Show d 4 - 000i1IPPS1111041StiMONOE t) 4 SUNDAY THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE 10 C 13 MORNING-MA- 1934 k o "Once a Scout Always a Scout" associaVanguard tiOn monument to Tribune Scout club holds fifth of journalism series Next meet- SCOUTS' and SCOUTERS' PAGE mark site of Mountap Den pony express sta tdon chosen 0 ing May 18 at ? 7:30 pm "Once a Scouter Always a Scouter" r S N ( Pony Express Monument SCHEDULE SET Vanguard Officers Plan Marker Dedication Rites Annual Track Meet Held FOR ACTIVITIES 4)4'rl :::':" :'':: AT WrGIVAM tv '''''70 :': 1 '' ' ''''''' 1 ?' :': ''t J f :: Programs This Summer A - fra:° camp Leaders to Conduct 4 i r ''' 'Xii44 : -- vt4-:t'--:- --- — 4 - :!' '- :- ': A :: '' :' ts- Contest Dell Ceremony ' a: — ''''"''' 0' 1 Trail Grotb President Oquirrh District Gets 38 Points to Win to Attend Mountain — - :' vntisonmegMmitsreorlop E"""---"- 44 1' ' TROOPS HOLD zi: 1e : i ' -4 - - uki Dr Howard R Briggs president of Scoring 38 points Oquirrh district the Oregon Trail Memorial associa- won the second annual Salt Lake tion and William H Jackson field' council Vanguard track meet Tuesday secretary of the at South high school Second place both organization the meet was awarded to East of New York will coonwao district whose teams scored 26 attend dedication ceremonies June 2 Davis district placed third :::::::::: at the pony ex- 20 points to be marker press four hundred members of the 7 constructed at' Vanguard units attended the Mountain Dell- - by-- i (' -Participating were 1the Salt Lake cotm- - BIG CAMPOREE ''' — -- - - -— 600 Attend Powwow in 0 ' - ': e s ' 1 'le-- :: is Ii k:4X " 1 Little Cottonwood Bops H Awarded at Court :::: : t ix'74 EAST JORDAN Scouts at Rotarian Meeting I SANDY—One of the biggest aifairs of the season was the annual camporal-poof East Jordan district i ?'::::::k----i'Scouts held Saturday afternoon :: By I ( and evening at Glacio park in Little 0 i:: :::k::: Cottonwood canyon More than 600 :: :::::7a gfih were in attendance including about L ::4:k4':::':'i:-ti 300 scouts and scouters dressed in Indian attire with beautiful headdresses and colorful jackets and :::x:::: 3 t'''''''' blankets Oth100 Vanguard members Many prominent scout officials of cil Vanguard the Salt Lake council were in attendic40 er districts which competed included Scouts and t he 401' ance including Chief Executive D E x:1: Wells Granite Cottonwood Liberty ' Utah Pioneer t::':''''''':e:::$''-- 1 0O':lf: ?' 'f': 4 ''''"-::2!ii:::'::: :::: Hammond and Mrs Hammond Field Pioneer Ensign and Salt Lake ' i4 ::::'': '::4401ir::::: Trails as sociation K::''':':f '?'::'7' ':i''''::::::::i:N:::'':::"::''4 Executives D L Roberts and R L The district teams were selected e v tt Representati t:::'I'f::::i':i::4 '1 ?:::?:!:i:?::'':S : (i 'Hl::::::!::'::4: k q''!'4'sl''":::n::::: Lomat Mr and Mrs Russel L Tracy 1t by interunit competitions conducted 1::::::::4:::i Ai rocks brought :'Y :::::'1" Melvin Strong commissioner of En' month Contests were i'::::r:::::: ''::i::-the past during 451 from each of t h e ''::N:' “ ' of court and former i' :::i::::::::::: 7 ::::::::: district fa held in the tug sign war the eight-141''::::::::: Vanguard districts chairman of East Jordan dir dash the ::::::::::':'::::::r:: :: '''''''':: ::::i':::::::T':':: :'':::::::: honor and will be used to zheitrisheinte en3ntenand pound shotput the the East Jordan stake presi– trict i'''''''':'0:"::3221ts14t":4tAb'' 2!::::':':::j:1?::'''' :::i'::::::'V: high jump the standing broad jump form a portion of the John A :1 f:::::::-4:U:r::::' dency—Heber J Burgon dash the pole vault the 0 the base will be constructed of rocks the 4 Azlett and Hied Beck ti:1: broad jump the running taken from a I?:::::::::: e hPyarLeleyk'es Court of Honor Held relay and the shuttle race events canyon which The summaryof the meet follows: :i '"::!170::if'ir::::::017‘i4::::::::::::-:::!:-:A:"i(Elmer The program which started at 12 Bonneville Tug o' war—Oquirrh district East o'clock noon under direction of DisChristensen president of the Van '' ::::4i::( '::: 'Jordan Wells district Granite district Chairman C L Goff with A R guard association Friday : Mickelsen as chairman of the activity A At a meeting held last week said trict South Davis district i Shuttle race—Oquirrh East Jordan committee included hikes games John D GileS secretary of the landWells' (eight'Nctlbaoaa4omtkbmtsdtittuagoibosatssosk44ioaatssv marks association directors approved South Davis 'Granite troop activities 'troop chow flag extwAtop:4qtawacmsvovstesvmswATagnstakomoszKooloatomat ercises A court of honor followed the stzle of the monument submitted man team) dash—Doxford Oquirrh tcS them by the Vanguard associaSalt Lake council scouts assisted in entertainingvisiting Rotarians the powwow pageant scenes which at the annual Fifth district conference in Salt Lake Thursday and Fri- were presented by a huge campfire tion The landmarks association Mr Cooper Wells Sadler Oquirrh :07 Shotput—M Atkinson SouthDavis day In the picture Thomas Evans and Ves Turner are arranging packMotion pictures of each troop were Giles said will place its official taken by Commissioner Arthur E Peplacque on the monument to tell of Faust Cottonwood Orgill Oquirrh ages to be presented to the conference visitors tersom The court of honor program the pony express station which once Thompson Granite Hillam Wells 45 feet 9 inches with Chairman Arvid Larson in stood in Mountain Dell S Running high jump—Mahoney charge was as follows: Flag cere: Monument Described I South Davis Liberty Anderson motlY troop 142 Granite invocation aula Dr a known Driggs nationally Huppman Pioneer Argill Oquirrh''1 Deputy Commissioner Orson W JenJackon Mr pioneer history thority sen selections East Jordan stake Fitzgerald East Jordan Height not T ' W G son who crossed the plains with ox given KING By lesser priesthood orchestra under diteam in 1866 is familiar with the Pole vault—Coon Oquirrh Fergurection of Elroy Christian vocal duet of the birds have mated and Most is an son East Jordan Nelson East Jorhistory of the pany express and fr Della Beckstead and Ross Palmer Some to wown settled housekeeping on its history ' dan Illingworth Salt Lake and Fitzauthority music Sandy junior high novelty 16 durof families two monument The them will raise will be approxi- gerald East Jordan tied school students under direction- of Height !ie ' mately ten feetilighalid threeeel not given so- they must begin Boydem—vocal solo Ross- Paling wide The Utah Pioneer Trails and ':'k:':'i:!t rci' broad mer remarks Chief ExecutiveD E Standing jump—Nelson early 13ut not so the goldfinches Landmarks association official Granite Hanks Ensign Driggs GranHammond and John A Aylett memwill not even think of placque used on all Wolper monu- ite M Atkinson South Davis Er1ck- They The ber of the stake presidency raise till only They July ments built by the association will son awards were given feet la a year so there is no one Liberty family tell the story of the station Above dash—Call 5: ' N while there are raiment Program will be a placque depicting the ride 1Higgs South Davis Hanks 0quirrh1 hurry end besides rz?r1k:-v:!-4tI4to feed insects soft of Ensign always plenty The program of the pageant scenes of a pony express rider Below the 1Mitchell Salt Lake need seeds Fatist Cotton the nestlings they will included: Invocation "Knights of the landmarks association placque will be wood :12 Z4:1'-'when they leave- the nest and 'seeds Golden Talons" "Camp Setup" troop :::::t the official Vanguard placque shaped 1iNC:Ami'v Shuttle relay—Salt Lake (Karren are not plentiful- till late summer 142 Granite ward "Indian Games' Each week the group of boys ini ''i:'2:4 to represent an arrowhead and With lli Illingworth Coleman Southern) East So at this tiMe the little goldfinch troop 135 Sandy First ward "Sun a large V mounted on it NV tamp wM be orgartixed-int- e patrols titNi Wl Jordan Wells :252 Is enjoying life taking things easy Dance" troops 810 Draper "Indian according to the plan and will fun-VoThe monument base will be conbroad Running jump — Call and entertaining us with his sweet in those units during the camp Signaling" troops 122 and 322 Sandy structed by several representative Oquirrh Erickson Liberty Mahostey songs His rising and falling notes Third ward "Archery Drill" troop Ls it is only six miles from HighVanguard leaders on May19 On May Liberty McGuire East Jordan fen of 317 East pure melody seem to imitate his plumage becomes almost like the Midvale "The Medicine land drive and Thirty-thirSouth 26 the upper part will be constructed 19 feet 1 Granite inches diving undulating flight as he flashes male's Man" troop 129 Crescent "Famous street council leaders nid they ex- POCATELLO Idaho—Boy Scouts Ben Z Lewis a at to be attended scoutmaster meeting repreby acting ' through the air He sings at rest and Last week I counted over twenty Chiefs" troop Ile Draper "Daniel pected to Scouts to experience diffi- are to benefit from a progrem at the of troop 3 will leave on a northern of all Vanguard districts on the wing—and what a song! No of these birds in one mountain ash Boone" troop 137 Midvale Second in culty in reaching camp the council states the near in mission future Y M C A approved by the board one ever tires of his incessant tree just east of the city and county "Lewis and Clark" troops 118 and — S farewas Mr honored a at Lewis To e Discuss Plans voice for it is cheerful building All but three or four were 318 Midvale First "Jim Bridger" at a noon meeting Monday'whIch will well testimonial Sunday May 0 in Sunday at 8:30 a m and tuneful It is much like the males and they were furnishing such troop 117 East Midvale "Kit Carson" Vanguard disallow them ppectal unit rates The Thirty-firs- t L D S ward chapel trict commissioners will song of a canary In fact "wild ca- a chorus that the air was ringing with troop 119 M E church of Midvale meet at The program was as follows: Selec- Motintain Dell for a discussion of The plan was presented by Nicholas "The Pioneers" troop 329 Crescent nary" is another name often given their music him lift chairman of the boys' work com- tion by congregation invocation Leo- plans of the dedication ceremonies Altogether the goldfinch has about "The Pony Eitpress" troop 121 Sandy Skidsoh Helen S Sharp: soprano to be held at the marker during the The goldfinch IS the prettiest smart- everything that one could expect In Second ward "Indian War Dance" mittee and E Norman Vaughn board more selection L annual The one small bird A singer of grand scouts of Sandy junior high school est thing that wears feathers ' story Vanguard meeting June 2 treasurer In brief the plan will al- D Phil T S male chorus address male is of a brilliant bright yellow opera caliber a plumage that is the Included in the discussion will be a (Continued on Following Page) low any ten or more members of the solo violin Lietz Bert Farnsworth with a black cap black wings crossed most gorgeous and spectacular of all S scout organization presentation to all cohimissioners of in cooperation reB remarks Jane Bishop Sharp the monument plans by members of IKnow your city know your state with white bars and a blackish with our small birds an eater of noxious with the scoutmaster or troop comL Mr D Lewis S selection sponse white streaks The female is tiUller weed seeds he is at the same time PAYSON---Th- is know your country—the merit year for the first mitteeman to be designated certain male chorus presentation ot scout the committees in charge The committee in charge of The for civics demands these three badge in color being of an olive shade with graceful at rest and in motion and time one of the regular summer hours for swimming Instruction quali- brown to Mr Lewis and benediction monument includes awards markings instead of black and has a most lovable and engaging per Alvin Wahlquistt fications of a scout This is not one camps of the Timpanogos countil of Mr Vaughn acid the program Hyrum M Wander chairman J Howard Dow George of the easier merit badges to attain with no cap In winter the male's sonEdity Boy Scouts will be beld ht Payson Would enable scouts to have added byMr atto Lewis was unable who canyon from June 11 to practice in swimming when working tend the last court of honorwas pre- Hess and J Reese Baird In charge but what you learn in 'studying for of to be conducted on the badge Scouts is practical in evAt a meeting of Neb0 district scout- for certificates and merit ROOSEVELT — Paradise park on scout- - awards by Mr - several sented June 2 is a committee composed of eryday—even every minute—life era held Wednesday night to discuss The board also decided to launch a Farnsworth The awards included an Grant Fox chairman Mosby mountain 30 miles northeast course life a in You may learn how to work with William Dasieving plans the following activity directors program for of Roosevelt has been selected for eagle scout badge and an eagle scout vis and E were named: for city firemen and policemen Wesley Smith Members handicraft how to camp cook in the site of the Dintah sununarcamp The badge was pinned on him of the ring: PocaC L Gibson nominating committee for the Camp director Scout Executive A president of the to be held June 16 to 21 for the scouts A Anderson nature study Louis1 tello Athletic club suggested that the by his mother Mrs George IC Lewis annual election of the association to Roosevelt and Duof the Vernal Bales chairman Abner Baird Doyle' association take the leadership in or- - and the ring was placed on his finger be condUcted in connection with the chesne districts of the Timpanogos the Liberty stake district court At !Addle and LeRoy Bunnell geology ganization of young people's tennis by Lyle Banks: council Boy Scouts of America of honor held in the Third L D S Mr Lewis was presented with a marker ceremonies are Ray Johnson : chairman Delamar Fairbanks and of Payson canyon Dale Wilson clubs as related to the commissary brief i11r--1i: Neve and Robert The site was inspected and apJack case by scouts of troop 3 The LaVerre ward chapel courts A number of directors subAdams Assisting commit- t chairman: Walter Bates Stanley The ofifth lecture of the Tribune proved Sunday by Scout Executive A Brown both of troop 65 received was Dean made presentation by teemen to aid will be Mr Christensen and son: handicraft Charles be Graff of scribed personally for a fund ) trir their eagle awards Scout club series was presented at a A Anderson of Provo Dr Pfoutz of D L Roberts Salt Lake council field t11 Heber City astronomy Dr Wayne in the work of repairing the courts 11 Charles Perents of troop 58 rePayson Kenneth Anderson of Provo 'I: of the club Friday night in Commissioner B Hales of the B Y U: music in Mr Vaughn Mr Gibson Henry Whitexecutive : Alfred Lublin of Roosceived 18 merit badges Jean Morton meeting Mt Will Pleasant A Troop L Jones were appointed camp Professor A Willardson: track- tlesey and evelt Forest Ranger George Walkup of troop 19 received 10 and a star the clubrooms to Elmo Wilson ing Abner Baird perfect the plan award and Bob Marshall of troop The speaker discussed the workings of Farm Creek Richard Jensen EmMake Bon Dam Trip Nevada' Sea Scouts game leadership Reed Jones Arthur Ralph R Wolf secretary Of the as0eil: 19 received 10 Approximately 300 of the newspaper office ery Johnson L C Nobles Ray Duke ttott: sociation Hartvigsen and scoutmasters reported on the plans for phoThis lecture series is designed to Wilson Murray and L C Thornall awards were made 1 occur PLEASANT—An MOUNT summer To Be Given Boat swimming campaign tography Earle Huber archery Dean the 111 A court of review for Scouts getting offer scouts interested in journalism of Vernal There are ndmerous small Holden Ralph Wilson: fish lures 1which is to be opened May 14 The sion to Boulder dam bas been planned first and second class awards training for their merit badge work lakes which are 'dotted with water their 52 for No Scout the of troop Boy Henry Jeopson publicity man Ro- annual free campaign held at 6 p m The court of and for work in the club It is being lilies was Olson aasistant ward LAS VEGAS Nev—Members of North will be held the week of May 28 land Lindsay Joseph staff The campsite selected is at the upconducted by Tribune-Telegrahonor started at 6:40 p m — scoutmaster announced Saturday Other leaders and advisers will be the Sea Scout organization in Las was principal members per end of the valley end it will be Junius Romney L G O'Neill D and are Murray of Members leave the will troop added as plans for the camp progress The next lecture of the series will necessary to construct a few miles of Harmonica selections were " the speaker Vegu sponsored to tom France by buses cycling club' 25 here on on Boulogne in and the May Fishing in the big reservoltwill open olher merit badges They are useful presented by scouts of troop 77 road to make it accessible be presented Friday at 730 p m the last day of camp and will fur- Capetown South Africa and return return trip will visit the Grand can- here are soon to receive a even for a Bi Scout necessary on a tandem good to and boat a bicycle and from oth the United do expect yon Bryce canyon rtish the best of fishing for all scouts gilt points whaling not disregard the civics merit of interest In southern Utah States naval department it L wu anand scouters This camp is only for pedal 15000 miles on the tour badge in your work to attain an Eagle nounced Saturday rrgistered scouts of Timpanogos cotm Scout badge The boat is said to be 26 Scout wants to become a and of the type suitable to be long I made Every into a sailing vessel Me work of good citizen A knowledge of your state is and necessary city try converting the boat will be done b gle Scouts Will Be you a good citizen In this the scouts under the direction of way the civics merit badge will give Itonored at 'Exercises 4 their DO renewed joy in a life that long His name was Bob He was a rangy which the house's owner bad left —it e aIvt—ill be p ace a on a sm all you some of the most valuable knowlhind when be moved away n become a thing of Utter mishad tag° will ever Scout from ("crossbreed" edge you gain mongrel body of water near Lu Vegas until and to him ing Shambling Homely did LOGAN--4 is ery which a atfirst better term) V Sorenson Vanguard the Boulder dam lake is forme& Than it will be moved to Boulder City To attain the badge you must know not seem worth the cost of the cart- At first sight Bob seemed to be a (Once by the way 'tried this nine edurt of bonor chairman of the Cache the of citizenship dead loss He was not only shambling requirements your district announced Monday that all With a gloribusly beautiwhere the boys will take long trips '''' state know the naturalization laws of ridge it would have taken to shoot and homely and awkward but be experiment collie eagle scouts of the district would be dog which was about up the lake and receive instructions the United States fui'young to the worth know how be he But the him seemed peoall Above he proved seemed bonored guests at I court of honor to be shot because she wu supposed in seamanshig and all the stupid of boatin state and Mr coward beple's to a representatives city cost to be be incurably cowed and vicious of many hundred cartridges pitifully cringing Sunday at the Logan L D S Ninth ing national governments are elected Meeker wr9te later of him: ward chapel Three Vanguards are I asked leave to keep her here at what their duties are and their terms fore be died to receive eagle awards at this court be came from "When we first knew him he was so Stmnybartk for a month or two It I of offices know the various depart- I don't know where and will be presented with certificates Plans nor who his first owner may have timid we feared be had no spunk We was a delight to me to destroy her Making ments of the and national citrette Harold Peterson first eagle scout and timid crankiness and to re fear conclusion been came to be bad by the own have I But strong been very my Wirtm as :z"rout uThmporec governments and submit a map show- opinion about this unknown first badly and cruelly treated My wife store her faith In mankind She had of the Cache district ing that you know your city Besides owner lit addition to the eagle scouts the II and the way be treated his dog and I decided to try the experiment been hideously treated There could You must display a familiarity with' mothers of Vanguardswill be honored Samuel M Meeker a famous Brook-- 1 of showing him kindness and fair be no doubt of that And she was in a Declaration the of o' and Independence In a ST become a snapping and ANTHONY talk by Vanguard Paul Al1 lawyer rented a furnished house treatment to see what the effect fair way to vord executive of the Teton Peaks the Constitution of the United States lyn When She left Stoddard of troop Ilk Logan L D S cringing coward t be" Montclair of on might outskirts the farther Third ward Mr Sorenson uld (! ii Boy Scout council and John E Kelly This badge is one of the more dif- N J for the summer This was in But the splendid experiment at first Sunnybank three months later she was of Idaho Falls executive board mem- ficult to attains but you will alwaya the and the gayest jolliest and most before motor cars took the seemed to be thrown away on the fearless dog on the place and was my ber spent Thursday and Friday in use the knowledge you gain bi study- placedays n vehicle of apparently worthless It for ing constant Two Officials Receive St companion everywhere I Anthony and Fremont countyl This summer while -- there is Mr Meeker brought his own horses His former cruel treatment bad made ''Itsr! nq and his own coachman over plans for the and groom to him tin arrant coward toward man went She had lost every trace of fear s:tz-: checking Five-Yea- r 15 20 znintites or take !tot Veteran Badges and schoolovhy to be held here August 24 savage temper All of which is a his new summer home along with his and beast alike : 00 t Yet Mr and Mrs Meeker persisted digression but which made me tbe They net with E M Jergensen each day—td study for the badge? horses and inRobert E Bartlett and Richard Mi01" general chairman of the event' and Accomplish it during your spare time stalled them in the spacious stable Both of them understood dogs as few more interested in the story of Mr q Meeker's R K Litmfyr! E Glen Cameron chairman of the Mongrel Bob) lner scoutmaster and assistant scouts buildings at the rear of the estate he people do and both of them had in' 7 Council Field Executive ifinanch committee master of troops 44 and 11 rupee exhaustible kind patience Devoted and rented had Slavishly Fathers' and Sons' r A successful roaster used by out- - It turns until the cord is wound up Imembers will be announced rilmmonr tively received their But he found the stables were not They did all in their power to win Before many weelm had passed Bob badges at the Granite district doorsmen and Scouts many timu u and then it unwinds itself It con lJergensen announced that the Nock vacant when he arrived at Montclair Bob's trust and to make him realize was slavishly devoted to Mr and Is Held court of honor May at the Emerson Banquet Their one occupant was this big and there was going to be no further bru- Mrs Meeker pathetic in his gratitude tinues this way unceasingly It is at the state industrial school this 1 'mu L D S ward "'"'""‘ uncannY to see the way the roaster lupon which the gymnasium isgrounds ' timid located mongrel Bob tal treatment for him Very slowly to them for their kindness and eager and by tedious degrees tha poor dog to in their further affection Stayner Richards second 'counselor gadget The utual pot stick (a) k continues to wind and unwind—all had been offered as or lite for the The annual fathers' and soni banof Granite stake made a few observe set In the ground against' a forked day long if need be camporee when 2000scouts and scout quet of troop 34 was held in the First a summary of the troop's activities began to respond to their friendliRe had another friend besides the tions on the activities ness in stick (b) and the rout hung by a A useful addition' is the log reflect-ir- e officials are expected to be pntient Meeker& This friend was Mr Meek church Tuesday night during the past year Presbyterian - his address to the of scouting His Admiration Pathetic More ars favorite trotting horse Bob irent or ((I) whkh throws more heat to The Hollow Tree golf course site R H Lemott field executive of "The fathers club of the troop voted and a cord Where the-wi-re meeting than 90 awards were presented in- and cord meet a flat piece of wood ward the roast also been offered but no decision the Salt Lake council and H R at the banquet to donate two tent It was 'pathetic to see his dawning everywhere with this horse and hu slept or bark Is tied (c) The wind atrikes '' Try it In the back 'yard or on your has yet been made as to which one Waldo chairman of the troop com- floors for use at Camp Steiner at admiration for the only persons who In kit stall—Thus the recently friend— cluding many troop awards --By Bill Harvey the wood causing — the roast toturn next hike or camping trip will be accepted and mittee spoke 314 Waldo presented Scout lake In the Granddaddy region ever bad treated (Continue et Ionowing Pilaf During each three-da- y period at the 4 :: special surruner camp at Tracy Wig4411 ? iAl ' wam next summer a complete pro- 10?:'430'''''!1' 4 134‘ cf': ''''0 gram of activities will be conducted 4 :": by camp' leader& 11 ':"::: '6:1?' At"1'S TM:: was announced by R N La :':'S'J '': I Mott field executive of the Salt Lake ouncil who will be in charge of the ik 4 tamp Friday at the conclusion of a '1' 1 Meeting of executives to arrange for g ' A ::: ::1:: the camp s !:: ier '7 last will which each of "Programs 414i:t 0 three days have been outlined by tbl: Molina" Mr- - Lamott said "Each ort:--':s- ? il-- 3 it i:: '9?:! tai z blonday and each Wednesday morn:": 1? '''' ::!: 4 :: :: ing new programs will begin proeid '147'yzi! r' t :: ins many Initereeting and attractive as: :i :? ' ''::::-: i''ik40!' ::':': activities for all Scouts" S s:4' -N t i 4 IL Activities MrLainott said will 4 athletics and hikes merit badge :' :?::''' 0 vl 4 ''':44'7 ':' ''': eourses nature study courses hand4 leraft and troop and patrol events 'g ! "!: Scouts attending the camp be said 0 N '''' will have at their disposal a complete 4 4 Of $ ': of Scout merit badge pamphlets rach evening there will ba campfire 1AeN i''''' :4 : :: i:k1!programa :' ' i ::? :: :7 ::' ':::' ' Each week two-da- y :: bike will be e''' ''C' '?!!!: ' Shade into the country conducted b " '''' '":: '::k7' ''' " i' ':k !? ' e:4c v I e !' leaders of the camp 1f ' i° ' f1E:44:':'IM' ' The program will offer opportu- :A''‘ ' ': ' ' to for in council the Scout any tity ft: ' ':l-1''''' t " V temp at -the Wigwam for as long as '''' :r''''' ': ': '':'As" six days- an4 will be held for six 1 '''''''? thadit0-:0&ii44440-- t" weeks beginning June IL :0:!:--' The council devised the program to i5e20P:r76 ' ' 'S': 4k '4M '':!'& '5 offer to every Scout an opportunity ' R''Y ::::: i 04 ?17:''''r"1''':" :: '? '7:: ":0k1' ''' - '' 1 '4:::1 for camping as long as a week :' ' Scouts may SO to the camp at any time during any week and may stay ::' ' ?:as long as six days if they wish to do :::':( 1 'ie :' !'' X: I'' oo Any Scout entering tamp must :'j'''''' have the written consent of his scout-master and bis parents to present to camp leaders " ' ' alummugoaltsotmEstose4whAqs All Scouts must bring their own er the—Utah-Pionebedding food supplies and equip- :Tent There will be no other ex- - Traibt and Landmarks association last week chose the style of the monupens to the camp no fees being tient to be erected on the site of an old pony expresa station at Mountain Dell in Parley's canyon Above Is the artist's conception of the monucharged No camps will be held on Sundays ment with Vanguard pony express and Landmarks association plaques each week's group leaving camp Sato urday night preparatory to a new roup entering camp the next Mon- 11 :: ' : !: 1F f :: t:- t y: - :" i -- t 1 4 :::-4?-4- t r :::4 '" it '' er 1!: S e 1t '' 1 1 ? wwow ' i''17 ''''?c::A '-- -- :':-:':':::'- :: 0$ ilknfcboeedrdm 1::t eiMdn 4'4--4''- AO 1)-e :: :: set ) lit)::4 -- '' A - :? t) 'SO :' '::f g: :45 ' ' - 1- - -:0 :::-:-- -4 gg r:1:i: : 1 :::fe---- -1 -:) 4:::a : S C4 - e '''''':::!!::::-::- -- J :' 3' '' ' ?:' ' : :i: ' : I Z'': '5 il t ' N ::'' I :::6- '4- 1 l' 4 - : ::' : Fine Feathers :' ' '::: 15 ' 'J ::: 4: ir 0: i" the-sum- - i 1440: g YM A Sponsors Scoutmaster of Swim Program Troop For Boy Scouts Go on Miss ion I sl J 3-Wi- n 1 d Study of Civics Summer Camp by-abb- For Merit Badge Of Timpanogos Council Is Set t high-pitche- d 1 Aids Citizenship Ora-tew- is " l Site for Summer Camp Selected the-progra- 4 Fifth Lecture Two Scouts Get Eagle Awards In Journalism I - Series Given :1 : Wit-stea- d I p 'der 4 :ih "t4 1i: mritv1: Learn-to-Swi- "20-30- 12-o- - By Albert Payson Terhune BOB: The Crossbreed Whose 'Love Cast Out Fear' Tales of Real Dogs 1 for the Outdoors A Iloqster - LET THE WIND nY - THE WORK ' be-Tb- is black-andta- COD at A: ‘ g 0-' ' - B r-- :z :::::::z1-st-:k:ii::1:-017sb-st-ters1:::- -- ' five-yea- vet-tri- : ' szs- - sr for ''' i s -- -- ' A black-ithd-ta- horse-draw- p 7""7 : riding-and-drivin- g ' ' - - ' ' black-and-ta- n ' : n him-decen- : a -- ' -i-- - |