Show - e r - - - 0 ' - ' - I et WiY SALT LAKE TREBUNE SUNDAY MORNING !rtis - 13 1934 11 7 I I :SALT LAKE SHO OTER TO PS SINGLES FthL 1 I - MILLS HITS4 t4 Star Guns i inUtaliPI LA Tourney -- " — '' e :: RACE TIGHT :: 1 1: I ' i ft 5? ::i Ernie Ford Takes Don hies Renfro High Mani ": - ::C': s - I ' ' ID 'A a' ' S Shooting-associatio- a ' : '':''?' ?' 1 '' 'ri'i": ':''' le As ::' ' i ''' S1 ' f ' Ob: :" ?: wei '":"''''!" CHICAGO May 12 (AP)—Bill Lee big righthander from CoAlidvale and Oilers Draper ltunbus who made his big league debut with a four-h- it shutout over 2- ovinger Clash in the Phalle' came back 'with a game to blank 1 BONNEVILIM 1:: I :i :' A Y :' ': ' k ' ? I - zl tx' 5 '5 ' 1 ' Won 2 Lost 0 1 1 1(01 1 0 '1 r t Cubs were shut out themselves for- seven Of their eight innings al 461 Van Lingle MUBRO pitched datzling 410a strikeout-bal-l fanning 11 But in the 343 liXth they put together four of their 364 Am seven hits for all five runs Three WI of the blows were for extra bases with a homer by Billy Jurges fin- Jailing the outburst Bill Herman who opened the rally with a double sprained' his ankle sliding into the plate and wm car ried off the field Augle Galan reaced him 13 14 is " 3 Salad ikis Basalts 4 II CiTnnat ---- N2 11 -- 11342 pet Pantlay's Bettadulli flostoat Pittsburgh at et toula New York at Chicago Philadelphia at Oinoinnati ' : -- 1 right-hand- er i::?: 1'''i-'''- ' 44c i v' - s 1 i1 :::: :::: -- Renfro Trains onLettuce During Trap Tournaments Nightly Head Helps Him to Sleep Gunner Explains Holds Many World Records "A head a night keeps the That it seems is the motto ing trapshooters of the world annual 'Utah P I T A shoot Net Tournament score right" of Ted Renfro one of the outstandwhose performance in the fourth is attracting considerable attention I While other shooters are talking over 'the day's shooting Renfro gets his ::::1::: :":::::4i:: - 44:ii''7' !: - : -"- I 1:?::::s::: ''':: t:''!1f 1' 11": 140 3 - 2 Totals a 14 11 111 Ma la rolt Summer: IMBI N Berman °milli — 1011 itgnt --- -- 4 None I Jungs Two-bu- 80174 In—Str 11bse2 : balled Home Jaws on Strut ---oub—liento -- Double 01er belle—Muneo 1 - — Cathedral Divine Saviour Piratei Pound Way Phils ToVictory-OileClash in Only S L - PITTSBURGH May 12 (A)—The Came of Day Pittsburgh Pirates pounded four r a ilia in Vbr n Lolt I 1:888 522 at Patrick's Iioin Ann's Park CIO Toot es Bt to' The event which le of tom paratively recent origin here becoming one of the high spots of the spring sports season The col lege grind is over when this tier& petition comes around and It af fords opportunity for these meet to match their prowess against - some of the former star athletes 7 These former collegians have their enly pperw tonity of the year In Utah for tompetition—and track and field ones who expect to keep la top k shape pessibly for future nation al and Olympia competition most have actual contests to keep In nclodentally - List year's A A meet was high ly interesting from start to finish and tound a splendid group of athletes In action The addition of a lively steer plechase event something new in Utah proved a ' - popular Innovation and It probably will be retained this year Philadelphia pitchers hard today High school and junior high school divisions are contemplated by the and Won the series final 11 to ti The Buccaneers had to overcome committee in charge but these a four-ru- n lead Which the Quakers pend upon the interest manitestedbea amused in three innings with Larry tween now and the time of the meet The A A U program is the feature 4' French oh the mound The Pirate southpaw4 ace of the and Chairman IAT§Ori expects to keep 1933 staff hai failed to last single the event fast and —Interesting from one of his five starts this season start to finish INILADELPIllk The A A It 'officials stress the mrsounott BM OA Idea that individual competition is Bartell ea 4 f Wamr I II The single performer sb Viener 5 t emphasized Ili Indstront chn 1 1 Allen 01 I from a community who enters thb liebulmrlellra 1 N 0 1iVaushan H urst meet has just as good a chance for 1 Buhr lb lb i 14 00140aletto all 4 Pulite 11 honor as does a member of a largos a OlTnevenow Todd- e 21) l effriss 214 I I sized delegation front' 'omit univer 1 iireVellh 1:3" Holley p 1 I alluble CATHOLIC LEAGLII Senior DiViolon Team Stand Osst Divine Saviour Lourdes Cathedral Binsham ottle I '' a St Ills e tiro Ian Ohleato LOOP SUNDAY t : ' IN CATHOLIC 7l I ( ' aatlu 2 Close to 100 athletes are expected ta participate in the event according Clinton Larson chairman In termountain A A U committee on hh pprr :IS 111: : I I itiNlnit111 r 4 1 0 1 c000iasIltaga 12 0 e 1 0 I 0 iratobacke Lopes 4 I 4 4 Jordan lb I 2 11 - :' June Mir' THREE GAMES U Track Meet art under way fel the stagA A Plans U track and field meet to be In the University of Utan stadium 234001 4' ' A CHIOACIO B ILC3A a EttsetoSeta:11 I I I 1111116X11:11 i 1 I 0 0 t Taylor It— 4 0 0 0gslakt fl? BROOKLYN' -- --e - — — Lod I a Pew York I St Brooklyn O Chis Boston S 5 to vl to Dodgers day "“7"47" - 14 14 14 13 $ Brooklyn Philadelphia Cincinnati i r is Plosion The up and coming Sugarhouse club and Red and White meet in the N feature game In the Bonneville league of the Amateur Federation Sunday it The two teams tangle on No 1 at '' Vasatch Oil 1Orir m Midvale-an-: f:': i clash at the same time on No 2 and ' :: :::: :":):::7'1 ' Lovinger and Draper play at Draper at 3 p tn Sugarhouse which entered the win column In two Seines last week has '1:' ' finally showed enough power at bat ''"""""-"?':to make it a worthy contender for Sunday league honors In Bob King ‘ I and Len Mills the Merchants have two dependable twirlers and the team I 1 has developed a batting attack In its 1 1 last two games that may make it a ' 7' serious contender for federation honI ors Cal Woolley Red and White :! 7NaL 45:111t I pilot has a hustling team but it has 1:':::?' l t not hit Its stride so far this season The pitching has been only fair and '4'-:the batters have not been hitting Z4 when hits meant runt Dick Recite is slated to start angular '''' for the Grocerymen N:1:— tA41a4''':''i-gnilt(::-:Wasatch Oil with an abundance of ''"' toWitW 00061WIWKocidPZ 44ftAVIrmaA4ti"Se)o0Fea64 :': hitting power from the top to the '01sox W:M bottom of the lineup is picked to mavai :L:' 4 defeat Midvale The suburban crew S the Mills i00 1 at in :k?" left lead ' who took first the the IL Topf't th:4 ha showed a potentially strong team N 1 center state A P shoot Ted annual Saturday singles but like Red and White the hitters 'before-retirin- g on lettuce his dish favorite Renfro training and :::"ittly-are just "not hitting" when men are L event won the state doubles Ford who below E On the paths Saturday :: ::::::::-::!:!:7:::Lovinges andDraper should put on - 0 :" ::::i::':-::i:::::a real ball game when they meet on the latter's field Sam Christensen or ' --: wiltprobably-ltatt-fDraper and :!t1'':111'!':: ::::::''1ft'i:et Mel Scott is the probable starting 0::i-&1$moundsman for Lovinger 1 ttatoug Itssalne ftbe Team woo Mesta le two-sing- Pet Plitaburan 2oc 0 at Loci' 500 Sew 'Pork Nundav's nehodals (PIM team mentioned is the home club) Midvale vs Watch Oil No 2 10 a rivz umpires DOIL and Randall scorer Bat- der Bugarhouse vs Red and 'White Noseer-Ren-1d ID a In umpires Berl and Peenet I p nt: Levinger vs Draper at Draper umpirsh Liddell and Prince scorer Creer :3:P:'" t' ILEAGIIV Wasatch Ott Ousarhousa kielPijiteWhita Loyinest hildvarn !?::'t' ki ! Monday -----77 Bonny League ':' :: ::::::1: ' ' '' 1::V": ::: IL rt 1 "1 ' 6' ''' — A - o- ::t:'- - "- ' 4: 01":61f::i::::x - fo6906-- ' It 14 ' ''' - g z k '''' : A p '" 't 7 !11 ItleGanney Leads Pros 4 )' lilt i ::'S'4 r A Utah singles champion of 191'4 S Mills of Salt Lek! led a near' record field of 50 shooters In the first half of the 1934 P I T A championship series Saturday at the Salt Lake municipal traps Mills broke 98 of a possible 100 Ile was followed cloself by G L Becker and Alf Christensen of Ogden end Frank Kautzmen and S H Sharman of Salt Lake each of whom broke 97 The only amateur championship definitely decided Saturday was that in the doubles E L Ford of Ogden came through in exceptional style to win this P L T A title with a 92 Second place went to Sharman who 'broke 90 Ted Renfro of Dell Mont was high in the doubles with a 90 but is ineligible for a Utah state F J McGanney of championship Salt Lake won the professional championship with a 93 Scores were generally low because' of the high wind' and dust which' bothered the shooters throughout the day Final in Singles The Jinal 100 in the state singles' will be shot Sunday morning beginning at 9 o'clock The rivalry for the '34 title is expected to develop Into ' one of the cloaest traps races yet seen in this state Shooters other than those mentioned who still have excellent chances of moving into the select circle and capturing the cham-f pionship are Dr E It Van Cott W H Griffin Dean Hurd and Ray Pierson of Salt Lakeand E L Ford of Ogden The Sunday --program also Includes the P I T A handicap ChamplonshiP The over-el- l champion of course will ' be crowned at the COntIUSiOn of the final event on the program not a part of the 'regular program the Junior women's championship events also scheduled for Sunday are attracting much interest The shoot is being conducted under the auspices of the Southern Utah n which is a Trey member of the P I T A Charles Huish of Eureka is president of the southern 'Utah organization Officials Here Several officials of the P I T A are attending the shoot They are O N Ford of Del Monte Cal Chairman of the executive committee J S Clark of Reno president Huisb state director of Utah R H Rector state director of Idaho Alf Christensen of Ogden Carl Vining of Sacramento Roy Adoradio San Jose who are members of the board of di : :3:-- i -- to Whip Cards Braves Down Reds 77 r :': t ' an d-- FEATURE GAME Pirates Keep Pace With Bruins Giants Rally 2 6- s Cub Rook Holds Dodgers To Two Meager Singles PViY SIJGARHOIJSE IN p8TARGETSs: - 111GROCEP - 311-0A- Batardag's Rosalie Mama Bingham tinning division) MurragMidvalg 15 Tondo 4 (Junior — - ' onE Sunday's ileheaule Divine Saviour vs Cathedrat No te 2 P M umpire Decker 211131MPille If leinhalit::2 9i34Fintlet 4 2 A Ar 42 S 11500elket ) 88 -bt thelltalt Moe lighagn"-P'Baylor 1 9 Et Patrick's at Park City $ p In um- xxlisailn Illidoyt p sussed Wednesday inning at pire Randall CIrabowski210 mass meeting in the Tribune an Totals ' TOtall It 12 31 12 ditorium and Chairman Larsen scheduled in the 110110Y are ItBatted in sixth for Three games I hopeful of a largo turnout of XxEsatted for Moors In senior division of the Catholic1 league allotted( for Prenclt in eighth MUM teaches Interested athletes 'and other 111 third 101 100 010— agRan for UMW Brownies-Twic- e individuals so that for Sunday Divine- - Saviour-and—Ca-0 Philadelphia 004 201 01x-- 11 be no delay in getting final Pittsburgh thedral tangle on No 1 at 1 p 24 Todd Summary: Runs batteda in—Hurst arrangements for the meet under Allen Theeenow Wane r 2 Vaughan the only game booked for Salt Lake 9L PWiner 2 Lindstrom I Bartell Ruhr Er way Two-ba- se hits—Todd Buhr In other games St Patrick's defend- ror—French Sartell L Winer Theyenow Threebase base— to Stoles Park City and hits—Vaughan Thevenow ing champion goes Sacrifice—Silen 'St Ann's and ToCele 'meet at Tooele Eartell to 12tie yaaett entioublitilag— 2 of Utah has completed 1 These two games will start at 3 p I Moore 1 Struck ssuflotigy 2 MOW ItsUniversity spring football activitle the final 2 Chagnon 1 4 1 in I m Lourdes b idle this week two weeks having been devoted chief- 1 itol 210)1 Hitsrench 1 In in (Conthlued From Preceding Page) to instruction of individuals and The local game will bring two un- Eel Ifit with pitched penile 1 1- In ly hit Bob "Let ty7 Welland and Rube defeated teams into action Last Sun-- 1 Chagnon Chagnon by Kleinhans Winning emelt groups Coach Ike Armstrong le well Walberg for six runs today to de' day the Divine Saviour crew tripped pitcher—Chagnon Losing 2itchgr—sollsy P" l'i Upset Senators First 17 Rounds Pigeons Race In Cup Event feat Ma Gridders End Work — - pleased with the development Of his Tooele 12 to 0 and Cathedral woni Ves Make Better Bra to 6 S Farrimond Hal from Magna dMb4 will be on the mound for the Divine One of the most important races of Than Reds rectors to the team strength next falls Saviour team and Bill Perm ley will Use of season of the Salt Lake Racing the scores: Utah is gunning for another unclip Saturday's is Phil slated catcher 12 be the CINCINNATI (AI)—Bol flown club be will Fogarty May Sunday Pigeon 1st 1 00 to start for Cathedral with either Bob tones Braves made their hits count puted R M C title after its long H S Mills Salt Lake when the Nephi L Thomas event was C le Vining Sacramento 7 be from will race takes The Dugan or Jack Guthrie behind the today Getting 15—only three more standing record of a supremacy place R H Rector Pocatello CLKV1CLAND BOSTON I Dl bitken in 1933 by the Cin allowed bat Frankhouse 369 miles than Las air 4 H Sharman Salt Lake Vegu 13140A1 97 21 5 3 But Lake St Patrick's with practically the einnati Reds—they trounced the tie with Denver university and Colo2 4 2 3 Mahon The birds will be liberated about tice if 17 L Becker Ogden 0Kautzman 4 0 1 4 same redo Aggies IWerber ss 2 to as 8 last team home "lave to will m are and 6 a reach Alt Christensen lineup year expected 117 3 1 0 Cadet) bocker Si 4 1 1 5111Johnsonl1 Dr & R Van Cott Salt Lake-The victory made it three out of It is too early to do much talking Aver! 5 1 1 0 Reynolds cf 5 0 4 1 its hands full with the hard hitting cf Salt Lake between 3 and 4 p m 94 W F Griffin Salt as as far outlook 1934 1 4 Utah's 2 1 about 0 Park 96 18e The race of May 20 also will be Vosmik If 4 1 3 ()Cooke rf lb E W Renfro Dell Mont City team Last week Bill four for Boston with Lee Boston 95 °Morgan J1 21 100 prospects are cons 12 hits in the championship 'Miley Coleman Salt Lake 4 1 Brisky of Park City twirled a nice leftfielder banging from Las Vegas by way of prepara Trosky 5 1 Hale 1b 95 "Ferrell 4 W A Stevens Boise cerned but it is certain that the Red 4 0 0 1 c 95 fout-da4 2 4 1Valters 3b Pytlak loose some event Lion Barstow but the for game Stay against Bingham R Pierson Salt Lake 3 1 0 3 — 95 Kamm 3b: 1 1 1 4 Weiland P skins will be strong True Armstrong CINCINNATI BOSTON Hurd Salt Lake peen 95 9 0 0 9 work in the field on the part of his Hildebrankp a 0 0 "Wall:erg P 1110A loses a great many talented veterans itio J 1111111Al Salt Lake 0 0 tieJudge McGanney I stiolland cost mates He 1100 him 2 the 3b game 1 will E L Ford Ogden lirbsomitl 44 01 Brown p 0 0 0 0 WEBER COUNTY FARM CxxSpencer U 11 I 0 and the freshman crop was hardly C B Higgins Ogden Thomosour1 4 111441ms start Sunday for the Miners 1 1 II 100 as good as usual but a great many et lb J L Berger cf 0 0 Bob O'Brien who St1 defeated sioMyatt cr 314 I 1 II 0 4' Hazen Wbitney Hudlin p BUREAU LEAGUE 00 sophomores of 1933 will be all the C $1 Rainey Salt take is slated to week Anna last for al pitch 011141u411)21) I Dr J better for a year's experience and Bola 34 10 27 12 Lourdes 93 Springer 37 13 27 18 Totals Totals Tooele This slender against Lo t M 4 I Irego'41171 0 N Ford Del Monte xBatted for Hildebrand in seventh perhaps the Me may be Improved Tam e Standing is of Orrin Howerd Salt Lake one the Hogan 92 southpaw pitchers exBatted for C Brown in ninth O P Barber Pocatello DIVISION NO I FrankhOugep by infusion of new blood next sea'9Z in xxxltan Silencer in ninth for he Louis will Ambrose league 0 E Huish EurekA Pct Lindsay :ti l Won Lost i —02 stiatted for Welber in ninth — Dr E G Free Dillon Mont 4 Tootle 0 start for 92' ' !Syracuse 001 000 000--7 Cleveland ComutotAt xD N Hood Salt Lake a 1 000 I a 0 010 001 000- -1 Hooper Two games were played Saturday Boston Z713h1Yet 2 1 The high spot of the spring seat Farmer Boston 2 I 507 91 Plain CRY Bummetii31i16 0 Murray-Midval2 Roy Forrester Dillon M ont 2 Sontoi4 p 500 Sr a Truk y 3 90 Clinton juniors led by the son just passed was the first Spencer Voamil Averill Otto Heade Boise 2 2 TOWIOT 500 Ferrel 90 Errora—Hale Morgan Welland hard hitting of Carl Janealch and De13 nual "football fiesta' ha the sta2 2 500 89 Emory Smith Dillon Mont Riverdale ITneatiteleco" 181221 Rice Troakt bite—Spencer 'reaBstatitesd1041u1Snlis7aSTI V M Benson Pocatello 15 Tootle klevs defeated 1 89 2 333 to North Ogden juniors hit—Cooke dium which featured a gains be- !Bebop Morgan Earl Stonehreaker Salt Lake 2 338 Bacrifices—Kniciterbocker eighth 88 I Farr West Kamm Werber 4 and Magna with Margeras twirling Boston and 200- -4 H B Carlisle Sett Lake tweei 010 320 the Alumni 2 88 333 I Roy Morgan Double plays—Kamm to Hale to threehit ball won front Bingham 5 Cincinnati 000 019 010- -2 1 8 68 George Halliday Salt Like 250 Troia South Weber the Alumni upset- Weiland to Bishop to Moron " 2 — the varsity HAVit" Bostick San Francisco batted in—Urbanski 3 0 000 t 2 Summery:uns to Liberty Weiland to Werbet to Morgen Bases on football precedent to Will x11 A Terry Balt Lake Berger Whitney 2 Jordan I tee Koenig 81 balls—Hildebrand 3 Hudlin 1 Weiland 4 E B Smoot Provo The scores: Blade' Errore—Blakeley Plottomity Two the game Demonstration work Struck out—Hildebrand 3 C Brown Wednesday's Schedule 2 O'Farrell Drbanski Roy Adoradio flan Jose bast I IS hits—Berger JNIL TOO IMAMA1311404! Wetland 3 Hits—Hildebrand 7 in Syracuse at Hooper M it Prankhouse Shatter Secrificee—Thom p-- with load Speaker explanation of J S Clark Reno 85 Alt Drown 2 in 2 Hudlin 1 in 1 Weiland 11 n Liberty at North Olden A H Means Salt Lftke on balls—Fran k son Urbanski 84 2 I rt fine points of the game proved -ROY et South Weber P 8 1 Walberg 2 in 34 Winntng pitcher VIAI0 xD C Higley Salt Lake 3 Kolp I struc k house 'Stout I rite' 83 2 0 I cl 0 Cvar Parr Weet at Riverdale rothlver —C Brown Losing oitober—Weiland 1 Ben Gillespie Salt Lake interesting to s huge crowd that- -ilits—MOut 3 83 out—Prankhoe 4 3 1 Deklevp se lb Plain Clinton I at City in 3 14 Kolp Fred Adelly Dillon Mont 3 in I 81 I 2 showed Its "football conscious8 0114 ling-Lindsay 2 2 tanesich lb I Stine It I 0 Taylor bye A D Stanley Pocatt110" 79 4 I 3 lineSimon Pezelr 8b 0 13' in ton 1 in 1 Passed ball—OTerrell Los- Junior Open Tourney nes" in an unmistakable manB W Balmier Dillon Mont 74 1 OillcOutro lb 4 It pitcher—Mout Coral' ing 0 NO DIVISION A H Jones Salt Lake ner 1 Dunsloveh lb 4 0 2 Oillallon is I North Bracket Lee Balmforth Salt Lake 72 4 11141 Perfill 0 POver 6 To Be Held July 'Twill be s big football easels Won Loot Pot t 1 1 Card Hurlers Fail Paul Davis Payaon VI 4 11 PotrlIch P 3 1 000 Warren 0 tam C Mirrriogni Adams Bois next fall for Utah and ' Utah 49 i S 2 1 887 p 111 Huntsville 0 TPerfill n 1 demi 667 2 Waterville COLORADO SPRINGS Colo May Hold To 1 0 Champions o 0 it Pappish 1 2 Pleasant View '333 12 for the second annual IMaIIMMM 1 2 Eden 333 ST LOUIS May 12 (W)—The Giants 31 11 21 41 'rota 13 28 1 21 12 Totals 0 3 000 western junior open golf tournament Harrisville Indian Bag Net Title Hunstker vs opponent yet to be selected state 11 202 221 Tex Carleton and Bill Haltittered over 8 is In been for the have set 011 101 Towle Jerry Roberts ea Ernest Calm to douoNext the his the He has Schedule credit eighth lahao for five runs in singles Saturday's University of 'Utah has idakt inti George Baker vs opponent set to glut Ballot Patty Jewett course here it was an- limplrto—Piarb tden at Huntsville c I:30 Is si Preston Ituamerhays vs bit handicap and ver-all t and defeated other championship to its long list champion-Pacifininth and innings today Blaterville at Plesoant View Schreiber nounced Mark A T Jonet '' tonight by MAONA SRN BENOHAM SIM 8b1 of the Prand also Warren at !Unloving the Cardinals e to 4 with the completion of its Mate tend Match must be plane on the day d A13110A ABB4OA president of the Western Junior Golfof nis team match Schedule with a dela or they will be forfeited It a Wirer Last season he establisted Giants' was 2 the the 0 I J Osbno lb 2 0 0 1 3b victory' It only airsick ers' association' DIVISION NO is unable to play' it the designated hour' 2 9 I 0 D Zito so ao I 0 'Casio ot tf second de--- slate South Bracket he is required to make other arrangements world's longest run at 25 yards He The tournament which is open to Arnone of 3 0 0 Bianchi o 2 0 I the series and the 14Cards' Won Lost Pct SBarmelee's in racquet last their broke 88 in strUilf shed run in the West Weber 2 I 0 0M (Moho Lewis 2b Coach games feat Theron Is OAICLAND Calif May 12 (—The with Mis oPponent 21 of or all Junior golfers 3 0 years age 1000 A lito lb li ST LOUIS 9 1 NEW YORK te shoot nd in the Utah Hooper liMarkovIch p Montana sensationally in 3 0 1000 under is expected to attract young Taller rt A men have performed AB R U 3 I 1 0 Rolle Itempner Insurance bowlers of Salt 1 661 state sh t cracked 00 singles and Syracuse DAVIS COUNTY 01 2 recent years with a long string of 3 2 0 1 1 3b It Brooks Martin it JMoore ADRIA If Byrnes Lake City scored 2643 late last night Oklastars Colorado Kansas from West Point 667 1 I 112 l'Itosovich Masoras p lb Rothrock rt 5 0 1 victories to their credit This season O'Doul rt then ret rned to Butte here he broke West I 533 homa Texas New Mexico Utah Ne- In the west coast bowling tournament carrell I 9 1 1 4 Columbus c 3 I II 0 grwsat lb lb 11 lb 2 1 BASEBALL 42 1 Clinn has been no exception the Utes twice 1 1 1 I 4 rt et ilfrrisch Tension I 1braska 333l far below the leaden At the top §err and Wyoming a :0 Beneoville ---- 31 es 28 he won the fl In Utah Aggies and twice defeating 1 0 3 were San Francisco 'Wraith 000 Weber South Minera 4 lites with —10 5 15 Totals Totals II 2 IS I Ryan 20 q I A LEAGts COLLEGE BASEBALI victories over B YU In i up K)sks City Score bi Innints: ringing I et 3034 lb Verges 11VDevis el ' teas Standing Nest leturday'e Schedule 130 40- -3 'Mancuso e Utah won f encounters Maoris Wisconsin 2 Il 111101 4 his activenfro I these four trapshoothtg began Salt Lake's bowling team consisted Wait Lost Clinton at Hooper 001 Pet Luther (Decorah Iowa) 7:kitinnesola as -3 'Richards e Bingham matches t double es in 1918 when he won the Montana the of seven 1 OGO eight 0 Three-baHome IDurocher es Emigsville at West Point run—Maseras Indiana 3 NMI Dame l' of J B Quinn C N Fehr John OIH gamine IS 0 Summary: pitulmmna p I West Warren it h " Weber one of 12 singles t 1921 at Ogden be broke hit—A Mto Twobase hit—Brrnes Immo 0 Iowa- 3 0 In Northwestern shoot P and every p played sea Jack Burt P C Jensen and Norm 3391 Weber at Syracuse 10 West a Smith p 3 Nay 4 Markovich Penn P Struck Etate innincel out—Maser's clean Utes out of 400 targets end 368 at Dillduels Aggies halted the 4 Basea On balls—ma strits S Markovich I Shultz Kansas State 2 Oklahoma 14 & Saturday's Regatta ountitti Bowman P Jack :0011 on the Same year DIVISION NO 0 sweep Friday when Captain 1 WrentheinIrt the indiVidual competition Al grinratil:14011" 7 Plain SYrotettga Pridal I Allen 1 iptayed city axWatitine Merlin In 1923 he broke 507 out of 800 tarand Christiansen Batteries Cook Miller and Briggs Hunt Forman San Jose led lit the singlet 0 1 itaxPeel 'Singleton Olsen and Skean elute 0 chalked up a doubles victory Utah gets at Lander Wyoming azazDanning 1 with 677 Jay Whetstone and Ralph' ----— 1 competently Batteries—1 Taylor IL Liberty 7 ---Saturday's? annexed the other four These are a accomof the few only Thomas Oakland Batteries:: were ahead In the IL Page Stoker Gibion Jardine 10 Totals —38 8 27 39 12 Creagh Totals and even though two of then of Shaw Scholiel4 star the Montana an matches Chambers He Lindsay ind in plishments tor Fitasimmons 'curt 1248 kBatted with doubles In the Centerville al South Weber 14 Riverdale rmineton Satirise-- - has numerous others from the lineup in seventh absent Lime staltatted were regulars White Croix Oakland 3 Bettrid Batteries: Kendell Paul and Rumeill Richlei Ittris competition Frank asatted fir MancusoinIn eighth Elliott Huntsman Gni Stathis Zito L Zito and J Situ Smith ninth led with 186L xxxxitette Redskins be booty f will Bountiful 11 11 West 2 The Parr Clinton I Ilatteries— Batted tor Durocher in eighth Don Walker Chaves andcd L Holt Loss LEADING Batteries k and BeckIIITTERS western Glamor Taylor ninth annual In Rallahan for isBetted the In favorites PACIFIC COAT IRAGVIC ans Arnie 023- -8 man Bybee Parker and Burmott 100 000 York Teals Standing 141W Utah division meet at Breve nest contact with Levi and Coach New North Ogden a atooper in LOGAN—Howard Saturday 031 000 000- -4 Sebald' Louis St IN' Won Mgt Pet BIAJORS Batteries: R Shupe Brown and B rarmington at Verges Summar: Errors—J"10ov' batted week with individual singles and Dick Romney for the past few Lot Animist 30 450 Layton at clearrieid in— Shupe Fielding Finch and Flinders Agile brilliant alkonference Rune Mancuso Pitssimmons 550 10 SI Minion Centerville at Bountlful doubles honors it 'takes In taet weeks NO S DIVISIOrg 2 V Davis Orstittl Martin Jeckeon 2 Ott 00 San Fratsisoo tackle Saturday signed a contract AMERICAN LBAOUB North Bracket e hits—Medwick Jackson believes Lew Coach Verger it would be se Vest surprise to Romney lo 12 AB IMAGE'S 14 Eden Pat Stolen Slategville e 411 0 I 2 hit—Ott O'Doul with the Detroit National league tnernmentn find Ute finalists anonopolising an excellent chance to make 11 if hos Team litstadirt lidstott' 9 Batte 484 alter Reynolds Holler and it Sons Bayes : base—Medwick I '14 Voemik Cleveland 0 oakiand Won Lost 13 Sadritime—Medwict Nana-he- n 411 Perrin Peterson and Guthrie teem Ink on both tingles and doubles events the Detroit with 1934 seqson team football for the ' 5 good Portiann 11 LUtIUS ParmittillOn Manuals' Washiniten 11 407 Warren IL 11 forth pleannt Slot I Struck SO --The chief threats to Utah opens-Re- y Bennis newer to queries Irom Huston The star Aggie lineman W 21 7411 i3 —401 wYritusit Batteries: Shaw )4- Cook and Barrett Rite— () elle' New York 2 Smith 1 Bowmen 1 Kniekerbocker Cleve 18 18 9 389 Thomas H Folkman and R Polkman Lucius 0 1 In 2 appear to be Chrhtensen and Craton 112 in e and Clark RoMhey replied that '8rreartieln celved several offers duriMi OstnOnisio Isseita to 121 10 2V 000 Oehringer Detroit Huntsville 17 Barrisville IS 354 1 I Filsimmons 0 in 1 of his aim youth exe Allen of Aggies and Tonne d At °skidoo— Wastenktoll 'Because winter but It batteries: Thurston an Is Harand only recently Mel Bingham: pitcher—Smith 24 Winning ” Sao Pganstaos‘p101 000 000— I Ruth New York Saunders B Costley and Hall S Cost- 021 )1 17 324 Saturday' Results ed to make en attempt at the George Stoddard of II Y II But perience clean habits and play' Losing pitcher—Carleton 100 000 SOO— 1 Oakland North Pormincion 11 Layton IS Bat- - R Johnaon Boston ---it 24 320 :should make neither Law Captain Item Sutton Dames woodall 11 New aim teries—R York game ability ing DIV1111014 Heffner 11 NO Baradull and WalkII 418 Barkthilit I Batterinlinion TIGERS OPPOSE BUNTER Evans nor Dan Freed the a fair chance" Oramer Philadelphia 10 IS 1 24 Jig Grant South Britain Irk Whiteside slid Cowley if The was team Detroit given good formerly NATIONAL 'RAMIS West Warren a Hooper 7 Batteries— Byracuse FL Clearfield The Salt Lake rigors colored baseUtah trio of singles players has Law came to Utah Aggies from the Portsmouth Spartans and at R At Sacramento— Scssions Batteries: Tremes and Barrow Hull Jenson CookBrices and Hiller 0 AB 13R If23 Pet a Pan Iflaws and O Nara Los Smelts team will meet the Hunter nine NO 4a0 021- -13 lost s match this season 11 11 411 and McCloy school where he ball Chireirowas one time If its Cuyier high Springville leading player 0 000 000 000— 0 22 83 14 34 Sacrament° 410 Leslie Brooklyn 2 O'clock on municipal No Syracuse Id Hanesvilie 13 Saturday's Schedule Rom at Coach center was Dutch Sunday Clark profesIA11011 83 CaMitbs11 11 4 S 177 and 20 M Wilson Batteries: CleartieldE Cook Conk at Ellis R Rattarles—Jmolten and Philadelphia The state title Marks nether mile-ato17 31 9 21 Lee Boston sional quarterback in 1932 and Flynn Horns Hartwig and WirLs 315 Waite Todd Stokes and Watkins ityractiat at North Fatntilitat00 ney "made him Over" into a 1 The Tigers under new manageA Is 14Vaner in Utehli tennis march and its 13 and Ellis Will 370 Pittginnin: 41 72 1517 Weber Clinton season have ment this he de Mountackle at which position who was also an At Salt Prantlido— ON New Torn 22 TEXAN ILEttOVE le 13 29 101 Batteries: leernelitts and Earl Coy is just another bit of evie 130- -1 100 1 -1 000 20 tain conference player with 14 Ja 27 velOped into one of the best in Gray Sit their battery while Hunter decisiveness Portland Buhr Pittsburgh Saturdat's smelts lob Prosier and Flinders 74 17 26 ' 20 000 220 IlOtt— Sti rsion Beaumont 1 Tube 1 151 West Point 4 WeS1 Weber 5 football He ill la expected to use Rusten oh the slab dence of the Redskins' Consistent Vaughan Pittsburgh Mountain manis team The Rocky college 11 20 natter6:1)—tarame and col: atittne 10 72 Jurates San Antonin I Fort Worth 1 441 Batteries: Page 'Bennett Edwards and Chicago strength in the popular Jett sport Ind Singh behind the bet 23 22 22 26 Collins Bt Louis 143 Page Chultou mad Penman Houston 1 Oklahoma Clti report in Detroit on September aged by Cy litaton who has been Fitapattichts a of a I 4 - 15 4 I and the Boston Red Sox series sweep the three-gam- e Weiland held the Indians to one run and six hits during 'the first eight innings and appeared to have the game won until the fireWorks opened in the ninth: Starts Tuesday on Price Courts 121 S L Bowlers lit - y 1 A tint Owl Three-blu- ie AU-Sta- tie 81 1 II 1 -- -- Q 2128 Murray-Midva- July-23-2- 0- --- - 41 11 01- se Hintah-Sout- 1 rhea 1 'O oward Law Brillant Aggie Tackle Signs With Detroit all-eve- 14 es e egl lamoloommNogiablf Il Two-ba- ached-flie- - I three-corner- 11 it4JLt ' nits 113 Below Leaders In Coast Fray -- campaignswhich 1 - p 7-- 2 Exeter tps et s lettuce This he munches at discussions during his competitors then quietly leaves for bed early The ' lettuce Renfro explains gives him the sound sleep necessary to maintain Doll the steady nerves required of a marks83 man 88 The Dell Montana shooter who ac0 cording to veteran followers of trapl 74 18 shooting sport holds more national 79 PRICE—Lewis Ilunsaker president and international records than any 88 x Other traps performer in the world 95 of the Carbon County Tennis club' is a true athlete He believes that the 84 anilounced for the Wednesday pairings 84 only way to be a champion is to live 15 the to net be held tournament spring correctly 93 on the Price courts next week be"I do not train in the strict sense 92 of the word" Renfro said Satitrday 4 ginning Tuesday live during shoots like I al"I The tournament will be the first WI only do There is iothing like eating 9 2 event of what is expected to be the regularly I eat what I want to but I IR most active tennis season since the believe that I eat moderately I do 75 x sport was Inaugurated in Carbon coun- not smoke and beer is hard on the $8 ty nerves" 67 First round matches in the senior Renfro holds the wórld's "flyer" x IN division of the tournament will be record set at Monte Carlo in 1031 x WIth At that particular shoot he also estab14 held Tuesday and Wednesday I play being conducted every day from lished the record for the world's largIX that time until the finals Sunday est earnings for a single shoot ap$3 The junior dIvision schedule will proximately $250001He also estab31 71 get under way Friday and conclude lished the highest in for flyers 89 x Sunday He was a member of the U S team X Following is the schedule of first in the match of nations in 1931 The x x round matches in the senior divi- other members were Walter Warren of 88 x sion: Chicago and F G Springer of Philax 'reesest—te m tooth Miltoyle Va 0P- - delphia Renfro won the feature prize x POnent Yet tor be selected Cowley vs Jack Hyatt E House vs rent Crockett 5 at the Grand prix in Arcachon in 1932 x p sm Aaron Manson vs White541e In 1931 Renfro captured the North vs Oka's Ballinger Ix Britt p in Bruce moults es ioUy arynerr 4:80 9 m Marl American doubles championship He x burrant vs Orson Rowley Ruel Redd via was rtmnerup in the event in: 1932 80 Arthur Clow Wednesday- -8 p mb JackL Rousted et and last season He has won every Jack Jones Ross Webb vs Montana state championship lince a p in Allen Ramsey vs W N WardekDon statil shoot Vas established in that Snow vs Culbert Hannon 410 head--it'- -- 117 Bend-lic- 0 11 Two-bas- ' Three-bas- 14 4 70 1 1- L - I 31 r ---- -- all-sta- ne Cintah-illout- h Colo-fad- 4- I A - ' i S 44 c - - 4 4 I Iv - - i All - A |