudski is a the ' ot 1 watching growth Nik ' 1 V'it 1 Laundry 1t enBerate NBA National Radical party modeled on near future — 449'9 ! 1 a stu7 nazi lines of i composed mainly 1 Give Plant to Workers denta and aimed AUSTRIA -r re'rrtf--4: t 2against Semetic ' -k z:!' 11' f ? fg '::! -- oo in Polish politics Public - The political ' shift that places ir ' A''''''2V77 ':iii'f'4'44411'-' BUCYRUS Ohio ::'i 4 40 1'::"1: opinion is too favorably inclined to- Prince Starhemburg in the front row '' :'0iqt! !:0A:::g-44:-:-''''-'-:' ''' ''tiX7blitlar'-")Zmr'''':' !5 0"'r'''''''''77!57774'':''':::'!-1-'''''7: :'' ' governnumt g that :''''' ward thisrevolt of youth to suit tht and lets Fey out the back door bu $ Mumof their the management ruffled dictator and insiders say that we'll an interesting connection with :: :::::::::::::::::zi business operatore of a laundry here hear plenty more ofthe matter sollni's policies Untilabouttwo --'' ''''' i''' : their turned had '!'::L'':" 2 announced- they r The Polish government has just months ago the trice chancellor's pow-— t ' 7plant over to employes for manage- placed the great German-ownecoal er grew so rapidly that Insiders were t ' 7--' ' 7- -7-1 ment for one year ' ' fields at Kattowitz underofficial su- talking about hts taking the dictator0-The operatort O W Kennedy and pervision' in spit of the protests of ship After Dollfuse visit to Rome st ‘ suddenly wentt George Rieff said they were with- English and American shareholders however the eatame The duce prefers a yea man drawing from their managerial Germany is sore and says this action of being is not in the to run Austria for birtv g paelties with the exception spirit of Hungarian efforts to include Gerfriendship Economically this friend-"When the government thinks It ship doesn't seem to be doing so well many In the friendly relations be Vienna Roml and Budapeett can run sour buainess better than anyway and Wider are skeptical as ' '"::: ?: 1NoT A 101TOlt-'i''"ou can yourself it te time to step to whether the pact will have many have remained fruitless Insiders res :4::45 ' ::'3 4 elect116' port that Mussolini has to Intention of the hoped for financial benefits out" The plants 20 employe k 1 JAR Iot donetiol 'i 4::ik tH In these of sharing predominance '!:77' ed their own officers to assume con-tr' ' 1' i H'':?: ''' j :tylpiIttlfrogittOsels t r9it:' countries with a second great power I GICIMANT :':::::::''''4 A '1 ) ':::' 1 1 our 11 bionth vit 'sir" The appointment of S S Chief and for the present is showing no de1 Himmler as head of the Prussia secret sire of brilliant Germany and Aus:Tombstone Inscription in- e es :"ftio police in place of Goering's friend tris closer together Germany ' - i::::sk: i 4:::!::''-- A i : N 4 tends to make a big drive for an alli- Tells Diels is se viewed in Berlin as :1::il 4 another Family Story 1 ' ''''' 0"''70 e04"' 4 step toward the lederalization of ance with the Little Entente but It t i : :' ' ' te i ' Woke as though the French govern- '::::5': Prussia Himmler 4 ::::::':::1(1 chief of old an formerly (7::! LUDLOW (UP)—In sueN i " s German secret police outside of ment would be abloto stall real r'"'' '" i :4" el'!'! :7' '$) graveyard here are ourhetsoombsteronull: all o" Prussia and now boss of the whole CUL ' ::':z :z:2VX:!:- in a grim row beariñ t : : 001 ' show is Hitler's man and Supports Diplomatic circles are surprised tions: the size of the organization the vati) or In memory' of Hari h wife of the chancellor's reform plans against can is building N ::::: ONO' ' ! " f ' !: up In Vienna Rome to keep the states ':4"!' 4 :::::t::::1:i 4"''''Increase Sikes" She di d irt 1871 Goering's efforts ' ' ' ' Widens say the pope regards Austria "14 intact - ' "' ‘ J! :i::::: I I aged 20 " and ex- Insiders say that Goeringls political as the center for a long-teer es died 'Anna wife of Increase i to win back in Cen' are power hu been dealt a oevere blow tensive campaign 1 June 24 1851 aged 47 Reèçler N3 ' 4 ' ! ii ! Several eonflicts within the nazi tral Europe what bu been lost to the : 4 f t ti‘ W104 0 i 0 1 t you prepared to die?" 1 church in Spain and BaVar1a1 "Lucinda wife of Therese Sikes party are taking shape The recent ' Power zakrt OFF LIKE A FLASH of Lieutenant Schulz former eveytraR 7417 matinz r--- -k AS SILK r-- -1 4 'hart smooTH died January 19 1867rs aged 6ft year arrest lotajout RUMANIA " bumping-of- f i expert of the Brown pm expect and thm nowt Pluto' km4Ists gfliaradon-0-1Gone but not forgotten" Foreign Minister Tituleicu I II ust Increase House has thrown light on a growing come The fourth stone is ' ' back from Paris with wise ' ' ' ' 79 aged 81 socialistic element in the party with tilmselfr who died I which Et A Chief Boehm and Goes words for Carol and cash for the Ru-c' 3 : We miss the fa ro" is its Inscrip bels 13LcI I E i : ! sympathize Goering and- - his maniatt Six Take a "learn the difference? Von '' ' 111111 IT I A BEAUTY ' and It 8 a value s' e this capitalistic group suc- to The recent plot of the Iron Guard remove the king (and ceeded in having the socialist lieuten' of driving' sleekest Get 1934 Chrysler Six: At $775 and up at k!1 ant arrested to show the others which Madame Lupescu) caused a scare In new fastest-steppin- g smoothest that EtdehCore than the costs Detroit way the wind is blowing There are Paris which Barthou doesn't want reSix Chrysler factory mutterings of revolt but very little peated—the Iron Guards are fascists lowest-price- d cars-'BOfor a ever extra chance The capitalists have Hitler's yourself very AND UP LIST PRICE AT fACTDRY:DETROIT 4 support and handsome that of the luxuries extra Chrysler powerful 'advantages owning Boehm la very' much peeved be- FEAR WORST ENEMY 1934 Chmter Six 91 horeepovrer 7 body types on difference-between cause the chancellor cannot decide to : Sedan' vrheellatee Priced from SIS up Four-doa just trans-- and TO FEMININE CHARM means all the figure out how give him control of the army Hitler $845 Chrysler kirilow Ili4ht41 4 4 122 horsepower and real car e Yofill be happier with a Chrysler is showing a distinctly conservative wheelbase All body typest $1345 Chrysler Atrflow losperta i Ways Tear and worry are generally admittendency and inclines more toward 130 horsepower I not have oile nosV1 Wheel of the 1934 Chrysler rt" Get behind the why views on ted to be fatal to the beauty charm -If you wish to be perittanently re- the ' ' Duplatesafetyplatet 33 33 4 this subject—preservation of '' women and of lieved of gu in stomach and bowata the Thousanck of : vitality tionat Lioriettitifettory DiertitMichTime payment° to fityout take Baalmann's Gee Tablets wkdoir Rekhswehr's independent esprit de women today have discovered protecgall budiretAskfortheoffietalChrysterMotoesCommereMICteditplaa are prepared especially for stomachgroan tion for these priceless possessions and all the bad effects resulting An on the have interesting and banished tear their commentary They' gas pressure CHRYSLER-ANThat emptyi gnawing feeling at the German Catholic row comes to us worry by the regular ustriiT a remark stomach will disappear that from I highly placed Berlin insider lab's? preparation called Takata Hgpit of thevermin feeling with '"xtui Pa- The real explanation for the lea gienic Powder an anxious antiseptic 'wash you again lpitation Will vanian andbreath ! 4 Without elan with which the Catholic clergy positively safe and easy to use Taker — 11191 —— be able to take a deep 4 men who have attacked the Hitler does not harm the delicate tissues but diecomfort ‘t:44 curhave been treated lies ha the soothes and refreshes Its formula Is That drowsy sleepy feeling after desire tor regime ter will be replaced by a will to this com indorsed by many prominent physiCOWL Saar valley according entertainment Bloating no mentatot The Saar nazis outweigh cians and specialists Use it daily or as Your limbs Arms and Unarm will bethe reds but the Catholic party If often as desired Your druggist carries "go to sleep" longer feel told and e cause Baalmann'e Gee Tableta prevent sufficiently irritated might easily Takata Ask him today or write direct A circula' with the b -tea from interfering swing the 1935 plebiscite in favor of for generous free sample Takers Lab1445 51 tion (let the genuine In the yellow France That's also why Hitter Taltara Portland oratories14100 Bldg package at any good drug store ' (Adv) 11041 has kept strict silence—his word iILII (Adv) I Price $I FOR AMONA'S I 'TEE SALT LAKE TRIMIINE 1 - IIUNTWI7LBIP I - - GOVERNORSHIP three-fourt- Leader of Black Dragon Society Suspected as Assassin of 'Unworthy' Politicians Victim of European Spotlight ' 1 Gold Of (UP)--For- - mer old-lin- e $ 50-5- 0 h e VP t 1 GL tie 0 fiXj4:pi t-political rsii C Ijti Offl?i2 t clatt ai try - t ' 1 KDYL Halt I r a a la 7:30 t 1 ' - Anglo-America- n s ":a 41'4: - 111 4 r 1 A - fit : : Arizona-Californi- ' IN T441 Lowi7- p RI cED - D :7:-- - '?:-:'- Editorial Brings Po liCe Action it : " (i til 11 f ( 1 i 1- k 7— I ) : I '':!:'''''-:- ' :!: ': 1 's Ill Jr7471 ': I : a 1 ::::0-'-- i: '' i t " s ) - IP c ''-- :':': H":::- Al ' ' ‘x-- PI !i: -- t 1- -- - -'' r -- (UP)---Assert-ing "inter-meddlin- '''''''orw-dpZ:l- ' : ::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::-:-:v::is:::- - d - — 11) - n u fire-eat- er Polish-Germa- JP il:::ciltikit' utib:::: - -- il J n lease-holde- r 1l7'::!: ': :' ':''i's"':' ' lam " :: ' ::1 :::77 ' i : ': ' Y'''""::!'-k!'- 1 :: ' 4 :::::H 'i- ! r'' t - 4 ji Krupp-Thysse- :IrN -- " ''' -- Goering-Hindenbur- luxury littlek Chrysler Then j 123-In- ch g : - - D PLYMOIITH DEALERS' 41 South State Street " 4' " e It 1 t 9 4 it - -- rr -- -- I ' : 1 - - - I 1 ''' '" 0 't nc Phone 'Wasatch : - - I 111-In- ch or 121-in- ch motor e the built Weigh ' portation I the the thrill its big noOMOMNIIM U ride1 it In Stomach and Bowels I i i d No More Gas r m § 113 ' n 1- ts! ILEy rt J 1:i: ::s4:4:':':':: k':'::::tJ:':4 44- -- - 'f: ':::t 4 el es: r31 |