Show THz SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING MAY NE S 0 I I I s 5k:::'::: ‘ :: ' v 0 PAY that the Salt Lake Assurances board of education wished its teachers well in the matter of ularies when school were strengthened board members authorized'a slight salary increase to the city's 1200 in structors Amon'g them will be divided an additional $45000 which is estimated to place teachers on a salary scale 13 per cent less thanthe board thinks they should normally be receiving 'Id'creases will be apportioned on a sliding scale no teacher will receive more than $240 a year add! - -- DRIVE To --aid adult women to fit themselves for greater community and family service by extending them the facilities of the Civic Center the Civic Center associationjaunched a drive for the Isabel Bacdn memorial fund Fulids will be used to aid financially handicapped women to take educational courses It is named in honor of the late Isabel Dame Bacon wife of George M Bacon former state engineer Mrs Bacon was active In promoting the interests and activities of the Civic Center CONCLAVE In Salt Lake gathered Rotarians from 23 Utah and Idaho clubs in the annual fifth district convention to hear speeches pleading for Rotarian action to consolidated international cooperation Principal speaker was George C Hager of Chicago director of Rotary International who stressed ideals of service The district nominated R H Wells of Pocatello for district governor to succeed O Guy Cardon of Logan The nomination is considered tantemount to election at the internittional convention in Detroit in June Boise was selected as the next convention site 0 - y : :'::-:- sf :'4: :''' v' f7: ' "-- :3 '''' 1 ' : s :70- i ::' ' 1 's t'''114 :: I4 p'':: '°' '':'1:::&r:::::'::: ' I kk) ' '''Z' - I r ) : r I 7 1 f I ::'''' 1 ::::: ) 1 7::): : II k44440 ? 1 444"'0 L:1: I m- c-- kg4ei:isi 4's 1-- mp -- 4 I 14 ' 'ii ':fr it4 ) '' A ' 'I' 4 ! 'mtel 1: 1 : ':1 t A v ' r 4 A :Liii :: f4i I- - - ::44 "'4f04'4401$00at:PWAliti4 Left to right a group of advocate's of Indian rehabilitation before departing from Washington where they argued the cause of the redman at hearings at the capital: Fred Tillman Oklahoma attorney Sudge W T Cozier Jim Harris cowboy and Mountain Chief Isabel Diana head of the 'Yakima& !!':::::: t4::1:1 o to ° a Invocation of the recovery admin Istration's power to impose a code upon a recalcitrant industry was threatened by N R A Administrator Hugh S Johnson against the comIf pursued munications industry the step will mark the first action by the government to codify an in- dustry A code has been drafted by the government for the telegraph cornpanies and is vigorously opposed by Western Union and Radio Corporation of America who have refused to join in voluntary node The gov erntnent action is believed to be bued upon a Postal Telegraph complaint that "abuses inimical to the publi8 interest" prevail in the Indus- try - The ultimate decision rests with President Roosevelt who under X R A alone has the power to take such a drastic step FIC Field orLab-6- INTERCESSION RACKETEÉRING Into the N R A has seeped a tinge of graft and racketeering and Gen eral Hugh S Johnson told newsmen that code administration expendi tures were "one of the things I am going to watch around hereI think that right Ike is the greatest dan ger or racketeering and oppression there is in this thing" The statement was prompted by reports that the authority for the relatively small oil burner industry had rin the past six months col- i lected $88000 from members ex pended 885000 of which $25600 went to salaries FLIGHT 0 The wings of Eagle are to be spread over the federal bons ing program wherein the govern ment seeks to spend $200000000 to recondition homes mortgaged to H 0 L C one and a half billions on a housing project Only building co panies operating under the N R A symbol are to be given a chance at the work to be done under federal the-Blu- I e CRASH VICTIM1 ' ' fort : - Fatally injured was Second Lieutenant Keller Kerr 24 ion of Mr and Mn H S Kerr Salt Lake when the truck be wu' riding on struck a pole in Los Angeles Th accident occurred shortly after the reserve army officer was ordered to ective duty with aCCC camp at MacArthur - '' "' :':' SUGAR Launched was the new sugar policy of the federal administration with the signing by the president of the sugar produc- S ‘: C '' 3 1 1 i' i 1 i - 11:'''' i ( ) -- " 7- vo- i - ': ': Jones-Costiga- n :4 :f's r' 1 :: 'i:':' f:' '' ' 4:::Zs'4 - AFFAIRS 4 ''''' :4:' -- :: 4? g::::4f::r ft :::1'V?: - The president: sugar Signed tile control bill the'revenue act hinted sympathy toward 'silver provided $600001 for Utah drouth relief 'discussed war debta with state depart- ment and treasury officialJ The senate' Debated again the stock mart con- trol bill banking committeemen approved a $250000000 fund for 11 11' C loans to industry labor corn- - For Utah the president set aside Jones-dostiga- n FEB& funds to be emin drouth relief through the ployed state The sum requited by Governor Henry H Blood as the amount necessary to save $3600000 in crop damage and 10000 families from relief rolls was quick4y granted by the nation's chief executive Funds will be devoted upon 100 projects in various parts of the state irrigate farm lands provide permission-to-An- -water foi –livestock– and –culinary vestigate labor racketeering on gov ernment construction passed a bill supplies for homes to bar appointive federal officers Meanwhile drouth threats which from participating in national have been acute to Utah lake and ventions Strawberry irrigators as well as to The house- Passed the stock market control stockmen on many ranges appeared bill whipped through ten anticrime In Cache county where the Utah measures condemned Major Gen Power & Light company advised IX Foulöis received farmers that water stored in Bear bills to provide 7 illion dollars lake will be available only to those of federal aid for grad and high with whom the company has con The reason schools voted an investi tion for tractual obligations the oil edministratio p sed the advanced for the notice was the Johnson b 1 to bar j(itilitJ compv alight precipitation il flies from eeking fe court in Startled farmers Immediately apjunctions against state utility corn- - pealed to state officials and a meetmission (d ecisions committeemen ing of power company representatives Utah and Idaho water users approved legislation to regulate was called wherein a method of dicommodity exchanges viding available supplies among irrigators 'in dire need was streed upon The Utah State Farm bureau appealed to state officials for relief from another source—power pumping charges The bureau pointed out the pumping season will be doubled in many sections of the state this year because of drouth conditions L and asked the governor and other CHICAGO — Counsel for officials to use their best efforts Samuel Insull will go into to have pumping charges reduced 50 eral court Tuesday They per cent this year will argue the one time utility magnate was illegally brought beck to the United States: NEW DEAL WASHINGTON --- Stock control legislation goes to Adopted in Utah coal fields was conference between house a seven-hou- r day and a five-da- y and senate before it's passed week in accord with a recent N it A on to White House Darmw's executive order Operators grantN It A reviewing board rA ed workers commensurate increases port to be published Alve in salaries in order to maintain livlies on capitol hill rerfew d ing standards purchasing power mends upon the president The war debts controversy NEWSMAN SUCCUMBS contInues PENNSYLVANIA Votes Pneumonia proved fatal to Jonain one of the principal senathan C Roy le 55 former Salt Lake torial primary fights decide e newsmen Associated Press between Governor Gifford correspondent in Mexico City founPinchot and David A Reed der of the Business News Service Incumbent once news editor of the United States Daily $600000 in f -- ' Stock Control Legislation In Conference one-tim- i:''::i-!:!:-::':::-:- I i :sn:vi:g!::::::z::::::::):::-i- : 4::::: :t 4: :::-- - ::::::::o'!: ' ::7:-:!'-!- ' r ):: ::-::::- t 1 ::i ! :q1::: 4i "!": --- :7?: -- N - t' 1 :4:::: t ::: 1 1( ' r z k 1 ) !:':" !—''' :':':7:-4':1- - fJ-- ::'?!?:?-:i4 't10 Ilt4VVIt7tek:' ‘: t "15'5:t191:14'4:!ergrls''R! T :::::----—::- 4i 4' 4 I :' :: t:: !:':::::': :'''''4::::":'4:':r':::: :''' :' ' Y::: :: :t:il::4:'''''': P '':::: 2' 1 !:'? ityiiiotopitst4noz4 f :::5' '!:' -- 'ait '''''? :: & " : '1' ':t:'i 't:! '1'0 : :'— 0 7 " k ' ''':''72::::::e4::4::i-- :::! :A'iXt::r!k-'!- — ) : 4' :' ' ::::::''r: 1:::-:e:-:- '4 ' -f :!!'zf-'":"-f':-:-::- : ' ' 'fa ''iV:?:V' :" ::bt!' :lA::!4::r4::1::'1ei: t''1': e: 4 """1' ' '' ' Itl i: 2 ItTatobrietbtoe 1 — ' ' trY ' — ' ' RESCUE otiffulaciel s In—the --absence—Ellen Snatched of qualifications from a railroad trestle and death A Edsel Chris- - near Colorado Springs by Brake- -- Broyles-TIT-wa- renasne nincultmebpeunh- 1 Trebith Lincoln in a brief span of years has won quite a name for him-se- lf as an undesirable Born a Ger men he became a British member o parliament a charlatan spy and adventurer was barred from most countries Now Lincoln is Abbot Chao Kung a Chinese Buddhist priest but his priestly robes were no plasport to England which re fused him permission to land and Canada bint preach granted transportation through the coun - ornnalho tDen dPelressolYaahnotelirl whose party was defeated at the polls continued ' switch The child was stumbling engine hurriedly across the bridge in front of the approaching tmin seeking ROES at his post safety As the train wee about to Bickering' have continued for overtake her crush her beneath more than a year and finally the heavy wheel the brakeman leaned legislature paased two acts to clear from the fender end grabbed her as the muddle one specifying terms the engine sped by 4 "' '' ''' - ) ' under which bonds a time when ed another fixing the PHRASEOLOGY- vacancy occurs because of an elect ''Booll'13030P41-DooP11 Inane punt to ed official's inability qualify Because of Ihi absence of these tuation for 'nine jass songs was t"' judged by New York Supreme laws Utah was in the finOttla1011 Court Justice Edward J McGol position of having its treasury ad ministered by a person defeated in drick to be worth but little Singer the election of having its duly elect Helen Kane who made the phrase femou sued Max Fleischer creator ed treasurer refused office The supreme court upheld the of Betty Boop animated certoon prima donna and Paramount-Puconstitutionality of the two acts ap proved the appointment of Enos lix for $250000 lot annexing the Hoge u state treasurer to fill the Kane lingo but the justice threw ' vacancy caused by Mr Stain's lack the case and lingo out of court- ''''"—'—' of qualifications The two acts and the governor's appointment were DOUBTER attacked by Mr Stain and Justice international flurry was David W Moffat dissented with his created when Colonel Graham Se colleagues and held Christensen ton Hutchinson outhor and publi sehttoiunldqucoalniftiiecnue Basuttirthease cist told the Nottingham Writers' ' of the in: - club that the reported accidental ic L ' ' b ' z-- erds-t- leatt!! wu -1 rtitiBigi A of spoof an! the:biggestp1 put over on the world in tho last six months" He said the monarch died-from tap on the skulltadmirils HANDCUFFS Sheriff Lewis IL rife o! Iron cotm ty trailed 'a pair of suspected wool thieves to the abandoned Home— stake mine in the Iron Mountain diatriet There he surprised a man and woman asleep behind a truck placed them under arrest After disarming and handcuffing the man the sheriff started to re turn the couple to his car when the prisoner fled into the woods was felled by a slug from the afficar - 1 revolver The woman rushed to her wounded companion slipped hirn4 The sheriff and the revolver wounded prisoner again wrestled -- but weapdsheriff in thssession tera because he refused to conspire Trance against "defenseless' Germany" Belgian court circles In misted the Hutchinson statements were without foundation with ! FRIEND An opponent of official red tape and s friend of the immigrant la the role sssumed by patrician come d Mrs Vincent Astor ly who made Mr debut before the house immigration committee to "get the human element into o ur laws" She pretested sgainst the ci L'up"valTe'alaucilhiledmatudn ' flwdewpoutltacl tion into jails separate families cause unnecessary grief and hard- 1' - -- - ARRIVAL Born to Mi and Mrs Elliott Roosevelt of Los Angela a daughter the fifth grandohild of President and Mn Franklin Delano Roosevelt The couple were mar tied at Burlington Iowa last July 22 The mother is the former Ruth Goggins Fort Worth society girl' :: :::5:- ---: ' 11 1 ' - In the Sporting 'World :::-t ::: 0s : I 7!- —' c1:4 1 :::::::::: Owe 7 -- k Charles A Stain who for - one' reasol n or 0 an 4 other was un P able to procure a bond therefore the fracas rendered him helpless The fugitives then handcuffed the officer to a tree around whIch they wrapped his arms drove away After an effort the officer succeeded In climbing the tree breaking limbs with his shoulders until he freed himself by lifting his handcuffed arms over the treetop Upon his stumbling arrival in Cedar City posses were quickly organized ' 7'1'1! 0041100$04Woovwwukoope44zewwii$0 ii':":::-544-4- i4:z?nt:: 1 1 : !::z:-z:- : ::: i :: :::T:ii:(::? 1 " ::::::? :::':::::::::::!:( :::: : ' J':?!:l::1::$:i':7-- " ''4: i - ' n :' :!!'':: I ' ' '" "'14it4 14''"dti SQ4CO3 : -- J: :: - - 1 1 !:i!::!!:::1?y' :: ' 4 4 0:::::::! ::!:::::: - - ' ''''' 1 t he Lottia El Nady typithe spirit Of the modtying em Oriental woman in the cockpit of her plane at the Misr air works airdrome at Cairo Egypt She Isthe youngest Oriental woman to master the art of aviation ' :11-- 5 :: ii ' for Mis - '? ''':' 1 2 ' i si' 'I 0! ' t 1 16':il r I '':i:! gu'r or one r - LINIMPRESSEIJ Perhaps settled was the political and administrative mess in which the state of Utah found itself be- it elected nt Stieff6PM011 ascausestate tree If Critical opin ions of Pulitzer award jurors were disregarded by the Columbia school of journalism advisory board in awarding the prizes Maxwell Anderson's 'Mary of Scotland" wu judged by jurors is the year's best pkty but the ad visory board gave the award to Sidney Kingsley's "Men in White" Mark Sullivan' "Over Here" was said by two of three jurors to be the beat historical work the prize went to Herbert Agar's The Pe° Choice" ple's ' Other awards were Caroline Miller's "Lamb in His Bosom" novel Royce Brier San Francisco Chronicle newsman for oustanding work as a reporter in covering the San Jose lynchings the Medford Ore won the prize for meritorious Jour nalism for combating crooked poll ticians and Frederick Y Birchall of the New York Times was Judged the most distinguished foreign cor respondent e DECISION in 5t4i ::'::Q:''::? - '' with the score of 984 percent while Min Cas- ter placed first among the girls with a rating of 9835 per cent They will represent the state at the national health contest in Chicago con-barr- '4 I ) ' i: - ' RELIEF t '::1:''!':: AWARDS Through the State In W ashington t :::- is:::: - Frank Allen 17 and Bess Agnes Cuter 17 enjoy a well balanced wholesome meal after ' r::?-'--''k- ' '44 i ' :: :::: :m':-4-'':- 0 au'gatims----mitteemen-u- - Rumor :::::-:- i yli ' ') —A '''''' 4-- :':' '::' ::: :11‘ ) -' V"' - )'- ' '''' I k :::::: 7 ::: ::"- - tk ::'''': ' ' ! '''''' ORIENTAL Mrss MASTERS OCCIDENTAL FEAT ': Suit ( ::::''''''"-':- )) li-‘ '' - - ' k ' t -- security dealers may borrow only from federal reserve s or member banks syndicate and pool operations and other market manipulations are 'i' 42' ' ' : Nx"!:7 Prizes one i 1 FANGS :' ' ii ' :: deporting tion control bill making it law Beet grower t now must limit pro duction to 1550000 tons domestic cane growers must limit to 250000 tons quotas (Cuba Hawaii Philippines Porto Rico) remain to be fixed by the secretary of agriculture In conjunction with his signature President Roosevelt lowered sugar duties half a cent which is expected to compensate consumers for the Processing tax which will be placed upon the sweet Taxes are expected to yield $63000000 of which $20 000000 will go to reimburse producers for acreage reductions The program of the administraUnited States--4- 7 million tion to restrict sugar production un(tushels Australis 105 Million doubtedly is to be aided by nature bushels because drouth conditions in beet The other three of the big four state prObably will plunge producappear willing to boost the Ar tion far below quotas Therefore offgentina quota at theitexpense since shore quotas Will not be fixed until Argentina already is exceeding her better estimates ars Stade of do quota While the United States and maths productions Canada are short But the unpreceIn promulgating the law the dented negotiations to fix MIIIIMUlt - president named a cabinet commitworld wheat prices still seems des- tee to confer with Secretary of Agtined for the waste basket riculture Henry A Wallace in adMeanwhile advantages of the tri- ministering the measure Cabinet partite agreement between Italy men on the committee include Sec of War George H Dern SecHungary and Austria became alto parent when the world's first miniretary of State Cordell Hull and mum export wheat price was fixed Secretary of the Interior Harold L among the trio Italy and Austria Ickes all of whom administer offwill buy 15742000 bushels of Huns shore territory which produces prim wheat above world prices- - - sugar - : c': :si: ! "I k ( ' ' Passed by the United States house Of representatives was the stock market control bill considerably modified from the original Fletch measure by a vote of 280 to 84 The huge Democratic majority swamped all attempts to modify the measure and the bill as it passed the house gives the fed eral trade commission supervisioa Over securities issues Teeth in the bill satisfactory to Ferdinand Pec Ora shrewd counsel for the senate banking committee whose revelations prompted the act : include: Basic margin requirements of 45 per cent of the etirrebt market price or 100 per cent of the stock's low In the preceding $ 5 months author- ization to the federal reserve board to prescribe rules restricting cred- - With the Farmers Off-sh- :4- 1 :L:::J''''' I l 0::Lik valley rrospects for a minimum price agreement on export wheat to be signed by 21 net:0ns of the world cooperating in an effort to restore prices to preducers ware considerably lessened during the week when Argentina balked on the eve of a London wheat conference opening this week Argentina has an unusually large wheat crop demands an increased export quota still is unwilling to enter a price "mord on the fear that she will be unable to market her grain Dr Tomas A Le Breton Argentine delegate feared the pact would jeopardize Argentina's chances to jeopardize Argentina's chances to quotas fixed last August for the "big tour" wIteat producing countries were: Canada' 200 million bushels Argentina 110 million I ::x 1 " :' :tie -A 7711struck 7 4 Wl! :''47‘ 1 i''e In the senate the bill may under-In California's Labor' s heavy artillery—the strike Imperial valley go slight changes but teeth in the —still was being used from one end where lush agricultural fields yield measure are expected to remain the country to the other as workers fruits and vegetables the year Senators are inclined to favor crea- sought to improve wages under the around farmers have beenhard hit 1ion of a separate commission to No Wall street govern the exchange stimulup of business recovery sooner were some walkouts settled by depression Save made no cash feels the bill is certain to pass from crops Laborers therefore have than others were launched and fedAs eral mediators and employer had suffered tremendously are paid at THRUST their hands full of trouble most less than atarvation rates poor Utilities which Shipping was dealt a severe blow have fared ill un- housed wonhave and had little ly on the Pacific coast when dock workder the new deal as opponents have ers joined colleagues in gulf ports der delivered onslaught after onslaught It was small surprise therefore tying up ships in all ports from Vanupon privately operated electric couver to San Diego Ten thousand power companies received another that they yielded readily to the blanlongshoremen walked away leaving dishments of radical during the week when the con agitators and jolt 25 ships in San Francisco bay 24 in grass passed the Johnson bill strip- 18 15 San Pedro violently on the at Seattle ping them of one of their most ef-Columbia river and 4 at Astoria The better fective defensives Hitherto power strike in Texas and Louisiana per workcompanies have sought injunctive slated relief in federal courts from rate 0:::::1:::':::v::: ing conditions Vilolence flared in Alabama iron 3 u t Imperial revisions ordered by state bodies fields and national guardsmen were farm- - have necessitated in tying up in liti-called to restore order Two lives ers rugged indi- - gation the aims of such commis- ! were lost and 15 wounded as dynaif470714':i a r e sions sometimes for years vidualista i But Senator HiramJohnson of Cal- vedded to profits miting was resorted to in the diffi't': culty Copper miners in Butte dehave made short ifornia introduced a bill to compel :k::x ' ''' serted their shafts in Anaconda Copto seek relief in state courts thrift of agitators The measure amended by the hoUse per company mines were joined by 'ay ‘:::--- ::g tem sometime allows utilities to choose either fed-a hundred smelter workers in nearby Anaconda after severe beat- - eral or state courts for their fights :::'1' J! Refinery workers struck in Hamtrip and have el- - but prohibits transfers from one to i:i mond Int on the Issue of union rec:z rtC0 fectually p r e-- the other was adopted by a vote of ognition and 1929 salary scales and ?1:':i:: vented effective 201 to 19 The amended bill passed textile workers left their posts in i:4xtvit4tiiiil a b 0 r organize--Ralp- h the senate and was sent to the White New England Cleveland service dons Reports of House for presidential signature to station operators continued to refederal and California officials become law main away from gasoline pumps on worldng conditions in the valand In Cedar Rapids meat otters ley have described horrible condi'DRY LEADER DIES struck tions of angina pectoris died Carl R Governor James Rolph Jr took Balancing the new strikes were the settlement of Fisher Body and the farmers' side in the issue when Jackson former federal prohibition administrator for Utah in Loveland Chevrolet strikes in St Louis and he telegraphed a protest to PresiKansas City near settlement In dent Roosevelt against federal of- Colo In recent months he had opCleveland and the return to work of ficials assuming jurisdiction in a erated a gasoline service station 2000 employes of the Camden N J workers' election in the valley He During the prohibtion era he supervised enforcement work in Utah Campbell Soup company Who won leveled the time honored commu 7 per cent wage Increases Seven nistic charges said communists had New Mexico Wyoming Colorado Arizona Tau Montana Idaho and thousand leather workers in Massainsisted upon federal supervision chusetts also returned to wOrk after although workers were satisfied Washington with their local union winning a brief strike EXPORTS ' 14t '4 v w: i' 'THREAT ' 1 ' being chosen Indiana's healthiest H club boy and girl The youth placed first in the contest mitto maintainmarket 1 TUMULT ' :: ' '4 'Ai!! - 1 zfitit!1 - e $ - ' IL ( li '!4 Recovery i' f '' i ' $'- — -' ' ' I' 4! '''''' - :' 1'14k:::'::4 ) -v A --- I ::) !t A I : fiCr 1 i ' ''' N -' a I ::' '4 r4 : : i t I t Z 4 '4:4)1''ilt1 ' t 4 1' i zf - 1 '1''': v t1: t 7"' k4hOlt rev-enu- IN:!:'' T 7' c0“ f' 1'141"""a"ie 11 ''' i 1 ' 31 554"" 7 ii 1 r:ii "14 '' I :ziT: 4'J: ::'::: ' '''' ::::::: !''': :1 k 1 4::':':::!':::::11L:: '" 1 :'"'7:::z:::4 :T::0:::::Irkm-11:- i '' - t !'"ti::1 riv ::J::V: '''14 I :' kftt tt:'-- -4 — — v ' ( '": ' ': t'::':: '' sAlorrrVA ' - '' :':: t ''i rf-:) NNi :' l' 4't'' ' :'::1 :r- ' ''"sz:' - :! :::t :A:h 1: 4 ''' Near Wheat Menaced --Strikes Dot Map-- 7 —Treasury: Issue Decided 4: '!1 A ZA' VOICE The United States chamber of commerce mouthpiece of United States business met in Washington in annual session considered the new deal appeared not to know about it definitely what it thought ' Resolutions took a middle Of the road policy reaffirmed the "keep the government out of business" nostrum gave lukewarm support to administration policies Specifically the chamber adopted resolutions seeking to modify the securities act recommended permanent deposit bank guarantees but sought removal of "restrictions" in banking laws assailed unemplop ment insurance favored continuation of consolidated income tax teturns abolished in the present bill and indorse the principle of the reciprocal tariff proposals Henry L Harriman of Boston 4 mild new deal friend was reelected president for a third term Forthright opponents of the new deal sppeered in the persons of Silas' H Strewn Chicago attorney and onetime president of the chamber and A W Robertson of Westinghouse Caution was urged toward N R A and A A A and international action on sneer was said to be the only sound policy toward the white metal :::: ::'::::: :::::::::-'':- - : i - :::': :" ' :' x BUSINESS '"4 t:1 is :::s:i:-:- ' :' iI m 1 :':':''': ::::': 's:: 4 'C"k:::'"241)'s't:' :t Ii! I- 'p ::I:?'':'::::::1f: :' ° 1 :z::::-:‘- ? ' Nk: '''''' '' J t i:i:::'::::'1 )'':e'::1"'''::':' :''':'''Ai::'4 7k!:::: Bill Law—World Pack Chamber Views New Deal Bill Passes 11' S ekTfi:!:'?:'!:::'?:::44::4':!: :::::4: 4 $ - The vote of the Salt Lake Bar association in naming W Douglas Beatie as city judge was approved by the city commission when Mayor Louis Marcus nominated him for the post Judge Beetle succeeds Vera L McCarthy resigned p :'::!1'4104 '' s r- APPoINTEE lb ' :'71!1t4 ' bona c ':::i:: :!::::1':!:!::'?::' commrrrEz ' —Stock HEALTHFUL FOOD FOR HEALTHY YOUNGSTERS ' :::::'::- :'''ill'i":?:‘::::' 104 :'''''"::7:::: :::::::::::::::::?:''':':::::: :::::-:::::t 4 ':' "' 1i:5::' x S kltt - water t - p 71!141110104-464401400141- lqi-srsssiss- r Fac 14 in common with other sec tions of the state a serious water problem Salt Lake City through Mayor Louis Marcus reorganized the special water committee di vorced that body from the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce which hitt) erto had cooperated closely with the munictality on water problems In calling for the reorganization the mayor explained: "We would like to have the comMittee responsible to the city coin mission so that we do not run into Cross purposes" The mayor's letter thanked the chamber"' for its cooper ation : Next day the committee reorganIzed named Herbert S Auerbach 113 chairman R A Hart P W A engi neer as secretary The committee Is faced with the task Of finding how to meet a normal demand for 50 second-fee- t of water daily with an estimated supply of 363 second-fee- t Well drilling in Weber caityon 50 miles away was advanced as one means of obtaining the additional ' Business isommommowswoommotw ow44$40404AomolpoisuitwokAbiwiat ':i::'N i ' Drouth Relief Arrives WHITE 13ROTHERS OF INDIAIIS Water Committees Wage Raise la 9 IN BRIEF FROM NEAR S Ino Salt Lake New 13 1934 7'" '''''' ':!c: ft: q ::'''' T:::'::c::"'1':-:'':':':- Y:'::' 4! i':':7':'' ' 4::'3': ::"I'1! -- ::''-'- " :'': '' ' -- '' ' ":: '::' :: ' : ' : ' ': :' : CLASSIC of 55000 Itbrse lovers and thrill seekers gathered at Louis A crowd vine's historic Churchill Downs to view the sixtieth annual Kentucky derby classic of the American turf The day was balmy the track fast with a threat of rain definitely past the feature race Starter Bill Hamilton raised the barrier wIth all hones but Time Clock in excellent alignment In thee bred from the' post we thefilly Meta 'Hari Sergeant Byrne long shot kept the filly company and third was Discovery with Singing Wood and Quasimodo close at heel In seventh place was the favorite Cavalcade atablemate of Time Clock end Brookmeade stable entry of Mn Isabel Dodge Sloane Mats Hari and Sergeant Byrne itet the pace Discovery was still third at the tar turn where Caval cad had cut down the lead and where Singing Wood challenged the race Meta Hari had tired at the home turn Sergeant Byrne bad GOLF Winner of the first annual 'Utah Professional Golf association tour narnent at Salt Pike 's Forest Dale llnks was George Schneiter Ogden Golf and Country club pro who trounced Fort Douglas' Bill Willa by the substantial margin of six holes at the end of the twenty-se- v enth hole Medalist was Sid Ear mon Nibley park pro dropped from the race and Discov took the lead Into the stretch DiscOvery and Cavalcade were battling for the classic prize when Jockey Mack Garner riding a winner for the first time applied the whip once-Thlash was a sufficient hint to his mount and at the eighth pole Caw facade increased his apeed and passed the judges' box three lengths ahead of the Alfred G Vanderbilt entry finishing In 2:04 payini bet-- 4 tors $5 straight 14 place and 1140 shoe try ' ' - - r - - - -- - |