Show :A:tA:1-- s"It - - - ' P pA YS r A ) '1'1VOAARKS ors" ::f0111311IN 4 -4Z Wilkin Shatters Old Record In Shot With Tremendous Heave - t Is Granite s r'!"torpArokv !' 24404'Ver4'4"414014441444444444 t of ti' Second i 2I 4:r: UTAHEUNDAY 14ORNINGM4Y -" if i'4 I) Jz: 1 iii':':'1 a att& --- - i" -- ' Both Sloane Horses j 1 I s : ' 564 r 4P P N ''''''"'':V44 90 44 ' INI' ' ' " Discovery Trail Leaders ' ' 4 ' T!7i' ::!:-''''' ' ' :': " ' "1 - ' '' 4 '32 '1'1'"'"3----'''''- 0 t 9 ''- 0! : :: '1--":- k ''':::::i:i z C: ' ' ?'"::::' :1'::-:- ?:': ''0:0-"1--:' t:':- t: ' ::::0'-:':'::- "::i:'2:::::''c0:::":n":'k:::-:-::"i::0:':'-0'3"?')'''::::'':t:k'::'-'''- ' ': ::i: ":' - It -- - 2 :: :i::: i: k 2' " -- '"--""1'::- t: " s 2: !:: " :::::::-::: l': ' :':11 ' " ' ':' ::::-- s ::::: :' " :: - ' ii )c::::':::: :: ::: - ::!'':!!"'-::'4--k- ' ':'':::'':':0':':-t:::i''''-:i0-:'t-:::::::0::t'::'-:::::: 3 :: ts:t: 3-' :: ::: :::! p:::: ::: :: :N:: ' : !:::: ' ': - : tI i fi- g::tj4 :'::-!::: ':: :: ''' 4 :: ::: 4:I - ‘ :": ::5 :::t - '& ':-i' 220-yer- ::: '' -- ' s ' -- ' ' ) ti' - -- i! a curly-heade- d telt -: I i4: ' r'it:" $! 11' - '' - -- 4 I —-- UP)--- The three-quarte- rs 1 I 1 - I ' The time ' ands wu 8 minutes 25 2 ' te 0 -- 0 ' - : f t ' "5--2 5 6-- t - 2 I '' : : 31 ! s S s ' ' ::p ' 4' ! 3' N ' 5 -: I -- 11 1 2 Si 4t 4 Ar - fR ‘::::: : '' g ' : : 1 t - I: ! '' i : : ' a 33 : 1 ' - g l's 17 ' : ' 6 ' : 3 : n5 1 ':' '' S ' e 61 ' 35 i 2 : 6 1 - : : : : 6 a ':: : - " ir 1 1 ' : 1 s 3 6 13 ' 11' ' I - r - t 3 0 '' I " 5 4 'oil I : i (IF)—Fran- e : ' 2' : I 't I ' Glasgow Rangers Win ' Scotch Soccer Honors - - ' ' - ----- rwith e ' GLASGOW Scotland May 1201— less than two dozen ' boy- students shattered the Nebraska sigh 0110011 The Glasgow Rangers today complet-lutiv- e ed - - a clean sweep of all the aoccet imm record honors in Scotland defeating Celtic 144 1 11 feet wound up with lork of to take the Glasgow cup final inches better 'than any recorded this ' Previously they had won the chamseason in BicSistcollege conference plosuthip:: of the Scottish-rootbi- lll 4 competition 'league end the Scottish cup ' tdd - T - 0 '''':" ' I e - --- si i ti A S4 tl d 4 b p - ' ( - wisr 3-- 1 3 1 ( i I 1 a one-ha- I a 5 four-fifth- s 01 2-- 5 3-- (Otntinued on Itlioaring Page) Levinsky-Lask'- 0 ( y I Bout Postponed ten-rou- Cub Players Cuss Umpire Given Fines GRANT UPSETS Cougars Conquer Aggies Loll IN FINAL' With Ease:1n Dilt41" Meet - - three-sixteen- - ' ' Peterspn Hurls Shot 4695 Feet for State ord Roberts OnlyOther Aggie Winner - 011--P- 2-- 1- -3 et ' st 1 8-- 14 Injured 'Ball Players Retire e OP)--T- - 9 n a ' : II 1 ' - 220-yar- - - ''" ? ng I t I al Los ANGELES May 12 (JP)-- -In spite of the fact that a sellout had of North Summit of the pole 'vault' shown as be made a been virtually assured the o w anl Bellows (4) was the winner of heavyweight bout scheduled here leap of almost 12 high point honors Payson star garnered 10 4 point! to Tuesday night between King Levin lead the field sky and Art Lasky was postponed here today at the request of Pete A Ii Reilly comanager of the Chicago fish I peddler Reilly mid the recent heat wave ' ' ' had thrown Levinsky off his form to : such an extent that it would be Mad ' visable to put him Into the ring e 11 against Lasky Minnea0o ea ' lis slugger The bout will be post ----- -' ' ' one week poned Rec- or CHICAGO May 12 '' No mention was Made by Reilly of MEMPHIS Tenn May 12 (— using "abusive" language toward gymnasium talk that he and Lena Bryan Grant 'mighty midget" of the Umpire Ernest Quigley in Levinsky sister of the kingfish and tennis courts wrested the University game with Brooklyn comanager had been in the throct of '' club's Dixie invitation tournament Manager Charlie Grimm of the a managerial squabble The reports title from George Lott Chicago Davis was fined Clibs LOGAN—Brigham Young uneversity did the expected Saturday Chicago 00 apparently authentic went so far as cup star here today by outfighting afternoon when it to 43 3 to today by President John Heyd- 'to say that the fighter's sister had p romped over Utah Aggies 101 his opponent in a live-smatch Shortlei of National the league threatened to interfere with next track and field dual meet of the season escia y's match unless Reilly sold fitop Billy Jurges of the Cubs also during the on in involved verbal the attack to tier Ms share of Levinsky It was the first victory ha had ever afternoon and that by big Eddie Peter-- pers :The wind helped good times in Quigley was fined 225 scored over the stout Chicagoan in son who won one al the two first all the dashes and hurdles Grimm and Jurges Were ortournament play and he had conceded places scored by the Jiggles during Hugh Cannon Brigham YOU110 dered from the field by Umpire leAfter the iftemoon the an advantage to his opponent before tossing brilliant discus thrower ' tossed thC Quigley after They had vigor- mark twice the start ot the match pound shot past the decisions-againplatter 1528 a little short ot his rec-ously protested close the a loose milibtY let freshman Aggie ' The final score 0 1 64 mark against Utah' How- -' Them to 4695 of break heave old record the does not tell the whole story It was ard Law placed second' in this event a case of a game little man fighting of Everett Campbell by nearly a foot with ðer fine throw of over 148 CHICAGO May 12 gTP)--Ap- pli The eame 111 other' first C POLOISTS LOSE with all his power and heart to win At& place cations of Walter l'Itabbitit 'Waren The raw weather hindered good feet Louis the tun where Rowell tlromile over a man who had seemed uncoil' Boston Brevet Loy Parmelee marks in the jumps George Gourley itALMESSDRT EAgland May 12 A captured his specialty with surpris he six goals they gave away on New York Giants and Steve Swetonic querable to him before Won the pole vault tit 12 feet 3 inches 10:1L ease Dean in a In losing his championship in the PyPert brother of and Brady and Taylor tied for first handicap today proved too much for Pittsburgh Pirates to he placed on 9 finals today' Lott became just an- Captain Glen Pyper who did not corn-- place in the high jump at 511 War- the invading American poll) team to the voluntary tetired list Mhave been kil- - pet's surprisedby taking-Secon- d IC-in otherrvictim of the littia-"gian- t ner won The broad Jumn-withgranted7Commissione Lanai leap ler" Lester- Stoefen' Los Angeles this race ahead of Platt and Dean' Of of 22 feet 5 inches and Jack Cherringsoil to a Beaufort announced today game on '' "" r No 3 U star fell before the dimin BrighaM Young Maranville is reeofrering from a ton Aggie freshman jumped a half four 8 goals to O southerner in the semifinals' Double whiners of the afternoon I inc h further than Floyd Millet to take' broken leg Parmelee' from an opera ' ' ' RANA'S PARK 'RASED were Pete Wilson who captured both second place yesterday tion foi appendicitis and Swetonie ------t t ‘t KANAS-Had- a hurdle meek and Grant Hutchinson The relays were divided with AgChurch Donald is nursing an' ailing arm ACCIDENTS naoP avyrrva 100 and d dashes glee winning the half mile and the Swapp: and Alxin Judd have leased Ywo holdouts Wes lex MoNToom ERY Ma Ferrell 'tdPr—Alahame who won the soortamen are elated over the tact that Hit time of al in the century probab- Cougars themile Intheshorterrace ClevelandrAnd-Clift:BoltolITIV- iuh hot be Iecognized kvause Dean Humphreys got an early lead period of ten- years They expect to ington were placed on the ineligible of zit! lot ly-wintp:ietditamPalsa3tatrithetine "e'" ' season ' pf the stiff wind that favored the run- Montinintt oa Follottioe Pool inat's races and raleas-Ilist by- commisOoner Lan114-- I 10 : ' ti: ' 1 14 21'51 ' ' "es '"ko4P'-''''" ' 5 4 ----L 'LINCOLN cis Hardwick ot Parki it tittle I' : ' i —la 16 I a 3 t 4 3:5 : ' 4 - 1 ' 't 4 '' AV: ' ' 3 '32 ' ''':1 '::: 1 1111161 '' a 5 —0 - 1 3 e' :- 19 : I : ?!-!- 4 : ' I ' :: $'4-- ::::::::::: 0''As tell ' 5 a 3' :'': : kr t:::: :':-:- : ' 11341a°111 : : : ' 1 '1 ' '! ' I : : 4' i t a :::::::::::i::4' k::: t 01 ::: N4t44:5 ' -- I - : : 13 -- 3 el : I ' : 13 2 ' ' ' a i ' ' r '1' 1°1 i 4 ' 2 0 -- ( : :: 1 ! A :: "': 0 : 4 : I 2 2 ::::: Preston ' : 4 :f: ::I:w:A::: ' it ' ig V! ' I--: ! :'''''kk ' A :" Ill' :: ! ::::: pq::)::1::t::::::::: :'i '" ::::t:t!::'5:t:::::::'::-- :' :::1: 1 11 114rlist :1 It it : : : : es MOnt01 Box Eder Canadian Trial Tub --TORdNTO - eg: 4 wasininuilee ' ''0 '' Beaver May 12 (11')—Marcel Baluville and Laird Watt of Montreal and Gilbert NULITIa of Toronoto hung up victories in the Canadian DaVis up tennis trials twat: 'U1111111E4 scoring his 'second victory of the trials defeated George Leclerc of Ottawa 64 while Istunna who also had won yesterday conquered lassie Ryan of Vancouver ' Watt beaten by Rainfit val yesterday defeated Bob Murray ' of Montreal 64 64 6-- Cube s 1 a 2 Gresnrielr - 'i 41 sec- - 00080 manti RamviIIe Minna Take r gInnonkley - 1 "' a alightlead at the start but at quarter mils point the Midshipmen had pulled ahead by half a length ' ' ' ::xi :7:t:::"5-:::::::::-- the i 4 - II- i i I 'a' :: ' 6 ' sok 1 i Is r- - : t May 12 00— Princeton's undefeated vaKsity pulled 1 ) ' to victory ht the climax race of the 5 Nilson Ie annual Childs' cup regatta on take Carnegie today beating Pennsylvania °N1Irtrelltarntrainit by a length with Columbia last four Provo a lengths behind The Tigers' time WM glumsnr 9:098 for the mile and three-quaroe4 0 ter& Spanish Pork' t SPlingvilla i‘o 3 Lincoln 'ANNAPOLIS Md May 12 Acta' '4 Navy crew defeated Syracuse univerairy on the ISevern river here: cote- - Cyprusr7i77 Davis ering the mile and if 0 ' 4 ' course to lead hi a length and a half cEret — ' The Syracuse eight coached by the Dilate Tug famous veteran James Ten Eyke : : I: i : -:- praNcrrom N' J I 1 :1 - X:'1 :: Cyprus high ' Is shown winning run In No I The fleet Pirate (1" 'EX r511 VI star ran it tY race 'to defeat Ted Price of Granite the third e left Spendieve of Hinckley at the extreme 1E I figure from-thcbr IT : t i: i- ''' Princeton - Navy Win CrewRaces - - '' ':: t Cinder Teams Scored ' 'Mb 41:-:2::- q ' el ol h4 By ORLO ROBERTSON BALTIMORE Md May 12 ()11-- -In a thrilling nose finish two great from" Mrs year-olthoroughbreds Isabel Dodge Sloane's Brookmeade stable today 'fettled a personal dim pute as they soundly whipped five other fleet colts in the $25000 Preakneas at Pimlico High Quest making his first start since yinning the Wood Memorial won the race but only a nose back o driving forward like a huge machine wes Cavalcade winner of the Ken tuck) derby seeking the elusive turf double Leaving in theirwake such speedy colts as Alfred G Vanderbilt's Discovery and Mrs Frank J Heller's Agrarian the Brookmeade stars upheld the confidence of the majority of 30000 fans who packed the old Hilltop course to make the derby win ner and his fleet stablemate the prohibtive choice at $290 for $2 Great Stretch Drive Mn Sloane New York and Florida sportswomen declared lo win with Cavalcade but little Bobby Jones had mo such intention in mind as he sent High Quest to the front at the rise of the barrier and kept him there through as great a stretch drive as has ever been seen in the 44 years of the famous stake A length back at the end of the one and miles was Discovery second to Cavalcade in the derby and fighting to ward off the determined challenge of Agrarian which was third in the Kentucky 9 lf derby One and lengths sep arated the pair at the judges' stand The judges first posted Agrarian's number as finishing third but quick ly changed it giving the chestnut son 9 of Display the position It was the first time in 24 starts that Agrarian had failed to finish in the money In defeating his stablemate for the second time since they began their racing careers last year High Quest earned $25175 to boost his total earn ings to 944890 Cavalcade's share of gross purse of $30200 WSJ $2500 and sent his earnings up to 953855 High Quest beat the derby winner by a length in the Eastern Shere handicap at Havre de Grace lest fall Excellent Record Over a fat track High Quest reeled off the distance in 1:58 one fifth of a second off the track record t but of a second faster than the best Preakness time made by Coventry in 1925 Out 'in front all the way be stepped the first six furlongs In the sizzling time of 1:12 and P was at the mile post in 1:37 5 But for a few bad breaks Caval cede might have joined Sir Barton Gallant Fox and Burgoo King as the 10 only horses that have won both the derby and Preakness and "Uncle ' 1' - :::: :::: 1: - :: 4140as!!‘- ' P ''' :'::':' 6' 4: ‘::: z r" - 1'‘ d t - r :‘:::::: " i 7 ' :' " t' out-throwing '4'4': :::) $‘ :" it1 s : i :''5:' ' '::' :' 220-yar- d 2 :::'' I' I 1: k!i:: S ' -- it t' :ko:::::::4ft:t::''':-:::i::i:::::::::'''':- ' '": - :: ':::i::::::::::::4vi1:::0a'40:"1i)4:i::: 1 - ' ::1 !i'‘:i::1 1:--:::- ' ' :: ": 7:ik - 2 ' 9:i::ikt ::'1::'':i::i-"'tN:4t':- ' ::'--- 7 ' :yAs::: :iX4:4::':'::::':::2-':::::''::j::2::iA- ''' k 4: 't'i -- ::::: '' :: 4) :: -- :' -- - 4t2t0k 1 ' -- 1-- 0ti:: : :: '' ' Z::::' 1 :: :: k ti 1:6Z4 : ' ': ?!::!:::!!:i!:: feed—to r ' :"'?4: ' ::::!::'!i::: "2' s: ::: :ii::::::::::::i::i ' :'''''''' o"'r -- !!::: 4 L:::4 0t : '':-11- ::::i - ! ' - :' : ": ' t'--- -- ''' - -- 802439 ' '15':''--'(4-''::or4- ' :'' ‘4-- - ' t2i ''''''''''''-''''''''''''''''4' ''' '' ' ' :t? 2 7':''':0I :" :: r "' ' ' '' ' ''' ':''' :' ' " s ':e:k:' pari-mutu- : '' ''-:''::"- ::z:-'::::- '1 0":""::' ::: ': ::' ''"' '' -- i ' :5 ''" :? ' ' :'"''15- ' 0- v ok: - :p::: gg three-quarte- : - 1'':'' 't- '' 1 xr9- et $25475 BAL'rIMORE May 12 (P)--- With 177805 wagered on the out-come of the Preakness won by Mra Dodge Sloane's High Quest of a more than million dollars passed through machines at Pim- the It wee the largest Ilco today single day 1nthaiatJiVeYerS The play of eight races totaled : ' A IC el n? - IC Win ci4 s':- - z W 6 Earns ner :: 4:7717- n o A Agrarian- - By MARLOWE BILANAGAN '''-- 4 ' ' track teem— Payson 's11:?:) ?of Howtrd Bellows James Jensen Paul 4 7:::!:: "' ' ?41 4 446044ometj M6Bith: Boyd McKean and Greet t: 2'444110"4!7 — :'7: $' --— to swept t i n0"11Nrookhalgh ' ''''''''A:'"' Li''''''45' I '''' ':::::7::"44- - h 1 414C:k ' ' 0 I' ' '' '' a decisive triumph ' -' 4 ' ' ::: rY'1! ':"1 ': :'::: 1 ' :2: '''::::q'v' :!:::::1:: '': iin '' annual li 0 !:'1:' the ? s&::t'iz' ''''':li'K'404:::4°4:e4ki :::":: :f:''': " :!kk?'"--'4ii:- —' — s: ::"::i'1 school ' t1:'1"''-'1:''' high s' ::' g v4Z44FR?h94 i''''''' :'::7"'01k'':4:'-3:::"iiistraok meet held Y' "' ' - 4:''''''''':o'' ''': '4' 1'' : ' ? 1 1 : ''''' ' 2 4 7'7 ' ' ' -' ! 'in lø 0 the i:'Pkt '"'" 2 University 0' '''' ' t k4e " 1 ' f ''''''''''‘1- 0:?-t- ''6'"'7?: 'it?:::4-::5cil' "t""0 ‘ Utah stadium '''''''kx17''0" '" : t' :::!'? i5::::''''' ::i:":f-' N:ii: iii:::4-e4:-:!::!Y The Pay- ::: ::: '''''''''?'"'"A a '41'1 - Saturday t'4t ' : crew annexed tgon: "w:'I i 14!7' :' 'i:'J:' N oLi: t!kr- - 011' '1 point gaining VI ':-' :: -:It:4-'1 I 4 three — 4 : "three firsts '''''''''' -' ' '''''''''':2' - 0 ii one third aeconds '' ' ' A- ::":"''': ''''''' f':' ''''' '''iot ?r7''''''''':'''t"i'''"''':l'' ' ' one fourth and 'one '' t'" " ''''' to succeed filth' k''''' '':':' ''t '': ''1' ''''' 't'i West high of Salt '' - ' 1iz -- b '' '' ''''" :::x: ' i "1 Lake as the title- ''''''': A i '‘''' iok '"''' :''' tf ' 'holder — P4:Z:::::::!'K':r:: :':N6iP7:'':???:A:?':::4:::::OT :111:-- !':: ' 0:I fiv'0 e ' p :" istate Two rec '''':'':::i'M':::':':''?':':i'''''''i'AA::i0 :' ''::i ': : '::''''''':' &ismer Fullmer ords wor e shat'''''ir:'''''':71' : "'"1W-o::''1'''''::::1"'::::4'''::::::"7-"'::'"-in tered Saturday's competition Big '' $:::::2:Z Bill Wilitin of Springville did the ex45" ' :::i "i::1":- - :i'':" '''::::':''':::":::':':"'''''''1'":1 pected by setting a new mark in the '" '1'':'5 "i'i:::'1':::1-:''11s41':"- : '::-'":- - ''-- ' :4:" ::::f: ' :'-shot put 48 feet 11 711ea"arLA The ''''''::1:":'"!'":f i:::: j ' Red Devil ace thus shattered the : f 1 : IS ''':''1?:"?:' ::''' t: i :' t:::-::::::mark made ':by" Milo' Peterrn of ::::::A ' :::4: ' f:-- ::''::‘-:1: si!:'::'1‘' 7:' :: ''''13:::''''':::!H-i'' q 1:' "' ::::1'::5:' 1933 seven inches in almost Provo ::?: by 7: I 1:0'::''::: ''1'1"11:'':?'1:'f:::6'::1 ''!''11--':to 120 was fall The in the other mark 'sI''i'::": ' Atktit''-:- : 1 :::'"'' :::::: : :: - high hurdles i ::::::::::::::: ":: ':''' N i ii:' Spanish Fork Laimntarthisyudilmista!erc!111 t''''' ''1'"'1' ''':::: ": l''''''' ' t! :':?::'" ':':":1:?::'1"' i too :181 breaking et L15 i '!":'"::: i: 06 ::::!::0!:111' :: ‘ ::::: ":'::: ''::::i:2:''':7!::::'i'":?!" made in 1832 by Raleigh Judd of :0''::::'?'::'::''''"'':1':: 0 ' 'ga- ''"'': :': r :: '"::"':!1:c::":::! Grantsville- - ''''"' :: :! ::!::!:!:"!:'::!'t:::1:':i':!::::7ii1: '' ::!:::::!:::: : t '' :::":':-Team Suring ::::::::i::A::::::': '777'::sr::1f:::!: ‘ ' '"i! ':::- -' !:::: '':::::''t'::'::: 7:i'":1fr':!::'r:'0::?:::" ''''') Granita'finished second with 23 3 ' ' '::'':::1': : Ir :" :s-:'':' ::: ' :$:::::: ''' :: :::: ::: ':'::‘::::: ' counters The other schools finiahed 4 ::::::::::::: :::‘7 ':I:::::: i:::::::p:t::-'If:::-:t:'4:77: 0::::::a:::::i 4:: ::r:: ::i as follows: North Summit 18 Provo ::v::: ':::: - ---- :' ::::i':::':-J:::-::-t?::-:4:::: 'i1'':::ii? 16 Jordan14' -'Pooele 41 t':2: il'i?:':'::'''' Fillmore! 'N :0 ' 13 2 Spanish ( '''t '' Springville k ''v ': l'!!1:: ::::::-:::::!4:'':::::t:0::::::::'::: ':: ::0" ":::::::-t10 Lincoln 9 Wasatch Academy 91 '1' L:'4''0'' i ' :'':-"':::: "::::::::'' ''''' ':1' Delta 5 1 I Cyprus 5 Davis 5 Car--:1"'1:"'""0:j::iA4 z':"1 i ::: ::'::: ft ::':!X'':''1:''"'''?::1:':44:"!:-:1s':-::0 - bon 4 Bear River 3 i ::I'::'' 0 Dikie3 13 1 — 4 II :::'t4 Lehi 3 ':::::' Hinckley Logan'' : '' ""- " GUnn11011 3 '' ''!::':-':!-tt1'::':''4i''''' ::::'':''!''':':'':'::'ii!::'?::i'::'-:::::::::::::::Ogdem2 South Cache ' lk:: t 't- "!'':: 2 Aleut' 2 Greenriver' 2 Weallnin" ' i ' 't:: "':'''':':i':''':' Beaver 11-- 2 MontooI 4 star 1 ' 4 ' :": :''': 1' Boxelder 1 end Preston 1 4 V: ::::::::::: t In winning the shot put wusun : I ::t' if::::::h:::i:':::':t::'0::-1:'::":-'''':::::i-1''3"::: Showed good forrq vith the ' ':':' '''':'' '' :::: :1 ' :: ' Shot and once more'siamPed ‘hmla :: :?:::::: t ' ' ::":"1 : :''': Si a great college prospect )t t00: "'Irbil' ':::': ' i'10L'$ ":":"0:i:i':::: ::--::':':::::a in field fast defeated the "::':-'''":-': :'::' ::::::::::i::::--:-dies Gus Black of :tw:::::::::::?::::::::w:"0:::!:''0"0 Jordan 7 including 1 '' k ::::: ' of Paul Kohl McBeth PaYsons ' " i ' 0 rn inster and 4 '''r::': 1' ' "::': :i::-- : ' ' oevrerJaetooko ::::'''''' '' '" ::::t: Williamatipopt Capps : 7!0 i a ::::: ' was ruled :::0::::::::''::::::::'"::::::::::::::'":::::: :ii:t:::::i::! 0::::: ' :: :::::::0:::0:::'':::::::":::"::::::0::0:::::::: t: ::::8':::t:: :!:::h::: t:::::: 4gt A ::) !i :::::::::::::::i:::::i::::!:'::J::q:::::::::4:::::::i:::i::::::::::i:::!ii:::::-iiil::i:::-many hurdles : :i:::::i:::: 1:'::: ::::::!i:::::i::::M:::::!!: ::: A Howard Bellows of Payson anoweu ::::::i::I::::::-::::1:-I:: 0::: j - kA ! r:::-:''s : ' i:e:!:?: 'i "' his heels to the best century men in ii ::::i:!:::::::t?::np:::'::::::A:i :! 3 gl:Ik 'alk '"'' the state the little ace nosing out l::2:i' :'!5::-:' " husky Meldon Warner of Filhnore by 0:":: i: ti c :t: v Too- scant a Glenn foot of Farrell i ' ::::::::f 4: f:::::''''!:'::'::'::t::: :'' eie premeet favorite finished fourth k :' 0::::0:":3- e :::::: with Everett Wood of Granite ::'iii:iii:1:::i?r4ji: ( cal?turi f '': i ':)::::!: ing third place The time il '?: :A:::::: :::1:::::::::::::'::":5''1:::: ' '' 04 One of the best races lit the day ' ' -':::::c0?::":k:--'''''5!:'''::' d : was' the desk wkiciik Weli :' '" yt 1 :'::ix::!:!::::::'i':: ii"'"':Z:::'1X1::::'::::':: ' : :ls:::"':-:'"::":': won by Dick Boorman of Spring:': 1 T ::::' i 4118 7""07: -' '' t4:1:: :'' ' ville This little opeedaLer ran:1"'liff'-4:' '' ::!: 715: p::::!::::::::'::'': 1144::::: ' heart out of Wood and Glenn w: 2 j1 I —: i ::::1":':::':'1A' 1 r' "''i ':::::i:::i::::::: 1 '0 finished with e great final spurt :01' vii t ::::::!:::::::-:-:n"! j :':::::!-!::Zj:-g:: I ' Wilkin and Boorman- the only two ::: 114 n''11:::::::0''': ::- : ::!:::ii: :'ii::n: ''':!" I :''::'s '1"t0"' A::tk 1 ' Red Devils who 'qualified finished :::::i " ' ::1:":':'41 t :'':''''': :5::::::::::'' I e -- tyl::11: I with two first which gave Springville s :::':::i:' eii:' :' ::::& 4:: IN ': ' "1 ::::':!::::: 1 - t' :4 1"::':::: 10 Psiett :' ''''' e ' lt' ' ::::A::: ' ' f :k:!:::::t :::11::0::x:::!::'q::w: ::::::::: five' 03‘--- 17 picked 'up ! - 10 Payson precious ' A :: f :':::::'::x:::''::K:':::::::::':'::::irs:i?:::i-::' r ' -' ' low hurdles t :t:0:':::'::::::::K:':::::::i'ii?1:::i::::'?:x: points In the 1 -– ::: '" V i i freckled-faced s with Paul McBeth a !' k ' ii 7'4' 3':''':':::c::::::::'::-:i 4 N 4t ' 0 :::::::"::'''':"::4::a:':s'::0::i: :ti 1' :C: t " ): 1tot Youngster' running the ':tk:--::':':"::''0 a - t heels off the rest of the 4 ::: 4 Hie i ' ‘Ai'1i''' ' ' s :i ' t -"s ::0:::: :i e' ''': - is op 4 time was :26C ' ) -:- : :': -- c i -t 1:rt4k ' ''''' ''''-) - :t:: :::::: :':::-:' ! f ::':0:i!::::::::::::i:i':'?:'N:-i'j:Boyd McKean added five more "::' ::" t : ::::: l' ' :''''':: et04000!""'" w 1 markers to the Lions' total by v::4 ::::''''::!::itt:r1t4roi::-'::::5i1s)‘ 7 t :t':'::::::::l:::::::::::: f ::' ' ' t ':''"::: the best discus tossers in ' ::':4 :: 1 t:':? ':'':i::i:i3':':'':!':':: 1 ' '' v":'":'::'i't:C R i ':':: :'!:' 4 ':':'44:tt A t the state' McKean who finished sec- A'41k tz ' :' ::::a ? 7! ' 40)' 14ir4?:N 7ti"t"':i1-°)'' ::::'':::::::::''::::!:::: ': ond to Fullmer' in the 01t at 7A 0 ic"' '''''''': :::::::::: 1"i4::':::1‘11!1:77:!'-'- : 1!:::::':::the B Y U invitation meet' threw :::S'i::iM::'::iij:::::1':::t::::4t-7-V4iA041'''''4was ' '' the ' :: !zaE!:!i!:siiH valc platter 122 feet 3 Inches t MJS:3§:MeMatiMEMMMI Lehi Reuniter of North Summit -'' ' ' ' won'first Place th t4e high J:''-- and ' I With a third of finished stadium occurred Utah in the University Thrills aplenty ' '''''' ' after closetrace ' '' 'ttoottiliAd sts Pets from' the left Bill Wilkin (2) of sitipikrinergvoilli0e!disenrnaseckoinm ) ' Saturday at more than 150 prep track and field stars competed in ': record-breakiOW ' toss of 48 feet 1178 incihes Verl Wilde (3) - his ' ''' school track meet Earl Doxford of mil state the five-Ma- Preakness - t - 'Second in Thrilling i ' " ' k a''''44"44"4""'''''''''''''"X' 4"'”'"------ :- :- 'NI GREAT k ) " 't kft A 1 t jb"0-44- s Z 0: - t g' ' ::!:::: : " ) f :::: 4 (11k7") ° 4 A ' N Vils:'slis:11'') :4': :: ::: ' ''' L::?::: N 1 ITINTmS $25000 ' I ' 11 1934 1 ft' ' ":: i : :::" k tdiIon ft 111) N mei sPo HIGH QUEST - $ - 1 (10)' iiikShol::ti--i:ta-iiiif:ea:i-'-Tia-:radrLtu- k 0 ' i - strt iTS: 1 ?le: 1 p I k I " A f444444"444010444404400414144:"1441446Wwyroopowl::5:wA4t42:44 ir i 41 ' Fullmer Soars Over High Obstacles lot Record Performance t : 1 1 1'All§'Ardy - ' A41§- SALT LAKE CITY ITAlfi:iMEET CH 414 A' 4 ! - Ir tt i - ' -- - - - ' ' - ) I is - - b 1 ' ' - |