Show 11nh - - o -- ' - - - -- THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORN ING MAY 13 1934 H $ a S S C ''- 4 thooIT ) tiPa 1 40 —' ''' ' 7 - e 2E ':' - 1- - 0 c tilon110'- 1111(1111 : AL 0 the tilre sets ' ''' ' tit ' - I 1 - ' '' - - 1 - - r I 0 4 41 ‘ I I i:4:!! '' e F - 'N I k '"::::11L :: ":1tall g::ii a- N I0:M:::: ':iifi ::::::41: ':'iiii:::$i!i: ?7' 11111:ii 11:ii! 1Zt 111:11:11i::11i- :c':411-:-- ::::i:ii::i: - lig$:::ii:: r ':1N111:111111111 i' 01 fj of 4':'4:'::11111:11N:11(N - ::::::?i: " -- -" -- GNP' 1 1 ' withatinzitie NIP' e rIti a II V ' 11 IF 11111C '' ' : :WI 4444 ' '74' :' t-- Then theysandpapers y(Cu ever d mounted it on "grindstones" and used it to eat down the rUbber tread - I 1111 savv :: :::iiiii:::?::ix: - IL LIZ W Mr' Zif frt 7 ::: ::::::::::::iimii """-"- ' Sir LW V Ar tior r I I " 0 1 -' - :- 1 ::- 1 - high-sPee- t : : - - -- )) :m': '::0:Ak G:) :i:g:::i:: '''''''''''" - ll N 11131 'II 1 :12: -- ' - - - 'iii - -- 14 11:12111 - -- - '""-- -- w """- -- " -- -- ” 1 i::::-- - -- :- ::::::::- :in::::: :::::::::::::::: i"i::::::?::0::: ':sai'::Mi:: gi:::::4::'i 11!! 4 ::ii:iiiiii I Ci P6:: :Iir: :: :' i N IfIt '‘'' :p!:": ::::::::::: ::::::::: i 1:::::::::: : i J:': –s :::::: :i ::':if ll:111i 7 :::::: :: 1111':' l:: 1!!:::::: 1: 1is!11! :7 ::' : : i i i i :'::::i?:: :::' '''::::::iiiiii:' ::::::: :: : ii i - :::1i::::::::' -- '5:::: w -- -- ii i 1 : ii::::: :UR :::: ' :::::::::M::: athr i ft- " '1! 1 I Fitt :t1 ( ' t 11 — ::: 41 - - -- t ':'' :' I ::: f ' i ‘ le - 1 i 4 i rs 1 : 1 u 1k 111::'" : thhaesib'teaetntlseeoti'dBorwankellls'G' 1N:711:--- 2 - f ' ''':::'':: - -z -2 M IIIs c'cl-Thd- ::::::'1::o:'::''' L -- - sft r e o - - - More tests followed—grinding tests on the roads One of the new Goodyear treads seemed to hold out best They "gave it the works" No' question about it this tread DID have something that the others didnit The engineers had identified This tread as ttG3"And before they bad utile to give g s more soitGrcda hmimportant-soundinet Alt lam to nybuild sd teerGs - -- 111::'''' 1:1111i::': - - - -- 4 as well as some new tread' designs that Goodyear- engineers had invented :Miii::: - :r::-if- '" P :?:::::::: 1 all makes designs of all kinds of tires 1::- - :!::::::::::i:::::i:iiiii " ''''1111::1 ':111111i': s 1 :!:qq::p:: '1::Iiiii:!:ii!ji:: - 1: :::4:::::::: ::::::::::::: ::1!::: :: ii?:0ix:- II - r) ::::''' fl ' I Ns drivers were insiructed to speed up to 50 ' ' 11' ::i t41 ag: 16a W4 'Sthen—jam on the brakes Speed up to 50-‘ 1:1'!11111::: ' ::i::ii shifts they jam on brakes Driving in :i:::1tL '' ''' N” '11111k: 1011111" ''''''411111 111111:1:::::) 6' were to keep at it day and night iiiiit-sto- p ---1 :::::::::::: :::::: :s:::::::: I every 2 miles " ::'::m:' ::::0:iiith: :::: :::::::2:::':::::::: ''' ::::::1::Miii:r So it were stand couldn't brakes The ':::i4: ::4 '? stops ' (''''!:1:::''Ilig'i:: -' ' 41 ''s'sEn-::1iiiiiiii!ini 5 made tilleslAt :::::0:'" every m" ' ': eNN ' Eii::i:i:!!':::''":': s':0:::::: 1:ilk:!-':1''':::::iing:: that brakes had to be ad- '14:': :k ::::::::::i': :'::ii 1 1: -- ' IT ti 8 hours and N0600- A tlZ - justed every Iget1 omf' wx:k 21:: H'''22: ':s:-st ':':zi relined every completely tos4"09‘" to' - ' ' 72 The strain told on men to soo " Is sow freü am km tresi spiked "Footprints fliid furore block of tolher arahod do pima ski) ' : "G-3- " the but and cars lop'ct910'tsclottisttist‘to!:401110-4: on i' 01 tett 4110 el to !A V Vie i kept on and ' V?''::77g$tdriverstOol speeding cars 'day andnight—brakes relined Itsooi 11t I is" vs 00 voll Real Cause of Wear 1010toos004 IA vA 40 tfro to by cure every 72 hours—engineers find cause : J0 t of3000:1 40 to 00' to Meanwhile the réports of 0 - A Aviii (fro- - o ost v lo 14 ' sttr'- 1111' arrives with 'Allo tp0 due the "performance detec- ever built ' ' ' ' ' " Goodyear '11' ‘01'st oft' 0 tosAie followed or toe been had tives" ‘6 scientifically ' " i oti i ': 0 419 11ast start to road andyou will forget the length of this odoortisement—bocariso it's Dews) '" ' '- ç "‘:149ot!040:1t up And the real reason for the fast 41' " eV tISW tread-wea- r was found to be just this: ttt AO a 0 100 TTJUST didn't seem reasonable We were sure And even the younger men knew how Supertwist V 06 we were making better automobile tires than was born in I922—to solve the problem of carcass Thinew OSt le ' 01 automobiles use up higher-powerfailure brought on by stiffer carbon-blac- k and tieads ever before lire treads faster! Improved automobiles had put an But reports were coming back from our "per- - Here was a challenge like those which started increasingly severe burden on tires and it was up to formance detectives "—Goodyear salesmen all over Goodyear on the way to past great achievements tire makers to meet the situation since tires that keep Thelrnprovements Zn the country—that said 'Treads are wearing down —and the whole force: chemists engineers " trouble- their grip are more important on smooth high " " the DCW Goodyear Alt shooters" foremen superintendents workmen— too fast" and crowded boulevards When you examine speed i Weather it may appear familiar It has Tire Tread knew what to do about it than they have ever been before Not only competitive tires but even our own blocks and keeps r: tt the famous Goodyear non-ski- d where of middle the in them the tread The clue first they have to be - 7"$ if Something was wrong But WHAT? ' for traction and safety under modern driving conditions believe had in We the couldn't anything slipped Council of war Other may take the easy way out and factory—but we checked just to be sure Noth in the center with smooth running-rib- s replace grip Here was a challenge such as Goodyear welcomes :-ing there but Goodyear refuses to sacrifice safety )!:!'P:::::5':: i r You should have seen the light of battle that glowed Then attention was drawn to a peculiar fact: While has 16 more of these blochil Miro 60 the "G-3- " 4'1'11k1 $'''':: :!: in many a veteran's eyes when the chief called the reports came from all parts of the country—east 7: fraction more safety 7-:'':444 '" force together and issued these terse and west—south and north—there t Grooves wider! s wider-riding-ribare The 11 4 ::: I '' orders: were more from certain spots than 4 k are narrower Blocks and ribs nested closer thus ''') 11 others and we wondered if THAT t t :y reducing "squirming" of the tread pattern under Here's what you get "Lick this trouble no matter what meant anything 't'ft pressure and so reducing wear in Goodyear's new it costs! il H It is a wider tread—a Hatter tread—it tread with We sent engineers and chemists to I "Lick it as we have licked problems 47k more rubber in it More contact more grip Being three widely separated places—Caro ::' that baffled the rubber industry so and heavier it puts added strain on stdewalls1 wider k:::A::::: 'I' You get the lina mecca of east-coaderroad convacation ") before" long-- I and there times many Goodyear was prepared tact of a flatter wider ists—Arizotia with cities hours apart AL-— Crt rST carcass extrafamous SUPERTWI Weather Tread 11 superlative its on smooth fast "" highways—and knew whit that meant handles this extra strain &table and extra-elasti- c You get gaickerstopping California of with thousands superb No and other the tiremaker has Super of and safely greater road grip easily ' more roads running from seashore to Back came the memories of 25 years d blocks in the is twistit protected by Goodyear patents Now that 0? no gave h work he factory toTh —ea center mountain top They gathered same ago when Goodyear designed the Supertwist delivers the full service that only Yoe the and ' of non-skiget soil easy the d studied steering scientific tread weather first pies When the Goodyear test cars had finally put "Cr3" They design Supertwist can give smooth travel of wider rid ' records analyzed concrete scrutiwhen Goodyear upset all the through "the works" we felt sure s Better Tire—No Extra Price' nized the tires on hundreds of cars we had a tire to meet these new requirements We traditions of the industry and built a "Yottlet the flow even wear tire-1- 05 knew that again Goodyear had been first to see a A tougher tr:ad a longer-wearin- g oversize to straight-sid- e tread a tiaferi d of Then they brought back to Akron tire need and first to answer it end an epidemic of tread a carcass full of reserve strength! Sure the blocks and ribs samples of the diamond-lik- e grit they But we wanted to be sure So we built "G-3- " new Goodyear "G-3- " is the tire that matches up You get more robber in the had gathered Back also came memories of 1915 tread4tt mttiLLLmeo with the improved motor cars tires in a few sizes and sent them out to Goodyear — !Ate pounds more which brought from the Goodyear Dealeis Soon the "performance detectives" reSee the new "G-3- " at the nearest — 'The Grindstone Tests aUufwhic1addiupto lab'oratories the first multipleply "Some Goodyear sizes giving best tread Goodyear Dealer The tire that was originated in ported: 43 MORE' NONSICID wear ever seen" cord tire and set a pattern which these they made sandpapers VUt a mystery became a marvel and—although it MILEAGE no extra cost thewhole industry had to follow 11 los you! at the costs more to build— costs nothing extra to buy! ' cruelest toughest And those sizes were the new scratching-es- t 1 II ' I IHE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY INC)) -r " THEPOREATEST NAME AKRON OHIO IN RUBBER ::: lai '‘ ''' 1''''''''--- e :' ' iis'--v- 1) 1 ' ' - ( ': !:90i-:::i:i- :: 1 ur - ':? : ' ::ii:g:::: '" :''''i: : 'i:'H ': : lat s Li : :::i:::::::::::::: '!i0 i17 ' :i'4""A-:'i- ' 4 nt ‘ 61 -- t ' ' ''' die 1 - : : and of fast has greatest tire 1 tire-wear-solut- 11 ' ion -- - 1 : : – - -- "' '' ' ' quick-stoppi- fast-sprinti- A ed 1 ng ng easy-braki- 4 4 -- ' - !T3" G-3- super-highwa- ys i t r '' -I: tire-make- rs '''' '''- '''''' I ' 4 i::: 4 ' I el (I ‘ : : ! :: - k i : "G 3"1 '' ''''''114141114-'4:4"1P''- st 'd-:- A Ile 1 : Old-time- rs nos-ski- All-Weath- ing-rib- - closer-neste- d rim-cutti- non-ski- ng All-Weath- ' I " - "G-3's"- :4-- t 1 41:alfr---- t - 03 -- to) - : --- :7 II - -- - - - zi 4 : r sa44 IA - mu"11-1711J1- 8111 —- -- I -- r-- 'L- - -- ''-- -- I- - - ' ' MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON 600DYEA4 ----- - -- - - — 4 ) - I : ) -r - TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND - - c 0 1 ' t V - n - - - I tte" d - fi 1 3010 - A 0 r trzz — 1N-- LT) - A - I i er |